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Arts & Farts

Always-honest said:
ah,.. :) cool character anyway.

I'd love to see it.
Oh, ok!


Kenny. This is a friend's character that I drew in the style of my character Silvia's world. Was a art exchange (he drew Silvia in his character's world)


Crazy looking kitty :3


My attempt at a Tarzan male body. Cause i wanted to draw a dude for once. Hand is fucked and I don't care.


This is a Character I based on a friend. J.B Kitty.

Not new stuffvvv ...

Old but it looks different. Based on a girl I know ... I don't like her very much. :/
(we had a falling out. Bitch wanna say I'm trying to steal her book in front of everyone >_>. Yeah, she can stay a lil warty troll. I love this pic because she hates it :D )


Based on a friend of mine. First concept for her. She is a "Cat Monkey" girl.
later on we agreed on this head.

Still haven't finished the character.

Toma said:
This was a present to the sister of my girlfriend :) She cried when saw it :D Its double the size than the one above. 90cm high and 1,3m wide or something.
I love that!
Reminds me of something I did in HS ... back when I actually use to make fine-art stuff :/

And I really like your stuff chumps!
Looks looks nice and clean. :)

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Been a little while! :)

As some of you know, I recently moved to NY. Now I work at a casual game dev place making Facebook games (lol) working on games for girls (lol), more specifically Cupcake Corner (lol).

Ridiculous themes and platform aside, its a great gig and theres a lot of really good artists here. Sure, we don't work on anything GAF cares about, but its a great learning experience and its forcing me to learn a lot of new stuff like Flash and I'm finally getting good at Illustrator, so its all benefits as far as I'm concerned :)

Plus, its VERY gratifying to be able to to concept a prop, then make it yourself and see it launched and in the game a couple of days later .. and then seeing people spend actual cash to make stuff you specifically made, its a pretty awesome feeling and it lets you see what consumers actually like and dislike about your work.

Anyways, I did a quick collage of some of the items Ive done that I liked best.

Man Mr.Spaniard, I've seen you post in this thread several times when I was just browsing around a bit, finding myself quite impressed with all your landscaping and art.

Next to being skilled at cool character art and beautiful landscapes, you've also got a lot of versatility, as seen in those much more stylized/simplistic props.

I really need to step up my game for my own art, seeing stuff like yours really makes
me feel like trying a lot harder.
Black-Wind said:

Crazy looking kitty :3

love to see more of this cat.

told you you was great at cats :p
Raging Spaniard said:
Been a little while! :)

As some of you know, I recently moved to NY. Now I work at a casual game dev place making Facebook games (lol) working on games for girls (lol), more specifically Cupcake Corner (lol).

Ridiculous themes and platform aside, its a great gig and theres a lot of really good artists here. Sure, we don't work on anything GAF cares about, but its a great learning experience and its forcing me to learn a lot of new stuff like Flash and I'm finally getting good at Illustrator, so its all benefits as far as I'm concerned :)

Plus, its VERY gratifying to be able to to concept a prop, then make it yourself and see it launched and in the game a couple of days later .. and then seeing people spend actual cash to make stuff you specifically made, its a pretty awesome feeling and it lets you see what consumers actually like and dislike about your work.

Anyways, I did a quick collage of some of the items Ive done that I liked best.
Great to read that you're having a great time in New York.
You'll learn a lot from the other creatives around you.
And please point us to the games when they are finished!

And Adobe Illustrator, god how i love that piece of software.


Really like your works Spaniard~

did these, I've been lucky enough to do a commision for a poem 'The Owl Tree'
and lately, I've just been having fun trying to come up with my own character designs.





RyType said:
did these, I've been lucky enough to do a commision for a poem 'The Owl Tree'
and lately, I've just been having fun trying to come up with my own character designs.

:0 cooooool. Love the style of your work.

awesome art on this new page

pew pew pew!!>>>>
Awesome job at keeping this thread going. I love checking in and seeing what people post. This page is going great.

Congrats Raging, your style comes across in those items. I'm looking forward to your Mega Man tribute drawing. I'm working on mine, I'll post it when it gets rejected ha.
Always-honest said:
love to see more of this cat.

told you you was great at cats :p
Thanks lol!

Others want me to do more with this character to so I might just do it. :p

And this is something I drew for a woman who may want me to paint a mural for her. (she wants a "Nemo fish" style)


343i Lead Esports Producer
I need help. I have an idea for a drawing that I want to do but I don't really know how to go about drawing it. Here's my idea: It takes place in a recording studio. The main subject of the drawing is behind a glass, in the next room, playing a guitar with headphones on and his head down. The perspective is from someone in the control room(??) watching. There are all the boards and knobs in front, mixers...all that good stuff. I think I've described that alright.

I plan on doing this in Paint.net and I have a little Wacom Bamboo tablet so things like layering or transparency effects, I can do. Where would I start with something like this? Should I start with a pencil tool and then outline over it on another layer? What resolution would be a good one? Is it a good idea to use reference photos? Anything to help me get my foot in the door with this drawing would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot and keep up the great work everyone.
Raging Spaniard said:
Been a little while! :)

As some of you know, I recently moved to NY. Now I work at a casual game dev place making Facebook games (lol) working on games for girls (lol), more specifically Cupcake Corner (lol).

Ridiculous themes and platform aside, its a great gig and theres a lot of really good artists here. Sure, we don't work on anything GAF cares about, but its a great learning experience and its forcing me to learn a lot of new stuff like Flash and I'm finally getting good at Illustrator, so its all benefits as far as I'm concerned :)

Plus, its VERY gratifying to be able to to concept a prop, then make it yourself and see it launched and in the game a couple of days later .. and then seeing people spend actual cash to make stuff you specifically made, its a pretty awesome feeling and it lets you see what consumers actually like and dislike about your work.

Anyways, I did a quick collage of some of the items Ive done that I liked best.


aww, these are so cute.
its always good to expand your portfolio. especially in fields you've never done before.
im still learning maya, myself. :/

ps- illustrator can suck my left nut :)

pss-is this a thread to do constructive critiquing or is it pretty much a stroking that ego thread?

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
viakado said:
aww, these are so cute.
its always good to expand your portfolio. especially in fields you've never done before.
im still learning maya, myself. :/

ps- illustrator can suck my left nut :)

pss-is this a thread to do constructive critiquing or is it pretty much a stroking that ego thread?

This isn't an art forum so this thread is mostly to chill out and share. You can critique if you want, but this isn't the place to be harsh.
That's pretty cool Mik, your 3d stuff is translating well into your drawing.

Here's a quick drawing I did after submitting my entry to the Udon contest, (this is not the one I submitted though.)
Chao said:
Dude, I suck at drawing cars (or any kind of vehicle), those are great. And your handwriting too btw.
Thanks, but I did go to school for it. Now I just draw for my students since I don't draw them at work anymore.

I'm thinking about offering the class to Continuing Education (weekend class for none students) as well, but this is LA and there are tons of places to learn how to draw cars... For now, it's something I do just for fun. Teaching an elective class = fun, teaching a mandatory studio class = pain in the ass.


Hi! I made my first digital painting today instead of paying attention in Statistics class. It's all done in Sketchbook Pro!


I also drew my boy on paper :D



DM_Uselink said:
That's pretty cool Mik, your 3d stuff is translating well into your drawing.

Here's a quick drawing I did after submitting my entry to the Udon contest, (this is not the one I submitted though.)
Hey man, pretty cool drawing!.

[QUOTE=MrBig]Love your style[/QUOTE]
Thanks! Though I don't have "a style", I like to try out as many as possible, and usually stick with the ones I enjoy the most.

Anyway, here's a sketch I did between yesterday and today, based on a drawing I made a few weeks ago (and that I think I posted here as well):

Mik2121 said:
Hey man, pretty cool drawing!.

Thanks! Your mech is coming along nicely, I dig the version with the orange/yellow accents. (give me a District 9 vibe, which is awesome)

Here is my first figure done with oil paint (limited pallet).

really beautiful rendering of that figure there, DM. great colours too, feels very meditative and appropriately introspective. just love it

here's a portrait i've done last month:



Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Here's my graduation demo reel. Click to go to the Vimeo video :)

Comments and critiques always welcomed.


Nice stuff NetMapel. Didn't expect the background to be cg too though! :p

Anyway, this is a sketch I did today watching an Okami book I have..



That one looks great, sammy. I barely ever draw stuff with fur. Do you use the default circle brush? (it's the one I usually use.. I don't like to depend much on custom brushes).

I'll try to draw something with fur today! :p


Mik2121 said:
Nice stuff NetMapel. Didn't expect the background to be cg too though! :p

Anyway, this is a sketch I did today watching an Okami book I have..


That's awesome man! I love the colors!

I did a few more drawings, I'm still learning Sketchbook Pro. Here's what I got.




Mik2121 said:
Do you use the default circle brush? (it's the one I usually use.. I don't like to depend much on custom brushes).

I'll try to draw something with fur today! :p

I was able to sketch the values of the thing out in HB pencil, so just hatched all the proto-feathery fur... but I still wanted something matted and old looking so some smudge tool pushing and pulling. There's a custom brush I made from some scanned in markers works well for chunky fur. Usually with a sketch like that I bump my values half up and lay in colors on a multiply layer to build the lighting.


sammy said:
I was able to sketch the values of the thing out in HB pencil, so just hatched all the proto-feathery fur... but I still wanted something matted and old looking so some smudge tool pushing and pulling. There's a custom brush I made from some scanned in markers works well for chunky fur. Usually with a sketch like that I bump my values half up and lay in colors on a multiply layer to build the lighting.
What's the best method of laying color on a gray scale value drawing? I've been trying to learn through just drawing in color but it just ends up a mess.


sammy said:
I was able to sketch the values of the thing out in HB pencil, so just hatched all the proto-feathery fur... but I still wanted something matted and old looking so some smudge tool pushing and pulling. There's a custom brush I made from some scanned in markers works well for chunky fur. Usually with a sketch like that I bump my values half up and lay in colors on a multiply layer to build the lighting.
Oh, so you did that with paper and then just gave it color in Photoshop?.

It looks great =)


hookedonritalin said:
really beautiful rendering of that figure there, DM. great colours too, feels very meditative and appropriately introspective. just love it

here's a portrait i've done last month:


I like this...is it watercolor?


Today I made a few simple bodies to use as a tool to know the scale of the different objects and environments I do. You might start to see them frequently from now on, so I decided to put them here :p Note that I will most likely always use the silhouette one, and the soldiers will probably never show up (too detailed for their real purpose), but hey!..

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