oh yeah "fur babies" it's all cringey shit
tbh it reveals the hollowness of secular life. these people have no religion, they don't even think humans are special, they practice some kind of vague pagan earth worship. this is why environmentalism is so the rage.
they promote ant-human lifestyles, and declining to have human children while calling your pets "children" falls entirely in line with this.
religion tells us that humans are special. consumerism tells us no. the modern SJW cult actively promotes ending the family line, in effect, genealogical suicide.
the natural path of life is, you grow up, you have children, you create the next generation. you hope your kids have it better than you. you use your gained wisdom to teach them, with an eye to the future. which is something that exists and is not a hopeless apocalypse. no such optimism is allowed for secularists. like the animals they think humans are the same as, their lives can only ever be the unending pursuit of consumption and immediate sensory pleasure.
no future. just like their pets.