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Arts & Farts


My work in progress coloring




Click for larger version.
Why are there so many Hello Kitty products and why do most girls love them so much?


Finished...except I just realized that I forgot to give her lip color....um not sure if needed though

Edit: Fixed her nose, and fixed the cross eye a little.



Phandy said:
The way I think is the best (maybe).. and the way I do it is just to a plain scan, dont make any adjustments with the scanner and then make them all in photoshop.
You have to use a mixture of Level, Curves, Channels - hue/saturation etc to play around with it until you get to something that resembles the real deal.

And if that fails, your method of erasing the off-white works pretty well, if a little laborious.
Also how good your scanner is affects it.
Sorry for not checking in earlier! Well, someone in the "questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread answered to this, and suggested selecting the background as white, on the curves settings. So far it's been working great! Thanks anyway for your suggestions. :)
bigben85 said:
Finished...except I just realized that I forgot to give her lip color....um not sure if needed though
Personally I wouldn't add it, but that's just me.


zazrx said:
Wow I really like this one since I love the movie! But I just wanted to say I envy you guys, so much incredible talent here! I wish I could draw like you guys :'( Is there any way to draw that good or do you have to basically be born with this talent? Because I suck at drawing :(
Thanks very much! It's such a wonderful movie.
Well, I have been drawing/doodling ever since I could hold a pencil, so I'm sure all the experience would assist somewhat. How long have you been drawing?

To be honest though, I only really started taking drawing seriously the past year or so. I bought a Wacom tablet at the start of this year, and I was awful with it. But I just practice every day and I slowly improve, to the point where I can create an artwork I am finally proud of, which is the Tangled one. Read heaps of tutorials and books, whether they're instructional or just a showcase of works. It will help, but make sure you also just keep drawing even with you're not happy with your skills, and you'll definitely improve.

Don't take my words as wisdom because I really don't know much about it, I'm just talking from personal experience. I'm still nervous posting my work in here because there's so much amazing art from everyone, and it's so consistent.

Oh, also, don't be down if somebody criticizes your work. There will always be people criticize, you just have to hope constructively. Listen to it if they're really trying to help, and try and improve upon such area.


It's true what Mistle said
While a lot of people seem to believe that some are talented with drawing, painting, etc, I personally ignore all those words. They are meaningless to me.
I grew up spending a lot of my time doing drawings of things I liked. Games and comics, etc. While my later art education helped me a lot in my art development, it was my passion for drawing that shaped who I am today. It wasn't because I was born with pencil in my hand:)

1 thing about criticism though is that you will get comments and feedback on your art and you have to filter out what is meaningful and useful to you.

From experience, I would say don't worry about the results so much, what matters is what you learn from doing thumb nails, doodles, paintings. Drawing is very much problem solving and if you figure out how to put the pieces well, then the results will always be beautiful to look at. But don't get too comfortable doing the same stuff or you will get stuck there (a word of advice for myself here also).

1 more thing I want to add is that, having an open mind and being able to understand the things you want to learn is critical.


bigben85 said:
From experience, I would say don't worry about the results so much, what matters is what you learn from doing thumb nails, doodles, paintings. Drawing is very much problem solving and if you figure out how to put the pieces well, then the results will always be beautiful to look at. But don't get too comfortable doing the same stuff or you will get stuck there (a word of advice for myself here also).

1 more thing I want to add is that, having an open mind and being able to understand the things you want to learn is critical.

Yeah, you summed it up perfectly.
All you have to do is draw stuff, specially stuff you don't know how to draw. Even if the first try ends up being terrible you'll find a way to get it right eventually.
Stuff like perspective, lightning, coloring are hard to master but you get better at it with every work. Observation is really important, don't bother trying to paint something from memory if you don't even know how to do it thinking that may be "cheating". You don't have to trace it, but look at reference and understand why are you drawing what you are drawing (proportions, distances, colors)

Painting is awesome, everyone should give it a try.


So spring break is coming up after next week and I want to get back into art. I'm tired of trying to get better and then getting discouraged because what I make doesn't look like I originally wanted it to. So now I'm going to do a 90 minute speed painting every day during spring break and post it here no matter how bad I think it is, and then hope that I can have somewhat improved my abilities by the end of it.
Just posting here now to commit myself to it.


MrBig said:
So spring break is coming up after next week and I want to get back into art. I'm tired of trying to get better and then getting discouraged because what I make doesn't look like I originally wanted it to. So now I'm going to do a 90 minute speed painting every day during spring break and post it here no matter how bad I think it is, and then hope that I can have somewhat improved my abilities by the end of it.
Just posting here now to commit myself to it.

Don't wait for spring break to start. Start now. When spring break comes, you will still have to deal with now. Especially if it's only 90 minutes, or even less. There's lots of time in the day when you have a few minutes to sketch in a sketchbook. Time flies when you are concentrating and 90 min is a good bare minimum but you really need to put in as many hours a day as possible. Think about what other things you are willing to sacrifice in order to make time.

I understand your intention behind 'posting here to commit yourself to it', and it's not a bad thing. But really, it is about putting the time in, it's cummulative, and it's never a waste of time, even though it will feel like it is. External things like resolutions, declarations, willpower, don't amount to much—it's all headspace stuff and headspace is where you don't want to be. The more you work the less time you spend in your head and the ONLY time progress is being made.

My 2 cents fwiw.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
bigben85 said:
Anyone has any good screen tones for photoshop? Like the ones they use for black and white comics

Just go ahead and get Manga Studio

SalsaShark said:
Love it, Spaniard, cool to see your take on the characters.

Thanks! I wanted to draw them on Brian's style to begin with but then realized that theres little point to that (plus he changes his style all the time, lol)


Just posting a couple things here, I guess. Join Art-Gaf.

I went to school for animation, but I don't think I'm going to persue it professionally. I'm not really cut out for it, haha.



Lazy perspective! I was too lazy to really go at the perspective lines for this one.

As I guess you can tell, I don't like finishing things, ever. Haha.

Cheers, Art-Gaf.


Unconfirmed Member
Some Song of Ice and Fire fanart I drew during the run up to the HBO series premiere:


(Jon Snow, Ned Stark, the Lannister Twins, The Hound, and Littlefinger)

And a set for a Japan charity thing:

My work is very syrian populated and are pulling some strings to get an ad in some newspapers around the country ( maybe even the NYT). So i get to draw a syrian kid protesting. The peace fingers was not my idea, but whatever. I need to rough it up a bit to make it more painterly. i probably have another 8 hours to possibly work on it.
Also other doodles that are NSFW which i did while i was at work on pads of paper we have laying around.
sketch 3



Arcipello said:
couple of sketches from the other night:)


This is a very nice sketch, but, unless I'm mistaken, the neck's probably a bit short. Look at the picture from the side and you'll see that it looks a bit odd.


DM_Uselink said:
I didn't make the Mega Man tribute book by udon so I can finally post this drawing. It's been in my hard drive for a couple of months.

Woooow man that's awesome, great perspective.


Leeness said:
Just posting a couple things here, I guess. Join Art-Gaf.

I went to school for animation, but I don't think I'm going to persue it professionally. I'm not really cut out for it, haha.

Those are fantastic!

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
DM_Uselink said:
I didn't make the Mega Man tribute book by udon so I can finally post this drawing. It's been in my hard drive for a couple of months.

Im sorry you didnt get in, its a good piece! Better than some of the ones Ive seen, fo sho.

It can get political at times, reserved spots and all that.


I just made this stop-motion animation video. It's my first time doing something like this and I'd like to hear some feedback. I used Microsoft paint to create the images and put them all together along with music in Windows Movie Maker. Let me know what you think! I call it Nature in Motion.
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