4pm.Can someone tell me what time the Day ends in CST? The timer is always blocked for me at work.
I'm glad for the turn your post made at the end : P I'd like to clarify that I never misunderstood the missions (or else I wouldn't really be calling attention to Septimus's exasperating weirdness regarding the rules). The person who quoted me (Burbeting) misunderstood what I said. You are the one who said here that I didn't misunderstand, and was pointing out something crucial about the night chats and the mafia. I didn't think I had to validate that; I'm sorry for not replying then.!
Mike_Hawk concerns me partly due to this. As it reads lime he has just used burbertings post as an easy way to not need to form opinions himself. He took the easy way out for his suspicion list as well, choosing the first four volunteers. If he is town this will cause problems down the line as he will just follow opinions of others and could be mislead. Or he could be scum who is finding it difficult to form reasonable suspicions of players as he knows they are innocent. I know I had that problem last game. Unsure where to place him on the inactive list as of now.
Zubz Only reason he voted Tiger was to get some pressure to one of the four early volunteers. It was okay as an early vote, but Zubz hasnt really returned to talk about it later.
So yeah, to answer your question, I think this group voting for GreatLord seems kind of odd to me, because none of them had too great reasoning behind their votes. I can kind of understand Zubz and Hobohobos votes, since Zubz wanted to go with YNNNYs plan, and I presume Hobo wanted to vote at that point since others had said that everyone should vote someone at that point. I have no excuses for Septimus vote though at all. At this point I cant say if these three votes are connected though. If this was a later day than Day 1, I might think it could be Mafia lazily trying to bandwagon, but this is day 1, and reasonings behind votes can be bit sleazy.
That said, I still do stand behind my own reasoning with voting GreatLord Tiger, which I have stated earlier. He hasnt really answered to my concerns, and in fact hasnt posted anything at all for over an day at all even though he has some votes.
But this read-through was pretty informative in general, so thanks for asking about it. It also highlighted to me, that I should have read more carefully the posts of the last people too, but I took an easy route back then because time was already at around 1am, and I was super-sleepy at that point.
I'm actually not really considering voting for Enker any more; I'm leaning more towards EzekelRAGE now because he still hasn't responded to my last question to him... And if I were actually mafia, I wouldn't need to wait for other comments to bandwagon on, because I'd already have that shit figured out ahead of time.What I've noticed is that cooljeanius wanting to vote for Enker but not commiting all the way maybe because he'd be called out as bandwaggon? (post 827)
The only reasoning I see in his voting is: Ah yeah you're right... Vote: xxxx
VOTE: cooljeanius
Mike_Hawk concerns me partly due to this. As it reads lime he has just used burbertings post as an easy way to not need to form opinions himself. He took the easy way out for his suspicion list as well, choosing the first four volunteers. If he is town this will cause problems down the line as he will just follow opinions of others and could be mislead. Or he could be scum who is finding it difficult to form reasonable suspicions of players as he knows they are innocent. I know I had that problem last game. Unsure where to place him on the inactive list as of now.
(off topic: oh hey, I'm a full member in gaf now, woo)
Yeah, I noticed this too, which was why I ade that reminder that the list was just my subjective thoughts about players, and not so much a list that could be used the way Mike_Hawk used.
On general sense, I se that lot of people use earlier games like the AC one as a point of reference to how players act, but for example I haven't played/read those games, because the threads in them have become humongously big, so some of those points might get lost on me. Even so, I think using past games as reference can be a good thing, if players way of acting has changed noticeably from the earlier game.
What if arkos is the only mafia player who was available on time? There are a lot of what if's involved.
I could be wrong here, but the way I read this is you seem to imply that there is a method to the mafia selection process, whereas it's been confirmed it's completely random. Mafia might not have any experienced players, or they might all be vets (dear god). There's no narrative to be made from these assumptions because there is no narrative.
I think your point is a good one, and one to keep in mind but I wouldn't really take serious stock in it because of the random element of allocation.
Of course, there's a lot of possibilities we can't deny that. I'm not saying that there is selection of the mafia members. Everyone now it's a rng. But lets say you have some some inexperienced players and some experienced players as mafia, would you want to have a "noob" go into missions, have access to night chat and report back with information that they probably misread due to their lack of experience?
Let me just clarify one more time, all roles were assigned randomly. You could have eight mafia vets, or twelve noob mafia, or whatever.
Shit, this is LYLO already fellas! No pressure.
Shit, this is LYLO already fellas! No pressure.
Shit, this is LYLO already fellas! No pressure.
LYLO? Did I miss something?
Hey, no editing! Weird it doesn't show an edit time though. lol
It won't show that you've edited if you do it within 30 seconds of the original post.
Lylo is a situation where you have to lynch someone correctly, or lose, usually due to Mafia outnumbering you on the next Day phase. i.e. 7 players, 3 as Mafia.
Mylo is similar, but you only lose if you mislynch. A No Lynch will still buy you another day. i.e. 8 players, 3 as Mafia.
Hey, no editing! Weird it doesn't show an edit time though. lol
I'll be honest I am leaning toward Mazre if going by the theory one of the four in the mission is KGB. The only thing that makes me hesitant is KGB had two days to coordinate and they could have predicted us going this way. So, instead they could be pushing us to lynch someone in the mission group in order to Have town lynch an innocent person and then also get one of their KGB into the Mission group. But, I dunno I could be overthinking this.
I don't think the information gathering would be an issue for a newbie, as they could just copy/paste. The real decision for Mafia is if they wanted to put someone on the mission to minimize their risk of being investigated, or to put them in a place to use any special power on the mission.
Out of the two current front runners ( Tiger and Cooljenius) I am defiantly most suspicious of Tiger. He was a quick volunteer, was suspicious of Mazre without giving his reasons except the volunteering, when Palmer called out the fact that he was "bandwagoning" to save his own hide he changed his tune incredibly quickly to Septimus and he had this extremely far fetched theory:
Yeah, the mafia would have to get the exact fifth volunteer space and get us to lynch one in the group in order to make that work, that's.......a stretch.
Cooljeanius early focus on squid was kinda weird and his arguments not convincing at all (he posts a lot!), but now he seems to have upped his game and is actively searching for a new vote target. I haven't lost all suspicion of him, but he did drop some places on my list.
Anyway, I am still pretty happy with my Seath vote for now, but if it goes between those two during the final moments, I may switch my vote to Tiger if it is needed to prevent a tie.
I was assuming that they couldn't copy paste and that they had to paraphrase just like the pm roles that we receive.
In the gossip chats we had for AC we were told we couldn't copy/paste information. Ouro was in that game so he may have a similar rule.
No one is really saying much in that one, strangelyWhat about the... choking chat?
Oh dear, I said too much.
I mean, I want to respond, but that'd only strengthen your suspicions about me, so... idk what to say to you.cooljeanius - It's hard to get a read on him. I feel that the most disconcerting part is that he rarely makes posts of his own accord and almost exclusively responds to people. Being reactionary is more scum than town.
Thanks for not voting for me, but un-voting EzekelRAGE doesn't really do much to help me decide who to vote for, either, so... yeah.I don't think cooljeaniues is KGB. I don't want to vote for him. EzelKelRage has a good excuse as to why his posting is now different than the AC game.
I have no idea who to vote for now.
Unvote: EzekelRage
Am I right in saying we currently have a tie between cooljeanius and Greatlord Tiger?
Because that's a problem.
Anyone that doesn't vote is immediately suspect to me. That's the kind of "Not stepping on anyone's toes" kind of move I don't like.
Am I right in saying we currently have a tie between cooljeanius and Greatlord Tiger?
Because that's a problem.
Am I right in saying we currently have a tie between cooljeanius and Greatlord Tiger?
Because that's a problem.
Am I right in saying we currently have a tie between cooljeanius and Greatlord Tiger?
Because that's a problem.
Fine.I'll switch my vote off cooljeanius once he votes.
Volunteer discussion:
I'm agreed with Mike RE: town ownership of volunteers. I feel the overall sentiment has been anyone making suggestions has been suspicious for trying to control it or obfuscate any information town could gain from it. We have to be careful not to let this drag out and cloud other days. It would be easy for KGB to just keep adding fuel to this debate.
I think any power roles should be staying with the larger group for now. KGB would be cutting their game short if they were to hit someone on the mission. Following on from this I believe KGB will be looking for anyone who doesn't want to be part of the missions (as Mazre highlights) will make power roles an easy target. This is why I feel we should obfuscate who goes on missions or ignore missions entirely from day two, until the situation changes. To be clear the only reason I didn't volunteer today was because I am new but that won't stop me tomorrow.
As for my own vote, I've been flipping between Mazre, GreatLord Tiger and Palmer. For me GreatLord has just been least useful. I don't subscribe to the next level bluff. KGB will want that info asap.
I think Septimus Prime has been playing dumb RE: immunity from lynches. Just a general thought about the way I've been playing. I have mostly been focusing on those talking most, and under criticism most. It's hard for me to focus on those inactive so I hope experienced players will be able to do that for town. (even me) I think my posts have been quality over quantity despite what some say. I choose to keep some thoughts to myself because I don't want the KGB to absorb my next level strats and use them against us. I won't defend myself at length about this when pushed, which appears to be the expectation of the game. With that I will apologise for the lateness of my vote.
VOTE: GreatLord Tiger
there's not a lot in it for me between Mazre and GreatLord.
This volunteering lark is obviously going to be some erotic team building exercise. I bet you don't even get paid more. Pfft.
My guess is that the mission is a game of Russian roulette.
Just a couple of things I'm throwing out there. Is there any value in making sure new people go on the mission every night? I know we're trying this strategy of protecting experienced players this way but how long can we go on like that? And what if we actually end up protecting a mafia role the entire game, while ensuring they get as much information from the mission as possible.
My concern is that we're going to make it harder for ourselves as town. What if we just ignore it the entire game, play regular mafia until we actually need to protect someone.
I'm much less likely to suspect squidy because he was just having a bit of fun with it. It's the correction and back pedaling that makes Mazre ever so slightly more interesting to me.
I'm going to point out the preview post button.
You can still access the full site on mobile. But I understand where you're coming from. Copy and paste on Android doesn't work too well for me either.
I was just agreeing with YesNOnoNOYes's line of thinking that's all.
While I agree that inactive posters have a responsibility to pull their weight. New comers should be given a break. A good portion of the discussion so far has been about previous games which some of us weren't part of. What do you expect us to say? Not to mention all the people double posting to correct errors is shifting the balance.
Palmer_v1 raises some good points about the mission, but what rubs me wrong is the tone of his posts. Could just be an experienced player throwing his weight around I guess.
I think Enker is on the money tonight, but I anticipate other problems coming after the fact. Besides we should get some interesting information in the mean time.
Thanks for the summary roytheone. Cabbeh on your first point, Ouro set it up as voluntary to make the game more interesting to watch, and perhaps to play. Subverting that to gain a competitive advantage is completely within the rules. In my opinion after the first night we should be ignoring the mission until we have a good reason to use it. Any sort of delay just kicks the can down the road in my opinion. If people want in on the mission they will do it at hour 1 or hour 24. One key thing I'm struggling to see is where player's personality is shining through rather than their role. Some people just like to have things nice and neat, while some roles will prefer predictability or chaos.
This probably counts as fluff. Sorry, it's hard for me to know what's going on without a list of roles. I'm used to knowing there is a mafia, town, cop, fool, doctor etc.
I don't believe that's an option. 4 players must be on the mission. I think trying to protect people this way will be a losing battle.
My mistake, misread the rules. First of up to 4 volunteers. That becomes more interesting especially in the late game.
Been watching TI5 a lot and catching up on things around the house. I will read up tonight and make a substantial post.
Volunteer discussion:
I'm agreed with Mike RE: town ownership of volunteers. I feel the overall sentiment has been anyone making suggestions has been suspicious for trying to control it or obfuscate any information town could gain from it. We have to be careful not to let this drag out and cloud other days. It would be easy for KGB to just keep adding fuel to this debate.
I think any power roles should be staying with the larger group for now. KGB would be cutting their game short if they were to hit someone on the mission. Following on from this I believe KGB will be looking for anyone who doesn't want to be part of the missions (as Mazre highlights) will make power roles an easy target. This is why I feel we should obfuscate who goes on missions or ignore missions entirely from day two, until the situation changes. To be clear the only reason I didn't volunteer today was because I am new but that won't stop me tomorrow.
As for my own vote, I've been flipping between Mazre, GreatLord Tiger and Palmer. For me GreatLord has just been least useful. I don't subscribe to the next level bluff. KGB will want that info asap.
I think Septimus Prime has been playing dumb RE: immunity from lynches. Just a general thought about the way I've been playing. I have mostly been focusing on those talking most, and under criticism most. It's hard for me to focus on those inactive so I hope experienced players will be able to do that for town. (even me) I think my posts have been quality over quantity despite what some say. I choose to keep some thoughts to myself because I don't want the KGB to absorb my next level strats and use them against us. I won't defend myself at length about this when pushed, which appears to be the expectation of the game. With that I will apologise for the lateness of my vote.
VOTE: GreatLord Tiger
there's not a lot in it for me between Mazre and GreatLord.