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Arrow S5 |OT| You thought you were out, but Manu Bennett pulls you back in.


Sölf;220051984 said:
I like Ragman. And yeah, he will definitly go bonkers when he finds out that Felicity was the one who redirected the rocket. And I already know I don't want to see the drama that will unfold then.

Should help make good on their promise that the nuke will matter and be treated as it should.


Yeah. Arrow is good again.
See? I am not afraid to admit it. And Olicity is (temporarily) gone too, and wow, look at that, suddenly Felicity is not the center of the show.

Weird how things start working with all the subtle changes to the tone here and there.


Two really solid episodes. I'm not going to say "Arrow is back" yet because there's still a long ways to go, though. These two episodes feel very reactionary to the complaints of season 4 though. Olicity is done, Felicity isn't hijacking plots, Oliver is back to being brutal, Oliver is working alone, the flashbacks are actually relevant and entertaining.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Two really solid episodes. I'm not going to say "Arrow is back" yet because there's still a long ways to go, though. These two episodes feel very reactionary to the complaints of season 4 though. Olicity is done, Felicity isn't hijacking plots, Oliver is back to being brutal, Oliver is working alone, the flashbacks are actually relevant and entertaining.

yeah, it really does feel like all of my complaints have been addressed in these first 2 episodes.

i really hope it sticks because when this show is good, it's so much fun.


I can't wait for Prometheus to turn out to be Felicity's boyfriend, and she's forced to choose in a drawn out love triangle.


I can't wait for Prometheus to turn out to be Felicity's boyfriend, and she's forced to choose in a drawn out love triangle.

Shit that's going happen

Was secretly hoping we was getting Earth 2 Tommy instead even though he on that other show he can guest slot for villain role
Olicity going to be back it's just a question of when and how .
Once the writers try not to do stupid drama with it things can still be good.
It's not like it was problem in the first set of eps last season .

I can't wait for Prometheus to turn out to be Felicity's boyfriend, and she's forced to choose in a drawn out love triangle.

Her even having problems with that choice would be stupid truth be told .
If her BF end up being Prometheus so maybe it will happen lol.

The Hobo

She mentioned some of her tech was destroyed by the Ghosts in S4 which is why her boyfriend was needed. She's still with PalmerTech is some capacity, their base is still under there.

Their base is under Oliver's campaign office. You're thinking of the first base in season four, which was under PalmerTech,


Ragman is based on Jewish mysticism, Promethus is tech based. They look too similar- I'm not sure why they went this route.
I wish they put more into the costume design, though. Prometheus looks like Ragman looks like Dark Archer looks like Green Arrow. I honestly thought Ragman and he were the same guy.
First two episodes have been great, but I can already see where the problems will come. Felicity's boyfriend making the comment about "I haven't met any of your friends" is just a giant warning sign of "INCOMING JEALOUSY DRAMA"
Two episodes was all it took to draw me back in from Season 4s bullshit. Loving the start of this season, and the fact that Ollie is like "fuck you, I'm going back to straight up murdering fools. You don't like it, get off my team." And at least Olicity is done for the time being, until he probably gets offed at the mid-season finale or something.
Two great episodes in a row? I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about this whole thing again. The trailers really did a bad job of conveying this season's ideas. Oliver, once again, has two contrasting sides (Oliver Queen/the mayor and Green Arrow), people are trying to solve problems by communicating with one another, Felicity is back to being a reasonable character, Diggle's story is engaging, the new recruits are pretty cool so far, the flashbacks are interesting for the first time in years, the villain is menacing... it's as if they listened to our criticism in the past couple of years!


This was a good episode, I really dug Ragman. They need to find a way to bring in Midnighter for a couple episodes though, that'd be super awesome.
That had to be one of the strongest episodes in years, I think. Very solid character work and using the weight of the last 4 seasons to drive the plot, and dialogue flowed noticeably better and with more clarity than the norm. Action scenes were also better shot/choreographed and direct, featuring less aimless flailing and soft shootouts.

Arrow back?
I told myself that Ragman and Prometheus were different people, yet kept doubting it because they look so similar. I was convinced I must be wrong until I read in this thread that they ARE different people. They REALLY look the same. It's just the weapons that tell them apart.


tbh they don't even look that much alike. Ragman looks way more ragged, and correct me if I'm wrong, but Prometheus doesn't have a coat that goes past his knees


So what the hell is the explanation of Ragman's rags? Are they magic like in the comics or what?

Yes. From what I gather they were just able to track it because it went through a nuclear explosion. They didn't go into detail about its origins, because they obviously don't want to get to deep into any religious stuff.


So what the hell is the explanation of Ragman's rags? Are they magic like in the comics or what?

The implication is that they're mystical, since they've been around for hundreds of years and protected Ragman from the nuclear blast. But the show might not go into too many details.


oh, had no idea

well maybe that's it then, they never hooked up and the sexual tension is bleeding through my tv

Here is his happy family.


Still wondering which Amell got the better looking wife.


Chili Con Carnage!
Really enjoyed these two episodes, for me this season will go one of two ways, and the second way will involve Malcolm being Prometeus and me not watching the show any more.
That had to be one of the strongest episodes in years, I think. Very solid character work and using the weight of the last 4 seasons to drive the plot, and dialogue flowed noticeably better and with more clarity than the norm. Action scenes were also better shot/choreographed and direct, featuring less aimless flailing and soft shootouts.

Arrow back?

forreal? damn i was considering not even watching this season (aside from next week's for the guest actor lol) but i guess i'll get on these first couple then.


Just caught up. Two episodes were good. I still find Felicity insufferable, but her role being toned down and no Olicity means I can't complain too much.

The only thing I didn't like is something I have a problem with the show in general and that's the moments where it kind of acts like Oliver doesn't have a point for the sake of teaching him a lesson. Yes, the rookies needed to trust him, but the fact remains they suck right now. Yeah, Wild Dog* got them a sample from Ragman....by disobeying orders and engaging an enemy they knew little about. Shit that, under other circumstances, could have gotten him, the team, or civilians killed. Further, Oliver is the fucking mayor. You damn right he shouldn't be revealing his identity to baby Canary and Diet Casey Jones.

Oliver was absolutely right to be like "Yo, I'm being hard on them cause one of us just died and this shit is dangerous." And lol at Felicity's snide remark about Ollie needing a team at the arm's deal because what was the alternative? Not go? Because surely she didn't mean take the rookies, who had little combat training or field experience and at least one who is prone to doing what he wants.

*Also, Wild Dog is just generally an annoying twat. I don't even know why Oliver called him back. Especially now that he's got the gawd Ragman.


Tommy as Prometheus would be the amazing thing that could never happen. Fucking Chicago Med.

It's crazy that I'm excited for more Arrow and we don't even have Dolph yet!
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