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Arts & Farts




Rolling Girl
Anyone happen to have some nice tutorials for digital painting? I've been trying after a long break, but nothing seems to look good for me.


Traditional art fo' life!

; )

A painting I did for an English band my friend is in. The painting was eventually scanned and made into a poster, but the scanning process really mucked up the colours, and required me to use GIMP (for the first time).

The camera picture's also a bit crappy. : /



InfiniteNine said:
Anyone happen to have some nice tutorials for digital painting? I've been trying after a long break, but nothing seems to look good for me.

Check out the Sijun forum's speedpainting threads. Sijun is the old stomping grounds for many digital designers (Mullins, Feng, John Wallin, Sparth, etc.) and fine-artists trying to get a better grasp on the new medium. Very talented folks, lots of learning.
I created two DVD tutorials on how to use photoshop to sketch, and tried to cover basic and complex stuff. Those are for sell at massiveblack DVD's and downloads along with many wonderful artists that could use the support.

my portfolio lacks glowing eyeballs, so.....
I was at CTN Expo demoing for Wacom yesterday. Really got to get familiar with the new 21UX and Painter 11. It's a ridiculously awesome combo. Even more so than the older 21UX I have at work. You can really feather in some light pencil lines fast. I did this sketch literally in like 3 minutes, and 5 more for adding watercolor wash...



Theoretical Magician
chumps said:
What brand of pencils do you use Chumps.... really love your work.. very James Jean's sketch feel to it.

Latest I'm working on...haven't decided whether to Ink it or keep it as a pencil drawing..


android said:
What brand of pencils do you use Chumps....

I use Alvin Draft/Matic mechanical pencils with red/blue lead from Pentel and some other colors from Japanese leads from jetpens.com
Great stuff everyone! I haven't posted in a while, all I've been doing are these still life oil paintings:



Working on some digital stuff here and there as well, I'll post them as soon as I finish.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Figured you guys would like to know, Im moving to New York next week for a job :) Pretty excited.
hi guys, i just started to draw a couple of weeks ago. i bought Figure Drawing - Design and Invention off of amazon, can you guys recommend some more books on light & shadow, and figure drawing? i want to be awesome like you guys someday. ;D
I love this thread so much great stuff

I am on a deadline to finish 3 paintings by the 30th to submit for a chance at a group show but I hate rushing paintings because I end up with something I do not like. If I finish them on time I'll post

if not I'll work on them slowly and pass on the next show


Raging Spaniard said:
Figured you guys would like to know, Im moving to New York next week for a job :) Pretty excited.
Congrats. Hopefully it goes all smooth in whatever new company you're working on (which one, btw?)

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
sammy said:
congratulations Raging Spaniard ! :D enjoy it

a fanart of The Blob

Thanks! Im sure we will :)

btw, your work on DKC Returns is out-fucking-standing


Damn.. with all the quality paintings going on here, I feel a bit too ashamed of posting this, but oh well..


This is a 40 minutes environment sketch based on some of the stuff I’ve been learning by looking at some of Marco Bucci’s paintings. This is not the first painting I do with this technique, but recently I’ve been too busy with 3D stuff and I barely touched Photoshop for something else other than creating textures or getting some rough concept art done.

The day I learn to paint skies will be a day to remember… :)

Anyway, back to 3D stuff :lol


Can anyone recommend a good, decent-sized scanner that they use to scan art? I really need one and I'm thinking about asking my parents for one for christmas.



There are a lot of talented people here. I hope all of you are making good money and love what you do. Here is a little something I did the other day:



I'm jealous of anyone who has a Cintiq. I'd kill for a 21UX.


awesome posts, more more more

trying to eek out a composition for a Confucisornis (first beaked bird in fossil record, 125 million years ago) referencing some grackles walking on muck in the river i got some snapshots of>>>

Thanks Tashi0106 and sammy.
Love those prehistoric drawings, they look effortless and your work always has great silhouettes.

For the new page a digital drawing this time.



dickin' around with some marker/oil/digital abstracts to see what I can find... compositions, brushes, canvases, colors --- I need to create more of these things

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