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Archer [Mafia] |OT| Wait, I Had Something For This


Quoting myself in case it got lost in the shuffle.

Why not send you, Quantum, Kris, and ER.

You use ability. If you die, we have a 50/50 shot of lynching the killer the next day. ER remains safe due to your ability. If you don't die, we kill Hobo.

Meanwhile, YesNo blocks Hobo just to be safe. If someone else not on the mission dies, we've got more problems to sort out but can deal with it then.


Why not send you, Quantum, Kris, and ER.

You use ability. If you die, we have a 50/50 shot of lynching the killer the next day. ER remains safe due to your ability. If you don't die, we kill Hobo.

Meanwhile, YesNo blocks Hobo just to be safe. If someone else not on the mission dies, we've got more problems to sort out but can deal with it then.

how about, me, kris, mazre, er?


I mean I've got zeke and mazre right here and if they're both town then nothing'll happen and I can finally put that to bed.

That only works 100% for your benefit though. The rest of us still can't trust you completely. I think we're better off pursuing scum aggressively, rather than just double checking more town.


no wait


Yeeny blocks hobo, if noone dies we can lynch hobo, if someone dies outside the mission we can lynch kris


That leaves two possible scum for YesNo to deal with alone, plus any other scum that aren't on our radar right now. She will possibly die without us learning much. We can't assume QB is really Neutral.

yeah that's why I changed my mind, Kris and hobo are counterclaiming eachother. it's highly unlikely they're on the same team so we should be able to leave them both out and learn something.
Ok squidy, last day phase you wanted me off the mission and when I refused you claimed I was being selfish and not looking out for town. Now that I am willing to unvolunteer and risk my life by trusting you, you want me on a mission?
Squidy, Kris, ER, QB. If QB or me are scum, squidy dies. Er is still protected from honeypot. YesNo can roleblock Hobo, who is a weird fake Pam.

I don't understand why you want Mazre on the mission so badly. Do you not trust Darryl's report?
A godfather would not surprise me.


I don't understand why you want Mazre on the mission so badly. Do you not trust Darryl's report?

I think there's been behavior from both of them I haven't liked and add to that the fact that gorlak went in on Darryl and I think there's a real argument to be made that one of them has escaped detection.
Hobo/Kris/QB/Sept - That takes care of a majority of our loose ends. YN can block whoever he likes. Since squid would activate his ability it wouldnt matter.

That's the safest plan w/o losing too many prs imo.


yeah that's why I changed my mind, Kris and hobo are counterclaiming eachother. it's highly unlikely they're on the same team so we should be able to leave them both out and learn something.

What would we learn? If YesNo blocks one and doesn't die, it's merely another hint, but not firm proof. If she dies, we still learn very little unless she tells us who she's going to block, which is dangerous in itself.

I think we learn far more by having one firm block target out, and two on the mission.


What would we learn? If YesNo blocks one and doesn't die, it's merely another hint, but not firm proof. If she dies, we still learn very little unless she tells us who she's going to block, which is dangerous in itself.

I think we learn far more by having one firm block target out, and two on the mission.

I disagree but I'm interested to hear what mazre has to say since he's already on the mission.
gorlak went in on Darryl
I dont think it is fair using that as a way to say that one of us is KGB (specifically me) when you were the one who put Darryl on the mission. Mazre can confirm that it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who Darryl was.

You ask what was said on the mission. I summarize what was said on the mission. You then proceed to use that to frame me up as a KGB operative.


Squidy, Kris, ER, QB. If QB or me are scum, squidy dies. Er is still protected from honeypot. YesNo can roleblock Hobo, who is a weird fake Pam.

A godfather would not surprise me.

That's my preferred lineup.

A godfather would surprise the hell out of me considering Nikolai's role.

Hobo/Kris/QB/Sept - That takes care of a majority of our loose ends. YN can block whoever he likes. Since squid would activate his ability it wouldnt matter.

That's the safest plan w/o losing too many prs imo.

This makes no sense. Why would SJ use his ability in the main area? The whole point is that it FORCES the Mafia's hand on the mission, but it doesn't elsewhere. With this plan, best case is we lose someone on the mission and still have to kill up to 3 people to figure it out. Worst case is someone at HQ dies, and we have like 10 possible suspects.


There are so many players being passive right now and it's irritating me. There is a metric fuck-ton of evidence to form opinions on right now.

What's the current vote count and mission lineup?


There are so many players being passive right now and it's irritating me. There is a metric fuck-ton of evidence to form opinions on right now.

What's the current vote count and mission lineup?

I believe it's just two votes, you and Kriss.

We need 8 right?
Why would SJ use his ability in the main area? The whole point is that it FORCES the Mafia's hand on the mission, but it doesn't elsewhere.
Why did he use it in an open area in the first place?
Why didn't he bother doing this on a mission before?
The night he had Darryl go on the mission, he could've still went instead. It was me/gorlak/maz. So he wouldve got his wish then. He could've protected Darryl, which is way he sent him on a mission, and tested all of us for KGB.
He couldve gave it a shot when it was You/Me/SJ/Maz, but nothing.

This makes no sense. Why would SJ use his ability in the main area? The whole point is that it FORCES the Mafia's hand on the mission, but it doesn't elsewhere. With this plan, best case is we lose someone on the mission and still have to kill up to 3 people to figure it out. Worst case is someone at HQ dies, and we have like 10 possible suspects.

It would be Mazre/Enk/You/Me/Squid/YN at HQ if I'm not mistaken? YN can block Maz or you. Squid doesn't even have to activate his power. I would be willing to die. If I or anyone else die, then we know that there is at least one more KGB(assuming HP isnt neutral) outside of the mission. Run the same guys in the mission the next nightphase, and vote on whoever scummy.

I think the main disagreement between the two of us is I want to go the more safe/longer route. While yours is a little more riskier for a possible better reward.


Why did he use it in an open area in the first place?
Why didn't he bother doing this on a mission before?
The night he had Darryl go on the mission, he could've still went instead. It was me/gorlak/maz. So he wouldve got his wish then. He could've protected Darryl, which is way he sent him on a mission, and tested all of us for KGB.
He couldve gave it a shot when it was You/Me/SJ/Maz, but nothing.

It would be Mazre/Enk/You/Me/Squid/YN at HQ if I'm not mistaken? YN can block Maz or you. Squid doesn't even have to activate his power. I would be willing to die. If I or anyone else die, then we know that there is at least one more KGB(assuming HP isnt neutral) outside of the mission. Run the same guys in the mission the next nightphase, and vote on whoever scummy.

I think the main disagreement between the two of us is I want to go the more safe/longer route. While yours is a little more riskier for a possible better reward.

Well yeah, I feel like we have the numerical advantage to push this game. I would gladly sacrifice myself if it meant a 50/50 shot at what might be the last scum the next day.
I also agree that we have the numerical advantage, but more importantly if me and QB are the top suspects after Mike, we can definitively answer KGB or nah using squidyj's power. It is objectively better than reconfirming people cleared by the cop.


I also think flipping Mike will give us insight into which of hobo/kris is telling the truth

If hobo is telling the truth then there is no doctor as there was no doctor targeting me and a doctor would generally want to use their power every night. This raises the probability of Yeeny being the reason that we have had so few night kills. If yeeny is the cause then Mike must be the source.

If mike is town then we know that yeeny was not blocking kills and we require an alternative explanation. This leaves the possibility of a doctor, or mafia targetting night immune players.

Alternatively to both scenarios, as a bit of a reach. Mafia is doing something better than killing in the nights they don't kill. This is supported by the fact that we have had n1 n3 and n5 be no-kill. a clear pattern.
I don't know how much stock we want to put into this, but I think El Topo was role blocked on the Night 1. According to his win condition, he has three arrows, and all three have to kill for him to win, but according to him, his first attempt resulted in him getting his arrow back, which implies a role block. Could there be a second role blocker in play?

Additionally, could there also be a Traitor, who is KGB but the other KGB players don't even know about?
Also, if what squidyj says is true, and he HAS to activate his ability and force all moves, including KGB kills to activate, while on a mission, he was on a mission on Night 3. Here's the roster:


Since he didn't die, I think it's pretty safe to assume that none of these people are KGB.
Also, if what squidyj says is true, and he HAS to activate his ability and force all moves, including KGB kills to activate, while on a mission, he was on a mission on Night 3. Here's the roster:


Since he didn't die, I think it's pretty safe to assume that none of these people are KGB.
As Mazre would say: reading comprehension is important. Mafia must kill if squidyj is on a mission and activates his ability. He does not have to activate it.


A Mafia switcher could also explain quite a few things. That's our worst case, because a lot of our assumptions could be entirely wrong.


This got me thinking again. The last KGB is a special role that does not include a night action... which implies Godfather, in my opinion.

Why do you assume that? We've gotten one generic and one power role. If there's one role left, it's a power role. If there's 2 left, it's harder to say.
Why do you assume that? We've gotten one generic and one power role. If there's one role left, it's a power role. If there's 2 left, it's harder to say.
I meant there's a good chance.

50% chance 3 KGB, 50% 4. Given there are 4, there is a 50% chance Mike is the power role. If Mike isn't the power role, then the other KGB must be the power role without a night action, which is almost always godfather.

So if Mike flips red and it isn't the end of the game, I would reevaluate every cop cleared player we have.


I meant there's a good chance.

50% chance 3 KGB, 50% 4. Given there are 4, there is a 50% chance Mike is the power role. If Mike isn't the power role, then the other KGB must be the power role without a night action, which is almost always godfather.

So if Mike flips red and it isn't the end of the game, I would reevaluate every cop cleared player we have.

Well that last player is likely you or hobo, neither of whom have been cleared by anyone we trust.
Well that last player is likely you or hobo, neither of whom have been cleared by anyone we trust.
Previously, on GAFia:
N5: We need to know if QB or Kris is lying here. My immediate inclination is QB. Kris would only lie if he was KGB, which means QB would have died checking him. But then why didn't QB target anyone? Did he skip a night, or is the entire thing a lie?
So I think you meant to say that the last player is likely QB. It's okay, I forgive you.
So if Mike flips red and it isn't the end of the game, I would reevaluate every cop cleared player we have.

Or start with everyone not cleared by cop? Only cop cleared guy to go after that makes sense is TG due to the small chance Haly couldve framed TG. Even that's a stretch though.
Morning, gang! :D

WOW so many new posts during my sleep time~ So nostalgic *_____* Like the early days of Archer <3

Gossssssssssssshhhhhh Archer is so fun :D I just got to work and all I want is to read back and jump back into GAFia :>

OK. I will catch up now!

ilu guys <3 and ouro <3
Im more concerned with the two people claiming Pam, but quantumbro is an issue too.

palmer, i havent caught up properly (so many posts huuuueeeee) but you seem to be super knowledgeable and i was thinking is there a play where an element or a player is not aware of what his role is? In Mafia mechanics?

like i just can't really figure out the two Pams and i thought maybe one of them is unaware of their real role or something like that?

maybe im starting to overthink things again :x;;;;;;
Im more concerned with the two people claiming Pam, but quantumbro is an issue too.
I am concerned about that, too, but like I said: why would I jump into the spotlight like this? I was cleared. I could have shut up for the rest of the game and coasted to our inevitable win.


palmer, i havent caught up properly (so many posts huuuueeeee) but you seem to be super knowledgeable and i was thinking is there a play where an element or a player is not aware of what his role is? In Mafia mechanics?

like i just can't really figure out the two Pams and i thought maybe one of them is unaware of their real role or something like that?

maybe im starting to overthink things again :x;;;;;;

It is definitely possible, but that's usually considered a Bastard role, which GAF hasn't done yet. Duplicate Pams also doesn't make any sense thematically. If they had claimed Carol and Cheryl Tunt, it would have made more sense. The other "clone" character is Krieger, who has died twice already.


It is definitely possible, but that's usually considered a Bastard role, which GAF hasn't done yet. Duplicate Pams also doesn't make any sense thematically. If they had claimed Carol and Cheryl Tunt, it would have made more sense. The other "clone" character is Krieger, who has died twice already.

They hadn't done a miller either. Simpler, better times. Fuck


I am concerned about that, too, but like I said: why would I jump into the spotlight like this? I was cleared. I could have shut up for the rest of the game and coasted to our inevitable win.

I understand, but I don't really want to waste time on it today when Mike is our target. We'll see how that goes and use the new information to try and make a play tomorrow. This whole problem could resolve itself tonight with a death.

For now, I'm only worried about our Mission plan, and lynching Mike.


It is definitely possible, but that's usually considered a Bastard role, which GAF hasn't done yet. Duplicate Pams also doesn't make any sense thematically. If they had claimed Carol and Cheryl Tunt, it would have made more sense. The other "clone" character is Krieger, who has died twice already.

You're all bastards.


Enker used his power but he didn't give us a name which I would very much like.

Hey, my internet literally didn’t work yesterday. Reading through yesterday’s posts and first one to respond to is Squidy’s:

I am Cheryl Tunt, the Heiress. My power was to bribe Mallory and seal my choice as the lynch of the day (aka Override) or so the role PM says. If it’s OK to post the PM I can do so, just ask.


Hey, my internet literally didn’t work yesterday. Reading through yesterday’s posts and first one to respond to is Squidy’s:

I am Cheryl Tunt, the Heiress. My power was to bribe Mallory and seal my choice as the lynch of the day (aka Override) or so the role PM says. If it’s OK to post the PM I can do so, just ask.

You can't post the actual PM directly, but I think you gave us most of what we would need anyway. Thanks.

I assume no counter claims? His role makes sense to me.
I understand, but I don't really want to waste time on it today when Mike is our target. We'll see how that goes and use the new information to try and make a play tomorrow. This whole problem could resolve itself tonight with a death.

For now, I'm only worried about our Mission plan, and lynching Mike.

I agree with Palmer on this~ I think this puzzle is very interesting and I sure would like to figure it out but for now

Vote: Mike_Hawk

We can Sherlock Holmes through the mystery of the double Pams / QB tomorrow :D

.... oh and im at that episode where sterling keeps sexing with Pam cuz she is the best sex of his life and he even abandoned his post and let Nikolai died cuz he's so enamoured by Pam and i was thinking.......................................

..... honipot?

dun dun dun~
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