Zaptruder said:
Isn't T4 going to be all about the future war?
Yep...T3's finale (which is my favourite scene in the entire series) pretty much makes that clear.
I liked T3 when I first saw it at the theatre, and after watching it again a couple months ago I still like it. I've never really thought of T2 as a sacred cow or a perfect movie, and certainly don't care much about the storyline being inconsistent considering how ****ed up it is in the first two movies (made worse by really is a mess when you think about it). The very concept of time travel is impossible anyway, so I never get too worked up over the details (otherwise I'd hate the BTTF series). I just thought T3 was a fun ride, and a terrific setup to the movie I've always wanted to see...Terminator: Future War. Arnie's presence in such a movie isn't gonna be needed for more than the cameos, so that isn't an issue for me either.
All that said, even I'd admit that in a way, T3 was largely unneccessary (hell I remember hating everything about it when it was first announced). I think they could've just made a future war movie straight up, without the lead in...set it up as a possible alternate future with no clear answer (like Total Recall's ending), or simply made it based on what Connor went through to get from the nuclear holocaust to sending the Terminators back. But having said that, the last ten minutes of T3 justify it's really was one of the coolest endings I've ever seen. And T3 is one of the few genuine, 80's style action flicks I've seen in a while, so I appreciated it from that standpoint.