Sölf;220051984 said:I like Ragman. And yeah, he will definitly go bonkers when he finds out that Felicity was the one who redirected the rocket. And I already know I don't want to see the drama that will unfold then.
PrometheusGreat episode.
But what did he say at the end there; call me....what?
Is he another Green Arrow wannabe?
Two really solid episodes. I'm not going to say "Arrow is back" yet because there's still a long ways to go, though. These two episodes feel very reactionary to the complaints of season 4 though. Olicity is done, Felicity isn't hijacking plots, Oliver is back to being brutal, Oliver is working alone, the flashbacks are actually relevant and entertaining.
I can't wait for Prometheus to turn out to be Felicity's boyfriend, and she's forced to choose in a drawn out love triangle.
I can't wait for Prometheus to turn out to be Felicity's boyfriend, and she's forced to choose in a drawn out love triangle.
I can't wait for Prometheus to turn out to be Felicity's boyfriend, and she's forced to choose in a drawn out love triangle.
I can't wait for Prometheus to turn out to be Felicity's boyfriend, and she's forced to choose in a drawn out love triangle.
Is diggle and roy still in the show?
Why is olicity done? Her new bf?
She mentioned some of her tech was destroyed by the Ghosts in S4 which is why her boyfriend was needed. She's still with PalmerTech is some capacity, their base is still under there.
Their base is under Oliver's campaign office. You're thinking of the first base in season four, which was under PalmerTech,
-I spilled latte on my laptop at the cafe shop.
-Latte? Because there are bulletholes
-My coffeeshop is in a bad neighbourhood
This is why one can't help but ship them.
Also noticed that Thea still looks she wants to flirt with Oliver.
Stephen is seemingly happily married to a model.those two actors must fuck constantly
Stephen is seemingly happily married to a model.
Homell? Stella? We need a good name.we have Stemily so why not Stepwilla?
Stephen is seemingly happily married to a model.
So what the hell is the explanation of Ragman's rags? Are they magic like in the comics or what?
So what the hell is the explanation of Ragman's rags? Are they magic like in the comics or what?
oh, had no idea
well maybe that's it then, they never hooked up and the sexual tension is bleeding through my tv
Clearly Prometheus is Tommy.
That had to be one of the strongest episodes in years, I think. Very solid character work and using the weight of the last 4 seasons to drive the plot, and dialogue flowed noticeably better and with more clarity than the norm. Action scenes were also better shot/choreographed and direct, featuring less aimless flailing and soft shootouts.
Arrow back?
Here is his happy family.
Still wondering which Amell got the better looking wife.