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Arts & Farts


Mistle said:
Wow Phandy, your work is incredible. I'm short on time so I only got to quickly flick through your cghub page, but everything I saw is extremely impressive. What tools/programs do you use?

Thanks you very much, so kind!

For programs nowadays I'm pretty sure I'm down to about 90% photoshop, most of the pieces are probably 100%. Of course I do the occasional pencil stuff and life drawing, sometimes some oil paintings.... but I'm not very diverse really now I think about it.

You've reminded me I should probably being do more of some other stuff. Time to crack out the pencils I think!


Page 35 of MALDEN is up. The CLIMAX panel.


Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Phandy said:
Why hello there ArtGAF, its good to be able to post after lurking this thread for so long!

First of all - Chumps, your work is beautiful, love the minimalism in your compositions. So awesome.
DM, that painting is sweet, love the warm reflected light on her back.
Sammy, I still love your work, here and on conceptart.org (Im PHATandy from ca!)

I post loads of CA.org but it will be cool to put some stuff here, Its nice to talk to people from all areas about art.

I have a CGHub portfolio for my work.
But if anyones interested in Concept Art and just good illustration I highly reccommend both CA.org and CGhub. They are awesome sites, tonnes of great artists.

Awesome work! And you're still in school? Kids these days ...


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I updated my vfx reel with proper sound and editing now. Please take a look and comment :)

Click ->
sammy said:
Yo Phandy, good to see ya posting. We got some good energy here

finished up a fan-art allosaurus design>>>


Really nice, makes the feathery dinosaur still look imposing, so far you are one up on a majority of art I've seen that tries to incorporate the down, to say nothing of the actual background. I'm so jealous of everyone in this threads' talent, it's all really awesome work.


A sketch for a prop for my level. Done in Photoshop. Not the best thing ever, but enough to get an idea of what I wanted to make in 3D (the scale is a bit off, forgot to fix it, sorry).


And this is how it's looking in 3D right now (still missing a few normal details and the diffuse and specular textures):

It's nice to see some good activity going on in this thread!
Welcome Phandy, awesome work. Checked out your gallery a while, love the environments you've done.
I love the atmosphere in your latest piece sammy!
Great 3d stuff Mik, you're getting better every time.
chumps, lovely work as always. Elegant and simple, and there's something about them that makes me want to keep looking at them.
Nice studies gerg, those 30 mins fly by, and you captured the poses quite nicely.
GrotesqueBeauty, that's pretty trippy, I like that structure in the foreground with the figures coming from inside it.
shazoom, I like that panel with the explosion, the lighting came out nicely.

I don't want to go a page without posting something, so I will post some facial feature studies I did in oils.

Full-Size: http://fav.me/d3ce8zz
Character sketches: http://fav.me/d3ce9aa
Watching Captain Planet was an interminable half-hour, can we all agree on that? So here's a redesign/reimagining. The 'Planeteers' (probably wouldn't use that) have the ring-based powers separate from Captain Planet himself so they can fight alongside him. The Captain doesn't need to be summoned and has been protecting the planet from intergalactic and extra-dimensional threats for tens of thousands of years. Plus there would still be stuff about pollution and conservation but not so preachy and ham-fisted.

Or it could just stay dead.


Hello! I'm mostly a watercolor user and I was wondering. How do you guys scan some things? Usually when I scan it turns my paper instead of white to yellow, and if I change the settings on the scanner, the colors end up too strong or too washed out. Usually I have to scan it and just erase the yellow-paper using photoshop but as you can tell, that's more of an annoyance than a blessing.

Any tips, please? Thanks!

To keep it on topic:






Sofo said:
Hello! I'm mostly a watercolor user and I was wondering. How do you guys scan some things? Usually when I scan it turns my paper instead of white to yellow, and if I change the settings on the scanner, the colors end up too strong or too washed out. Usually I have to scan it and just erase the yellow-paper using photoshop but as you can tell, that's more of an annoyance than a blessing.

Any tips, please? Thanks!

The way I think is the best (maybe).. and the way I do it is just to a plain scan, dont make any adjustments with the scanner and then make them all in photoshop.
You have to use a mixture of Level, Curves, Channels - hue/saturation etc to play around with it until you get to something that resembles the real deal.

And if that fails, your method of erasing the off-white works pretty well, if a little laborious.
Also how good your scanner is affects it.


wow, absolutely love the energy on those, amazing work dude.
So much gesture and character!

Two things I noticed:
The knees on the first character are VERY knobbly, knobbly is good, but maybe its a bit too much.
It would be nice to see the lines cleaned up a little. Maybe retrace them in photoshop to smooth it out a little bit. Maybe add in some line weight too.

Great work otherwise man, I enjoyed your deviantart.

And because I feel bad posting without any work:

An Alphonse Mucha study, if you dont know who he is, shame on you! Check him out.
A painting I'm working on atm - characters to be added.



Edit: Image tags? How do they work? I think its because of my hosting. Time to fix!
Edit2: Huzzah!


Phandy said:
wow, absolutely love the energy on those, amazing work dude.
So much gesture and character!

Two things I noticed:
The knees on the first character are VERY knobbly, knobbly is good, but maybe its a bit too much.
It would be nice to see the lines cleaned up a little. Maybe retrace them in photoshop to smooth it out a little bit. Maybe add in some line weight too.

Great work otherwise man, I enjoyed your deviantart.

Thanks for checking out my work man, glad you liked it. Been putting quite a bit of practice time into capturing gestures lately so glad it seems to be showing at least a little.

Appreciate the crit. At first I was gonna give her a bit of a chunky body type but then decided against it for what I wanted to do with the character so made her more bony, thus the knees, in comparison to the one in the red shirt (which has a more sporty/fit figure). So basically she is what fits the concept, though I may alter it if I get enough complaints/crits hehe.

Yeah, the lines are a bit of a problem for me. Dunno if its my scanner but they don't look all too good even when I trace em with a pen or a black pencil (look very grainy). Know of any efficient way of inking in photoshop? I tried free hand but that didn't go too well.

And because I feel bad posting without any work:

An Alphonse Mucha study, if you dont know who he is, shame on you! Check him out.
A painting I'm working on atm - characters to be added.

Edit: Image tags? How do they work? I think its because of my hosting. Time to fix!
Edit2: Huzzah!

Wow, always floored by people being able to color like that. Really dig the second pic in particular, feels like something straight out of Broken Sword.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Ive been working on personal secret stuff for a while, but heres soemthing most people here will recognize :)



So is anyone interested in doing the art for a Final Fantasy remix album I'm working on? I can probably pay for it, but I am looking for good quality, professional looking cover and back. If you want to hear some tunes from it so you can judge how serious I am about the project (read: very), you're welcome to.

tldr; need artist for album cover. $$ involved. don't suck.
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