Welcome to my list.
What are you talking about? You previously alluded to Kalor having a 'big' role and I then gave two reason for why you'd say that. Either you made a slip and know more than you should, or you're trying to say Kalor should be participating now since he's a conversation topic. The latter is much less likely based on your wording, especially since you did the equivalent of a drive by post, saying it offhand.How am I stretching a bit? What? You're grabbing at air homie.
D, mate, you're not the best at deflecting questions which is completely okay, but we're like the only people on this page so it's jarringVerelios, you still coming down from a bloodbeast?
No thanks.
Vote: Kalor
For my own curiosity, why did you vote for me?
So first I'm piggybacking someone else's logic and didn't notice the 180 - then instead my logic is unique and I was the one that noticed the 180, but it's weak and just me trying to look busy? You're being about as consistent as Terra was when he flip flopped and earned a vote. Reads to me like a case of you throwing shade only to realize your original reasoning didn't fit. Now you're just changing your perception in order to maintain your original stance.
Lifeline isn't going to answer me about his confidence levels I guess.
Anyway he's probably mafia. Doubling down on the weird association reads was too much and gave him away.
this picture that Lifeline posted with his association theory
is a pretty clear indicator that he knows his association theory is bad logic and that, as town, he is almost always wrong. Would have been a pretty great newbie gambit but I think he took it too far and gave himself away.
Terrabyte unvoting Lifeline is suspicious, terrabyte is back on the list.
I think these are the good lynches for today that everyone should be voting:
Does anyone need to be added/removed from this list?
it does smell of an annoyance.
such a lust to reach the post minimum
...oh.OooO lets all count my post now.
I don't see it. Kalor and Terra are fine votes, I see scum possibilities there but I don't think someone boosted by a team doubles down like Lifeline did. Obviously I'm still not digging Worm and Time never really jumped out to me as anything interesting or helpful yet. Same for Verelios who I feel was gone for a large swath of the middle of the day phase.
I don't even know where to start with Mick now, he's hit the 10 posts at this point I'm sure so we will have to do something with it.
Are you sure w/r/t Lifetime? Phase 1 of the association reads was very successful successful for him he netted some of the strongest town reads in the game.
You pointed out mistakes in his narrative first and he still hasn't changed it, I figured you would be on the same page.
What does w/r/t mean? That said sure, I guess it was successful. I am obviously town reading him for it but the main thing was him going back to the well a second time. I don't think a scum team coaches him to do that. The odds of him being scum are lower than some others imo.
with regard to
I also initially town read him for it.
I don't think he was coached into this I think he saw that something was working and overdid it.
It's this picture that's getting me
this isn't an "I'm confident I solved the game" picture this is a "town loves a conspiracy theorist I'll show them a conspiracy theorist" picture
It's a bit of a mess right now to be honest. Generally speaking I feel better about the players that aren't jumping on every little thing like it's some massive tell. Lot of awkward play going on right now but I can't necessarily attribute much of it as specifically scum behavior.
Lifeline isn't going to answer me about his confidence levels I guess.
Anyway he's probably mafia. Doubling down on the weird association reads was too much and gave him away.
this picture that Lifeline posted with his association theory
is a pretty clear indicator that he knows his association theory is bad logic and that, as town, he is almost always wrong. Would have been a pretty great newbie gambit but I think he took it too far and gave himself away.
Terrabyte unvoting Lifeline is suspicious, terrabyte is back on the list.
I think these are the good lynches for today that everyone should be voting:
Does anyone need to be added/removed from this list?
its a p good meme picture
always sunny always delivers
I'd post that trademarked Sofia "Seriously?" anime picture right now, but I'm too lazy to search it up. In what universe is euphorically diving into a rabbit hole so deep it has to reach the earth's molten core on D1(!) an indicator of experience with Forum Mafia? We're dealing with an overeager person here whose experience comes from Live Mafia, if at all. Or, what would be actually worse, with an inexperenced player who was told by teammates (likely Scum) to keep pushing hard in order to look like overeager Town. Not once in this lunatic ramble did I get the feeling of "hidden experience"...My only worry with Lifeline is he seems more experienced than he claims, and I'm wondering if town would bother to hide that kind of info.
I feel like they are trying to one up each other over who can have the most suspicious posts.
Do you (or anybody else) actually think Terra would have watched an acohrs lynch happen? Wasn't that whole chapter one obvious "OK, there, I 'put pressure on arcohrs', now watch what hapens. Oh nothing, right, who would have thought" setup?So that's two of my votes now that you've criticized for very weak reasoning. First I shouldn't vote Star because "that's just how she is" and now I shouldn't vote Terra because...it's opportunistic of me to notice his complete 180 and sudden willingness to lynch someone he's not even suspicious of by teaming up with the person he supposedly is? Not really following your logic.
You can't know that for sure in any capacity unless you're on a team or your role mentions them specifically, so vouching for their 'most likely' innocence because they're conversation topics is nonsense. Scum usually have no qualms shitting on one another in reads lists anyway.People jumping on the Kalor bandwagon after he defended me and now people jumping on the Terra bandwagon after he voted the same as me. I know I'm town, so Kalor and Terra are most likely town too. Your list of three people that I'm confident are town is what's really suspicious.
Reading through these posts, I feel like I'm trying to grab wet spaghetti by hand. Soggy, slippery, and if we try and grab it too quickly we are all likely to get burned.
Here is my vote, it's not perfect but it's mine.
vote: lifeline
I don't understand his gameplay. I've been trying to make sense of it for a day and still don't see it. I feel like he might be a scum player trying to hard.
Reading through these posts, I feel like I'm trying to grab wet spaghetti by hand. Soggy, slippery, and if we try and grab it too quickly we are all likely to get burned.
Here is my vote, it's not perfect but it's mine.
vote: lifeline
I don't understand his gameplay. I've been trying to make sense of it for a day and still don't see it. I feel like he might be a scum player trying to hard.
I'm sorry that not everyone takes a completely uniform stance? Just because someone else accuses you of one thing doesn't mean I can't accuse you of something different.
So that's two of my votes now that you've criticized for very weak reasoning. First I shouldn't vote Star because "that's just how she is" and now I shouldn't vote Terra because...it's opportunistic of me to notice his complete 180 and sudden willingness to lynch someone he's not even suspicious of by teaming up with the person he supposedly is? Not really following your logic.
In a world where Kalor and I are scum together do you really think we would coordinate to dog pile on someone by ourselves? Kalor's reasoning for his vote and mine are two completely different things. We would have to be one really dysfunctional scum team. Besides - you do realize that by piggybacking Sorian you're essentially doing the exact thing you just accused me of right?
I'm not concerned over suspicion towards me, what concerns me is your faulty logic and trying to force your reads. If you think I manufactured jumping on the Terra vote then essentially you must believe the following things:Even in the bolded you had there you see that I said you wagoned the vote/logic. It was the convenience of getting onto that vote that I felt was opportunistic. You're real defensive over me pointing out something my gut didn't like.
Walk me through what Terra wanted to happen then. Literally nothing can come from humoring lifeline without actually having one of his suspects lynched. It's not as if by agreeing with him lifeline was going to suddenly shift course for no reason. The best I can think is that it was bait for others trying to see if it would start a conveniently easy train. Besides that I'm not seeing what Terra possibly had to gain unless he truly was fine with an acorn lynch.Voting Terra is a mistake. His plays seem like something Town-Terra would make.
Do you (or anybody else) actually think Terra would have watched an acohrs lynch happen? Wasn't that whole chapter one obvious "OK, there, I 'put pressure on arcohrs', now watch what hapens. Oh nothing, right, who would have thought" setup?
See my response to Sorian. The argument you two are making just doesn't add up with the responses you two have given.This sentence is desperate to me. I never said you were scum together.
People jumping on the Kalor bandwagon after he defended me and now people jumping on the Terra bandwagon after he voted the same as me. I know I'm town, so Kalor and Terra are most likely town too. Your list of three people that I'm confident are town is what's really suspicious.
Plus the question in the end asking others to remove and add stuff on your list is suspicious too. It's like you're covering yourself. If you get heat for one of your picks, you can easily remove them from the list without getting called out for backpedaling.
As for the image, I think fat4all summed it up:
Also my association list is not weird. Something's fishy with the way a group of people are behaving similarIy in similar situations. Dr. Worm I'm a bit unsure of bra use my theory against him was due to him being inactive and not having any strong opionions. Which he has now addressed.
Yes, I'm splitting my posts on purpose by theme because fuck minimum post count.
Does anyone else get really bad vibes from batsnacks? I know he's quite an experienced player with rather strong opinions, yet most of his posts this game seem probing and testing the waters instead of going after somebody. Also that Batman role discussion. What?
This is probably the best summation of my current outlook. Feels like too many people trying to be scumhunting extraordinaires, a little bit. My questions tend to be aimed more at learning new information or gathering perspectives; I'm trying to be a little open now so it doesn't seem one-sided.
Mazre, of all the awkward play, what do you think is most and least likely to be scummy? Or is it all a muddle?
why in your mind is it awkward play and not just scummy play? Are you referring to Lifelines youthful exuberance or terrabytes all over the shop play?
I'm not concerned over suspicion towards me, what concerns me is your faulty logic and trying to force your reads. If you think I manufactured jumping on the Terra vote then essentially you must believe the following things:
1. I am scum or lazy town, which given my play thus far and history you know the second isn't particularly likely.
2. Kalor is also scum, either because he's on the vote as well or because his wagon is actually in the lead so if I'm scum avoiding this would be an indirect attempt to save him.
What is this metaphor even supposed to mean? And what are "these" posts? And why are you apologizing in advance for your vote? Do you know something we dont?
We've also played together in Persona. I guess I don't get the meaning of lazy town then since to me lazy town is someone that isn't interested in solving and puts forth little effort. If I'm lazy town then so is a huge majority of players. I'm used to seeing better arguments from you, but then again I guess now I know how all the town players you went after in DR3 felt lolConsidering I've already word for word said I think your play is indicative of scum or lazy town then yeah, obviously I think that. I don't know why lazy town isn't particularly likely, the only time your play has impressed me was when you were scum and I'm pretty sure the only time I've played with you as town was when you died N1 in gafia unless there was an earlier game I'm blanking on. The second point also makes no sense. There is nothing stopping you from voting another town member or hell, even a scummate when a townie is in the lead of the vote especially when we were still more than 24 hours from the deadline. It's D1 with opinion always in flux. Your vote would mean nothing about the current vote leader.
All that and what I get most out of it is you felt the need to tell me you would never be a lazy townie, almost begging me to think you're scum.
We've also played together in Persona. I guess I don't get the meaning of lazy town then since to me lazy town is someone that isn't interested in solving and puts forth little effort. If I'm lazy town then so is a huge majority of players. I'm used to seeing better arguments from you, but then again I guess now I know how all the town players you went after in DR3 felt lol
You misinterpret my posts as worried as opposed to poking the arguments of you and Faddy to see if I think you're misguided town or scum that don't care about inconsistencies. If I was worried about the heat I wouldn't have engaged with it to this extent. It's a single vote between two people. No one else has engaged with it either. Letting it die would have been the play to make if I was looking to be inconspicuous.Weren't you the neutral in persona? I died N1 there so another bad example for anything.
Also har har, again, the worry is weird when I'm not even throwing a vote in your direction. It's like you're trying to convince me to get Faddy heat off of you which is a weirdness all it's own.
Walk me through what Terra wanted to happen then. Literally nothing can come from humoring lifeline without actually having one of his suspects lynched. It's not as if by agreeing with him lifeline was going to suddenly shift course for no reason. The best I can think is that it was bait for others trying to see if it would start a conveniently easy train. Besides that I'm not seeing what Terra possibly had to gain unless he truly was fine with an acorn lynch.