Dear Arrow writers:
I will pay you $1 ... CASH to each of you if you get rid of Thea and Sarah permanently.
They are the fucking worst.
Thank you.
Now that you say it, she could become white american Cheshire.Thea is totally gonna become the Arrow version of Cheshire.
Thea is totally gonna become the Arrow version of Cheshire.
Dear Arrow writers:
I will pay you $1 ... CASH to each of you if you get rid of Thea and Sarah permanently.
They are the fucking worst.
Thank you.
Any Ideas Who maybe the next villain arrow and crew must face? I can't think of any major Green Arrow Villains left.Its Probably Merlyn and Thea.Or Ra's al Ghul
Dear Arrow writers:
I will pay you $1 ... CASH to each of you if you get rid of Thea and Sarah permanently.
They are the fucking worst.
Thank you.
Dear Arrow writers:
I will pay you $1 ... CASH to each of you if you get rid of Thea and Sarah permanently.
They are the fucking worst.
Thank you.
They were part of the problem by protecting their interests and reaping the benefits of doing so.
Any fun set stories?
Ummm.... nothing too crazy, but when we were filming "Keep Your Enemies Closer" something happened.
There was a scene we filmed that ultimately got cut from the episode. Right when we escape from the Russian prison, we get confronted by a bunch of guards in the courtyard and Diggle, Lyla and Deadshot are forced into having a shootout while they wait for Arrow to save the day.
Ironically, Deadshot doesn't have a gun. But he has a nightstick that he took from one of the guards that he and Diggle beat up inside the prison. The script called for me to throw the nightstick across the courtyard and knock out one of the guards. So I've got to launch this thing about 100 feet to make it look believable. It was a stunt nightstick, it wasn't very heavy, so I had to really whip this thing to hit my target.
They yell, "Action" and I throw this thing just about as hard as I can and I hit one of the camera operators right in the chest. The nightstick was padded so he wasn't hurt at all, but the look of surprise on his face was priceless. I felt bad. The funnier part of filming that scene was watching the stunt coordinator, Bam Bam, try to hit the guard in the face for the close up shot of the impact. He must have thrown the nightstick at the stuntman, Colin, about 10 times.
He was hitting him in the crotch, in the neck, everywhere but the head. It's crazy how you put so much time and effort into some of these scenes and they never see the light of day. Oh well... it provided us great entertainment and lots of laughs during a long night of filming.
Oh man... I think I'll remember that moment for all time.Mandatory
Amusing anecdote:
The CW universe, soap opera overload.How much hotness can you fit in a picture.
FLASH Season 1 |OT| Gotta Go Fast
Watch the Flash full trailer guys
so damn awesome. Thanks base Arrow
How much hotness can you fit in a picture.
I vote for this.Nah man, it's FLASH Season 1 |OT| Lightning Gives You Abs
Watching the finale now, and they actually went with Oli x Felicity ugh. I know I know it's the CW but still...
Unless he was lying so she stays put, in which case it's a super dick move because she does actually love him lol
Keep watching bro.
Arrow Off Season Thread |OT| Slade is love, Slade is lifeSo...
ARROW Season 3 |OT| Welcome To The New Age
FLASH Season 1 |OT| Gotta Go Fast
It looks like Torchwood’s leading man has found himself another flame. The Hollywood Reporter says that John Barrowman, who guest-starred on CW’s Arrow as Malcolm/Dark Archer, has been upgraded to be a full-time part of the cast beginning with this fall’s third season. This comes just hours after Arrow’s season finale on Wednesday, which featuredthe Dark Archer taking on a mentoring role for Oliver Queen’s sister, Thea.
Good finale, interesting bit at the end, guess they are done with theisland flashbacks
Nah man, it's FLASH Season 1 |OT| Lightning Gives You Abs
In replacement forflashbacks.Hong Kong
The flashbacks will continue through the end of the series it seems (I think that has been said by the creators).
I don't like that Thea and Laurel are both going to be heroes/villains. It takes something away from the show when every character is running around in a costume.
Haynes on if Roy will hit the salmon ladder: Maybe. I havent done it yet, but Im sure theyre going to have side-by-side salmon ladders.
The Vampire Diaries has the most attractive cast of any show, whether you like boys or girls there's at least 5 hotties of each gender for you to drool over.
I'm not sure if this was mentioned before but did anyone else notice diggle and Roy go down the zip line WITH THEIR BARE HANDS?!
Hong Kong is fantastic for some parkour action. Hopefully we will see some parkour action again in season 3, I miss that stuff.Fav line from the trailer haha my vote is for this one.
I'm looking forward to Ollie in Hong Kong tracking down baddies hopefully.
I'm not sure if this was mentioned before but did anyone else notice diggle and Roy go down the zip line WITH THEIR BARE HANDS?!
Probably a silly question, but has it ever been acknowledged if the island runs in real-time with the show?
Like will Hong Kong be year three or are we still on his first/second year on the island?
My first ever post since my GAF account was just validated, but I just wanted to say:
I've had a great time reading this thread week after week. It's almost been just as fun to see the posts about every episode as it was to actually watch them.
It's a great feeling to watch an episode and then go to the off-topic section of GAF and see the Arrow thread pushed near the top thanks the the reactions, images, jokes and theories each episode brought, you guys are truly entertaining.
I look forward to the next season and being able to contribute to the discussion then, thanks ArrowGAF!
My first ever post since my GAF account was just validated, but I just wanted to say:
I've had a great time reading this thread week after week. It's almost been just as fun to see the posts about every episode as it was to actually watch them.
It's a great feeling to watch an episode and then go to the off-topic section of GAF and see the Arrow thread pushed near the top thanks the the reactions, images, jokes and theories each episode brought, you guys are truly entertaining.
I look forward to the next season and being able to contribute to the discussion then, thanks ArrowGAF!