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Are lies and emotions more important to women than facts and reality?

Do you think a majority of women prefer lies if lies makes them feel better?

  • Yes, they do

    Votes: 66 59.5%
  • No, they don't

    Votes: 9 8.1%
  • True for young women, but not older women

    Votes: 8 7.2%
  • It's true, but it's also true for men

    Votes: 28 25.2%

  • Total voters


This is something I noticed throughout my life. Women don't want to hear the truth IF the truth makes them feel bad or sad. If that's the case, they much rather listen to a lie, even if they know it's a lie. For example, they have a fat body, and they can't stand someone pointing that out. However, if you tell her "every body is great in its own way", she knows it's a blatant lie to make her FEEL better, but she still wants to hear it.

Likewise in politics, especially young women can't discuss facts or reality, if facts or reality goes against her emotions or ideology. For example, she sees a dead immigrant child washing up on shore. Instead of making rational decisions in the country's best interest, she just can't control her emotions and requires that ALL children must have a safe pass from now on. Cost? She doesn't care (she isn't paying anyway). Social impact? She doesn't care. Will these immigrants be well integrated into society? She doesn't care. The single only thing important for her is to calm her emotions, and the only way she can do that is by letting all children in.

I've grown up my entire upbringing with an extremely emotional mother. I didn't understand it back then, but now I understand she actually cannot control her emotions. It's impossible for her. That is, it doesn't matter what you say. She MUST do the things she FEEL. Period.

Do you think that this is something that is more common in women than men? And especially young women?


I don't know if it's a woman thing because I see it in many people these days. My mother, too. but she's a drunk. One of my younger brothers(who was raised by my mother's first husband) too, but he's also aggressively stubborn and any form of outside perspective given to him is pushed back up against.

I dunno what to pin it on. I've kind of smashed my head up against this issue most of my life and I just can't find an explanation for why anyone would willingly be like this. So I eventually just settled for assuming people are either stupid, stubborn, and/or impulsive. They simply choose nonsensically to not develop the patience and discipline to make sound decisions and they never will even if you give them the opportunity to.


I've seen many examples of this in some women. I would not say it's an absolute as men can delude themselves as well. One thing I will say is much more of a womans trait is the crying when they are proved wrong or challenged. As my mum taught me "Crying is a woman's ultimate weapon", you'll see this behavior in many of the racist karen videos when she gets a slap she deserves.


I think women are more emotional than men. There are outliers of course, but broadly speaking that is how I see it. I don’t think any sane lady wants to be lied to, and perhaps they are not flexible when it comes to receiving support. You would have to take into account that people generally look for different contributions from their partners or friends when they discuss something that makes them feel angry, confused or sad. IE, are they looking for your advice or are they looking to vent? Do they want your words or do they want your action? Are they ready to make a change or do they view this moment as today’s nuisance that they will shrug off by tomorrow?

I am different from my partner in this respect. I might like to just find a solution so that we can move on. But it’s not often the answer. There are always several things you can do to help without resorting to telling lies.

A lack of compatibility in this area can be a real fucker tho. I completely get it. Especially if you question your partners honesty or sincerity. These types of scenarios, even if you trust your partner completely, can become minefields in the click of a finger.


This is something I noticed throughout my life. Women don't want to hear the truth IF the truth makes them feel bad or sad. If that's the case, they much rather listen to a lie, even if they know it's a lie. For example, they have a fat body, and they can't stand someone pointing that out. However, if you tell her "every body is great in its own way", she knows it's a blatant lie to make her FEEL better, but she still wants to hear it.

Likewise in politics, especially young women can't discuss facts or reality, if facts or reality goes against her emotions or ideology. For example, she sees a dead immigrant child washing up on shore. Instead of making rational decisions in the country's best interest, she just can't control her emotions and requires that ALL children must have a safe pass from now on. Cost? She doesn't care (she isn't paying anyway). Social impact? She doesn't care. Will these immigrants be well integrated into society? She doesn't care. The single only thing important for her is to calm her emotions, and the only way she can do that is by letting all children in.

I've grown up my entire upbringing with an extremely emotional mother. I didn't understand it back then, but now I understand she actually cannot control her emotions. It's impossible for her. That is, it doesn't matter what you say. She MUST do the things she FEEL. Period.

Do you think that this is something that is more common in women than men? And especially young women?

Jeah i see that a lot with woman.

Even if they know what you are saying is true they just ignore it and keep on believing what they want. A friend lost like 10 years of his life because he wife never listened to him. She had a serious problem with headache and she was always looking for some strange, spriritual excuses.

After ten years it took her like 15 minutes with a special doctor and her pain was gone.

The reason?

My friend wants another kid but she doesnt after two. He respects that but thinking about gives him depression. Because of that she believes that he is going to rape her when she is healthy and loses weight again to get another kid. Thats why she looks now like a fat 60 year spritiual granny who loves her dog (she is like 35) and prefers enduring the pain from headaches and other stuff.

Thats total bullshit that she even believes that he is going to rape her.

Woman are mostly irrational with a focus on emotional and mental things.
Man are mostly rational with a focus on logic and physical things.

Another reason why most men and women cant be the same.
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I think a lot of men cope with women's emotional bullshit for the sole reason of wanting sex. And women are of course well aware of this. They know they can get men to accept a lot of things in their hunt for sex. So men adjust a lot, so much that they start to believe the lies themselves. So much that they wouldn't dare to be honest, because they know they'll be seen as bad.


Isn't this what feminism is about?

btw OP, this doesn't look like a butt thread. :messenger_angry:

Feminism is about more power to ugly women that are envious of the more fit and beautiful women that achieve more things in life and about gaining advantages by default without relying on their own skills ;)
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Feminism is about more power to ugly women that are envious of the more fit and beautiful women that achieve more things in life and about gaining advantages by default without relying on their own skills ;)
I think there's truth to this. Feminism started from female jealousy, so instead of having a beuty standard, everything was beautiful. Women were "objectified" (not revered). Patriarchy stopped women from getting equal pay to men (not women generally playing it more safe and choosing different professions).

It really should have its own thread, but I think feminism is the biggest manipulation scheme since the second world war. People have been silenced, because if they speak like I do now, they'll labeled sexists. That's how the left works. Label everyone with different opinions so you don't need arguments. I'm sure you've heard this before:

"You have nasty values, so I won't talk to you"
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I want to say no but also the modern feminist movement is a pretty good example that yes that is the case

then I realized that modern feminism has been taken over by male feminists, whether they are trans and call themselves women or are just loud men

so I gotta go with both


Neo Member
Men can be equally guilty of this as women, just maybe in different areas. Gender has little to do with it, really.

I agree in that for women a lot of it is tied to looks and the refusal to accept yourself the way you are. For example, a friend's girlfriend gained around 20kg in a few years and he has no idea how to approach her about it because she acts like nothing is wrong and refuses to talk about it even though she clearly isn't happy with herself.

It's a tough pill to swallow. I gained a bunch of weight myself during my last year of university due to lack of exercise and wrong eating habits. My boyfriend flat out told me one day that he is concerned about my weight gain and that I should do something about it. My first reaction was indeed "how dare he" but I quickly shut that down because he was right and I was uncomfortable myself. So I got my ass into the gym again and it was for the better. I am still grateful that he was blunt about it.
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I think a majority of humanity prefers this. Just look around the world, from our politics, to personal interactions, to even how people are reacting to the new consoles, right here on this board.

Irrationality, bias towards emotion, and fear of criticism, to my understanding, is a deeply seeded human trait that everyone has to come to grips with.

I will concede that sometimes this shows up stronger in women. I don’t like it, but it’s true (so hah, take that). It’s good to talk about that, because meaningful criticism and improvement can come out of it. There’s no gender, race, religion, or culture on this earth that’s above that.

I’d just advise you to also consider that not all of us are like that, or at least mitigate and manage those tendencies.


Women are filth. Logic is beyond them. Logical women exist but are very rare.



Too many women's entire existence is a lie. Tons of makeup so no one even knows what they look like, heavily photoshopped pictures on the internet so no one even knows what they look like, ect.

Manipulation comes naturally and these types think it's just smart tactics and not sociopathic behavior. Anyone can manipulate. Choosing to do so or not to do so reveals one's moral standing. But for those who live to manipulate, it's just more lies.

After spending decades constantly pretending to be someone you aren't, it's going to take a mental toll. And that's a heavy slice of the female pie. Not all, but it's common enough to see the pattern.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Just go look to any Sony thread, you know who are affected with emotions by dumb shit, it's just not the same dumb shit. Last option.

If women would be just emotional and I would be rational, I would not have new liver, that's for sure.

So yeah.


Are consoles and emotions more important to men than facts and reality?

This is something I noticed throughout my time on Gaf. Men don't want to hear the truth IF the truth makes them feel bad or sad about their console. If that's the case, they would much rather listen to a lie, even if they know it's a lie. For example, they have a fat PS5, and they can't stand someone pointing that out. However, if you tell him "every console is great in its own way", he knows it's a blatant lie to make him FEEL better, but he still wants to hear it.

I've grown up my entire upbringing with extremely emotional male friends. I didn't understand it back then, but now I understand they actually cannot control their emotion about their consoles. It's impossible for them. That is, it doesn't matter what you say. He MUST defend his console. Period.

What say you, Gaf?



You can meet men who are just as delusional, but it feels nastier coming from women because of the tools they use (their fragility, how dare you, etc.)

You have to be able to assess a potential mate's personality if you don't want this to be a problem. Don't commit to a long term relationship if you're just in it for the sex. I'm sure there are good looking women out there who are also consistent in their logical / rational process. You should probably be upfront with women about not ever wanting to play games. Making a habit of bending truths sets a dangerous precedent. Most decent people should be able to understand that position if you explain it in a way that doesn't belittle them.
Are consoles and emotions more important to men than facts and reality?

This is something I noticed throughout my time on Gaf. Men don't want to hear the truth IF the truth makes them feel bad or sad about their console. If that's the case, they would much rather listen to a lie, even if they know it's a lie. For example, they have a fat PS5, and they can't stand someone pointing that out. However, if you tell him "every console is great in its own way", he knows it's a blatant lie to make him FEEL better, but he still wants to hear it.

I've grown up my entire upbringing with extremely emotional male friends. I didn't understand it back then, but now I understand they actually cannot control their emotion about their consoles. It's impossible for them. That is, it doesn't matter what you say. He MUST defend his console. Period.

What say you, Gaf?

Just tell me my console having 2 less teraflops is barely noticeable in-game!


Unconfirmed Member
Nah that comment was just way too far.
I have no problem with calling out that kind of stupidity.



I want to say no but also the modern feminist movement is a pretty good example that yes that is the case

then I realized that modern feminism has been taken over by male feminists, whether they are trans and call themselves women or are just loud men

so I gotta go with both

From all those feminist out there..... i only know..... ONE.... i repeat ONE.... Woman that i really appreciate for being a Feminist. She thinks about what she is saying and she is not spouting bullshit like 90 % of all those other self proclaimed feminists out there.

Like the stuff with Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. She was the only Feminist who said

"Its normal for a woman to use financial and mental manipulation as their weapon to get revenge against her husband because a woman cant compete on a physical level with a man".

And thats true. Everything else is "daydreaming".
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"Its normal for a woman to use financial and mental manipulation as their weapon to get revenge against her husband because a woman cant compete on a physical level with a man".

And thats true. Everything else is "daydreaming".

"The pen is mightier than the sword."

Again, it's the tools they use that give their emotions a louder volume.


Come on, let’s not screech. Mocking the first will suffice, and we certainly don’t need to play the ‘Gaf are incels’ card, because that’s just not the truth.
There are differences between male and female brains, and a quick Google search will give you hundreds of articles from studies. And yes, part of that information is that women have brains that are slightly more geared towards emotion. That's common knowledge and available for anyone to read. But to jump from that to "Women can't use logic and run solely on emotion" is a broad, sweeping statement that has no basis in reality. It's like one or two anecdotes are enough to deem every woman practically insane, and that's nonsense that shouldn't be taken seriously. Surely logical male minds should be able deduce that. I'm still not sure if this is a wind up thread or not, which says a lot about seriously it should be taken.
There are differences between male and female brains, and a quick Google search will give you hundreds of articles from studies. And yes, part of that information is that women have brains that are slightly more geared towards emotion. That's common knowledge and available for anyone to read. But to jump from that to "Women can't use logic and run solely on emotion" is a broad, sweeping statement that has no basis in reality. It's like one or two anecdotes are enough to deem every woman practically insane, and that's nonsense that shouldn't be taken seriously. Surely logical male minds should be able deduce that. I'm still not sure if this is a wind up thread or not, which says a lot about seriously it should be taken.
True; and on the flip side, to say that males make decisions solely based on logic is false. I know many men out there who are emotional wrecks (including me, but I'm really good at hiding it).


There are differences between male and female brains, and a quick Google search will give you hundreds of articles from studies. And yes, part of that information is that women have brains that are slightly more geared towards emotion. That's common knowledge and available for anyone to read. But to jump from that to "Women can't use logic and run solely on emotion" is a broad, sweeping statement that has no basis in reality. It's like one or two anecdotes are enough to deem every woman practically insane, and that's nonsense that shouldn't be taken seriously. Surely logical male minds should be able deduce that. I'm still not sure if this is a wind up thread or not, which says a lot about seriously it should be taken.

No in a world of WOKEes scientific facts are beliefs that doesnt matter. Its fun how they always try to say that those scientifc facts are not real
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