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ARMS |OT| (’-‘)-------------


I really want to fight against good motion control players. I'm using buttons but I enjoy being defeated by motion. The fight feels different.

I know Chauzu beat me earlier today and uses motion but I don't know about anyone else


I did great with motion in test punch, but I just use controls now. I keep trying motion again, but I bend of losing all the time



Fucking finally. Hedlok was ez-pz, took him down without retry. I have the most problem with agile characters, I think because when I'm moving around I tend to also throw in that same direction. Have to think really hard to readjust my hands to throw straight. Used motion control and no strats like timeout or anything. It helped to utilize some of the same strats the AI uses (use super right when they throw a punch). I also had to learn to block more instead of just opting to try and evade every time.

First match of ranked was like going back to difficulty 1 compared to this shit.


Just wanted to check in. I didn't play any of the tests, but got the game and the yellow joycons yesterday. (omg)

I am loving the game so far. I am using motion controls and while they took awhile to click, now I am really feeling it! I'm really feeling it! I can't believe it, all I've been playing recently are fighting games with Ultra Street Fighter II and ARMS. I'm not usually a fighting game guy.


Ok so can we like not defeat headlock by standard punches? Once he gets to low health, he just somehow never gets hit


So for anytime disheartened about controls, I promise that if you practice motion, you'll be there in no time. I haven't played the test punch at all and have played sporadically over the last couple of days, yet just a little ago, I stopped Jorge, who has played the test punches with non motion controls (motion is standard in this game), from winning the gaf lobby.

When I first joined, I lost like 6 in a row, and was about to give up. But then I remembered I'd been holding off on switching arms till I had a hundred coins. So I switched to another set, went back in and started winning, it was a complete night and day turn around. I wish I was streaming, but frankly, I'd been getting beat so bad, I didn't want to remember then. But then the next match happened and both Jorge and gore needed a single win to clinch the lobby, though Jorge had one extra point. Not today Jorge lol. Sorry, still just really hype from feeling some real growth in the game. I had just spent the last hour trying to beat lvl3 springman on Cobra park, and I kept telling myself it shouldn't be this hard.

So in short, if it feels off and disconnected, switch arms and hands. It makes a huge difference.

Just curious for you mad gaffers. You using motion or standard controls?

I'm all motion.
I'm earnest in the pools.


FC: SW-5461-4658-1701

I'll be playing sporadically around work and life. Would love to play gaf :)

Ok so can we like not defeat headlock by standard punches? Once he gets to low health, he just somehow never gets hit

I used all charged punches and beat him first try. Him going really slow helped a lot.


...hate me...
I'd love to use motion but the truth is that i'm not good at it and no one likes to suck if they don't have to. Wait, this sounds wrong.

Anyway, the game just released and the weekend is always more hectic and right now I just want to have fun and win some fights, but during the week I'll give motion controls a fair shake. God damn it with the puns.


Good games guys, was fun. I sucked, only managed one win (sorry Soul Lab) was forced to play in handheld mode because the misses wanted on the TV and yeah, I suck without the Pro Controller haha.

Be on again later and will play properly hopefully :D (I'll still lose, but with dignity) :p


Good games guys, was fun. I sucked, only managed one win (sorry Soul Lab) was forced to play in handheld mode because the misses wanted on the TV and yeah, I suck without the Pro Controller haha.

Be on again later and will play properly hopefully :D (I'll still lose, but with dignity) :p
The beauty of the Switch :)


Just curious for you mad gaffers. You using motion or standard controls?

I'm all motion.

Standard. I play mostly handheld.

I tried motion for a good while, but it just feels imprecise and not fun. I like the immediacy of my movement and punches with standard controls.

I wish it was possible to grab with the arms wider like you can do with motion. :/


Motion here too.

We should form our own club.

The ARMS Motion Control Society (of Superiority).

We actually should. It's interesting to know who is doing what and compare it to the fights you have with them.

Then can see if the gulf is too vast or not and its worth switching controls.

To me the game is best played with motion cause the standard controls are laid out in a way that is fucked. And its a game about using arms to fight so motion seems appropriate
Just curious for you mad gaffers. You using motion or standard controls?

I'm all motion.

motion. Feels much more fun.

Need to learn how to make punches connect better though. Right now I'm maining MinMin, and just dash everywhere while pummeling the enemy with her circular saws.


Whew level 4 was pretty tough. Hedlock down after two tries, though.

I think I'm enjoying Twintelle's and Ninjara the most. Twintelle for her air delay and extra dodge, and Ninjara for his easy punish after he blocks and vanishes.


Its kind of amazing how bullshit and at the same time dumb some CPU are.

I did level 5 and ribbon girl would know exactly when i was gonna throw and throw me every single time but Max Brass is sometimes too stupid to realize his grenade arms are about to explode on himself.
Cleared my second Grand Prix 4 today, this time with Mechanica just to see if I could get by with someone on the slower side. I'll probably do one or two of these a day until I'm through the whole roster, then move up to 5/6/7 later on once I collect more arms (still using defaults for now). Not much trouble at all for the most part, though Hedlok once again took me three attempts (with the first two ending in a very close 1-2).

Double Homie is hilarious in Skillshot. Absolutely cleaned out the CPU once I tried it.

Hedlok's meteor rush is easier to deal with via a sidestep than with a block. A block puts you at risk of taking damage if it breaks or if you lower your guard too early. But unlike a typical rush (at rank 4, anyway), the meteor doesn't have a follow-up: it's wide, yes, but if you keep your distance and dodge it, you can actually counter pretty safely—more safely than you can against other players.

In a three-round format, I'm finding it useful to save my rush for the next round if I'm ahead and think I can score a KO without it. Winning at high health isn't any different from winning at low health, so I might as well leave myself the option to open up the next round at an advantage (or at parity, if the opponent is also starting with a rush).

Oddly, compared to my first clear of GP 4, I did not get the sense that the CPU was input-reading and blocking every rush. Maybe that's the case in higher difficulties, but maybe I just didn't see it this time because I've learnt never to trigger a rush unless I'm dead sure I have an opening to land it.


If you are still trying to unlock Ranked, take your loadout into Training. Practice fundamentals. Know how to execute your transitions cleanly—block into punch, block into dash, punch into block, jump/dash/land into block, grab into dash (to evade a counter-grab if you miss), and so on. Put on the training stage where Min Min tries to punch you constantly with Megawatts and learn the block-into-dash timing. Put on the stage where Ninjara tries to grab you and sit in a blocking position whenever you're idle, so you learn to deal with grabs in a practical situation where they might actually happen. Find out how long a window you need to charge your punches. Learn how the different glove types curve. If you're using motion controls, learn how to shift directions between successive dashes or jumps until you get it down consistently.


Introduced a friend to the game yesterday and played a few dozen matches in split-screen; I was up by about a dozen hours of experience so it wasn't really fair, but it did give me a window into the difficulties others might have with learning the game. My opponent, a very experienced Nintendo player, figured out the psychological and tactical dimension of the game right away but didn't take to the motion controls nearly as warmly as I did, finding everything a little too plodding and slow to respond. That, I think, was my first impression of the game in the first hour or two as well—I was one of the people who wanted stick movement with motion punching because the walk speed in this game is so painfully sluggish next to what you would ordinarily expect from a video game.

I've adjusted to it since, and I actually find the game quite frantic now that I'm precisely executing my directional dashes and blocks, but I can see why not everyone would have the patience to tough it out and learn the controls rather than dismissing them as clunky. (It was the same story with Star Fox Zero, which surprised me with how good it was once I was over the initial hump. There are bad controls, and there are controls that are merely tough but fair. Both Zero and Arms fall into the latter category.)

Tried switching to button controls for a match or two; can't stand them. I'm playing this game to get away from button-based fighters.


Spring Man totally feels like he reads your inputs. Trying to beat him with Ribbon Girl was frustrating. I ended up just trying to stay away from him and throw some well placed punches and wait for my meter to go up.
I'm trying to force myself to be able to competently and consistently beat some of the training modes (specifically grab spam) but fuck me, man, this game is still just not totally clicking. I've gotten BETTER but I'm by no means GOOD. it's starting to become a little frustrating.


I was gonna pick this up until I realize you needed 4 joy cons to do local battle. I can't really justify nearly 170 bucks for that


I don't get how MinMins dragon works.

You hit the punch button, the dragon launches in the direction you punch, and once it shoots the laser you can move your beam from left to right or right to left.

It's really, really annoying. But nothing is more annoying than DNA Man with dual Dragon Fists. It's borderline broken.
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