This is the first Arma game I've really played. Trying to like it, but I'm having a terrible experience with it.
1) Frame rate is utter garbage. It goes for about 2 seconds and then stutters all the damn time. If someone gets the first shot off on me, 99% of the time I'm dead since I can't react fast enough when my frame rate is stuttering. Put everything to low, lowered the resolution to 720p, but still runs like crap.
2) How can I tell who are enemies and who are friendlies? Rarely can I actually figure out what the hell my objective is supposed to be, so I just follow everyone else. Last time I found my way into a house, was waiting there and a helicopter showed up. I hovered my mouse over it and the nametag was red. I let loose 2 RPG's to blow it up. Apparently they were my friendlies? Does Green = friendlies, Red = Enemies not apply to this game? Because I definitely saw friendlies being highlighted as green, but this helicopter's nametag was red. I then got booted off their server for being an asshole apparently even though I tried to tell them I didn't know what was going on.
*sigh* So frustrating...