Septimus Prime
Here's a question: how do these particular players know that the KGB cannot double-kill? Did they ask about it in the KGB chat?
Thing is about judging my posting behavior compared to last game is when I entered the game 3 days had been completed and I had a bunch of information to go through. No one can say I would've posted that way at the beginning of the game since they have no game to compare it to. At the moment I have nothing really but looking at posting behaviors. Was gonna do a vote count but someone had recently done it.
...everyone receives a role PM with explicit instructions, but I won't discuss the particulars.Here's a question: how do these particular players know that the KGB cannot double-kill? Did they ask about it in the KGB chat?
Here's a question: how do these particular players know that the KGB cannot double-kill? Did they ask about it in the KGB chat?
Right....everyone receives a role PM with explicit instructions, but I won't discuss the particulars.
I can't divulge anything that has been said in the KGB chat, for obvious reasons.
Here's a question: how do these particular players know that the KGB cannot double-kill? Did they ask about it in the KGB chat?
And who would be the ones to receive role PMs that explicitly state that KGB can only make one kill per night? Because I certainly didn't get anything like that in mine.
I guess it was unfair of me to expect the same level of activity without the same level of material.
Moving on... Vote: Mike_Hawk689
We've heard back from a lot of the other inactives, but I'm still waiting for something from you and Enker.
Reads, again:
Arkos - Novice player who understandably overreacts at pressure, nothing to see here. Newer players to revenge vote/press because they don't know what it means to present town, what it means to present scum, but they know they're town, so anyone who accuses them must be out to get them, a.k.a. scum.
YesNOnoNOYes - It's hard to separate the roleplaying from the seriousness but there's nothing definitely scum here.
Quantumbro - I agree with Burbeting in that QB is very much a blank slate, does pro-town things but doesn't necessarily read pro-town.
Palmer_v1 - Strong town vibes, mostly because of how he identified the protection afforded by volunteering and wasn't shy about standing by his snap decision. I can't think of a more honestly town statement than: "I want to survive Night 1 by any means necessary"
Hobohodo - Mafia scum that's not to be trusted! But no, jokes aside, recently he's taken to agreeing with me (not that I mind) and I haven't seen a lot of original thoughts from him.
El Topo - There's an uncanny absence there, not in terms of activity but in terms of emotional feedback. I'm not comfortable with it, but it's similar with Hobohodo, QuantumBro and Razmos.
Razmos - I don't get squidy's fixation with Razmos honestly, I agree with all the other ex-AC players that he's been pretty consistent with how he played last game. It's like leaning on Seath because he posts like he usually does.
You're making it hard to believe that you're just a new player, seemingly every misinterpretation that could be made of the way the rules work is one that you have made. It seems entirely improbable that this is something that just happens.
Whoa, calm down. Standard Mafia doesn't include missions, so it's a murky mechanic. There's no intention to mislead, which is why I had the conversation about it right in the open here, so now everyone knows what the deal is.Seriously? It's just the standard mafia format. I don't understand why you would post such passive aggressive accusations when I(and others) have tried to help you numerous times now. This is a game first, we're here to have fun. Even if I was Mafia, I don't think I could be dick enough to mislead newbies on the very foundations of the game.
You don't see me accusing people of trying to mislead when they cast non-votes by using highlight tags within lines. They're just mistakes. Everyone makes them.Ourobolus said:17. For your vote to count, it must be presented in the following format: VOTE: Ourobolus, via use of the highlight tag. It must also be in an entirely separate line from any other text.
Okay okay, I know this is a little out of left field and doesn't apply to a lot of people in this game but I'm getting pushback from Mazre and Haly based on Razmos' past behavior so this is what I want the AC players to do. look at what Razmos has provided so far, then go back and review his posts on the first few pages of the ac thread on day 1. Then review Ourobolus' posts because Razmos here feels more like the latter there to me.
Non AC players can do it too
I don't like going so in depth into another game here, but people are specifically bringing it up in defense of Razmos so I think it might be warranted.
I can understand mistakes. Those are fine.Whoa, calm down. Standard Mafia doesn't include missions, so it's a murky mechanic. There's no intention to mislead, which is why I had the conversation about it right in the open here, so now everyone knows what the deal is.
And before we get into how I misread the rules, honestly, I'm not the only one who misread or forgot about parts of it. For example, there is this rule:
You don't see me accusing people of trying to mislead when they cast non-votes by using highlight tags within lines. They're just mistakes. Everyone makes them.
And you're right Haly, I don't really get the whole "presenting Town" thing. If it were as simple as "presenting Town" then wouldn't it be really easy for the mafia to blend in?
Vote: GreatLord Tiger
I was aiming for a no-lynch first day, it's Tit for Tat.
This math falls apart if more than one KGB volunteers, though (and if they can collude, why wouldn't they?), and a large percentage of their team would end up being effectively immune from lynching.
Why would the KGB orchestrate to put exactly one member into the mission? Why not load it up and try to keep multiple teammates from being lynched? That's what I would do if I were KGB.
I might be. Wouldn't they still be immune from Town lynching for one cycle, though, even though they can lynch each other?
So we lynch at night, too? Sorry, I've never played a Mafia game with this tweak before.
Okay, I think I get it.
So, then, it would behoove KGB to have someone in the mission so they can ace two people per night phase (one on the mission and one at Town), but I guess it doesn't matter how many people they have in there, as long as they do have someone there.
Now what do I have wrong? Whatever Mafia on the mission can kill anyone else on the mission, and whatever Mafia aren't can kill anyone else not on the mission, so that's two kills, unless no Mafia members got into the mission or they choose not to make a kill.
Here's a question: how do these particular players know that the KGB cannot double-kill? Did they ask about it in the KGB chat?
I'd have to dig through the thread but I think it's even worse than it looks because I'm pretty sure some of this stuff happened after these exact issues had been explained to other players.
I don't like going so in depth into another game here, but people are specifically bringing it up in defense of Razmos so I think it might be warranted.
I feel like you're ignoring the context.
1) Razmos had a day power (he actually activated the power that day on Timeaisis)
2) Ourobolus was, now that I read over it, risking himself a little to take the heat off franconp
3) Multiple roles were being claimed on all sides, Mazre softclaimed, Razmos softclaimed, franconp softclaimed, Ultron claimed that Doublelynch thing
If you split his posts between "pre role shenanigans" and "post role shenanigans" the contrast is very clear.
(Now I'm kind of bitter that everyone cockblocked my roomie evict, damn you Karkador, you and your psychological defenses!)![]()
((I spent like 30 minutes going over old posts, what a stroll down memory lane))
request for reads
What, you were spending time in New England, and didn't bother to stop in NH?! Actually, I can't really say I blame you; it sucks here...I've blown most of my discretionary funds on lobster the past few days in CT, RI, MA, and ME, so this might be a good change for now!
I could totally eat more lobster
Okay, fair enough, take your time. Just remember the deadline...We'll see later when I make look at all the posts of everyone later.
All right, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now... brain farts happen; it's okay. Of course, now I still need someone to vote for...Yeah, I am an idiot who posted the same thing again after I already knew it was wrong from earlier in the thread. Just was trying to post quickly last night because I got home very late and didnt reread it. I was expecting to come in today to 4-5 people voting me due to that. Thanks for not doing so.
For activity concerns - This week I am writing my final paper for class so will be much more active come this weekend and beyond (still only at nights M-Th).
Im trying to reread the thread now so if you have any other questions, particularly as this is my last appearance before the vote Im here for another hour or two.
We fundamentally don't know how many mafia are on the mission and how many are not, day 1 reads might not be great but they're better than guessing, second-guessing and third-guessing the day 0 mafia gameplan.
I think this is a possible option however I keep thinking if I was playing as mafia, I'd like to have an eye on every potentially open communication channel available in the hopes of uncovering roles/creating friction between different parties. I would rank that as more valuable than the suspicion raised by volunteering early.
Definitely a good consideration though, hell maybe the mafia slipped up and isn't in the initial four volunteers. Just goes to show how incredibly difficult making a solid choice on Day 1 is.
I'm not willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt for being new.
You think i'm the best lynch because I'm an easy target.
I already defended myself, and none of your accusations hold any ground at all.
Not active enough? I've been really busy and my timezone sucks for this game.
Not enough substance? It's day one and I'm sorry if I'm not coming out with grand theories or attacking random people for no reason.
You even said that i'm not posting that much which is bullshit, I am nowhere near the bottom of the rankings for posts.
Just admit it, you think I'm a bad player and an easy target and you want an easy lynch on the first day. It would make more sense than all the stupid accusations you are throwing my way, and that's probably why nobody is taking your bait.
5. Do not refer or discuss to player activity in other forum threads or life in general beyond the game.
Although some may believe that I want to lynch either Mazre or Palmer just for their experience, it is absolutely not the case. Like I have explained mafia must've wanted to keep an eye on the information passed during the missions, which is why they wanted to have an inside man. They also want someone who knows what they are doing, this is where experience comes in play. I do understand that experience does help us townies closer to finding mafias, but with my reason that atleast one mafia is in the volunteering list, that is why I'm leaning towards Mazre or Palmer but also keeping an eye on Akos and GreatLord. Though I won't vote for them now since, there's nothing that stands out.
What I've noticed is that cooljeanius wanting to vote for Enker but not commiting all the way maybe because he'd be called out as bandwaggon? (post 827)
The only reasoning I see in his voting is: Ah yeah you're right... Vote: xxxx
VOTE: cooljeanius
(Yes my activity during this day phase has been lacking. I do understand the commitment to this game which is why I'm writting this so late. It's pretty hard to write something when most has already been said. We also all lack of information at this current phase, where most of the votes are "gut" feeling. (And for my lack of posts.. I do tend to write a medium sized post to sum up everything that I do have in mind, so it's pretty much why I have a low post count. To be fair I'm not the kinda of guy who writes posts just for jokes or cosplaying with the theme. = No fluff)
Sidenote: Ouro is coming to my city! Such an honor. Don't lynch me cause im canadian..
I don't want to keep bringing up real life, but it's relevant, I wasn't working when the Animal Crossing game started and had a lot more time on my hands.Okay okay, I know this is a little out of left field and doesn't apply to a lot of people in this game but I'm getting pushback from Mazre and Haly based on Razmos' past behavior so this is what I want the AC players to do. look at what Razmos has provided so far, then go back and review his posts on the first few pages of the ac thread on day 1. Then review Ourobolus' posts because Razmos here feels more like the latter there to me.
Non AC players can do it too
I don't like going so in depth into another game here, but people are specifically bringing it up in defense of Razmos so I think it might be warranted.
Something I've been wondering about: Who had the gay "disguise" Sterling avatar first, Seath or YesNOnoNOYes? This might be misleading when people are skimming pages (especially on mobile), and whoever adopted it second could be using that to their advantage. Is that too meta a thing to note?
(This totally is not a revenge thing for recommending my pay be docked, YNNNY!)
Me! I had it first! Seath is such a booboohead for cramping my style awah ;___;
I'm going to change mine so it's not confusing for you guys :>
(your pay is safe........ for now) (later when i need funds to cover for my 'operations accounts', it may be a different story) (ho ho ho)
Would everyone talking about eziekel posting differently please elaborate some, not all of us kept up with the AC game.
I also want to state for the record, in case I die that Cabbeh worries me insofar as I know I'm town and he's been complimentary towards me for the most part and has rushed to my defense. I think defending other players can be a town behaviour if you are offering up good logic and I think it's rare that you would see mafia defending mafia heavily. I also think that Cabbeh might be a mafia thinking he can pocket me.
So..... here's a list of everyone who hasn't been voted on not even once.
Arkos : Early volunteer and seems to have it out for squid, but his reasons why are weak at best. He even acknowledged the fact that a day 1 choice will have flimsy reasons, so why risk it to accidentally lycnh a potential useful town player? He is suspect to me
YesNOnoNOYes: Decently active, can't get a really good read on her, but for now I tend to think she is town.
Quantumbro: Another one I can't get a good read on, didn't do anything that really stands out, so I am kinda blank on him right now.
Palmer_v1: Palmer will either be one of our best town players, or a incredibly dangerous mafia player. His tone seems to be quite aggressive at times, but that doesn't strike me as mafia behavior. I had him as a suspect in the beginning, but I am getting away from that. Also, again for the sake of damage control and avoiding killing potential useful town members, I am against voting for Palmer for now.
Hobohodo: He doesn't make a lot of big, summary posts, but the small posts he DOES make often do have good insights in them. Like how he made me realize seath was not contributing much and was mostly posting jokes. I think Hobohodo is town.
and to this list I want to add
El Topo : He hasn't really posted anything about who he suspects and why, outside of voting for me because of his "gut" and giving 0 other reasons, even after the day was farther along and everyone posted more. I find this suspect.
Razmos: Seems to be mostly on the defensive against Squids vote, had some decent input about the voting system but just like El topo he doesn't really talk about who he suspects and why, his vote for burbeting seem to be just a random choice without any justification. Also suspect.
but seriously I feel like we haven't really interacted much at all and I want to ask you about your voting on GreatLord, You're up there with septimus, zubz, and hobohodo. I've read your thoughts on everybody and I'm wondering more specifically what do you think about their interactions with GreatLord and how do you feel about this group of players voting the same person?
Although some may believe that I want to lynch either Mazre or Palmer just for their experience, it is absolutely not the case. Like I have explained mafia must've wanted to keep an eye on the information passed during the missions, which is why they wanted to have an inside man. They also want someone who knows what they are doing, this is where experience comes in play. I do understand that experience does help us townies closer to finding mafias, but with my reason that atleast one mafia is in the volunteering list, that is why I'm leaning towards Mazre or Palmer but also keeping an eye on Akos and GreatLord. Though I won't vote for them now since, there's nothing that stands out.
Broken tags shouldn't happen if you're regularly using the "Preview Post" button before submitting.
Thanks for taking the time to put your reads together. You are correct I am mostly indifferent to votes being cast against me. It's day 1, and the only tallies that matter are the one where someone has a majority or where the clock has struck 0. I've addressed concerns as often and as best I can, beyond that my fate is outside of my control.
So..... here's a list of everyone who hasn't been voted on not even once.
and to this list I want to add
El Topo
and I want to hear what everyone thinks of these players in particular.
I think I've made my thoughts on Arkos, Palmer Razmos and Hobohodo somewhat known. but I'll reiterate those as well. I'll do it in a separate post because It might take a few minutes to write up.
Hobohodo He had some of the same reasonings behind his vote like I had, which is fine. One thing that strikes me odd is that he said he wanted to vote at that point, because he wasnt sure if he could post much later, yet he has posted quite a lot after it, so that reasoning for voting at that moment was kind of strange in my eyes. When I yesterday made my list, hobohobo was one of the last I went through, but now in hindsight I shouldve read his posts much more carefully, because this is kind of odd behaviour. His vote is now in Seath though.
As I said in the post where I voted GLT, I was heading out for the night and as I didn't know what my mobile signal would be like I was unsure how active I would be. As it turned out not at all as I made that post at 6.30PM and didn't post again till 3:40PM the following day when I was back at my computer. I wanted to get a vote up as it was being mentioned how it would be good if everyone had voted within the first 48 hours of play.
Request for reads
Actually I'm in NH right now. At a campsite near White Mountain.What, you were spending time in New England, and didn't bother to stop in NH?! Actually, I can't really say I blame you; it sucks here...
Okay, fair enough, take your time. Just remember the deadline...
All right, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now... brain farts happen; it's okay. Of course, now I still need someone to vote for...
So..... here's a list of everyone who hasn't been voted on not even once.
Arkos - Suspicious for reasons I covered when exchanging with him and others have repeated. Going after squidy, who is encouraging discussion and giving poor reasons.
YesNOnoNOYes - I've yoyo-ed on her in a couple of posts but after re-reading, I'm saying town.
Quantumbro - I have a leaning towards town for Quantum, though as others have said he's been very ....abstract. Not a good read right now. Not a day 1 lynch either.
Palmer_v1 - Palmer is a damn good player, and for that reason I've not considered him at all this day. The aggressive stance is what I remember from the other games I watched, his reason for volunteering is frank and understandable. Feel it's an El Topo situation where he'll contribute more when there's more solid information available.
Hobohodo - I feel Hobo is town. He's offering decent insight in small doses, which is effective and good.
and to this list I want to add
El Topo - Joking aside, there's not much else except a man who seems comfortable and waiting for more information to come either from missions or the end of day 1/night 1. I'll be eager to see more input in day 2 but nothing too pressing for the current round. Plus some of his jokes were decent.
Razmos - As stated previously, don't see anything particularly scummy here yet, certainly not for day 1 lynching. Think too much has been made of his previous performance
The godamm is yet to break double digits for posts. Once again someone who misunderstood the missions and early in the day he proudly proclaims that Palmer shouldn't have voted for him as 'all 4 of his posts had been replied to directly'. It sounds good like that till you see that 3 of those were fluffy archer references and the fourth was replied to because he had misunderstood night chats. Again the tactic of giving newcomers a pass crops up which doesn't sit right with me. He has made one or two posts where he replies to a bunch of people though so maybe he is just pushed for time. As with Ezekiel I feel we have better candiqtes if we going for someone with low activity.