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Archer [Mafia] |OT| Wait, I Had Something For This

This image was pose to be below "You say you are going to bed, but I know what you are doing all night" but didnt load due to wording in the link I guess.

You are supposed to YOLO your override in order to get things done whether we like it or not. Gorlak was going to die because we basically caught him redhanded! The verified cop had essentially pointed out to us that two of the three suspects were town aligned so there is only ONE possibility! We all had a strong consensus! You WASTED your override! I would have killed Pam for an override! Jesus Christ!


How to use Override.

Step 1: Are you Barrylocke? If yes, it's too late, you're dead.
Step 2: Is Barrylocke in the game? If yes, Override: Barrylocke
Step 3: Are you about to lynch a Mafia? If yes, proceed with Operation Traube
Step 4: I'm honestly not sure, we've never reached this point.


Something, something Archer related.


Gorlak, Boris, the KGB Lackey is dead.

You are Boris, the KGB Lackey.

You are aligned with the KGB.

With the other KGB running around, there’s not much else for you to do other than get tea and vodka. You’re pretty clumsy, but surely you’d be able to take out someone if necessary.

C’mon buddy, cheer up! You can still vote!

Your partners are: Zatoth and LaunchpadMcQ.

Night Phase Assassination
Each night phase, one of the KGB-aligned players may assassinate one of the non-KGB-aligned players by PMing me with the command “KILL: <player>”. This action will be associated with the player who sent the PM.

During the Night Phase, you may plot and scheme with your other KGB-aligned players in a private QuickTopic board found here.

You win when the KGB outnumbers or is equal to the amount of non-KGB players.

I am sure Ouro will post a much better update later. The day phase is now officially over, so


Malory perched her legs up on her desk as she took a sip of her whiskey. "I'm actually quite shocked - you've managed to eliminate two KGB so far, plus that damned fox that was running around here eating all of the hares and shooting arrows into my strategically placed bags of gold. Who'd have thought?"

"And to top it off, you all seem to be getting a bit better at not showing up to work filled with holes! My god, it's like you all might not be totally useless after all!"

Everyone has survived the night!

Mission info will be provided shortly.

Day 6 ends at:


I have a few things to ask.

1. If there's a sterling archer counterclaim, now's the time, do not delay.

2. Yeeny, when did you know that Darryl/Greatlord was Lana? please noone else answer

3. Mazre and Ezekel. What all was said in mission chat the night before last?
yey we got another scum :>


oh no i took his side last day >___< gorlaaaaaaaakkkk i will nevar forgive u~

anyway. so. i totes would understand being pushed towards the guillotine today ;___; so i'll just come clean on everything that i has and send you all towards the path of victory closer :>

's the least i can do after creating that mess yesterday haha XD sorry :3

ok! so. im the blocker :> my role name is Cyril Figgis, the Sex Addict. Once every night I can VISIT: someone to have sex with person. ooh my~

these are the people i blocked:
N1 - Haly (no death)
N2 - Seath
N3 - MikeHawk (no death)
N4 - MikeHawk (death inside mission: damn youuuuu gorlaaaaaaaaak)
N5 - MikeHawk

So. This is not a fight for my life. I feel bad about that gorlak thingy yesterday. I had this idea hung up in my head that most likely if I was Mafia I wouldnt abandon my post and Razmos and Possum both did so I thought the role must be super not interesting.... but nup. im 100% super wrong. GORLAK IS SAURON INCARNATE.


So, like, all im saying is that you guys should flip me over and see that I AM Cyril and then you guys know what to do next :>



also also: sorry cabbehchan, ive been having sex with only dubious people ;____;

I have a few things to ask.

1. If there's a sterling archer counterclaim, now's the time, do not delay.

2. Yeeny, when did you know that Darryl/Greatlord was Lana? please noone else answer

3. Mazre and Ezekel. What all was said in mission chat the night before last?

I didn't know darryl/glt was Lana until he ded, squidypoo. That's why I thought you had died. Cuz I had it in my head that YOU were Lana, from your gambit on the day previous.


I have no reason to want you dead Yeeny. defending gorlak yesterday was a little silly but it doesn't read as mafia, mafia set him up to get rekt, i don't think theyd muddy those waters.

I've been reviewing early stuff and I would like everyone who gave me a "hot out the gate" pick to find it and reiterate it here. I forgot that in my earlier post. I think mike is probably the best lynch target today although I find it unlikely that you blocked a kill today unless mike was the only mafia who was capable of sending a kill.


I didn't know darryl/glt was Lana until he ded, squidypoo. That's why I thought you had died. Cuz I had it in my head that YOU were Lana, from your gambit on the day previous.

Okay, I'm going to open this question up now,

for everyone, when did you first know that Darryl/Greatlord was Lana?
I have no reason to want you dead Yeeny. defending gorlak yesterday was a little silly but it doesn't read as mafia, mafia set him up to get rekt, i don't think theyd muddy those waters.

I've been reviewing early stuff and I would like everyone who gave me a "hot out the gate" pick to find it and reiterate it here. I forgot that in my earlier post. I think mike is probably the best lynch target today although I find it unlikely that you blocked a kill today unless mike was the only mafia who was capable of sending a kill.

Boris' death message said you're partners are: Zatraube and launchypoo. It implies 3 scums.

We got 2 already. So I think mike is the last one. That's why I blocked him again. I was pretty sure everyone would survive today so I prepared my post for y'all.


definitely haven't forgot his shenanigans from yesterday either. I think mike is a better lynch than septimus

I do think Septimus could be dropped down, a number of things makes me think he's been a not-so-great town player as opposed to mafia.

You know, saying that with a condescending pleasant 'no offense' tone.
Septimus or Mike.

Where's Questionbro and his role claim. If that fails to deliver, add him to the list.

I talked about it in the mission. I'm open to discussing it if one of them says it's cool. Mission got closed early, so we didn't get the chance to decide if I should role claim.


I talked about it in the mission. I'm open to discussing it if one of them says it's cool. Mission got closed early, so we didn't get the chance to decide if I should role claim.

You should role claim because you told us you were going to do it, otherwise I'll set you on fire, sunshine.
He's always been on the cusp of scum reading, and I believe Yeeny, she's earned that much. The N3 block points to old Mike. The N1 is less concrete, because of ezekel.
That N1 no death really messed with my head...i thought it was I, batman, that protected you guys during the night... But then eze came out with his role claim and I was like.... Suspicioussssssss... Then I couldn't let go of it forever and sorry eze for tunneling at you but at least cuz I was so obsessed with you I saw Mike's behaviours???? XD
I have a few things to ask.
3. Mazre and Ezekel. What all was said in mission chat the night before last?
Some suggestive posts from Darryl painting him as at least a power role if not cop. Gorlak mentioning how he distrusts Maz a lot and saying he doesnt think Hobo is scum. I figured the Mazre thing was to throw suspicion on him when he killed Darryl. He sorta wanted to know who else was checked by the cop. But we didnt say anything else.

for everyone, when did you first know that Darryl/Greatlord was Lana?
When Darryl let me know in like N2 chat.


N4 chat: I gave some reads, Darryl was really suspicious of Palmer and we didn't say a ton after that, really slow night posr wise.

About to board plane.

Mike would be my go to scum pending further info. Voted him D4 and ynnny new claim as basis.
What does this mean? did you tell him who had been checked?

. But we didnt say anything else.

He was asking questions like
"I take it one of you know who the cop is"
"Why you guys trust each other so much, one of you much be the cop and cleared the others?"

Stuff like that. Answered no we didn't know, we were just running with theories. But anyone who was reading the conversation could tell Darryl was cop.
yey we got another scum :>


oh no i took his side last day >___< gorlaaaaaaaakkkk i will nevar forgive u~

anyway. so. i totes would understand being pushed towards the guillotine today ;___; so i'll just come clean on everything that i has and send you all towards the path of victory closer :>

's the least i can do after creating that mess yesterday haha XD sorry :3

ok! so. im the blocker :> my role name is Cyril Figgis, the Sex Addict. Once every night I can VISIT: someone to have sex with person. ooh my~

these are the people i blocked:
N1 - Haly (no death)
N2 - Seath
N3 - MikeHawk (no death)
N4 - MikeHawk (death inside mission: damn youuuuu gorlaaaaaaaaak)
N5 - MikeHawk

So. This is not a fight for my life. I feel bad about that gorlak thingy yesterday. I had this idea hung up in my head that most likely if I was Mafia I wouldnt abandon my post and Razmos and Possum both did so I thought the role must be super not interesting.... but nup. im 100% super wrong. GORLAK IS SAURON INCARNATE.


So, like, all im saying is that you guys should flip me over and see that I AM Cyril and then you guys know what to do next :>



also also: sorry cabbehchan, ive been having sex with only dubious people ;____;


Three nights in a row with YNNNY.
Can't get enough of Mike_Hawk lmao.
Sorry for wasting your time though. Although the evidence points to me for the safe nights, I am not the culprit you are looking for, but I have an ability in this game, everyone has the same one, the power of voting. If you wanna vote me out, it's all good no hard feelings :) As long as town wins at the end, I'm gonna win too!


Question for YeNo and Squidy I guess.

So yesterday Squidy claimed he had that ability to make everyone go to people in his sphere of influence. Can you, being Squidy, define what that is? The simplest answer is everyone in the same area as you, so ISIS headquarters or the mission, but then if Squidy used his ability on night 4 then wouldn't yesno have visited him instead of mike hawk?

Top scum and top town with reasons will have to come later. Curry and booze does not w good combo make. But YesNo is in my top town. Mike Hawk and Septimus are my gut picks for top scum but I'd need to read the thread again to reallllly pick with reasons there,
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