People say I'm wicked at public speaking, have had to do it for a while to earn a living and shit. A few things which help me, who still gets nervous as hell:
- people don't care as much as you think and they want your presentation to go well
- relax, good posture, shoulders back, upright but not uptight, this helps you to breath properly - stick with me here - when you're nervous and hunch over you squeeze your chest and your breathing gets shallow and quickens, you don't need this. With good posture and good breathing the speaking bit is easy and less stressful. Do this even if noone can see you ie, you're on the phone presenting to people, it makes a difference to how you sound and how you come across
- there is no point making lots of notes to help you, you don't have time to constantly check, use single words which will remind you which bit is next at a quick glance if you have to. The best presentations tend to have a narrative arc, a story, which works bc people are used to digesting and following stories. There is a beginning a middle and an end, tell your audience what you'll be presenting up front, lead them through it and wrap it up with conclusions, a payoff, ideas for future enquiry whatever. This is also easy for you to remember.
- make eye contact with your audience members, smile, enjoy the fact you have the opportunity to tell all these people about your thing and make the most of it
- record yourself, watch it while cringing, do better next time