Norwegian Rudo
He is not a fighter. Shatner isn't either. We need a cool badass fighter boss.
Do you think Barrowman did his own fighting?
He is not a fighter. Shatner isn't either. We need a cool badass fighter boss.
He did part of it. And while stunt doubles are important, Arrow seems very willing to cut costs by making the actors do the heavy lifting.Do you think Barrowman did his own fighting?
His tactic is letting people laugh themselves to death.
He did part of it. And while stunt doubles are important, Arrow seems very willing to cut costs by making the actors do the heavy lifting.
Actors can't do all that much due to insurance and union issues not to mention what an injury to a main cast member can do to production.
It propably depends where you film it. Propably main reason why Strike Back is filmned on locations :d
Any idea when season 2 is coming to Netflix?
Wozzly will have a field day with this...
Estimated release date?I can see it now "Daddy's Girl: An Incestuous Affair"
Where... where did that come from?
The GIF? Mario Party stream on Giant Bomb
When is season 2 coming to Netflix? Anyone know?
The ass.
The last time I checked Willa was kind of lacking in the meat department.
The ass.
The last time I checked Willa was kind of lacking in the meat department.
Wozzly will have a field day with this...
Oh yeah, I can definitely get behind this.
It's great how she can go from hot to eh in like, 2 seconds.
Haha this made me laugh
But is this real? Epic fail if it is .
Well, we now know you're too straight for Willa.
Goddam Willa. Broad knows how to make the season wait go by. Too bad Emily Bett had grown out of that phase before twitter and instagram could redord it.
More on topic, still have not seen the season finale. The Flash is looking more my speed.
Well, we now know you're too straight for Willa.
No it's a fake.
The scars, tattoos and everything else is in the same spot.
No it was on Arrow reddit a while back and they found the guy who did the fan poster.Yeah that's the problem, did they use the same body on a different poster?