Why do you keep calling him chesthair?
Trusting Felicity to do the deed seems to be the most farfetched of plans and totally out of character, but I guess I'm okay with it because the setup was some grade-A trolling
The Flash and Arrow won't be on the same night next year. The Flash will be Tuesdays at 8 EST.
Also courtesy of reddit
Maybe they can make a Lost Spin-Off once Olli shipped enough Criminals their.That island so going to become Arrow Arkham. He's going to keep stuffing supervillains there until they all break out. Now that Thea's an antagonist all of the displaced hate for the character makes sense.
Actually that's exactly why it worked. Slade had no way of seeing that coming.
Should of aired it on Thursday so you'd have a comic book show M-F
Gotham Mondays
Agents on Tuesday
Arrow Wednesdays
Flash Thursdays
Constantine Fridays
But CW had to screw it up. Also AoS I believe as been bumped up to 9:00 pm est so Flash is not competing with it
Sounds like Waller from the last flashback.Any Ideas Who maybe the next villain arrow and crew must face? I can't think of any major Green Arrow Villains left.Its Probably Merlyn and Thea.Or Ra's al Ghul
Arrow Waller is boring, her only modus operandi is bombing shit. Even the Suicide Squad is only there so she can bomb shit accurately.Sounds like Waller from the last flashback.
Sounds like Waller from the last flashback.
Arrow Waller is boring, her only modus operandi is bombing shit. Even the Suicide Squad is only there so she can bomb shit accurately.
I know, I am kind of a fan of the Suicide Squad and Fat Waller, but since the got slim, her brain slimmed down, too. DC is trying so hard to make her badass, that she isn't much of a tactican anymore.Haven't been following the recent Suicide Squad run, but in the original, Waller was actually pretty loyal (to a point) to her team. She wouldn't have sacrificed Deadshot as a beacon for a bomb unless the situation was dire. Better characterization than the hardline "end justifies the means" version we got.
Hoping they do better by her next season.
Don't forget that Slade supposedly knows Waller somehow, too. I'm not sure how they would reconcile this with Oliver thinking he killed Slade already, since he doesn't meet Waller until later, but we'll see, I guess.
Don't forget that Slade supposedly knows Waller somehow, too. I'm not sure how they would reconcile this with Oliver thinking he killed Slade already, since he doesn't meet Waller until later, but we'll see, I guess.
Lazarus Pit and 2000 year old Slade and Waller confirmed? :xThey do know eachother
Edit: Ouch beaten ^
Flash TV News ⚡ ‏@FlashTVNews
#Flash pilot villain confirmed: The Weather Wizard! #BegYourMardon @ChadRook
Comic Flash is funnier, too. Like Spiderman with his enhanced thinking Flash is so fast, the he has the capacity to make a lot of joke. Plus: Flash is one of the nicest guys in the Justice League, in his city he knows a lot of people. He is not that far away icon like Superman or that grumpy crusader that Batman is. Even most his enemies like him to a huge degree. Most of them actively don't want him dead or even badly hurt.This could be the one thing that makes The Flash better than Arrow, Flash has a better Rogues Gallery. I can't wait to see their version of Captain Boomerang.
Yeah, I saw it posted on the TV Show Cancellations topic and then found the news story... Annoyed and disappointed but I get why they didn't do it since Flash shouldn't be a 9PM show and bumping Arrow to 9PM probably wouldn't do it any favors, still wanted that DC Wednesdays though.
"In the Flash pilot, Barry comes to me," Amell tells TVGuide.com. "[It's a] little snippet in the Flash pilot where he and I share a scene together, it's in his pilot, but [filming] it felt like our show because he's coming to Starling City. That, to me, was one of the most rewarding things that I did as an actor because it was essentially the same crew that we used for our pilot, and it was two years later and it was the same director. It was like going back in time. [Flash and Arrow director] David Nutter asked me to be a part of the pilot and I will never say no to David Nutter."
One can only hope that this early synergy opens up the possibility for many more crossovers to come, especially since the spin-off hails from Arrow's Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg and DC Chief Geoff Johns. "We'd be insane if we didn't do crossover stuff," Amell adds. "I don't know that it has to be an event or big moments, but the shows share a universe, and not utilizing that fact would be insane. I'm sure that we will at some point."
#Arrow has a new series regular. @Team_Barrowman --
What could go wrong?!?!
When will Tommy be back?
From Amell Twitter:
#Arrow has a new series regular. @Team_Barrowman --
What could go wrong?!?!
Barrowman is a regular next year? WHAAAA!?
More Barrowman<3Seems like Barrowman is going to be a series regular next season
From Amell Twitter:
#Arrow has a new series regular. @Team_Barrowman --
What could go wrong?!?!
Barrowman is a regular next year? WHAAAA!?
Makes sense since they cant really have Manu as a regular anymore since he is out of the picture in both timelines.
Also disappointed that they seemed to establish that Roy forgot most of what happened to him under the Mirakuru influence, but then Slade remembered everything and wasn't even concerned about all the shit he'd done.
I hope it never happens.Everybody with a brain knows that Olicity will happen, but obviosuly it won't happen now. They're slowly building the relationship, and they are doing a fantastic job, teasing included.
Lol it's Chlark all over again. Can't wait to see what the hopeless ship is gonna be on FlashEverybody with a brain knows that Olicity will happen, but obviosuly it won't happen now. They're slowly building the relationship, and they are doing a fantastic job, teasing included.
Don't really feel like either part of the finale delivered, Sarahs repeat'a'death, worlds slowest sinking boat, sticking an arrow in Slade when he was already stuck under a pile of iron beams, felt like they knew what they had to get done but couldn't quite pull it off in time & budget.
The present stuff was a lot more coherent but felt really rushed, especially Detective Chesthair, although I did really appreciate that the worlds worst detective eventually died because he couldn't figure out that he'd had severe internal bleeding for several hours. I'm glad we wont have to hear him say "Hey Laurel, have you heard there's a new Black Canary? I need you to help me figure out who it is!" over and over again next season.
Also disappointed that they seemed to establish that Roy forgot most of what happened to him under the Mirakuru influence, but then Slade remembered everything and wasn't even concerned about all the shit he'd done.
Still, show is great, the tone, the action, and the characters make up for everything else. Can't wait for next season.