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ARROW Season 2 |OT| Back in a Flash

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nonsense. MoS never mentions what year it's set in. it would be no problem for it to fit in a five or ten year timeline.

I agree, and actually stated earlier that it could be s4 of Arrow & s2 of The Flash where the events of MoS take place and that would leave everyone ready for the events of MoS 2.

They have plenty of time to fit it in if they want to.
Noble Gundam said:
Welp i just got spoiled...

Yeah never go into OTs. I made that mistake with GOT. Even though i'm sure it said SPOILERS in the title.

Scene was amazing for a CW tv show. Oliver's reaction is timeless. Where do they go from here?


FGC Waterboy
I know at Emerald City Comic Con; Amell said he has very openly and repeatedly thrown in his hat to be GA in any upcoming DC movies. Made a joke about how it will not go well if he's not chosen (he's hyper competitive or something like that). I think if they cast Green Arrow in a DCU Movie, they might have Amell play him, even if it's not the same Arrow from the show. Ditto for Flash.


I love Pokken!
"You threaten you own daughter."

Of course you bitch, enough is enough, will Thea ever grow out of her rebellious phase?

Yeah, Thea as a character regressed to her S1 status as whiny bitch in these latest episodes, so fucking annoying. Ironically Laurel is becoming likable again.
I know at Emerald City Comic Con; Amell said he has very openly and repeatedly thrown in his hat to be GA in any upcoming DC movies. Made a joke about how it will not go well if he's not chosen (he's hyper competitive or something like that). I think if they cast Green Arrow in a DCU Movie, they might have Amell play him, even if it's not the same Arrow from the show. Ditto for Flash.

I would be okay with this, as long as the world's don't mix.
There's been plenty of seed planting in this season for certain.

Did I miss the part where the mirakuru didn't kill almost everyone who used it?

Why is it suddenly working for everyone?

Because they're doing blood infusions now rather than using straight mirakuru. Somehow by using the blood of someone who has already survived mirakuru, it doesn't kill the person being injected with it.


Because they're doing blood infusions now rather than using straight mirakuru. Somehow by using the blood of someone who has already survived mirakuru, it doesn't kill the person being injected with it.

Hopefully this makes them weaker.

And hopefully the 'cure' removes the ability to synthesize more from Slade.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
No way the writer's just let the Ollie having a son in Central City thing just fall to the wayside.


I thought the episode was actually pretty mediocre until the end, I'm so glad Moria is dead. It was time for her character to be killed off considering the writers had no idea what to do with her, the whole running for Mayor plotline was the stupidest fucking thing the show has done in my opinion and just shows they didn't have a real grasp on Moria's character.

I mean let's take a second and examine this mayoral plotline for a second to understand why it's so fucking stupid. Moria Queen is a goddamn terrorist responsible for the deaths of hundreds if not thousands. Let's strip away the comic book fictional setting and place her in a real world analog and compare. Consider for a moment that Moria was a conspirator behind 9/11, she helped support the attack, knew all about it from its inception, and did everything she could to further the plot. Now, let's say at some point she has second thought but Osama Bin Laden reminds her that if she backs out he'll have her and her entire family murdered so she reluctantly continues and remains silent. And then, let's say about 5-20 min before the attack takes place she goes on CNN and admits to the entire plot, NY enters panic mode and people start running. However, it's clearly not enough time the attack takes place and thousands die, maybe not as many as those who really did die on that day but definitely over one thousand.

Now, after all that she gets a trial and is somehow miraculously acquitted in a verdict in a case that which any person with a brain could see was open and shut and whose result could have only been obtained through some sort of illicit means. AND THEN, after all of that, this person has the audacity to RUN FOR MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY! Seriously, just how fucking stupid are the people in the show to have ever even allowed such a thing to happen.

However, the reason the writers did this is clear, they didn't want to commit to Moira Queen being a "bad person." Sure she can do evil things but at the end of the day she can never face the consequences of those actions because "she loves her family." It's just sickening. Either commit to her being a power-hungry opportunist with all the consequences that come with or make her the innocent scapegoat, she can't be both.
I'm seriously didn't like how Ollie reacted to his mother's death. He should of yelled and cried like a fucking baby, instead he just passes out. This episode shows that Ollie is the biggest fuck up ever to be shown on TV. Dude doesn't even fucking know that he has a child and that his mother bribed the girl to go away and pretend like she miscarried. smfh
Marvel has free reign because Marvel's boss is one of the biggest Disney shareholders. The Marvel CEO is actually more important than the Disney CEO.

I didn't realize he had that much power or was the third largest share holder, I guess that does play a huge part of it but the financial success of the movies has as well.

Sorry peeps, there would be way WAY too many retcons for Arrow to positively fit in the MoS verse. Hell, the timeline itself doesn't match up. By all accounts, Zod's invasion would've happened already, and yet not a single mention of it on the show? By the time they *would* want to join these two verses together (they aren't, but for arguments sake) it'd be far too late and there would plot holes the size of the grand canyon.

Amell may get cast as the GA, but it's most definitely NOT going to be the same one as this Arrow.

Probably not, unless they want to shoehorn it in.

nonsense. MoS never mentions what year it's set in. it would be no problem for it to fit in a five or ten year timeline.

No, it's not nonsense, Jonathan Kent died in 1997 as said on his tombstone and Clark is almost certainly no younger than 17 or 18 years old at the point Johnathan dies. Clark later states he's "been here" for 33 years and seeing how they handled space travel, that's most likely close to how old he is. Setting MoS further than 2013 makes Clark younger and younger in 1997 and other flashbacks and that just would not work. There is very little to no room to fit it in without contradicting the timeline that's been set in the TV series or the movie, period. If they decide to do it they can but the time lines will never properly line up and the lack of acknowledgement on the show would be a massive omission that cannot be ignored.

oh lord, what nonsense. MoS is one movie, you may want to wait before passing your oh so wise judgement. though judging by your glib comment...

There's that word again, if I had this much salt a month ago I could've melted the ice in my drive way and on the half the roads in my county. MoS is a more entertaining movie than SR and Cavill is a better Superman than Routh, so I guess there's that...

After seeing plenty of their work over the years IMO Zack Snyder is a hack and David Goyer is at best a decent ideas/story man but an over all shit writer when on his own so yeah, excuse me if I have a lot of reservations for how it turns out after being disappointed in MoS and a lot of the casting news that's come out hasn't exact instilled confidence in me either and before it gets brought up, I was one of the few on board with the Ledger casting news for TDK from the beginning. I know they brought in the screen writer that worked with Ben Affleck on Argo to rewrite the script for BvS so maybe in that regard hope isn't entirely lost even with Snyder still being the director. The idea that Goyer is the "architect" of this new universe concerns me.

Man of Steel's many short comings isn't even the biggest issue I have with Arrow being absorbed into the movie universe canon, my primary concern is that in doing so it'll bring a whole lot more attention from the suits at WB and possibly battles between the TV and Film divisions and what that could do great harm to the show by interfering or being a slave to film continuity like AoS is instead of its (and Flash's) own it could also possibly lead to it ending prematurely. Yeah, it would be awesome if it brought in a lot more people to the show but it probably wouldn't seeing as any appearance of Amell as Ollie would be nothing more than a cameo, as cool as it would be for Amell to get recognition by being a part of a JL movie the time lines as already stated do not match up unless they would have to do a fair deal of fiddling with them to make it work, they could do it but people really need to think harder at what the cost and risk of doing it could be and if it's still actually worth it.

The best thing the show can do as Amell kind of said is make their version the definitive version of the characters and their universe which is about to expand with Flash. In the end, if it happens I won't lose sleep over it if it doesn't happen I won't either.
yo i kinda laughed when slade said "CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE" it just sounded kinda ridiculous in that trademark gravelly voice crixus has.

but damn, are we in agreement that moira was the best actress in this show. in a sea of garbage female performances (though thea has improved) she was the outlier.

and they had to kill her. mediocre episode, but great last 5 minutes. even stephen amell stepped up his game up with that flashback scene. it had like 10 amell pauses but still he really sold that feeling of lying to yourself to get over something i was impressed.
I didn't realize he had that much power or was the third largest share holder, I guess that does play a huge part of it but the financial success of the movies has as well.

Probably not, unless they want to shoehorn it in.

No, it's not nonsense, Jonathan Kent died in 1997 as said on his tombstone and Clark is almost certainly no younger than 17 or 18 years old at the point Johnathan dies. Clark later states he's "been here" for 33 years and seeing how they handled space travel, that's most likely close to how old he is. Setting MoS further than 2013 makes Clark younger and younger in 1997 and other flashbacks and that just would not work. There is very little to no room to fit it in without contradicting the timeline that's been set in the TV series or the movie, period. If they decide to do it they can but the time lines will never properly line up and the lack of acknowledgement on the show would be a massive omission that cannot be ignored.

There's that word again, if I had this much salt a month ago I could've melted the ice in my drive way and on the half the roads in my county. MoS is a more entertaining movie than SR and Cavill is a better Superman than Routh, so I guess there's that...

After seeing plenty of their work over the years IMO Zack Snyder is a hack and David Goyer is at best a decent ideas/story man but an over all shit writer when on his own so yeah, excuse me if I have a lot of reservations for how it turns out after being disappointed in MoS and a lot of the casting news that's come out hasn't exact instilled confidence in me either and before it gets brought up, I was one of the few on board with the Ledger casting news for TDK from the beginning. I know they brought in the screen writer that worked with Ben Affleck on Argo to rewrite the script for BvS so maybe in that regard hope isn't entirely lost even with Snyder still being the director. The idea that Goyer is the "architect" of this new universe concerns me.

Man of Steel's many short comings isn't even the biggest issue I have with Arrow being absorbed into the movie universe canon, my primary concern is that in doing so it'll bring a whole lot more attention from the suits at WB and possibly battles between the TV and Film divisions and what that could do great harm to the show by interfering or being a slave to film continuity like AoS is instead of its (and Flash's) own it could also possibly lead to it ending prematurely. Yeah, it would be awesome if it brought in a lot more people to the show but it probably wouldn't seeing as any appearance of Amell as Ollie would be nothing more than a cameo, as cool as it would be for Amell to get recognition by being a part of a JL movie the time lines as already stated do not match up unless they would have to do a fair deal of fiddling with them to make it work, they could do it but people really need to think harder at what the cost and risk of doing it could be and if it's still actually worth it.

The best thing the show can do as Amell kind of said is make their version the definitive version of the characters and their universe which is about to expand with Flash. In the end, if it happens I won't lose sleep over it if it doesn't happen I won't either.

When Smallville debut Clark was around 14 or 15 yet Clark looked about the same size as he did in the flashbacks of MoS. They still have maybe a 2 or 3 year window to add Arrow in.
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