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Arrow S5 |OT| You thought you were out, but Manu Bennett pulls you back in.

Thanks guys I'll get back to season 4 then because I can't skip shit when I watch a series. It's either all or nothing and I made it through the shitshow that was season 3 after all. At least Darhk is charismatic and fun to watch even when they use him poorly. The Olicity drama can fuck off though. That's probably the worst thing in all these shows. Whenever they establish a relationship there has to be conflict all the time. They can't just say "yo these two are together now, let's get on with the plot", at least for a while. Just calm the fuck down. At least then there is a chance that the conflict means something when it eventually happens.

That is how it is in most CW shows .
They take years to ship people and they don't even last a season lol .
And the drama that comes from it normally stupid as hell .
We can blame Barry for a lot of things lately it seems like. Mostly for being a fucking dumbass.

If he Told Oliver that lying to Felicity would fuck up the relationship instead of being cryptic about it, we would've definitely been better off...

but here goes unnecessary relationship drama.....


For Oliver lying to his friends and loved ones is usually the wrong choice as it turns out. Not that he ever learns from that. He says he won't do it again but two episodes later his memory fails him on that part.
The one thing I don't want them to do is to have two mobs run at each other while one side has guns. That was stupid with Brick, and it was doubly stupid with Darhk. I also hate how in that huge mob fight, everyone just leaves the leaders a wide berth to fight each other, and the whole thing ends when the bad guy leader goes down. Yeah, no. Please.
I hope this Bratva flashback leads to something great. So tired of team drama. I understand that it´s a new team and they need to train, but damn, i am so tired of the same drama.


Hey, we're four for four so far. They've really stepped it up this season, ironically by stepping down. The smaller scale and slower pace is really helping.
I am loving Chad Coleman as Church here. Loved him as Cutty in the Wire, and he was never given much to do on TWD. Here he seems to be relishing the opportunity. There's so many little quirks to the way he's delivering lines that could've just been standard gangster garbage, but he's brought fun and intensity to the role.
People don't actually want them together. See castle or the Flash.

They don't ?
Don't really following shipping that sort of way .
But i thought they did , well at least some of the fan base talking about arrow.
Same for castle .
Wondering how the flash going to do things .
Happy couple becomes boring.

Tell that to Friday night lights then. And a stable couple in media can still have their ups and downs. It doesn't automatically negate any potential for drama just because they're together

CW relationships are WOAT. The constant will they/wont they stuff sucks. Barry/Iris have been at their most tolerable together than ever before....don't seem so boring to me


Sitcoms have figured out you can have happy couples for like five years now.

Dramas need to catch up. You can still have stakes without breaking up a relationship.
Happy couple becomes boring.

Only if your stuck in a relationship where courtship is the only challenge, and marriage as a final destination instead of another step in the lives of the characters. Have them face challenges together, that test both of them. See how they come together to figure out a solution.

Go back and watch Scrubs. Turk and Carla became more interesting as the series went on, while JD and Elliot became more and more insufferable. It's because Turk and Carla were given storylines that tested them without having to break them up, while JD and Elliot were stuck in the will they won't they cycle.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Some of these romantic pairings have almost no romantic chemistry, in my opinion. Like Oliver and Felicity had a James Bond & Ms. Moneypenny thing going on. It was more fun when she got hot and bothered by his physique. They don't seem to know what to do with the couple beyond that.

I don't think these shows have any interest in exploring the depths of adult relationships, so all they can do is play The Break-up to Make-up Game. Fuck, don't fuck. I don't care. Just stick with it and get into a fight in a Vancouver warehouse already.

I'm on an island by myself with this but I don't feel any chemistry between Barry & Iris in The Flash. I don't really even buy into the in-universe explanation of them being together. It just feels like contrived "Geek gets the girl" wish fulfilment, a gender swapped mirror image of Felicity & Oliver. Diggle and Lyla is a good couple, I "dig" what's going on there. And the fact that they've actually gotten remarried is different.
Tell that to Friday night lights then. And a stable couple in media can still have their ups and downs. It doesn't automatically negate any potential for drama just because they're together

CW relationships are WOAT. The constant will they/wont they stuff sucks. Barry/Iris have been at their most tolerable together than ever before....don't seem so boring to me

Sitcoms have figured out you can have happy couples for like five years now.

Dramas need to catch up. You can still have stakes without breaking up a relationship.

Only if your stuck in a relationship where courtship is the only challenge, and marriage as a final destination instead of another step in the lives of the characters. Have them face challenges together, that test both of them. See how they come together to figure out a solution.

Go back and watch Scrubs. Turk and Carla became more interesting as the series went on, while JD and Elliot became more and more insufferable. It's because Turk and Carla were given storylines that tested them without having to break them up, while JD and Elliot were stuck in the will they won't they cycle.

I agree with everything here .
A couple having problems don't have to mean break up .
Even after marriage they can grow also .
A lot of shows just lazy when it comes to this sort of stuff but that is whole other topic.


Tell that to Friday night lights then. And a stable couple in media can still have their ups and downs. It doesn't automatically negate any potential for drama just because they're together

I remember Julie and Matt being separate for most of the show. They did a great job and even they had to have them break up three or four times.

Only if your stuck in a relationship where courtship is the only challenge, and marriage as a final destination instead of another step in the lives of the characters. Have them face challenges together, that test both of them. See how they come together to figure out a solution.

Go back and watch Scrubs. Turk and Carla became more interesting as the series went on, while JD and Elliot became more and more insufferable. It's because Turk and Carla were given storylines that tested them without having to break them up, while JD and Elliot were stuck in the will they won't they cycle.

It is because it was not the Turk and Carla show. They were the couple to which JD looked up to. They were barney and Betty Rubble. Important characters but not the relation the show cared about. Same reason why Diggle and Lyla can work.


It is because it was not the Turk and Carla show. They were the couple to which JD looked up to. They were barney and Betty Rubble. Important characters but not the relation the show cared about. Same reason why Diggle and Lyla can work.

Leslie and Ben


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I remember Julie and Matt being separate for most of the show. They did a great job and even they had to have them break up three or four times.

I HATED that. Everything was cool and then Season 2 starts and she's all about "The Swede" suddenly. Come on!
From Natalie Abrams' Spoiler Room


When are we finally going to see Kovar (Dolph Lundgren) on Arrow? — Brindy

Dolph Lundgren will make his first appearance as Kovar in episode 506, and because of his strong performance during his first day on the job, executive producer Marc Guggenheim tells me they extended the actor’s involvement in the show past the originally planned three episodes. “Dolph brings so much presence,” Guggenheim says. “He really holds the screen incredibly well. It’s an enormous amount of fun to see him and Stephen [Amell] in scenes together.” As for the character, Guggenheim says, “Kovar is very much a villain certainly in the Arrow vein, which is to say he’s pretty badass, he’s pretty evil, but he, of course, does not think of himself as such. He thinks of himself as doing the right thing, which, in that sense, makes him very similar to a lot of the villains that we’ve had in the past. What is interesting about Kovar is he has a mix of intelligence and physical presence that we haven’t necessarily seen. He’s physically bigger than a lot of our villains that we’ve had in the past.”


From Natalie Abrams' Spoiler Room


When are we finally going to see Kovar (Dolph Lundgren) on Arrow? — Brindy

We knew what episode he was coming in, but interesting that it was originally going to be such a short arc.

Also here's the #5.07 "Vigilante" Synopsis. I wonder what character this episode is introducing...

DOLPH LUNDGREN ("ROCKY IV") GUEST STARS - When the bodies of two criminals are dropped at SCPD, Oliver (Stephen Amell) realizes there is a new Vigilante in Star City. The team is split about whether they should stop someone who is helping keep the city safe. Diggle (David Ramsey) is frustrated with his new situation and Thea (Willa Holland) fights for Lance (Paul Blackthorne) who confesses a shocking secret. Meanwhile, in the flashbacks, Oliver finally sits down with Konstantin Kovar (guest star Dolph Lundgren).


Junior Member
Just saw the new episode. Finally, the show is getting good again. The flashbacks are even getting interesting!

Ragman is my favorite new character. I hope they explore more of his backstory.
Honestly the first half of the season did this....and then the crossover happened...

We can blame Barry for that.....

Arrow would have been much better off if they had killed Felicity off during Darkh's ambush. It would have upped the stakes for the second half and given Oliver a reason to go dark and kill again and we would have been spared the Olicity drama that made the back half of S4 shit tier.


Felicity doesn't need to die. She just literally never needs to even so much as entertain the possibility of ending up in a relationship with Oliver again. They tried it out, it didn't work. Now just leave them as friendly co-workers.


Olicity as a functioning relationship was never bad, and it's stupid that people seem to think it was. The first seven episodes of S4 were fine for it.


This show lost its edge big time. The new team is corny and Curtis looks absolutely hilarious (in a bad way) in his hero costume. Arrow and Diggle was the best combination, this Super Friends stuff is just lame.
Olicity is happening again, whether you like it or not.

They just need to stay together this time.



Olicity as a functioning relationship was never bad, and it's stupid that people seem to think it was. The first seven episodes of S4 were fine for it.

See that's the thing though. You forget that this is the CW, where unnecessary relationship drama is apparently mandatory, at least for its superhero shows anyways. If I could trust the show to be chill about them dating again, perhaps it'd deserve a second chance. But I know better. It's just best for them to not bother with this again anytime soon.


They'll take another crack at Canarrow with Neo-Laurel first.

There simply was no chemistry between them. Unless either of them is recasted, there never will be. So why would you want that? Staying close to the comics and ignoring what works on the show would be just dumb.

See that's the thing though. You forget that this is the CW, where unnecessary relationship drama is apparently mandatory, at least for its superhero shows anyways. If I could trust the show to be chill about them dating again, perhaps it'd deserve a second chance. But I know better. It's just best for them to not bother with this again anytime soon.

We are coming to the period in the show where they just make it work to keep them happy for a year.
There simply was no chemistry between them. Unless either of them is recasted, there never will be. So why would you want that? Staying close to the comics and ignoring what works on the show would be just dumb.

We are coming to the period in the show where they just make it work to keep them happy for a year.

There was chemistry between Amell and Katie Cassidy, they just wrote it horribly with each of them taking turns being terrible to each other. With better writers, they could have done a proper Arrow/BC pairing and the actors would have been good in it.

I saw way less chemistry between Amell and EBR. I still don't see how this ship got started when all it had going was an occasional sexual double entendre from Felicity, that Oliver ignored played for comic relief and then the plot point at the end of Season 2 when they made Felicity out to be the love of his life to fool Slade Wilson so he wouldn't go after Laurel.


There was chemistry between Amell and Katie Cassidy, they just wrote it horribly with each of them taking turns being terrible to each other. With better writers, they could have done a proper Arrow/BC pairing and the actors would have been good in it.

No, there is simply no potential between them. They didn't feel natural together in any romantic scene. He literally has more chemistry with every other female on the show. Shado, McKenna, Sara, Huntress, Felicity, Nyssa, Thea, Moira, ... They looked a lot more comfortable together once the show stopped pretending there would ever be any romantic potential between them. It doesn't help that for three seasons we hardly saw them hang out together in social settings outside of the show, while Stephen always looks chummy with the others when hanging out for cons.

I saw way less chemistry between Amell and EBR. I still don't see how this ship got started when all it had going was an occasional sexual double entendre from Felicity, that Oliver ignored played for comic relief and then the plot point at the end of Season 2 when they made Felicity out to be the love of his life to fool Slade Wilson so he wouldn't go after Laurel.



There was chemistry between Amell and Katie Cassidy, they just wrote it horribly with each of them taking turns being terrible to each other. With better writers, they could have done a proper Arrow/BC pairing and the actors would have been good in it.

I saw way less chemistry between Amell and EBR. I still don't see how this ship got started when all it had going was an occasional sexual double entendre from Felicity, that Oliver ignored played for comic relief and then the plot point at the end of Season 2 when they made Felicity out to be the love of his life to fool Slade Wilson so he wouldn't go after Laurel.

That's some serious revisionist history right there.

The whole issue with Oliver/Laurel was that it felt obligatory and mechanical, like the only reason it was even a thing was because Green Arrow and Black Canary are the comic pairing. During the time they were pushing it, Oliver and Felicity did feel like a more natural direction they were avoiding (not unlike the woes of Smallville with Clark ignoring numerous more suited female characters in favour of a flat, endless pursuit of Lana for...some reason).

I would not say the reason that on-screen relationship did not work was because they lacked chemistry, if anything that's the sole reason they ended up diverting from their plans, the idea of an Oliver/Felicity relationship wound up much more plausible and thus popular, so they went with that. The reason it didn't work was because they made it far too central to the show, and far too based in irritating melodrama that derailed Felicity's character from what it had been previous.

So yes, don't confuse them fucking up the execution with the idea that they shouldn't have ever tried it in the first place. There was certainly basis for them to try it.
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