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ARROW Season 2 |OT| Back in a Flash

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Killing Slade would not be right for Oliver's character. This whole season he's been trying to stop being the murderer Tommy thought he was. After everything Slade has done to Oliver, torment his friends and family, steal his company, murder his mother, destroy his city, Oliver has to bring him to justice, being his executioner wouldn't be that.

Thats why we have merlyn around.


For Slade, I could see this season ending in a similar fashion to season 2 of Buffy: *Buffy spoilers obvs*

As Buffy is poised to kill the soulless Angel, Willow's spell is successful and Angel gets his soul back. But it's too late, and Buffy has to kill Angel to seal Acathla and save the world.

Of course it wouldn't play out quite the same way in ARROW, but I could see the Mirakuru cure coming into effect for Slade right when Ollie is prepared to deliver the killing blow, and for whatever reason [maybe Argus won't stop their bombing run until Slade is dead], Oliver still needs to kill him. I can't imagine the show simply killing Crazy Slade or curing him and letting him survive. It needs to be the worst of both worlds for Oliver.
Killing Slade would not be right for Oliver's character. This whole season he's been trying to stop being the murderer Tommy thought he was. After everything Slade has done to Oliver, torment his friends and family, steal his company, murder his mother, destroy his city, Oliver has to bring him to justice, being his executioner wouldn't be that.

But his whole mission in the 2nd half of this season has been to kill Slade. He's shown that he'll kill when necessary. He regrets that he didn't kill Slade on the island. He's said multiple times that he wants to kill him and has said "This time when I kill him it will be for sure".
Yup. I can see how they want to keep him alive because he's a complete bad ass but...he killed Moira in cold blood before Ollie's eyes. He teared Starling City apart. There should be no way in hell Olliver's gonna let him live. Perhaps the choice gets taken out of his hands but Ollie should kill him.

Ollie will just shoot out his other eye. With the cure.


But his whole mission in the 2nd half of this season has been to kill Slade. He's shown that he'll kill when necessary. He regrets that he didn't kill Slade on the island. He's said multiple times that he wants to kill him and has said "This time when I kill him it will be for sure".

No, he regrets not using the cure on Slade.
So Amell has already been on NCIS: LA. I was talking about that earlier.

Just because, damn.

Almost as good as bootleg Tom Hardy

This episode btw



Yeah, I've commented here before on how they could be brothers, didn't realize Amell had been on NCIS:LA though.

While I don't think he'll show up in general

I imagine his chances greatly diminished now that Gotham is picked up.
May want to keep the core Bat-cast with that property

Unless they do a huge time jump Dick should never really be used on the show anyway or at least not in the first five seasons and then still not unless they do a sizable time jump or he'd just be an infant or toddler. Not sure how secure the rights are with that show but there really wouldn't be any real conflict.

Then again I doubt Gotham will last long enough for it to be an issue.


Yeah, I've commented here before on how they could be brothers, didn't realize Amell had been on NCIS:LA though.

Unless they do a huge time jump Dick should never really be used on the show anyway or at least not in the first five seasons and then still not unless they do a sizable time jump or he'd just be an infant or toddler. Not sure how secure the rights are with that show but there really wouldn't be any real conflict.

Then again I doubt Gotham will last long enough for it to be an issue.

Sure Dick shouldn't be alive

But who knows
Bruce goes to Haley's Circus every year, and one year Mrs. Grayson is pregnant or something so can't perform!


Yup, this. Oliver 'killed' Slade on the island. He regrets never using the cure though.

There is 24 episodes this season right?

Nope only one more episode. Next week is the season finale.

Oh man I just caught up with the new episode and I can't say enough positive things about this show. It's just so very awesome!

Funky Papa

I really, really disliked how they glossed over Blood killing his own mother and and almost tried to redeem him in the last moment. It's not like the son of a bitch parked on the handicapped spot or anything.

On the plus side, the writers didn't allow him that chance and unleashed the Glauminator on him. Good.


Not using the cure so that Slade would be easier to kill :).

I dunno, it seems pretty obvious that it will go as follows: Ollie "kills" Slade in the flashback right before he attempts to kill Slade again, then a flashback or a ghost of someone dead telling him to save Slade with the city, then he cures him. Slade is shipped off to Waller and leads the suicide squad.
EDIT: of course this will follow Slade and Merlyn attempting to out-swag each other. I also suspect the season will end with Barrowman doing something evil or Blood coming back to life. Something to get Season 3 flowing.


I really, really disliked how they glossed over Blood killing his own mother and and almost tried to redeem him in the last moment. It's not like the son of a bitch parked on the handicapped spot or anything.

On the plus side, the writers didn't allow him that chance and unleashed the Glauminator on him. Good.

Think that's the key part though, he wasn't actually redeemed

All that emphasied to me was what an ultimately pathetic character he was. He was just Slade's pawn, and I took it as he was trying to convince himself he wasn't at fault amid the destruction. Oliver's reaction of "no, you're a straight up jerk" sealed that for me. He never got redeemed.
Think that's the key part though, he wasn't actually redeemed

All that emphasied to me was what an ultimately pathetic character he was. He was just Slade's pawn, and I took it as he was trying to convince himself he wasn't at fault amid the destruction. Oliver's reaction of "no, you're a straight up jerk" sealed that for me. He never got redeemed.

Yup. Which is why it worked. No one cared that he was trying to redeem himself, and he died like the punk he was. It was an unexpected, but welcome development. Even if it denied me the "Sebastian Blood, you have failed this city!"
To the one or two AoS fans trolling in here, gtfo.

I'm a big fan of SHIELD and am really glad they've turned things up after TWS - but Arrow still pins it down and farts in its face.


PLEASE don't kill Slade CW. He is the best villain this show has to offer played by an excellent actor...let him escape or make Olly choose between killing Slade and saving the city, and so he chooses the city.

Slade escapes to hound the Arrow another day! ...but kill Glau please
^ Yup, Manu needs to headline his own show. And have Deadshot as his sidekick

This is the best idea ever.



Now, the io9 recap:


Best parts:

Thea Meets Her Dad

This is my favorite storyline for obvious reasons. Of the thousands of people at the train station, of course Thea is the one who gets caught by the masked madman. She is saved by another masked madman. The supersoldier attacking her is shot full of arrows by Merlyn, and asks him, "Who are you?" Merlyn whips off his mask to reveal that glorious chin and says, "I'm her father."

Having not even a lick of sense, Thea runs away from the guy trying to save her, farther into the train station. That's okay. It makes for a father-daughter confrontation that is artfully decorated by long walkways, harsh lighting, and plenty of pillars to hide behind. Thea screams that he's nothing to her, which Merlyn seems to take very well. He asks if he can at least get her to safety. She says no. Then along comes the supersoldier again. Merlyn fights him, nearly getting himself killed in the process, stabs the soldier in the neck, and painfully gets to his feet again. Thea is pointing a gun at him. Merlyn is overcome with fatherly feeling, taking the gun as a sign that she grew up just like him. Unfortunately, he and Thea share a lack of sense. He first tells her how to work the gun, then says that their rage, pain, and capacity to kill really do make them just alike. She pulls the trigger and we hear a thud — but I'm pretty sure that she just shot the supersoldier behind him. I hope we see more of him next season. I hope Thea and he team up and whine and murder people and train to be villains together. I hope, while shooting next season, John Barrowman roams the Canadian forests like the world's most perfectly groomed sasquatch. I am filled with hope for this.

And Then There's the Villain

Save all these nice storylines in your head, because here comes the villain. It's Amanda Waller. You see, while Quentin and Ollie are coordinating ways to cure the supersoldiers, she has had ARGUS block off all the bridges into town, and is going to send a drone to annihilate the city of half a million people if Ollie doesn't cure the supersoldiers by dawn. She insists that this is for the safety of the nation.

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

Some might argue that it's an evil plan, and it certainly is. But even a half a million lives worth of evil can't transcend that amount of stupid. I'm not saying that Ollie covered himself in glory in his conversation with Waller. He could have explained to Waller that the soldiers fall down if you shoot them a few times, or hit them with grenades. They're not really that indestructible. But Waller already knows that Slade can be hurt and that he lost an eye. And that makes her decision so dumb that she ceases to be human, and basically becomes an elaborately sculpted cell phone holder. There is nothing between the point of her chin and the crown of her head but teeth and cat litter. She is as dense as a neutron star.

First of all, the supersoldiers fall down when hit in the head or neck by bullets and she has a team that includes the world's best marksman. Shoot them in the head. Walk over while they're down, unload a clip of bullets into each eye, each ear, and each nostril. Even assuming that doesn't kill them, there is a limited amount of havoc they can cause if they are newly blind and deaf. Stun them with a bullet, open a cut in their throats, shove in explosives, and literally blow their heads off. Shoot them, put a team on them, and keep shooting them once in each eye every fifteen minutes for the next few weeks. Keep them immobile like that, and eventually they will starve to death, if nothing else. These are three solutions that I came up with while speed typing. I'm not even trying, Amanda! Use your brain!

Secondly, why would she think that bombing Starling City into the ground would even work? People survived the eruption of Vesuvius. They survived the bombing of Dresden and the firebombing of Tokyo. These were ordinary, squishy people. Why would she assume that bombing a city indiscriminately will take out all fifty guys who can put their fists through concrete?

Merlyn is evil and insane, but he only wanted to kill a few thousand people in his deranged plan. Slade is evil and insane, but he's going to stop after one city. Waller? Her solution to destroying a vat of nerve gas on the sly was blowing up a party full of people. Her solution to taking out fifty strong guys is killing an entire city. This isn't doing what "needs to be done." This is using a nuclear bomb to kill a spider. Waller is both evil and stupid, and is in charge of a government agency that gives her access to bombs and drones. The only way to end this season is to take out the real villain, and evidently that is her. I look forward to it, because I really can't take another plan this idiotic. Goddamn, that was dumb.

And finally, Guggenheim posted the Season Finale poster:



I really, really disliked how they glossed over Blood killing his own mother and and almost tried to redeem him in the last moment. It's not like the son of a bitch parked on the handicapped spot or anything.

On the plus side, the writers didn't allow him that chance and unleashed the Glauminator on him. Good.

Yeah, that whole thing was just bizarre. It could have been handled better.
I really, really disliked how they glossed over Blood killing his own mother and and almost tried to redeem him in the last moment. It's not like the son of a bitch parked on the handicapped spot or anything.

On the plus side, the writers didn't allow him that chance and unleashed the Glauminator on him. Good.

They didn't redeem Blood. He was blackmailing Arrow before he died.

I liked that they kept to his character. Someone who loved his city, but batshit insane.


I'm sorry to say but these last two episodes have seriously disappointed me. There is too much padding, too much weak acting, and too much nonsense. Why is Sarah walking around acting like "I'm no hero?" You've been playing the superhero bit, for what about a year now? Did they really need to do all that just so her stupid sister can go "she's The Canary!" *MASSIVE FACEPALM*

I've also always had a spot for Laurel and usually like her bits but these past weeks she is just insufferable she serves no point to the story, she just runs around with Oliver and the runs around with Sarah doing nothing, she has no point. Why they couldn't construct a suitable plot for her to do something in this time is beyond me, maybe it'll happen in the finale but it doesn't change the fact that she is useless as of now.

And then we have ARGUS and Amanda Waller, WTF!!!!! Who allowed this stupidity into the show? She's going to bomb the city? Who the fuck gave her that authorization? These Slade soldiers aren't a zombie infection, they are a finite group of people that can be taken down by goddamn arrows and bullets or a couple of grenades. Yet somehow she feels she can bomb the city, which will magically ensure they are all dead including everyone in Starling City, and just walk away. Again, who the hell would authorize such a plan? No sane U.S. politician would do such a thing, "sorry American people we had to kill hundred of thousands of innocent civilians to kill a couple dozen roided out masked men..." Hey Waller, how about you take those hundreds of trained soldiers you got, send them in the city, and start shooting all the bad guys. That is a more plausible scenario, and then you could have Ollie being concerned that ARGUS would be too indiscriminate with is use of force and thus wants them to delay going in, again something that makes sense.

There are so many things that upset me about this episode but I think it can all be summed up as a waste of time. The entire episode was a holding pattern for the finale. Ollie learns of the cure, he loses the cure, but gets it just in time before the episode ends. Merlin shows up and saves his daughter, she runs away, they meet again just before the episode ends and before he can team up with Oliver, etc. Fuck, even the Island flashback scenes were useless and could be skipped.

This finale better be goddamn amazing or they will have just screwed up some amazing buildup from all the episodes prior into a super lackluster finale.


Leading to the most awesome spin off ever. Suicide Squad, led by Manu each week.

That would be awesome. Especially done StrikeBack-style. Suicide Squad would have to move around the world. So film it in some third world countries, where it's cheap as hell to make tv shows and there are no pesky safety standards or rules prohibiting actors from doing their own stunts.

Or if Warner Bros would go and make the lower budget action movies from lesser known characters...get Manu to be Deathstroke and get Gareth Evans or Isaac Florentine as director.

REV 09

Last episode just didn't work for me. It tried to go big but mostly came across cheesy. The writing and dialogue were some of the worst for the series.


The hallucinations and Arrow getting his ass kicked by one remind me of that Teen Titans episode where Robin got haunted by Slade.


Leading to the most awesome spin off ever. Suicide Squad, led by Manu each week.

Nah, Diggle needs his own show and Suicide Squad is a perfect for him. He can be the ONLY normal person on the show, trying to control both the psychotic team members and bloodthirsty Amanda Waller.


Nah, Diggle needs his own show and Suicide Squad is a perfect for him. He can be the ONLY normal person on the show, trying to control both the psychotic team members and bloodthirsty Amanda Waller.
Yeah, Arrow Amanda ist cray cray, solving every problem with missiles.

Terrorists attacking the city? - Nuke them!
Enemy camp? - Nuke that!
Agent went rogue? - Nuke him!
Cat on a tree? - Nuke it!
Son got a bad mark in school? - Nuke that fucker!
Last episode just didn't work for me. It tried to go big but mostly came across cheesy. The writing and dialogue were some of the worst for the series.

It was the canary shit with laurel, holy crap that was lame, I also don't like her crap speeches to Oliver either. I'd actually prefer her getting amnesia next season forgetting their identities altogether


Ooooh, I just saw the Amell Q&A on his Facebook page, and we're gonna get 3 more seasons :D

Also, him not answering the Justice League question?!


I'm sorry to say but these last two episodes have seriously disappointed me. There is too much padding, too much weak acting, and too much nonsense. Why is Sarah walking around acting like "I'm no hero?" You've been playing the superhero bit, for what about a year now? Did they really need to do all that just so her stupid sister can go "she's The Canary!" *MASSIVE FACEPALM*

I think it's probably because she's been killing people left and right.
She's been executing dudes left and right and that will always remind her of her time in League of Assassins when she was just a heartless assassin and murders in cold blood.
She's never been a hero. At the start of the series she was protecting her family by killing anyone who touches them, and later on she's just following Oliver because they're dating; if she was a hero she wouldn't have thought about shooting Roy when he was hyped up on Mirakuru.

Long story short. She's never been a hero, she's just been killing people because that's who she is.


As others have said, Amanda Waller's solution of levelling the city is absurd. Other than that, it was a decent episode. Hope the finale delivers.


Yeah I'm pretty confident that this show will at least get 5 seasons. It's one of the top rated CW shows currently if not THEE top rated one.
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