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ARROW Season 2 |OT| Back in a Flash

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Actual spoiler:
From what I gather from spoilers out there, she's going to end up dating Brother Blood.............



They're bumming me out just by proxy. Can't imagine what it's like for her.

I feel so bad for Katie :/

You need to update your Katie/Writers post with this new information.


If you guys were writing the show, how would fix Laurel? Assuming we begin the repairs from this point. How do we salvage her?

Ra's needs to send her on a nice trip to the Phantom Zone where she can recieve her off-screen training. Preferably by some hero that Ra's has sent there before, lets say WW. Either that, or she dies, providing at least some motivation for Sara/Det.Chesthair to get more involved in the vigilante business.

Actual spoiler:
From what I gather from spoilers out there, she's going to end up dating Brother Blood.............



here's the exact spoiler text, which is a bit more vague than I remember:

Complicating matters is Blood's burgeoning relationship with Laurel. "They start running into each other more," Katie Cassidy says. "They do get involved in a certain way." Drama!

Now, she may not mean romantically involved. But given this show's track record... I'm just going to assume they mean romantic.

There's hope! A little...


Actual spoiler:
From what I gather from spoilers out there, she's going to end up dating Brother Blood.............


They're bumming me out just by proxy. Can't imagine what it's like for her.
Feel sorry for Katie.
Bet she signed on thinking she'd play this great character who becomes a super hero, instead she plays the most worthless character that no one likes.


Ollie will catch Laurel and Blood having crazy sex just at the window of her place, right when they are about to meet.

Camera zooms out, Ollie's face darkens, and then
we can catch just a glimpse of Wozzly, focusing on all the potential in this web of interactions
Ollie will catch Laurel and Blood having crazy sex just at the window of her place, right when they are about to meet.

Camera zooms out, Ollie's face darkens, and then
we can catch just a glimpse of Wozzly, focusing on all the potential in this web of interactions
*Radioactive plays in the background*


Bull on a Donut
Feel sorry for Katie.
Bet she signed on thinking she'd play this great character who becomes a super hero, instead she plays the most worthless character that no one likes.

Eh pretty sure most of the hate is contained in this thread, sure she's no felicity, but I highly doubt she's maligned as much in other places.

I never got the hate in season 1, she was ok there--pretty much 100% Rachel Dawes (which is fine imo), but season 2 has just been awful for Laurel. Funny that they said she would "kick way more ass" than in season 1 or something like that.


Eh pretty sure most of the hate is contained in this thread, sure she's no felicity, but I highly doubt she's maligned in as much in other places.

I never got the hate in season 1, she was ok there--pretty much 100% Rachel Dawes (which is fine imo), but season 2 has just been awful for Laurel. Funny that they said she would "kick way more ass" than in season 1 or something like that.
Well, in the forums and threads that I visit, most if not all of them hate her.
Maybe the CW teen audience find her interesting and relatable.

She was okay in season 1 but she gradually got worse as the season progressed. The last couple of episodes of season 1 is when my hate for her started to materialize.


Laurel's character is a victim of the writer's lack of understanding how storytelling works.

She found her place alongside Ollie in a natural way at the end of seson 1. Ollie had resolve, Laurel felt safe and whole again. Then, they just HAD to kill Tommy. They had to fuck them up, and she cant find her place ever since. It is what happens to a character who is supposed to belong to someone, just by how she has been written up till the point of Tommy's death.

Since the storytellers do not understand this, they insisted on including her "being lost" part in the show. It would have been much better to have her disappear for half of the season and come back as Canary, right when Ollie needs her the most. THAT is a good character arc for her. But this? Nope.

And it is not her fault at all. Not even "ingame" Laurel's.
If you guys were writing the show, how would fix Laurel? Assuming we begin the repairs from this point. How do we salvage her?

She finds out when Merlyn kidnaps her that Detective Chest Hair and River Song had actually adopted her. Merlyn tries to use her as a hostage when Ra's Al Ghul comes after him. She is Talia Al Ghul.


Eh pretty sure most of the hate is contained in this thread, sure she's no felicity, but I highly doubt she's maligned in as much in other places.

Oh, she is. My amazement at this whole thing got me curious and I checked out Twitter right after some of the recent terrible Laurel episodes to see what people thought of her after watching and holy shit almost every Laurel tweet outside of a couple Cassidy stans was about how much Laurel sucks, how they want her to die, how she's ugly, how she got plastic surgery. It's brutal. I went to the IMDB forums after the episodes aired and it's similar to those tweets. It's actually way worse than this thread.

I wondered if even comic fans would like her because of the whole canon thing and her name and her destiny of being black canary, so I went to SuperHeroHype to see what they thought. There's a 10 page thread titled "Do you want Laurel killed off" trashing her.
Oh, she is. My amazement at this whole thing got me curious and I checked out Twitter right after some of the recent terrible Laurel episodes to see what people thought of her after watching and holy shit almost every Laurel tweet outside of a couple Cassidy stans was about how much Laurel sucks, how they want her to die, how she's ugly, how she got plastic surgery. It's brutal. I went to the IMDB forums after the episodes aired and it's similar to those tweets. It's actually way worse than this thread.

I wondered if even comic fans would like her because of the whole canon thing and her name and her destiny of being black canary, so I went to SuperHeroHype to see what they thought. There's a 10 page thread titled "Do you want Laurel killed off" trashing her.

Man, I feel bad for Katie.

I mean, I see the problems with the character, but it's messed up when people start attacking her for her character.

GAF is the most civilized bastion on the internet for Arrow? That is fuuuuuuucked up.

Edit: You know what they should do? Have Laurel attempt suicide, and survive. Like, legit shock wakeup call type stuff. Have her fall as low as possible, smash into the earth (metaphorically), complete and total rock-bottom, ready-to-die.

And then, then she breaks through the other side of her misery and anger kicking and screaming and ready to take some names.

Except, I can predict what the writers will do here, and I already know what bullshit they'll play: Laurel's gonna get dosed with the MIRAKARU and immediately get super powers, boom.


Oh, she is. My amazement at this whole thing got me curious and I checked out Twitter right after some of the recent terrible Laurel episodes to see what people thought of her after watching and holy shit almost every Laurel tweet outside of a couple Cassidy stans was about how much Laurel sucks, how they want her to die, how she's ugly, how she got plastic surgery. It's brutal. I went to the IMDB forums after the episodes aired and it's similar to those tweets. It's actually way worse than this thread.

I wondered if even comic fans would like her because of the whole canon thing and her name and her destiny of being black canary, so I went to SuperHeroHype to see what they thought. There's a 10 page thread titled "Do you want Laurel killed off" trashing her.
They're attacking Katie?
Ouch. I feel bad for her.

Hooray for GAF for being most normal!

Have her leave Star City for a while.
Maybe have her go to Gotham and meet Babs, they team up and set up Birds of Prey.
In the mean time Sara can come back as Canary.
Laurel turns up a season later, with Oliver trying to find out what and who Birds of Prey is.


Bull on a Donut
Oh, she is. My amazement at this whole thing got me curious and I checked out Twitter right after some of the recent terrible Laurel episodes to see what people thought of her after watching and holy shit almost every Laurel tweet outside of a couple Cassidy stans was about how much Laurel sucks, how they want her to die, how she's ugly, how she got plastic surgery. It's brutal. I went to the IMDB forums after the episodes aired and it's similar to those tweets. It's actually way worse than this thread.

I wondered if even comic fans would like her because of the whole canon thing and her name and her destiny of being black canary, so I went to SuperHeroHype to see what they thought. There's a 10 page thread titled "Do you want Laurel killed off" trashing her.

Dam that's awful, well here's top hoping they pull a Roy Harper with her or just kill her off and save us all the pain.
They're trying to figure out a way for Laurel to date MIRAKARU as we speak.

Christ. It's gonna happen.


Dam that's awful, well here's top hoping they pull a Roy Harper with her or just kill her off and save us all the pain.

I think that she can be salvaged. The problem is that... it is really, really hard. The character on her own, yeah, can be salvaged, but as the 'One' for Oliver, the end-all romance, no. Relationship has too much baggage and is too toxic to even attempt that. Felicity/Oliver should be built up as end-game, because there isn't that fucked up history always at the forefront.

I don't really understand what the writers are thinking. They tried to imply that she has a drinking and pill problem, but it effects zero aspects of her life outside that terribly acted police pull over bit. They have to properly show a downward spiral and all the hits that she's taking, and it feels like they aren't doing a great job of that.

She has to fail, utterly and completely. Just be totally broken down. And we have to believe it. Then!



Oh, she is. My amazement at this whole thing got me curious and I checked out Twitter right after some of the recent terrible Laurel episodes to see what people thought of her after watching and holy shit almost every Laurel tweet outside of a couple Cassidy stans was about how much Laurel sucks, how they want her to die, how she's ugly, how she got plastic surgery. It's brutal. I went to the IMDB forums after the episodes aired and it's similar to those tweets. It's actually way worse than this thread.

I wondered if even comic fans would like her because of the whole canon thing and her name and her destiny of being black canary, so I went to SuperHeroHype to see what they thought. There's a 10 page thread titled "Do you want Laurel killed off" trashing her.

People take this shit way too seriously. And attacking the actress herself is fucking pathetic.

I'm curious enough to delve into the depths of despair and read some of that stuff.

Side note, another article comparing SHIELD to Arrow

Superhero TV: Agents of SHIELD could learn a lot from Arrow

In Arrow (Mondays, Sky1, 8pm), a wayward playboy returns to his benighted home city after being thought dead for years. Operating as a deep-voiced, dark-clothed vigilante, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) sets about cleaning up the streets although, in lieu of any superpowers, this square-jawed billionaire must rely only on expensive gadgets and an insane workout regime to prevail.

It's Batman Begins with a compound bow, and 30 episodes in, Arrow – based on the long-standing DC Comics character Green Arrow – has found an enjoyable, if trifling, groove. Compare that to Agents of SHIELD, the much-hyped TV spin-off from Marvel's insanely successful movie universe, a show that has achieved impressive ratings but received underwhelming reviews. (Full disclosure: I like it more than most.)

Though they both have their roots in comics, it's a little unfair to compare the two series directly. Arrow may not have the high budget of Agents of SHIELD, but it debuted to far lower audience expectations, and has had an entire first season to work out any kinks (or insert some). Agents of SHIELD – on a scheduled production break this week – is still finding its footing, but could potentially learn from its scrappy rival. With that in mind, here are seven things Arrow does better than Agents of SHIELD.

Unadulterated action

When he's not firing arrows at bad guys with machine guns, Oliver Queen is wrecking henchmen with the mixed martial arts he learned while stranded on a remote island for five years. From Adam West's Batman to Xena: Warrior Princess, there's just something cathartic about a good brawl. Agents of SHIELD, though, seems unwilling to commit to fisticuffs, preferring to try to subvert the form. When Agent Ward (Brett Dalton) recently took on an entire pagan hate cult baying for his blood, he drifted off into a flashback mid-melee and snapped out of it amid a pile of duffed-up bodies. Poetic, maybe, but it would be nice to see him kick at least one person in the face every episode.


There is an undercurrent of angst in Agents of SHIELD, with Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg) occasionally gazing out of a tiny aeroplane window pondering his mysterious death and resurrection. But since every single SHIELD character is primed to communicate in quips and pop-culture references, it can be hard to downshift into non-snarky melodrama. Every single Arrow character feels guilty about forbidden love or killing someone or being an alcoholic, and they're happy to talk about it at great length without cracking wise. Weirdly, these Sunset Beach excursions make Arrow feel more like an old-fashioned comic book.

Canny casting

In season one, Arrow staged its own mini Doctor Who convention by casting John Barrowman and Alex Kingston. For season two, it has signed up the striking Summer Glau, former female Terminator on The Sarah Connor Chronicles, but also a veteran of Joss Whedon productions Firefly, Serenity and Dollhouse, and someone you could reasonably have expected would turn up in a SHIELD uniform sooner rather than later. Biff, bang, gazump!

Fan service

Ironically, being so directly linked to the Marvel movie universe means Agents of SHIELD can't use comic characters earmarked for potential big-screen outings. In contrast, Arrow has gone berserk, raking up (admittedly second-tier) DC Comics characters and getting them on screen as fast as possible. Deadshot, China White, Deathstroke, Bronze Tiger, Amanda Waller from Suicide Squad ... these are all characters familiar to fans that pop up in the flesh rather than just being listed on a computer database as an in-joke. This Monday's episode goes even further, with the introduction of mild-mannered CSI guy Barry Allen (Grant Gustin). Bazza is destined to become The Flash, arguably a more recognisable character than Green Arrow, and now gearing up for his own TV spin-off.

Clever use of resources

Despite a healthy budget, Agents of SHIELD can't help but look a little cheap compared to its expensive movie siblings. Arrow is funded by the less flush CW network, yet manages to look more visually coherent, with Vancouver standing in for Starling City. Arrow is also unafraid to recycle, shooting on dark alleyway sets originally built for Zack Snyder's Watchmen movie. The show also gets the most out of another nearby resource: Stephen Amell's torso. Oliver Queen does a lot of one-armed push-ups, and has an impressive workout trick called the "salmon ladder".

Focus and momentum

SHIELD is an international agency with a broad remit and the word "logistics" in its title. This involves the team bouncing around the globe on various missions. Arrow is about Oliver Queen trying to save Starling City, which gives the show an enviable focus. But the real master stroke is the constant use of flashbacks to Oliver's lost years on Lian Yu, a remote – if not deserted – island. If the present-day plot is threatening to get a bit dull, the action cuts back to the island, where Oliver talks in a slightly more high-pitched voice and sports a Dawson from Dawson's Creek haircut. If the island storyline flags, the show jumps back to the present day. It's a cross-cutting technique that comic books use all the time, and it keeps things rattling along in a way that SHIELD just can't match.

Ninjas. Ninjas!

Arrow has no shortage of ninjas. As Marvel Comics godhead Stan Lee might put it: 'nuff said.


Look at this thread. Wall-to-wall support and sympathy for Katie Cassidy. Some sort of mirakuru has clearly taken place.

Funky Papa

Well, congrats. I immediately regret joking about killing her character off. For all the scorn ITT, the people out there are much, much worse.

Come here, Katie, I will console you.
Look at this thread. Wall-to-wall support and sympathy for Katie Cassidy. Some sort of mirakuru has clearly taken place.


1) MIRAKARU must always be capitalized and 2) I think no one ever had a problem with Cassidy (forehead botex jokes aside from early on).

Well, congrats. I immediately regret joing about killing her character off. For all the scorn ITT, the people out there are much, much worse.

Come here, Katie, I will console you.

With... your... penis?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're back to square one.


Ollie will catch Laurel and Blood having crazy sex just at the window of her place, right when they are about to meet.

Camera zooms out, Ollie's face darkens, and then
we can catch just a glimpse of Wozzly, focusing on all the potential in this web of interactions

Do it CW


If you guys were writing the show, how would fix Laurel? Assuming we begin the repairs from this point. How do we salvage her?
They can't. She was there from the beginning for the love triangle and nothing more. All other characters bring something to the show as a character, Laurel was there to be a complication. I say kill off Laurel and give Katie Cassidy to do a show where she can start as a better character. Or ship her off to Central City, get her on the supporting cast for The Flash with her mother. Rebuild her character completely away from Oliver. Keep Sara on Arrow.

He's already been on Glee. He knows how internet fandoms operate now.
Hell, Glee already had him spark that gay vibe just in the show itself.

Am I going to miss much skipping first 3 episodes of this season? I'll read about them but anything special that needs to be watched?
Yes. You're gonna miss a lot of awesome.


special needs, sexual needs
The Laurel hate train is back YES!!! I don't have anything against Katie herself its just her character. I know I got some heat about Laurel being killed off but I meant it in the nicest way possible. Her character has nothing to do this season and I can't see it getting any better. Just look how much she's been neglected the last few episodes.

The whole drunk Laurel descending into self despair had potential but that last all of what 5 minutes? She hates The Hood for Tommy's death and then she's like oh it was me that killed him and everything is ok again call it MIRAKURU or what but she needs something going on.


I mean Laurel can't possibly compete with Felicity. Just look at how she rocked that fuzzy Russian hat!

Ollie will catch Laurel and Blood having crazy sex just at the window of her place, right when they are about to meet.

Camera zooms out, Ollie's face darkens, and then
we can catch just a glimpse of Wozzly, focusing on all the potential in this web of interactions

*Radioactive plays in the background*


Radioactive? You know just how to hurt me!

Now I should get back to my Barry/Ollie/Diggle ship


special needs, sexual needs
no love for chestair?
He's still recovering from the Rubber Fist Arrow he used on Ollie
Leaving Walter out?
Walter is still busy with Felicity's Smoak Stacks at the moment.
Chesthair + Moira is gonna be a thing.
with Merlin watching through a window

*Radioactive in the Background*
Now this is getting good. The music certainly adds an element of anger and passion to the scene. What if I made MIRAKURU into a performance drug that brought out the animal in Moira...hmmm


Laurel needs to die. In a show full of awesome she's the only bad part and there's no salvaging her. Girl is pretty and has charisma, but in this particular show it just won't work at this point.

I mean..crap..they even found a way to make Roy tolerable and even awesome to watch occasionally (like when he got shot in the leg). But Laurel? At this point her only value is to be something we can laugh at in this thread.


Laurel needs to die. In a show full of awesome she's the only bad part and there's no salvaging her. Girl is pretty and has charisma, but in this particular show it just won't work at this point.

I mean..crap..they even found a way to make Roy tolerable and even awesome to watch occasionally (like when he got shot in the leg). But Laurel? At this point her only value is to be something we can laugh at in this thread.

Have her death become fuel for new plot threads and strenghtening of everybody's determination.
That'd just be the same as Tommy's death though.
Baseless speculation time: what if the particle accelerator isn't replacing the electrochemical accident that created flash? I could see it being a less goofy alternative to the Cosmic Treadmill, or even as a power source for Zoom.
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