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Are people becoming more infantile?


Ultimate DQ Fan
I was at the McDonald's drive thru today. The car in front of me was a white tesla. Anyway, he gets his food and starts driving off. I pull up and get my food. However the tesla had stopped ahead of me. The owner gets out of his car and looks at me, and then looks at the window. Looks at me and then at the window. After a minute of thos awkwardness, he's like "they forgot my chicken nuggets." There isn't a way for him to squeeze through because it's super narrow. I can't back up because there is a car behind me and I can't go forward

I yell him "hey, just go park and go inside man. They'll take care of you at the counter."

He just keeps looking at me. And so I say it again "go park and go inside. They'll take care of you." Suddenly this dude, a guy in his 50s just breaks out crying because he doesn't know what to do. He gets back in his car and drives off.

It was fucking bizarre. Damnedest thing I've ever seen. Is this sort of thing common?


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
I was at the McDonald's drive thru today. The car in front of me was a white tesla. Anyway, he gets his food and starts driving off. I pull up and get my food. However the tesla had stopped ahead of me. The owner gets out of his car and looks at me, and then looks at the window. Looks at me and then at the window. After a minute of thos awkwardness, he's like "they forgot my chicken nuggets." There isn't a way for him to squeeze through because it's super narrow. I can't back up because there is a car behind me and I can't go forward

I yell him "hey, just go park and go inside man. They'll take care of you at the counter."

He just keeps looking at me. And so I say it again "go park and go inside. They'll take care of you." Suddenly this dude, a guy in his 50s just breaks out crying because he doesn't know what to do. He gets back in his car and drives off.

It was fucking bizarre. Damnedest thing I've ever seen. Is this sort of thing common?
What a ridiculous person is the one who comments friend, like how he was cried and didn't know what to do?

I always said that now people are very psychiatric at this time, it intensified with the appearance of social networks.

I don't know about you but I think that the time when there was a lot of respect and kindness was in the 50s.

In these times, young people are conceited and do not know how to work.

And women are already very egocentric, there are no longer really feminine girls, the fashion of awakening.

We live in a great time technologically speaking but very denigrating in the form of education and emotionally


Gold Member
I was at the McDonald's drive thru today. The car in front of me was a white tesla. Anyway, he gets his food and starts driving off. I pull up and get my food. However the tesla had stopped ahead of me. The owner gets out of his car and looks at me, and then looks at the window. Looks at me and then at the window. After a minute of thos awkwardness, he's like "they forgot my chicken nuggets." There isn't a way for him to squeeze through because it's super narrow. I can't back up because there is a car behind me and I can't go forward

I yell him "hey, just go park and go inside man. They'll take care of you at the counter."

He just keeps looking at me. And so I say it again "go park and go inside. They'll take care of you." Suddenly this dude, a guy in his 50s just breaks out crying because he doesn't know what to do. He gets back in his car and drives off.

It was fucking bizarre. Damnedest thing I've ever seen. Is this sort of thing common?
Guy is probably super anti social and doesn't like talking to people.

Doing a drive thru is fine, but needing to interact with workers face to face and surrounded by customers at the counter makes the guy nervous.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Maybe the guy had assburger
I was at the McDonald's drive thru today. The car in front of me was a white tesla. Anyway, he gets his food and starts driving off. I pull up and get my food. However the tesla had stopped ahead of me. The owner gets out of his car and looks at me, and then looks at the window. Looks at me and then at the window. After a minute of thos awkwardness, he's like "they forgot my chicken nuggets." There isn't a way for him to squeeze through because it's super narrow. I can't back up because there is a car behind me and I can't go forward

I yell him "hey, just go park and go inside man. They'll take care of you at the counter."

He just keeps looking at me. And so I say it again "go park and go inside. They'll take care of you." Suddenly this dude, a guy in his 50s just breaks out crying because he doesn't know what to do. He gets back in his car and drives off.

It was fucking bizarre. Damnedest thing I've ever seen. Is this sort of thing common?
Dude seems to have mental problems or more going on that day to incite a breakdown or both.

Super weird. I don't know what he expected you to do in that situation.

As to your question, I'd say "probably". This is projecting, but it might be because the world is changing faster than ever and in that complexity it's hard for people to find their place. Back when your path was predetermined and had precedent, it was easier to be confident/mature. Since you knew what you're meant to do. 🤷‍♂️
America? Your love for prescription drug is really doing it's work...
I have never seen anything even remotely as weird in Austria.
Rules for fast food.

1. Never order anything special from a fast food restaurant. Your order will certainly get fucked up.

2. Never expect quality from people paid the minimum they are legally able to be paid.

3. If you have to order for more than 3 people take your happy ass inside, the drive through is meant for quick, small orders.

4. Once you get your drive through order pull the fuck forward, or pull into a close-by parking space to check your order. GTFO of the way of the people behind you.


Yes. All you gotta do is listen to radio ads now and hear what tone they think will be effective with the youth. Its super depressing how imature its all become. And it isnt even just men its infected woman just as much. I was listening to a ad for a contest aimed at 20 something woman to win Taylor Swift tickets and the late 20s voice actress is just gushing like a little school girl about the thought of seeing Swift...like literally....

"heres your room key, you will be staying in suite 13.....(girl squeals in high pitched voice reminisent of sat mourning cartoon ads for DreamPhone and other girl oriented products) ....ooohhhhh 13, thats Tayor lucky number" she squeals.

Seriously a grown woman fully endorsing a child like demenor in an ad aimed at adults.

Like even older woman arent being spared. I remember at the art atelier I was attending there was a lady in her mid 50s whos favorite movies where all marvel films. Said she had seen avengers like 10 times already... I just couldnt.

Dont even get me started on those Wendys commercials that are now voiced by an adult infant utilizing a cartoon voice designed to attract young kids under 10 years of age. Lets remember though this isnt these kids fault its ours and the shit way so many in our generation let media raise our children.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Rules for fast food.

1. Never order anything special from a fast food restaurant. Your order will certainly get fucked up.

2. Never expect quality from people paid the minimum they are legally able to be paid.

3. If you have to order for more than 3 people take your happy ass inside, the drive through is meant for quick, small orders.

4. Once you get your drive through order pull the fuck forward, or pull into a close-by parking space to check your order. GTFO of the way of the people behind you.

This man fast foods.

OP: welcome to the periphery world of fast food. It sucks. I worked at a Pizza Hut for like six months when I was 15. I seen some shit.


is on perm warning for being a low level troll
Where I'm from it's usually bad when someone is going to "take care of you". I think you just scared him.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Like, wierd pizza orders?

My wildest experiences:

  • Gay men hitting on me frequently, but asking that I first eat more so my butt grew larger (one even offered to take me to some Greek isle and make a special olive oil for me)
  • Women who looked to be in their 40's offering to "take care of me". I was like 19 at the time
  • Two guys leveling guns at one another in some kind of tense standoff as I set down their pizza (I worked as a cook and waiter, waiter on the weekends for those sweet tips). Turns out it was a dispute about the care of one their children. In any event the cops showed up and beat the ever living hell out of both of them so whatever
  • During a hurricane when the power went out for the neighborhood my boss decided to open up their restaurant for free since they had some kind of personal natural gas setup going so their oven worked. We fed like 1000 people that day. Was great


It could genuinely be anything, he could be suffering from grief from losing a loved one.

I find this can always impact people in ways that may come across as strange, if you don't know what's happened or what is going on.

Hopefully the person is alright as I genuinely can't imagine forgotten chicken nuggets is enough to upset someone.


I was at the McDonald's drive thru today. The car in front of me was a white tesla. Anyway, he gets his food and starts driving off. I pull up and get my food. However the tesla had stopped ahead of me. The owner gets out of his car and looks at me, and then looks at the window. Looks at me and then at the window. After a minute of thos awkwardness, he's like "they forgot my chicken nuggets." There isn't a way for him to squeeze through because it's super narrow. I can't back up because there is a car behind me and I can't go forward

I yell him "hey, just go park and go inside man. They'll take care of you at the counter."

He just keeps looking at me. And so I say it again "go park and go inside. They'll take care of you." Suddenly this dude, a guy in his 50s just breaks out crying because he doesn't know what to do. He gets back in his car and drives off.

It was fucking bizarre. Damnedest thing I've ever seen. Is this sort of thing common?
Yes. Too much estrogen. Plastics in our food and the excessive xenocompounds found in our water supply are making people pathetic.


I don't know about you but I think that the time when there was a lot of respect and kindness was in the 50s.

In these times, young people are conceited and do not know how to work.

-in other countries, perhaps, but in the US this was definitely not the case particularly regarding a certain issue which didn’t begin to getting resolved until the 60’s and it took decades to make progression from there

-I work with about a dozen others in my specific area at my workplace. I’m 36, the rest of them range from late 40’s to 60’s. And 70% of them are lazy, entitled, and/or incompetent when it comes to their job. Union rights protect their asses, as well as the fact our section doesn’t have a dedicated supervisor thanks to the chucklefucks who run this place cutting costs when it comes to supervisors (don’t even get me started on what they do to them during the holiday season)

Anyway, basically a good portion of my week I’m stressed out trying to keep up with the flow of our work and it’s not helped by the horrible work ethic of the supposed “hard working generation”. So basically, generalizing any generation is unfair and especially ridiculous given EVERY generation has done it throughout history. At some point, people need to just start acknowledging that the world is filled with cruel and lazy people always and stop trying to blame it all on the prior or next generation.

No Country For Old Men’s entire theme. That scene in True Detective where Woody Harrelson calls out his father in law when the latter tries to blame the ugliness of the world on the new generation. That scene in Game of Thrones where Robert’s brother points out that what Robert considers “the good old days” were filled with violence and death. I love this shit. Nostalgia affects more than one’s perception of media, it can affect one‘s perception of reality itself.

Anyway, as for the OP’s question, the guy was obviously a fugitive from a mental institution and needs to be found ASAP. Either that or his loved ones are being held hostage by a psycho who is threatening to kill them if the guy doesn’t perform acts of self torture on himself. Because why else would anyone willingly get chicken nuggets from McDonald’s of all places?!


Guy is probably super anti social and doesn't like talking to people.

Doing a drive thru is fine, but needing to interact with workers face to face and surrounded by customers at the counter makes the guy nervous.
audrey deal with it GIF

Sorry, not sorry. "Oh the guy is anti social" is a lame-ass excuse. Then be more social? I mean, imagine this applied to other walks of life:

"Oh, I know I am fat and have health problems, I just like to eat a lot"
"Oh, I know I didn't prepare for this test, I just don't like studying that much"

I was anti social as well as a teenager, then I saw what effect is has on me so I went out of my way to try and interact with people - nowadays you would probably say I'm the most outgoing guy in a group. All it took was effort and practice. Was it always pleasant? Fuck no, but how else are you going to build resilience?
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It could genuinely be anything, he could be suffering from grief from losing a loved one.

I find this can always impact people in ways that may come across as strange, if you don't know what's happened or what is going on.

Hopefully the person is alright as I genuinely can't imagine forgotten chicken nuggets is enough to upset someone.
Also, some folks manifest sadness via anger. In this case the guy is more in touch with his feelings, but if you see some folks raging, it could be a result of depression or sadness.


advanced basic bitch
Sounds like a real winner. To be fair nuggies are delicious and I'd be sad too if they forgot mine. Not enough to break down like a bitch mind you but pretty sad.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
P.S. If I saw a grown man crying over chicken nuggets, I'd probably just drive away before I got shot.
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