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Archer [Mafia] |OT| Wait, I Had Something For This

All I wanted was to live and kill Archer :( why can't you guys let me win? 1 for 1 please

Kill in Archer*
ur dun m8

I think these are the current mission lines ppl are suggested.

A. I want to go with - Kris/QB/Sept/Squidy

B. Palmer Kris are cool with - Kris/Squidy/ER/QB

C. Squidy wants - Sj/QB/Maz/ER

Of the 3, I would say C is the weakest, due to it only really testing QB maybe? Other two have been cleared by cop. B offers clearing 2 of being KGB. A offers clearing 3 of clearing KGB.
QB not saying much about Kris' claim doesnt look good on him.
I agreed with Palmer but I only care about putting myself and QB on with Squidy. Whether it is you or Septimus is irrelevant to me and I am actually more in favor of your lineup than Palmer's.
Brett bunsen, the bullet magnet. The show actually gives him 7 lives in total where he dies on the 8th gunshot wound. Since it was too much it was reduced to 3 meaning I can survive anything 3 times. My win condition is to use all of those lives and die. Thats my role lol pretty simple


Just in case anyone comes in and instantly votes Mikehawk after those posts this is just a reminder to not go all crazy till we have some consensus on the mission.
If you all believe that I'm the last kgb, why not let me live this night and have YNNNY block me tonight. That way you guys will have another person to lynch. Killing me will only give you information that has already been post by ouro on post #2. Plus you wont be able to clear YNNNY with my death.

What does he mean by Post 2?
Also when he made this post, Squid/ER/Cab/Maz had volunteered. If he knew there would be another kill even if he was blocked, that means he knew the other wasn't on the mission yet. So that leaves possibly: Palm/Hobo/QB/Sept?

Mike_Hawk689 (4)
Septimus Prime

Kristoffer (0)


8 for Majority, may be 5 for him atm, TG's vote wasnt highlighted.
I imagine your gonna go down the path, "ER KGB cuz I he avoiding mission to prove he is Town"

Fact is I have cop claim clearing me. My plan offers the best chances for isis and doesnt prove what we already know.

Also in mission chat I stated I would be cool with unvolunteering if there was a chance QB was telling the truth. Since it would prove better for town. I am doing the same now.
If someone dies on the mission tonight, I am 100% willing to let you all lynch me tomorrow first and foremost so that we can verify my role.
only thing that'll convince me that you're not ducking the check at this point is if you get back on the mission.
We check all the people not cleared by Darryl first. Then we can look for godfathers.
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