They were shooting, he was standing unarmed and caught."Don't shoot him! Ignore the 15 or so guys that we just iced. What would your partner want?"
But yo, that burger looked legit good.
They were shooting, he was standing unarmed and caught."Don't shoot him! Ignore the 15 or so guys that we just iced. What would your partner want?"
But yo, that burger looked legit good.
Does Wild Dog use real live rounds in those pistols or what? He never seems hit anyone. And would Ollie be alright with him using lethal rounds?
Dig definitely uses tranq darts, but I think Wild Dog is using live rounds. Best case scenario, he's using rubber bullets.
They were shooting, he was standing unarmed and caught.
I like to think they were love rounds (and even if not, Dinah was certainly just using a real gun). It makes Ollie's speech about how they can help her and nobody had to die even more absurd, since they aced like 15 guys a few minutes later.
Think it's funny people still trying to guess Vigilante identify, when it was known pre-season via the person's acting call/description. Lol
So I have seen only two episodes so far this season: 8 and 11. Going back and watching from scratch has been such a pleasure.
I just hate it how he needs a stupid team. I mean they got that on Supergirl and The Flash. I wish they would shake up the formular and let Green Arrow go out on cool solo missions. The new team sucks anyway, but thankfully we got a competent new Black Canary, so hopefully she can lift the show a bit.
But honestly I can remember much from past seasons. Season 4 was Damien Dhark, and was Season 3 the whole Merlyn thing? And Season 2 was Ra's al Ghul?
Um Arrow had a team first, Supegirl is the one with a pointless team.
Honestly I wouldn't have even started this season if it was solo Oliver.
4 = Dhark
3 = Ra's
2 = Slade
1 = Merlyn
The new team sucks anyway, but thankfully we got a competent new Black Canary, so hopefully she can lift the show a bit.
Team Supergirl really did not need to exist until season 3 or 4. The presence of so many character has really stunted the show.
At the very least Wynn and James should have been the same character. Unless Wynn turns out to be Braniac 5, then all is forgiven.
Alex isn't really a fighter anymore, she turned into the brain. And miss Martian isn't even on the team.Supegirl gets Martian Manjobber because that was a decent pick and brought me in after quickly dropping the show.
But Alex was initially unnecessary, James is completely unnecessary and Wynn is somehow less interesting than Felicity.
just fuck their Miss Martian all together.
Both Arrow teams I liked but the first just didn't feel as real of a team as this group.
Season 5 Episode 1 - 5
Pretty good so far.
Has anyone considered the possibility that Prometheus is somehow Oliver's Father? The renewed interest on the book points it to being the proverbial fire.
And miss Martian isn't even on the team.
So what happened to Laurel now?
If it was a decent Miss Martian i'd want her as part of the team, I can't stand her even getting screentime as is.
Black Siren? She's being held in a special facility near the city. She's basically back in jail
Feels like Prometheus could find and break her out easily at any time. Then again, I suppose it's not hard to have better security than STAR Labs.
The best part about Prometheus is that he's one step ahead and so personal with Oliver. He's maybe be the least intimidating in combat (seems about Merlyn level?) but still really scary because he has knowledge and prep time.
Feels like Prometheus could find and break her out easily at any time. Then again, I suppose it's not hard to have better security than STAR Labs.
Prometheus is like Merlyn had he known Oliver's secret the second he put on the Hood. He(or she) is prepared for everything. Tranquil darts? Built up immunity. Hand to hand combat? Trained with one of Oliver's teachers. Has a team of recruits? Has a mole on the inside.
Guy I used to work with has been making some cool comic book sketches for his Twitter/Facebook, he did an Arrow one last night...
I wouldn't mind Black Siren joining the Legion of Doom. Would make a great foil for Sara.
Its so weird that the team of jobbers is way more enjoyable than Thea, Roy, Ray, Laurel, etc were.
OLVIER RETURNS TO RUSSIA - A mission takes Oliver (Stephen Amell), Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and team to Russia where they meet up with Oliver's old friend, Anatoly (guest star David Nykl). Meanwhile, fresh out of rehab, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) returns to the mayor's office ready to get back to work. However, when Prometheus (guest star Carly Pope) asks for an interview with Lance to discuss his addiction, he balks and it's up to Rene (guest star Rick Gonzalez) to help keep things on track. Ben Bray directed the episode written by Oscar Balderrama & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#512).
Preview up:
Looks like Wild Dog is staying behind to keep an eye on the city.
Makes sense. The newbies should be able to keep the town up for a week
You mean theonly single newbie? lol
Preview up:
Looks like Wild Dog is staying behind to keep an eye on the city.