Nope, -1.
Is that it? Majority?
Again, that ignores the utility of both sides as well. By all means, if you think Mazre is scum, vote for him, I don't mind that but just tossing your hands in the air and saying we'll get the scum after a coinflip regardless doesn't work because we also lost the utility of the town member in the equation.
The Inmates gather again to try to come with another plan against that goddam Bat. After a lot of talk something seems wrong. How would the Bat escaped for some long without getting caught yet. There must be a mole. Mole man is from another franchise so he was quickly discarted. So all the heads turn to the next more suspicious Inmate: Catwoman.
Inmates: Catwoman you have an history of a love/hate relation with Batman. What can you say in your defense?
That's not the answer the Inmates wanted to hear so they decide to take care of her. For good.
Inmates: So Catwoman you have something to say before we drop you in a pool of fire?
That's definitely the answer they didn't wanted to hear...
You are Catwoman and you are part of the Batman Family (That means you are mafia).
You are Selina Kyle, a master thief and also long time lover of Batman. And Halle Berry didnt played you in a movie. That never happened. At all.
You are a Thief. Every night you may use the command Steal:<Playername> and if your target has an item you will gain that item at the start of the next day phase. Also you are a Secret Partner. You are not still a full-fledged member of the scum team. Your partners don't know who you are. You will become a full fledged member of the scum team if you are targeted by the rest of the scum team.
Like all the scum kill you also have the command Arrest:<Playername> to make a night kill but you can't use this command until you become a full-fledged member of the scum team or if you are the last scum remaining in the game
Your teammates are REDACTED . You won't gain access to the scum chat until you become a full-fledged member of the scum team.
You also have the power to vote. Use Vote: <Playername> during the day phase. The usual drill.
The game thread is Here
You win when your team has a majority of the votes at the start of the Day Phase.
Wait, you want me to take over? The writer mysteriously vanished? But I don't even know the first thing about this talking bat guy.
Fine, how hard can writing this stuff be anyway?
The birds were tweeting and the sun was shining, the inmates rose for another wonderful day. Only two of them were dead, but they weren't going to let that put a damper on things. Today was the day that they were going to kill that bat guy once and for all.
You are Clayface and you are part of the Arkham Inmates (that means you are town).
You are a villain whose body is made of clay. You have shape-shifting abilities. Also your name was used by a LOT of different supervillains so choose the one who you like best.
You are a single target lightning rod. Every night you may use the command Replace: <Playername> to redirect all actions which would have been directed to your target during the next day/night phase to you (including votes!). Any action taken against you directly will be negated during this time. You only have two shots.
You also have the power to vote. Use Vote: <Playername> during the day phase. The usual drill.
The game thread is Here
You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
You are Harley Quinn and you are aligned with a neutral faction.
You are Jokers lover and also one of the most popular character at the moment, even when you were the main in a really crappy movie.
You are an Investigator. Every night you may use the command Gossip: <Playername> and you will know the Character name of your target. You are also the Joker's Lover so if he is targeted for a night kill you will sacrifice yourself for him and die instead.
You also have a partner. Your partner is Redacted. You share a secret chat with him.
You also have the power to vote. Use Vote: <Playername> during the day phase. The usual drill.
The game thread is Here
You win when the Joker kills Robin. If you can't kill Robin (because he has died through some other means, or the Joker has died) you can win if you are one of the last five players in the game.
What's that? I'm fired? ...Oh...
Lol Natiko, that's a bummer since our WCs did partly align. And I guess we either don't have a PD, they were blocked, redirected or just didn't want to risk saving RF (??).
I'm looking at a couple people, top of my list is LP and Sorian, a little lower is Flame, let's go.
My man CCS, good looking outAlso, I'll claim to avoid confusion later and because I may as well.
I'm town. I am Two-Face, and I am a Doublevote Bestower. Three shots, all but one used. There will be no Doublevote today because I target Royal.
May as well claim, I'll get my final gift off tonight regardless.
Your partners don't know who you are. You will become a full fledged member of the scum team if you are targeted by the rest of the scum team.
I'm very interested in Mazre's whole situation yesterday. From their role:
I'd assume this means Mazre knew who the other scum team were, and their goal was to signal to them somehow? I'm also wondering if the scum team knew whether or not Mazre was one of them, or if their actions clued scum into knowing. The claim to being Clayface makes a little more sense considering they weren't in Scum-chat and wouldn't know safe characters to claim as.
I'm not entirely sure since Sorian did the exact same song and dance with me, which was basically throwing enough shit around we moved on from whatever was initially being discussed.Sorian is the obvious choice for Natiko's partner. He actively stopped my attempts at getting Natiko lynched. Still not wholly convince on that though.
Also scum might have targeted Natiko's partner so they already now who they need to kill to wipe out the Joker. And Natiko's flip implies the Neutrals have a kill ability and they are hunting Robin who is presumably Bat Fam scum. So maybe we shouldn't be overly concerned with neutrals.
I'd say that's a good bet. He couldn't have access to scum chat(I'm guessing) so maybe he didn't know but why pick Clayface instead of a more obscure villain? He definitely did know who the others were though as (redacted) shows, so I'd put stock into who he talked about/with.I'm very interested in Mazre's whole situation yesterday. From their role:
I'd assume this means Mazre knew who the other scum team were, and their goal was to signal to them somehow? I'm also wondering if the scum team knew whether or not Mazre was one of them, or if their actions clued scum into knowing. The claim to being Clayface makes a little more sense considering they weren't in Scum-chat and wouldn't know safe characters to claim as.
You will become a full fledged member of the scum team if you are targeted by the rest of the scum team.
Why attempt to clear Natiko there?
I'm kind of still really shocked by Mazre's somewhat nonsensical claim though...
It was still a really strange claim for Mazre to make altogether.
I wonder if they were desperate to signal the other scum to target them.
OK, so Mazre claimed he "hid behind Natiko, and he's not scum" with his clayface claim. Why attempt to clear Natiko there?
I think the attempt was to get scum targeted and join their chat and then be able to use his Hider claim to explain why he didn't get NKd
It doesn't make sense though since there was no penalty for Mazre not getting scum targeted. He could have sat tight, maybe he gets targeted, maybe he is last scum alive.
His play was a gift for us.
Was Natiko killed or was someone targeting the Joker and he got got.
Weird...they call Harley and Joker Lovers so you'd think Natiko's partner would be the Joker but the next line has 'you also have a partner'. I'm not sure if that's just the template or the Joker is a neutral.If scum targeted the Joker and killed Harley instead, then they will likely kill the Joker tonight.
The Joker has a direct goal in killing Robin.
Sorian is the obvious choice for Natiko's partner. He actively stopped my attempts at getting Natiko lynched. Still not wholly convince on that though.
Also scum might have targeted Natiko's partner so they already now who they need to kill to wipe out the Joker. And Natiko's flip implies the Neutrals have a kill ability and they are hunting Robin who is presumably Bat Fam scum. So maybe we shouldn't be overly concerned with neutrals.
I assume he knew who scum were but his claim makes even less sense since to get in scum chat he had to be targeted by scum and Hiders usually can't be night targeted.
I'm not entirely sure since Sorian did the exact same song and dance with me, which was basically throwing enough shit around we moved on from whatever was initially being discussed.
As for neutrals, without Natiko to vet names then they're just dangerous ass people who I assume were maybe responsible for the double NK. At least they might kill indiscriminately now.
I'd say that's a good bet. He couldn't have access to scum chat(I'm guessing) so maybe he didn't know but why pick Clayface instead of a more obscure villain? He definitely did know who the others were though as (redacted) shows, so I'd put stock into who he talked about/with.
I really wonder what this means, specifically. Targeted how? All the other scum have to target them with something, does it matter what? Do the main scum have an ability just for looking closely at others, and for this scum to join the others each scum has to use that ability on them at least once?
I wonder if there's another scum like this out there. Makes me start thinking about how many scum there are in the game.
I'd assume the main scum are at the very least Batman and Robin (now that we know Robin is in the game for sure), and I'd guess a third person (Batgirl/Oracle?). Maybe three main scum and one floating scum (Catwoman)? Is there another main/floating scum?
I dunno how Town/Neutral/Scum ratios usually work in a game of this type and scale.
OK, so Mazre claimed he "hid behind Natiko, and he's not scum" with his clayface claim. Why attempt to clear Natiko there?
If scum targeted the Joker and killed Harley instead, then they will likely kill the Joker tonight.
The Joker has a direct goal in killing Robin.
Weird...they call Harley and Joker Lovers so you'd think Natiko's partner would be the Joker but the next line has 'you also have a partner'. I'm not sure if that's just the template or the Joker is a neutral.
It's looking like whoever's Joker should claim today as scum probably already knows who you are (unless there was a busy night).
On second thought, if there's a small possibility they don't know because the kill was redirected or something else happened maybe they don't have to.
By that logic, I'm partnered with quite a few people. I know your tunnel was strong on Natiko but pull your head up for a second, I've actively stopped attempts on a few people getting lynched, you included.
I assume it was an error, weak cop would have been the vastly smarter play, same powers but scum would have actually tried to target him.
I read through Mazre when I was bored yesterday and I don't know what was going on. He clearly never got recruited because if he did then that makes the Clayface claim already worse than it actually was assuming there are fake claims. He also never gave any signals at all from what I could tell except for the hider claim itself. His only post that maybe looks like it could have coded info was this post and even that seems like non-sensical garbage. He seems to take an easy stance on everything and he was such a small part of the thread that he never really convinced anyone of anything so I can't even tell if there were thoughts meant to direct from one person to another.
This isn't a new role to gafia, it just means someone on scum team had to target Mazre with any highlighted command. Scum likely has different things, a poisoner maybe, usually a roleblocker, etc. The only case I can see for Mazre maybe being recruited is no poison N1 but so far none today either and still the issue of the fake claim.
Uh huh
VOTE: Timeaisis
This is the most lazy faux question post I've ever seen. You didn't start playing yesterday, it would have been a classic ploy to at least go out and take Natiko down with him. Didn't seem to work because either his team was too dense to pick up the queue or, more like, his team targeted someone else and got a dead Natiko instead. But let's talk about Natiko for a sec.
He didn't seem to care much about you before yesterday and then he suddenly writes an entire thesis on why he thinks you are scum. Lo and behold, he is a cop. It's not hard to put two and two together here. He clearly got a negative result on you but still wanted to lynch you, so you must not be robin but you are scum.
Maybe, but I do agree that they likely tried to kill joker, like I said above, unless the team was so dense to not take the gift Mazre was giving them in terms of a day that would spiral around Natiko then they likely tried to kill elsewhere and got their kill redirected somehow, I'll go with the odds and say it was the role that we just saw die.
So Nudull left Royal_Flush to die?Oh, I knew I had one more thought but it got lost in me starting to write to Time and getting annoyed. Counter point, if we really care about who Naiko's buddy is, I just don't though since they can keep trying to kill scum since we need something more at this juncture. But one person claimed doctor two days ago and still isn't dead. If scum finally got around to doing that, last night makes more sense to me.
It's Nudull if you have short term memory loss.
Wait, what?So Nudull left Royal_Flush to die?
Nudull claimed doctor and is still alive. RF said repeatedly that he was poisoned and is now dead. If Nudull could've saved RF, why didn't he?Wait, what?
It's looking like whoever's Joker should claim today as scum probably already knows who you are (unless there was a busy night).
On second thought, if there's a small possibility they don't know because the kill was redirected or something else happened maybe they don't have to.
There's just as much a possibility the Joker wasn't the target and they targeted Natiko.
I'd recommend the Joker stay unclaimed.
As I said before, I'm town and I can prove it overnight if necessary.
I think it is fair to comment that you were the strongest against lynching Natiko, nothing past that yet. And my observations of Natiko playing safe and only pretending to scum hunt turned out to be correct.
I don't know if I agree with your conclusion about Time. I think Natiko might have targeted Dr Worm on Night 1, simply for his early "Bat Fam" comment and with not much else to go on, then on Day 2 he came out strong against Dr Worm who was town.
So maybe he did check Time on Night 2 and saw he wasn't Robin and decided he was the person to lynch.
Nudull claimed doctor and is still alive. RF said repeatedly that he was poisoned and is now dead. If Nudull could've saved RF, why didn't he?