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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
What's crazy is that I feel like the camerawork got better as the episode went on.

I'd definitely be down for the guy trying another episode in the future.


What's crazy is that I feel like the camerawork got better as the episode went on.

I'd definitely be down for the guy trying another episode in the future.

It did get better as it progressed. Although these episodes are usually shot very out of order so I'm not sure if they means anything.
best action this show has had since the ra's duel and aaaaaall the way back to season 1 before that (in fact it mostly reminded me of season 1 back when this show actually had pretty decent action scenes)

seriously, hire this guy for the entire season or something. even the choreography and oliver's shooting somehow improved tenfold in this.
best action this show has had since the ra's duel and aaaaaall the way back to season 1 before that (in fact it mostly reminded me of season 1 back when this show actually had pretty decent action scenes)

seriously, hire this guy for the entire season or something. even the choreography and oliver's shooting somehow improved tenfold in this.

the Long Takes? were fucking GOAT this week but it still looked cheap somehow, like the Cinematography was off somewhere. still 8/10 tho
the Long Takes? were fucking GOAT this week but it still looked cheap somehow, like the Cinematography was off somewhere. still 8/10 tho

yeah it was kinda cheap looking but also it made the action look a lot better than it's been for a while forreal. even laurel was doing some nice things.

but holy shit thea and diggle were the MVPs. and they gave Ray Palmer that iron man swoop-in.


special needs, sexual needs
I don't like this Oliggle drama.

Thea: "Alex, please be patient with me. Im the type of girl that looks like no means yes and I have a condition that I beat people to near death."

Ollie calling out Darhk in public was awesome. Those intense stares. Loving Darhk better than Ra's that's for sure. Oh Chesthair please don't kick the bucket.


The fight scenes were way, way too choreographed tonight. They came off looking fake as hell. Loved the shooting style of them though.
It seems likely that Chesthair will die by the end of this season. The Diggle drama was meh, but the action sequence in this episode were great. Although the camera work during these sequences were crap.
The fight scenes were way, way too choreographed tonight. They came off looking fake as hell. Loved the shooting style of them though.

That's been a problem for a long time now, it looks more like dance choreography than actual fighting. Maybe it's meant to be kind of comicbooky but I'm not a fan of high kicks so slow they look completely useless.


I really liked the fight choreo. Yeah some of the moves were pretty obvious but I'll take it looking like a dance over looking like a mess of disjointed cuts any day. You can also get to appreciate the work that goes into creating the fights when they're shot like in big long takes. This is how they rehearse the fights, so why not film them the same way and show off the talent of the stuntpeople and choreographers?

But this guy. This fucking guy right here.


Maybe he thought he was the Flash and wanted to charge up for a speed punch?


I found the direction of this episode incredibly distracting. Just calling too much attention to itself. And given that it was a Diggle episode (more or less), I'm surprised at how dull I found the proceedings. Everyone else seems to love it so maybe I'm just having a bad night or something.


I found the direction of this episode incredibly distracting. Just calling too much attention to itself. And given that it was a Diggle episode (more or less), I'm surprised at how dull I found the proceedings. Everyone else seems to love it so maybe I'm just having a bad night or something.

I thought it continued the streak of average episodes.

The only good things about this ep for me:

Ray was chill and not annoying. I like his Iron Man suit. Would prefer to see him fight over Laurel any day of the week.

Oliver at the end giving Darhk the finger. More of that please.


I found the direction of this episode incredibly distracting. Just calling too much attention to itself. And given that it was a Diggle episode (more or less), I'm surprised at how dull I found the proceedings. Everyone else seems to love it so maybe I'm just having a bad night or something.
The direction and choreography during the fighting/action sequences were the only thing that really stood out to me. Pretty impressive stuff for the most part.

Also yeah, I would've preferred they go hard on it being a Diggle episode rather than it being a mostly Diggle but still everyone episode. Or it just seemed like Diggle was never the one driving the action and it was up to everyone to tell him to put his game face on. Otherwise I mean it was okay, not really a standout.

Does no one just care Thea basically carries a sword out anymore? Like wtf?

And I guess the island flashbacks this season are just not gonna be flat out connected to the present storyline short of stunt twists like Constantine.


That was a strong contender for the best episode of the series. It was so good to finally, finally! have some longer drawn-out fight scenes.



The flashbacks were at their best in season 1, when they weren't flat out telegraphy the present day stuff.
I much preferred their use in seasons 1 and 2. Season 3 tried to do it but they missed the mark most of the time. I guess they just gave up which kinda sucks.

If anything S1 was probably the better use of island flashbacks, because it was mostly thematic, whereas with S2 I have to guess they got super lucky that it tied everything together really well with the return of Slade and Sara and the Mirakuru. S3 was trying to capture the same magic but making a mess of it. I'm guessing they didn't really plan out the present as much alongside their broad idea of what Oliver's 5 years away were really supposed to be.


I thought it was a decent episode over all but I did find the cinematography a bit distracting. Like that one cut where it zooms in on the head of a fallen Ghost had me just shaking my head. However, I'll take it over the majority of bland direction we've gotten for a long time now. I will jump on what others have stated that for a Diggle episode it felt to crowded and chaotic. Honestly, this is a problem I have with Arrow right now there are just too many heroes jumping around. Every time Oliver is out in the field it includes Diggle, Laurel, and Thea, alongside the guest hero of the week. It sort of ruins the whole "Arrow" vibe that I should be getting from the show and makes me somewhat question what some of these people do for a living, does Laurel still have a job?

I was all happy when Diggle was like "just you and me" when they went after Andy but that was over quickly. I prefer the way Flash handles it's large cast, keep them as support. Barry, for the most part, is the guy in the field everyone else just hangs back and yells support (mostly "run, Barry, run") into a microphone. It's pretty effective for me and allows for the supporting cast B-stories to play out much better. I also wish the writers knew what to do with Felicity because it seems they have no clue right now.

It was the week of the Elevator Fight Scene, Gotham had one, Arrow had one, and Supernatural had one.

Gotham won.


These flashbacks needs to go the fuck away. I hate them.

Laurel had some stuff on her lips.

Diggle being sad.

This episode had it all.


7 episodes of flashbacks.

7 episodes of absolutely nothing.

At this point we'll be lucky to see Oliver take a shit on the island.


btw, what was up with the handheld camera during the dock sequence? Did Paul Greengrass direct this?

If you'd read any posts in the last few pages - and I know you don't, no worries - you'd know it was James Bamford the stunt coordinator who directed the episode, which explains the unorthodox direction.


If you'd read any posts in the last few pages - and I know you don't, no worries - you'd know it was James Bamford the stunt coordinator who directed the episode, which explains the unorthodox direction.

Well that explains it. I liked it. Let him direct more.


7 episodes of flashbacks.

7 episodes of absolutely nothing.

At this point we'll be lucky to see Oliver take a shit on the island.

Always thought flashbacks were garbage but you could make the argument they were supposed to be a backstory on why Ollie was the way he was.

Now? Those "five years in hell made him become something else" that no longer exist and is replaced by a different something else with no connection to the island, or hong kong, or Oa, or wherever else he was during those 5 years.

So not only are they just as bad, if not worse than ever before, it serves absolutely no purpose.


The flashbacks are fine. They are lite and finally focused. Last year was all over the place and didn't amount to anything till the end. I like this year's flashbacks. They are fun to watch again.


Bitches love smiley faces
The flashbacks used to be interesting and filled in questions like how Oliver survived on the island or what happened to Slade. Season 2's were so well integrated into the present day story, both stories strengthened each other.

Problem is now, he's had training, we know how he survived the island. You can't rely on that to keep people interested. They don't do a good job upfront of relating to Ollie's experiences in the episode. We basically have to sit through them until you see how it relates to the A story.


The flashbacks are fine. They are lite and finally focused. Last year was all over the place and didn't amount to anything till the end. I like this year's flashbacks. They are fun to watch again.


No really


What part of the flashbacks are fun to you? Nothing happens in them. Nothing at all.

If you cut out all the non-Constantine flashbacks from this season it would make zero difference to the story so far.
Ray really is just iron man, seriously. Iron man who will be able to shrink eventually.


No really


What part of the flashbacks are fun to you? Nothing happens in them. Nothing at all.

If you cut out all the non-Constantine flashbacks from this season it would make zero difference to the story so far.

Constantine being back made them worth it for me.


My head cannon tells me that Barrowman being a series regular yet only appearing in like two episodes so far is because he is secretly off filming for Doctor Who


Only 3/4 done with episode, but this is such a good episode. Loved the part where Felicity said the bondage line to Ollie in front of a walker by. Lol

The fight scenes tonight are awesome!



Remember when Ray needed Ollie's help to throw simple kicks and punches? Now he stomping goons that supposedly Laurel, Thea and Diggle all had trouble with (though they seem to be kicking their asses too).

It's as inconsistent as Laurel going from asskicker that knew how to defend herself in season 1 to having to learn how to throw a punch in season 3.


Remember when Ray needed Ollie's help to throw simple kicks and punches? Now he stomping goons that supposedly Laurel, Thea and Diggle all had trouble with (though they seem to be kicking their asses too).
I mean, he is wearing a suit of power armor.


I think Barrowman has less than 23 episodes on his contract and some special freedoms. He talked vaguely about how they sort of had to give him a sweetheart deal during season two committing him to be a season three regular. He seems to travel a lot more than the rest of the cast and do his own projects too.

Besides they don't need Malcolm that often and his impact is better when he swaggers in out of the blue rather than hanging around. I think they just want to have Barrowman on retainer, as do we all.
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