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ARROW Season 2 |OT| Back in a Flash

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Only if she takes Laurel with her.

Arrow-GAF: It's been a long three weeks since the last episode, but the wait is almost over. I wanted to put together a brief recap of where things stand as we get ready for Wednesday's new episode.

First, be aware of this note in the OP. We've discussed this quite a few times and it's been in the OP for a few weeks. Please be considerate and don't derail the thread with this nonsense. If you have any questions, send me a PM and we can talk about it. Thank you.
Cornballer said:
The sniping regarding Katie Cassidy's appearance continues to be incredibly mean-spirited and derail the thread. There's plenty of other things to talk about with respect to Arrow, so stop the idiotic chin jokes and let's discuss something else.

Moving on...

Here's a bunch of articles from the last three weeks that you might have missed: (there are spoilers in most of these)

Here's the relevant videos:
- Promo for next episode (20 second version, please spoiler tag any discussion)
- Extended promo for next episode (please spoiler tag any discussion)
- Extended promo on Facebook (youtube copy, minute long version, please spoiler tag any discussion)
- Behind the scenes of the fight choreography.
- Stephen Amell's day in a life video
- Time Of Death Producer's Preview
- Amell at Dallas Comic Con (youtube interview, some spoilers)​

Also, these posts (among many others) were fun:
Welcome to the new age.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Is there a summary of all of Wozzly fanfic posts with links and all ? I hate to say it, but i really dig them...


She (I'm surmising) may or may not be the author of all of them.

Season One

Oliver stumbled into his room stripped naked and jumped into bed. He had a fever and the chills; not an ideal condition for a vigilante. He closed his eyes and began thinking. He thought of everything from those you had failed this city to the mysterious “Undertaking.” He had no idea what that was or when it would happen, let alone who was involved. Oliver dozed off and was awakened to a knock at his door.
“Come in,” he croaked. His voice was going.
The door opened slowly and Moira peeked her head in. “Oliver are you ok? You don’t look so good.” She entered the room wearing her night gown. Her mind started to race. There he was her son sick and in desperate need of his mother. Tonight though his mother was gone and in her place was a woman with special needs, sexual needs. Ever since Walter disappeared she grew more and more desperate to have a man in her arms.
Moira was at his bedside when Oliver looked up at her. Her night gown fell to the floor. “Mom what are you doing?” Oliver said trying to make sense of what was going on.
“Nothing dear, let mother take care of you,” she pulled back the blankets and slid into bed beside him. “I’ll make sure everything is better.”

Oliver slowed to a jog. He had been running for what seemed like hours from the mercenaries that he came across. He looked around at the surrounding woods as he panted, his icy breath appearing like mist before him. His body ached; he just wanted to lie down and sleep for days with a hot meal, that wouldn’t so bad, he thought to himself. He knew he had to keep moving or risk being captured. He walked for a bit and came across a derelict airplane; it should provide shelter for at least a night. He knew the mercs would be close by morning.
He walked into the plane and looked around and saw that it appeared as if someone had been living there. He saw a plate with some food that was half eaten. He rushed towards the food not caring if it was someone’s left overs; he was starving. He ate quickly and nearly chocked. It tasted so good even though he had no clue what he ate exactly. He was about to get up when something grabbed him from behind.
“Don’t you move a muscle,” said a raspy voice with an accent. His grip was tight. The mysterious man lifted him up and turned him around. Oliver came face to face with a man in a mask one half black, the other yellow.
“YOU! You’re the one that nearly killed me at the camp!” Oliver screamed at the man. Before he could finish screaming at him, the man in the mask threw him to the floor. Oliver stared at him in horror. Why didn’t he kill me? It’s not like I’m worth anything, he probably doesn’t even know who I am.
The man stood over him. Oliver could hear his breathing. “They call me Deathstroke,” the masked man said. Deathstroke kneeled down and took Oliver’s face into his hand and whispered, “You’re mine now.” He lifted his mask to reveal his lips. What’s going on? What’s he doing? Oliver couldn’t make sense of it. Deathstroke grabbed Oliver’s head and held it still. Deathstroke’s revealed lips turned into a smile and that was when he inched closer to Oliver’s face and kissed him lightly then harder. Oliver was helpless to Deathstroke’s advances and could do nothing but lock lips with his enemy, trying desperately to his assailant’s tongue from his mouth but that proved useless as Deathstroke kissed with such ferocity, such force it took him aback.



Oliver sat seated upon a crate in the derelict cargo plane. He sat up right as Slade entered through the side. It was Monday and that meant it was shaving day. Ollie could not shave his own face without cutting himself so he left that task to his right hand man. Slade kneeled in front of Oliver and took out his shaving utensils. Seeing Slade in front of Ollie sent goosebumps through his body. He was shaking from excitement and from lust.
“Ok then, let’s get started.” Slade applied the shaving cream all over Ollie’s face. As he applied it he massaged his skin. This feels good, Ollie thought to himself as Slade continued his craft.
The razor Slade used was big and sharp, just like something else, Ollie muttered under his breath.
“What was that? Slade said smiling; he had caught what Mr. Queen said but that alright, he would get him back. Slade shaved the rest of Ollie’s facial hair and smiled at his work. It was like art shaving such a beautiful face.
As Slade smiled he took his hand and pressed his thumb over Oliver’s lip. He could feel Ollie’s body shake from just that touch. Slade continued running his thumb over his lip and finally took it away and he kneeled there starting into the billionaire’s eyes. Look at him, so perfect. I could teach him a few things.
Slade leaned towards Ollie’s face and their lips met. Oliver could feel Slade’s warm breath. It made him feel alive again. Oliver did not want this moment to end. Oliver kissed Slade with such force it took Slade aback. He wants me, Slade thought, mind racing as they continued to kiss.

The prison cell was cold. All Moira Queen had to keep her warm was a raggedy blanket. She heard the loud echoes of the guard’s footsteps outside. They stopped right outside her cell. What could they want?
“Queen, you have a visitor.” The guard said. The gate opened and they came in and cuffed Moira and led her out of her tiny cell.
The walk to the visiting hall seemed to take a million years. She was curious who had come to visit her. She had no visitors at all since she was imprisoned. Not even her children had come, though she could not blame them after what she had done. The guard opened the door to the visiting room and led her in.
“You have 20 minutes.” He said as he closed the door.
She said her thanks and turned around to look at her visitor. Standing there was her son, Oliver. He looked so much like Robert, tall and handsome. Her body began to ache and long for his touch. Come to mamma, sweetie. She ran towards Oliver and embraced him.
“I missed you so much…” she began to say until Oliver stopped her.
“Mom, I missed you so much.” He said as he held her staring into her beautiful eyes. He could see the longing in them. It was like she could read his too and he began to ache. He could not hold it any longer. He picked up his mother and threw her down on the nearest table and began to kiss her uncontrollably. Oh my! How I missed you Ollie, she thought with every passionate kiss.

Thea queen celebrated her 21th birthday alone. She had no friends and the only person she had was gone. Oliver had been gone for years, in fact she never saw him after what happened in the Glades. She worried day and night if he was alive. Walter, their stepfather, spent so much money hoping he could find a lead anywhere. The destruction of the Glades brought more crime and everyone was scared. Thea was writing in her diary when her bedroom window opened.

“Whose there?” she said, her voice fearful.

“It’s me Speedy.”

It was her brother. Tears began to stream down her cheeks and Ollie approached her. He took his hand and wiped away the tears. Thea just looked up with her big eyes and Ollie could see the happiness in them.

“I gotta tell Mom…and Walter!” Thea turn and started towards the door when Ollie grasped her hand.

“Not yet, Thea.” His face showed concern.

“…ok,” she said. She could not look away from him. The years he was gone only built the frustration she had towards him. After the Glades incident every passing day only increased the love for her brother. “Ollie…I…I have to tell you something…”

She broke her off and brought his face close to her and kissed her.

“I love you, Thea.”


Laural Lance took the files from her bag and put them safely away in her safe. Once that was done she had the whole night to herself to relax and eat delicious bons bons. She turned to head towards the bedroom when she heard a loud buzzing noise followed by a flash of light in her living room. The light was bright like lightening and suddenly a space rift appeared. Out of it came a woman dressed in black with a cape.
Who is this? She looked familiar but Laurel could not place who.
The woman approached her and asked her a question: "Are you Laurel Lance?"
Laurel answered hesitantly,"...yes...who are you?"
The woman stared into her eyes, "They call me Black Canary."
"Black Canary?" Laurel had no idea who that was, but she could not take her eyes off of the woman calling herself Black Canary. There was something about her that made her heart beat.
"I'm your mother, Laurel." Laurel was taken aback. "What?!" Mom...no this can't be. Is this real life?"
The Black Canary took Laurel's hand,"It's OK honey. I've come to give you my powers so that one day you can fight the scum that has infested Starling City.
"I always wanted to fight crime, to take back this city. I'm honored mom."
"In order to be given such power I must kiss you, Laurel." The Black Canary approached Laurel's face and went in for the kiss. Their lips touched and chills went down Laurels body. She felt the Black Canary's power flow through her. Laurel Lance was no more. In her place stood the Black Canary.

Ollie noticed her as soon as she walked in. She carried herself well, like any professional woman would. She was wearing a tight fitting grey business suit. The tightness only accentuated her curvaceous body. Her top was parted at the top giving Ollie a good view of her cleavage. He looked down was mesmerized by her stockings and heels. Who is that? Ollie thought to himself as walked by him. He had never seen her in the offices before; he assumed she must be new. Oliver Queen was a man who got what he wanted and with that he stood up and sat right back down. Shit! My arrow is knocked! I can’t approach her like that. Oliver waited what felt like ages for it to be safe to approach the mysterious woman. Oliver started towards her and cleared his throat as he got near.
“Excuse me, but I must ask your name. Your beauty has caught me off guard.” He smiled at her. No way could she resist his piercing blue eyes.
“Oh you must be Oliver Queen. My name is Madison Rex. I am the new accountant for Queen Consolidated.” She returned his smile.
“Well, Ms. Rex , I look forward to working with you.” He shook her hand and turned and left for the elevator. He pressed the button for the IT department. He had to pay Felicity a visit to make sure the security system was updated.
Ollie entered Felicity’s office and found her bent over her Microsoft Surface Pro. Oliver wanted one as they were nifty as they had USB ports something not found in most tablet. Felicity looked up as he walked in. She had her hair pulled back, just the way Oliver liked it. After the incident in the Glades the two began dating but decided it was better to remain friends.
“Hey Felicity, could check someone out for me?” He looked around at the many computer screens that decorate the office wall.
“You know you can check me out anytime…Uh anyone out, I mean it doesn’t have to just be me…I’ll stop talking now.” She was blushing.
“Can you check someone named: Madison Rex.” He said sternly.
“Sure…may I ask who she is?” Oliver’s request always made her curious and a bit turned on.
“She is the new accountant.” He could not shake how striking that Rex woman was.
Felicity looked at Ollie and thought to herself. There is no one named Madison Rex here that was recently hired. She decided she would check out this woman before she said anything to Oliver. “Yeah, sure I’ll see what I can dig up shouldn’t take too long.”
* **
Ollie left the office late. He decided Felicity would get to when she had time after all it was the beginning of a new fiscal year so she had a lot on her plate. He was in the alley behind Queen Consolidated when he heard tires screeching and he turned and saw a non-descript van. It was coming towards him. Now what?! Ollie turned to run but he could not out run the van and soon it was right beside him. The door opened and a hood was placed over his head. He could sense his body being picked up and dragged into the van. It was dark.
He was in the van for what he could only assume was for an hour tops. The van stopped a short time later. He could not hear anything it was if it was just him in the van. His hood was soon taken off his head and before stood…Ollie blinked in surprise. Madison! It can’t be. Ollie was at a loss for words.
“It’s ok Oliver, I am not here to hurt you,” she said this in a soothing tone that was meant to reassure him. “In fact Mr. Queen, I’m here to save you.”
Ollie was confused, none of this made any sense. He was tied to a chair that was situated in the middle of the van. The rope was tight, he was going nowhere.
Madison Rex stood in front of Ollie and took off her grey business suit jacket. Next she lifted her leg onto Ollie’s lap, her heel digging into his flesh. She noticed Ollie’s arrow knocking. It was going according to plan; Madison could not help but smile. She moved in close to his face and licked his cheek with her tongue and then kissed him. She kissed him again and again and suddenly she backed away.
“You know what I want Mr. Queen?” she dug deeper. I want you take off my heels and stockings with your teeth.”
Oliver’s heart began beating really fast. There was something about her voice that drove him wild. He could not place the accent sounded like a subtle Australian accent. Whatever it was it only knocked him harder.
He got the tip of her stocking in his teeth and began to pull them down as he fought against the rope that bound him. He managed to lower them just a little bit till he realized he got something stuck between his teeth. Hair?! Who was this woman?!
Madison could see he discovered her hair. “What’s wrong Ollie? You don’t like a bit of hair?”
That accent, I know it from somewhere. Ollie struggled to remember. “Who are you?!” Oliver screamed at her. “Tell me!”
“You don’t remember me Ollie?” as she spoke her feminine voiced changed to a masculine one. The accent now more pronounced.
“Slade?!” Ollie could not grasp what was happening let alone let another word out before Slade kissed him again this time stroking his cheek and unbuttoning Ollie’s shirt.
“I see your arrow is still knocked. Why do you resist it?” Slade began kissing Oliver’s neck and Ollie could not help but let out a moan.
With each kiss it the arrow knocked harder till he could hold it back no more. The string broke and the arrow was loose.


There was a knock at the door. It was loud and startled Thea Queen as she was getting dressed for her 18th birthday. “Come in,” she hollered. She was in her closet putting on her new black leather thigh high boots that her mom bought her as an early present.
The door opened and she saw it was Diggle. He had a present in his hand wrapped in colorful giftwrap. She smiled at the thought of big ol’tough Diggle taking the time to wrap a birthday gift for her. He was pacing around the room. Thea poked her head out of the closet and told Diggle he could just leave the gift on her desk. Diggle did just that, he placed the gift next to her white Nokia Lumia 920. Once she was done dressing Thea joined Diggle in the main part of her bedroom.
“What’s up Diggle?” She asked smiling at him. His arms were about to rip apart his nice fitted dress shirt. Well, as fit as can be with muscles like Diggle’s. He must have noticed her lingering gaze as Diggle was starting right at her, eyes locking.
Diggle cleared his throat and spoke, “I just wanted to drop off your present. I’ll be going I have to pick Oliver up at Queen Consolidated.” He smiled at her one last time and turned to go, but not before Thea grabbed his arm. He turned and looked at her.
“Please stay a bit. I…I could use the company.” He led him to her bed where they stood.
“Thea, I don’t think this is…” before he could finish Thea lips touched his. She could feel Diggle’s heart beating a million times a second. Their lips parted. Diggle looked into Thea’s eyes and he took his hands and placed them around her head in a loving manner and moved his head closer to hers and kissed her. Oliver will just have to wait he thought as he continued to kiss Thea.


Season Two

Ollie was surrounded by Starling City’s finest SWAT team. Their lasers pointed at his head with precision. One wrong move and surely they would shoot a million bullets into his body. He never thought he would ever find himself in such a position. What do I do?! He thought, sweat running down his forehead. I’m surrounded. I can’t get out of this.[/INDENT] Somebody pushed their way to the front. It was Detective Lance. He had a smile on his face. “So we finally caught The Hood. I knew we would. You were sure to make a mistake, sooner or later.” He walked around Ollie and took his hands and cuffed him. “Let’s take him downtown, boys.” With that a sack was placed over his face. All Ollie saw was darkness.
Ollie soon found himself shackled to the table in the interrogation room. The sack was still over his head. He heard the door opened and footsteps approached the table. “So how about we start by seeing who you really are.” It was Detective Lance. As the sack came off, Ollie was blinded by the bright fluorescent lights of the interrogation room. There stood Lance smiling with his quiver in his hand. “I’m gonna unmask you now.” He put the quiver down on the table and walked over behind The Vigilante and pulled back his hood. “Oliver Queen…I should have known you would be behind this.”
“I’ve done more for this city than you’ll ever do!” Oliver shouted at Lance. Oliver was fuming. His identity was now known. He would never see the light of day again.
“What? You killing everyone in sight is doing more for this city?” Lance picked up the quicker and poured out the arrows. He picked up one. It was an arrow with a hard rubber fist at the end. “What’s this for?”
“To knock people out” Ollie responded.
“Oh? I had something else in mind.” He smiled. “Stand up now!” Ollie resisted, but Lance picked him up the arm so he was standing. Lance put his face close to Ollie’s and spoke in ear, “You know I’ve always had my eye out for you, Queen.” Lance could smell the sweat musk that came from Oliver’s ripped body. “After Sarah died, I changed my tastes.”
“Is that so?” Oliver said. Not sure what would come of this new development. He tried to remain calm but Detective Lance suddenly began to group his private area. The hell is he doing?!” Ollie could not help that he began to feel things down there. I can’t keep it down!”
Lance walked away back towards the table and grabbed the fist arrow. “Drop ‘em Mr. Queen.” Oliver did so, but not reluctantly. There was a reason why he always carried that arrow. He was waiting for just the right person to use it. His pants dropped to the floor and soon he felt the hard rubber fist in his behind.
“You like that huh?” Lance asked.
“You’re so gentle, Detective. I thought you were a man of force.” Ollie said.
“Oh I’m just getting warmed up,” Lance said as spanked Oliver’s shaped butt.
“I guess this is the bad cop routine, huh?” I like when you’re bad, Detective Lance. Ollie reached back and caressed Lance's thick chest pair pulling it hard. Lance cried out in sudden pain and surprise. “You like this rough stuff, good.” Ollie turned around to look at him. Lance stared at billionaire vigilante and could not escape his striking blue eyes. Lance knew one thing and that was Oliver Queen. Lance moved his head forward and planted his lips on Ollie’s and kissed him. They kissed gently at first but then with force. Lance never felt more alive than now.
“Oh really? Then you’re really gonna like what I have in store for you in a bit,” with that Lance inserted the rubber fist arrow deeper and Ollie cried out! It did not matter though as Ollie liked it.

Roy Harper forgot how busy Queen Consolidated lobby was as he tried to make his way to an elevator. Finally catching one, Roy took it to the top floor where he could find Oliver Queen, Thea’s older brother. The top floor was empty save for some assistants walking by carrying coffee for their boss. Roy decided to walk over and catch someone’s attention and ask where Oliver was.
“Excuse me?” he approached a blonde woman. She seemed startled as she turned around.
“Oh…Hi…how can I help you?” She seemed nervous. Most girls are when they see me, Roy thought to himself.
“I’m looking for Oliver Queen. My name is Roy Harper.” He hoped that name would ring a bell.
“Oh…right! You’re Thea’s boytoy…I mean boyfriend. Just this way.” She led him away to a corner office. “Mr. Queen will be right with you, Mr. Harper.” Mr? No one has ever addressed him as mister before.
Ah, Roy how are you? You wanted to see me? He ushered towards a seat in front of his desk. He turned to the blond woman, “Thank you, Felicity.” She smiled and left.
Roy emerged from Oliver’s office some time later. The discussion had not gone down like he imagined it would. As he was walking back towards the elevator he bumped into Felicity and accidently set her Surface Pro falling to the floor…but not before Roy’s fast reflexes kicked in and he grabbed it, just inches from the floor.
“Thank you…thank you so much.” She was blushing. “You look just like an amber Crombie model.” Felicity looked away bashful. “I really need to learn how to keep my mouth closed.”
Roy could not help but smile. “Felicity? Could we talk somewhere private? I have a girl question, it’s about Thea, of course.”
“Yeah, sure. Follow me.” Felicity led Roy into her IT office a floor down. He is so hot! And so young! I hope he’s 18. Felicity was giddy as she led him into her old office.
“Thanks for talking with me…” but before he could finish Felicity interrupted him.
“How old are you?!”
“I’m 18 almost 19, why?” Roy became puzzled.
“Oh…uh just wanted to know for statistical purposes.” She smiled awkwardly at him.
“You know Felicity, you have the most gorgeous eyes.” He brushed her beautiful long hair to the side. She was turning bright red.
“Uh thanks you do too,” Felicity responded. That’s the best you can do Felicity! You’re so dumb! She saw Roy’s face getting closer and closer and soon his perfect lips were touching hers and waves of ecstasy rolled through her body. Roy then picked her up and laid her on the desk for some “consulting.” He kissed her neck and down her neck. Felicity moaned in pleasure. Roy then back away and took off his shirt revealing his chiseled abs.
“You can be the naughty secretary,” Roy said as he got on top of her again. “I think it’s time for your annual performance review. Don’t disappoint me.” He began kissing her again. Felicity never wanted this moment to end.
“What about Thea?!” Felicity sounded alarmed.
“What about her?” Roy said as he continued kissing her body.
“You’re together?!” She tried to lean up but Roy stopped her.
“No, that was just an excuse to come see you.” He said this as he stared into her eyes. “I love you, Felicity. I’ve watched you from a distance but I couldn’t take it any longer.”
“Roy…I…I…love you too,” she said happily. “I want you to be my first.” And with that Felicity and Roy made sweet, sweet love all day in the night in the old IT office. They woke up the next morning naked and in each other’s arms. Felicity looked over at Roy and smiled and a tear ran down her cheeks. I’ve never been so happy in my life.

Hitler's Reaction to No Olicity

Felicity Smoak was working furiously on her computer trying to make sure all of Queen Consolidated networks were maintained when suddenly her phone rang. She put it on speaker phone so she could have her hands free to continue working.
“IT department, Felicity speaking.” She continued typing away.
“Ms. Smoak, I need your help upstairs.” It was Walter Steele, her boss.
“Sure thing boss…I mean, yes sir, right away.” She got up right away and headed up to the top floor.
She was in Mr. Steele’s office in less than two minutes. Walter was situated behind his desk looking at his Lenovo All in One with Windows 8. The computers were brand new so she was curious what the issue could be.
“Ah, Ms. Smaok I seem to have no internet access.” He looked at her and got up and offered her his chair.
“Oh there’s no need to sit this will only take a second.” She approached his desk and turned the computer towards her. She leaned over the desk to reach for the keyboard when she noticed Walter staring at her two Smoak Stacks. She didn’t say a word just continued to work, she thought maybe it was nothing. Felicity pressed some buttons and the internet was back and running.
“All fixed Mr. Steele.” She turned to leave.
Walter called after before she reached the door. “Ms. Smoak , I have another issue that needs some…handling.” He smiled at her as she turned around and walked back to his desk.
“Sure what can I help you with?” She was nervous as he walked over to her and stood behind her. He started stroking her hair.
“Moira hasn’t been home lately and a man has needs…” he said this as he placed his hands on her shoulder. He suddenly turned her around. “You know my nickname?” Walter said.
“No, can’t say I do,” she did not know where this was going.
“They call me Big Daddy Steele. You know why?” He smiled as he finished saying that.
“Is it due to your large stature?” Felicity said. It was true though, Walter was a tall man.
“No. It has nothing to do with stature, but with my girth. “ Walter said with a smile. “Let me show you.” He showed her his girth.
It made Felicity feel things. No longer was she scared. She wanted him. Walter kissed Felicity softly and then with a sudden force that was a surprise to the both of them.
“You’ve been a naughty IT girl haven’t you?” Walter said playfully.
“Yes, I must be punished for my mistakes.” She played along giggling. Walter suddenly picked her up and placed her on the table as they made love. Walter made Felicity feel things she never felt before. Walter took her Smoak Stacks in hand and looked into Felicity’s eyes and proclaimed his love for her.
“Walter, leave Moira.” Felicity whispered in his ear.



Officer Lance sat at his desk looking over the flood of paperwork that needed attention when suddenly his mind went blank and then She appeared, just a quick glimpse of blond hair. Lance could not shake her beauty out of his head, he was fixated and it consumed him. He spent the next hour looking over the same report over and over. In his present state, Detective Lance was useless so he decided to call it a night. He knew what he had to do. He left the police station in a hurry and drove to the blond beauty’s apartment. She was just walking up to the front door when he decided he could not just sit by and let her consume him. He crossed the street and ran towards the blond beauty as she opened the door.
“Ms. Smoak!” Lance called out. She turned around and was clearly startled. “Oh…sorry didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Oh it’s perfectly ok. I mean it’s you and not some crazy homicidal maniac…unless you are a homicidal maniac.”
“I assure I’m not a maniac, Ms. Smoak,” he smiled reassuring at her. She smiled back with that gorgeous smile of hers. “I actually have to talk to you about something. Mind If I come in?” He looked towards the wide open front door.
“Oh of course not. Come in please, its better no one sees us together.” She led him inside to her apartment door and undid the lock. Felicity’s apartment was spotless and warming with plush animals lined up in perfect order on her couch.
“I have important information about the man that calls himself Blood.” Lance spoke to her as he walked around the living room picking up random figurines that were on tables and shelves.
“Oh? What about him?” She walked over towards him clearly intrigued. She had been busy all week trying to crack the mystery of Brother Blood. Suddenly Lance turned around and sprayed something in her face. Felicity felt drowsy and soon blacked out.
Felicity woke up on her bed fully clothed but bond tightly with rope. What happened? Were we robbed? She remembered Lance was in her house. Is he OK? She called out his name but there was no answer. She began to feel nervous that something bad was about to happen when her bedroom door opened and in walked Lance.
“Detective Lance…I mean Officer Lance, thank goodness you’re alive.” She sighed in relief.
“Hi, there Ms. Smoak,” he said with a big grin on his face. Felicity had a bad feeling about this. Lance stood there admiring what he saw. Ms. Smoak was wearing a tight fitting dress that just accentuated her gorgeous figure. She was still wearing her glass with her blond hair loose from that restrictive braid she sometimes wore. But what fixated Lance most was the fact she was wearing stockings and red high heels. The sight made Lance weak in the knees. He began to shiver with anticipation as he kneeled in front of her feet.
Lance took off her heels one by one and admired her feet. So perfect. My GOD! Lance then grabbed her feet and placed them in his face in order to take in their amazing aroma. The sweat was ever so sweet. He just could not get enough. “Your feet, they’re so delicious!” He took off her stockings and looked down at her pale beautiful soles and suddenly an idea struck him. Lace got up and left the room.
“Lance?! You can’t leave me like this!” she began to panic when suddenly he came back with a feather in his hand and something else but she could not make out what it was. “No, please I’m very ticklish.”
“I was hoping you’d say that, Ms. Smoak.” He kneeled in front of her feet and took the feather and brushed it lightly over her soles. Felicity began to laugh hysterically. “Now where shall these piggies go?” He took the big toes and wiggled it all the way down to the station. The next he took to the club, the third he took to a nice restaurant. The fourth he took to Big Belly Burger. “And this little piggy went all the way into my mouth,” he took her little toes and placed it in his mouth and sucked on it.
“Please…no…no more. I can’t take it,” she said in between bursts of laughter. He stopped at that.
“We’ll take a break. I’m beginning to get hungry hope you don’t mind if I have a Smoak Peanut Butter Feet Sandwich.” He held up a jar of extra crunchy peanut butter for her to see. He undid the lid and using a spoon scooped some up and spread it all over the soles of her feet. “That looks good, does it not?”
He licked a little up and then more and more. The mixture of the peanut butter and the sweat created the perfect combination. He licked the peanut butter from her soles and from between her toes. I guess it was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich after all he mused to himself. Felicity wasn't able to stifle her laughter and that just excited Lance even more. Upon finishing Lance used a towel to clean up his face which was covered in peanut butter. He had never had a meal so exquisite before. Her soles were like a never ending buffet one that he was sure to revisit. Lance was saddened he could not stay for dessert. He had brought whip cream to make a toe sundae but that would make the wait for his next meal all that more exciting.
Once they were clean he gave her some tea that would make her sleep and forget about all that just happened. As soon as Felicity was asleep he undid the rope and picked up the mess he made and left.
Lance entered his car and looked in the rear view mirror with the biggest smile before driving off.

Slade Wilson sat at his desk deep in thought. The sound of rain hitting the window soothed him. The distant rumbling of thunder excited him. Slade’s office was spacious and had a sense of foreboding about it. As he sat his mind took him back to the dreaded Island and the horrors that he and his companions faced. Oliver? Shado? What happened to you? His concentration was broken by a knock at his door.
“Come in,” Slade said with authority.
The double doors to his office swung open and two of his best guards entered dragging an unconscious body. The man they carried in was dressed in dark green leather and a hood. It was The Vigilante. Slade smiled once he realized who lay before him.
“Oliver Queen,” Slade could not help but smile as he said his name. There was no answer from Oliver until one of the guards kicked him. Oliver let out a moan. “Good, you’re awake.”
“Slade?” Oliver could not believe what he was hearing. Slade Wilson had died on the Island. He was sure of it. “How could this be?”
“Leave us!” Slade yelled at his guards. They left without a word.
Oliver stirred on the floor and looked up at Slade.
“Oliver, it’s been a long time,” Slade said as he stood in front of him.
“I thought you died!” Oliver was in awe. Before him stood a friend he thought he’d never see again.
“You left me for dead. How could you?!” Slade said softly. “You think I was mad when I found Shado dead with a bullet in her skull? No Oliver I was angry that I wasn't there to protect you.” He turned away from Oliver. Slade could not stand to look at him. The sight of Oliver brought back those lonely nights when he would often wonder if Oliver was still alive, if he was cold or hungry. “I should have been there to protect you.”
“I know, Slade. You were always there to protect me, to make sure I made it through the island alive.” Oliver was close to tears. “Slade…I’m so sorry.”
“You injected me with Mirakuru and brought me back to life. I thank you for that. It healed my skin, but you know what else it did to me?”
Oliver said nothing.
“The Mirakuru gave my manhood extra girth. Slade unbuttoned his pants and dropped them.
Oliver stared at Slade’s piece in shock. It was so big and beefy that it made Oliver sure of one thing: He must have it. Slade noticed Oliver staring and smiled.
“You know what the Code of Hammurabi states? Slade asked Oliver.
“No…” Oliver was confused.
“It says an eye for an eye.” Slade lifted his eye patch to reveal an empty eye socket.
Oliver could not believe what he was seeing. He had no idea Slade had lost his eye.
“Now Oliver, I shall take your eye.” Slade moved his manhood close to Oliver’s face. Closer and closer his piece came to Oliver’s right eye and soon Slade’s beefy arrow pierced Oliver’s eye. Oliver screamed, but that just excited Slade so much that suddenly Mirakuru erupted and gushed out of Oliver’s eyes and mouth.

To be continued…

Thea’s bedroom was massive; one could easily get lost in there. Sin followed behind Thea, taking in all the expensive things that adorned the room.
“So, Roy tells me you want to borrow something to wear?” Thea said smiling to her new gal pal.
“Yeah, something slutty, ya know?” Sin was embarrassed as she didn’t wear dresses.
“Oh I know,” Thea moved to her closet and returned with a black dress that must have coasted more than Sin could fathom.
“That’s lovely, Thea. I’ll go into the bathroom and try it on.” Sin walked up to Thea and took the dress.
“Wait” Thea said sternly
Sin stopped dead in her tracks.
“Thea was looking intently at Sin. “Why don’t you try it on in front of me.”
“I don’t know, that’s kinda weird,” Sin wasn’t all that comfortable with her body.
“Thea moved in front of Sin and took back her black dress. “I have another idea.”
Thea Queen gave Sin a peck on the lips. Sin could not believe she had just been kissed by a Queen of all people! She liked it. Sin kissed her back. Thea enjoyed Sin’s whisky smelling breath just as much as Sin enjoyed Thea’s dark chocolate truffle breath.
“You taste so good, Thea,” Sin said in between kisses.
“I might get drunk from all that whisky in your mouth,” Thea said playfully. Thea kissed Sin’s neck moving down to her navel. Each touch of Thea’s lips sent shivers down Sin’s spine.
Sin placed a hand on Thea’s bare thighs. Thea grasped it and slide it higher and higher, moaning as she did so.
“You’re quite kinky, you know that, Queen?” Sin was amused.
“All Queen Women are,” Thea smiled and licked her lips.
“Your lips look chapped. I can help with that,” Sin licked Thea’s lips and bit her lower one, not hard but playfully. That turned Thea on and she returned the favor.
“Hey Thea,” Sin backed away from Thea.
“Yeah?” Thea wanted nothing more than to get back to kissing.
“I have a rabbit and a spare pack of batteries,” Sin smirked. Thea loved the idea that she nodded in agreement.
“Go get it, tiger.” Thea was excited.
Sin went to her backpack but, it was empty. Sin turned to Thea and shook her head, “It’s gone.”
Thea didn’t mind too much, “We’ll improvise.” Thea pushed Sin onto her bed and mounted her. Suddenly Sin heard a faint noise, VRMMMM VRMMMM. Sin stopped Thea for a second. “You hear that?”
“Hear what? It’s probably the maid vacuuming.” Thea kissed Sin. Thea was probably right, the house was huge and no doubt had maids everywhere making sure the mansion was clean.

Thea and Sin were too busy making out on the bed to notice that outside Thea’s window stood Moira Queen with the rabbit in hand. VRMMMMM VRMMMMM VRMMMMM.


special needs, sexual needs
She (I'm surmising) may or may not be the author of all of them.

Oh trust me they are all mine....each and every one of them. Wow I didn't realize I wrote that many haha the Felicity's Peanut Butter Feet was my best I must say.



Oh trust me they are all mine....each and every one of them. Wow I didn't realize I wrote that many haha the Felicity's Peanut Butter Feet was my best I must say.


Oh yes, the vast swath in there I knew were yours, but in your first few posts in the S1 thread, I wasn't sure if you were just saying "Oh here's this fic I found" merely to gauge people's reaction to you posting fics before going all in.


special needs, sexual needs
Oh yes, the vast swath in there I knew were yours, but in your first few posts in the S1 thread, I wasn't sure if you were just saying "Oh here's this fic I found" merely to gauge people's reaction to you posting fics before going all in.

The main reason I said I found them was that for the majority of the season one fics I was a junior and I didn't want to rock the boat saying that I wrote them, figured saying I found them online would be OK. I didn't want to be banned over a Moira/Ollie incest fic haha

I love this thread and they deserve nothing but the most depraved ships Arrow has to offer.
Avoid! AVOID AVOID! The Slade/Ollie one just about killed me when it was posted, having all them them together like that might actually do it. But again, anyone post one or several of nomis's Radioactive videos on Amell's Facebook?

These three weeks have felt like a month only about 36 hours to go!
TV Guide Sneak Peek: Is Felicity Jealous of Canary?

We're all sitting in our corners crying in the off-season.

And from Amellbook

You need to rehost Facebook images usually for them to show here.

EDIT: And best thing from Amellbook lately:
Stephen Amell said:
Facebook. Let me bend your ear for a moment. I realize this is the internet and everything gets blown out of proportion, but I think we should hold ourselves to a higher standard. Basically... I think some people have a tendency to try and extrapolate a deeper meaning or hidden agenda from almost everything I post. I'm not that clever. I have no agenda on the page beyond interacting with people who enjoy our show or whatever other venture I might be involving myself in. I'm not biased in any way shape or form. I don't have any rooting interests. I'm just a regular dude who runs his own page. If it seems like some of my posts are opinionated, that's because most pages with this size of community are boring on purpose because they're run by PR companies. So... if something on this page bothers you, tough sh*t. I'm not going to apologize because, I didn't do it on purpose. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to keep dominating Monday. xo


I have finally caught up, and while I though Laurel was getting slightly better in Tremors, she's back to her annoying self in Heir to the Demon. My God she's a horrible character. She forgives Oli in 30 seconds yet is throwing whiskey glasses at her sister?
I have finally caught up, and while I though Laurel was getting slightly better in Tremors, she's back to her annoying self in Heir to the Demon. My God she's a horrible character. She forgives Oli in 30 seconds yet is throwing whiskey glasses at her sister?

she doesn't have the hots for her sister like she does for Ollie

but yeah it's kinda silly, but not too much of a reach for me
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