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Arts & Farts



This is the least digitally altered illustration I've done in a whileee.

Man those hands are beautiful.

I got a lovely lady to model for them, that's probably why, hah. Normally I use my own hands but I got fat fucking fingers so my hands are rarely 'elegant'.
Sorry for the small pictures, my highest quality camera happens to be my cellphone.

Quick drawing of a Bust


Steak Sause Cows in a Field of Relish


Ham and American Cheese Sandwich


Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Doesnt compare well to the awesome stuff on this page (Timo!) but heres another character for my book:



Your space woman looks great Vespa. Also great stuff as usual Timo, DM, Spaniard.

Oh and jump_button "Sky Fish" is really cute.


You guys are too nice. Also, Raging Spaniard, all your character concept stuff has been ridiculous the last few pages. Shit's intense.
Yeah, great stuff all round. Such talent.

Working on a new scribble at the moment, the usually sci-fi geekery. This thread remains a high source of motivation.


I got this far yesterday with my podracer scene. Got good feedback and I think I'll still continue working on it. Some suggested adding more podracers, I might to that.



So after this meme has been around for like I don't know how many months, decided to give it a try. Bear in mind this is my first tablet drawing, from start to finish. It was hard but I had lots of fun, and will definitely give it more tries.

I need to read more on how to use layers to my own benefit though, this one I kinda ruined it when I did the lineart on the background image, which was white (not transparent). Kicked myself in the face. >:

Criticism (as always) is more than welcome!

Not totally finished, need to clean up the colouring, add some decals and other little assets, but very satisfying once again to be able to put together another little sci-fi scribble against the tide of everyday life! Much like the far more talented and accomplished Raging Spaniard, I harbour a little dream to put together a comic/book thingy one day, so slowly working towards that.



So after this meme has been around for like I don't know how many months, decided to give it a try. Bear in mind this is my first tablet drawing, from start to finish. It was hard but I had lots of fun, and will definitely give it more tries.

I need to read more on how to use layers to my own benefit though, this one I kinda ruined it when I did the lineart on the background image, which was white (not transparent). Kicked myself in the face. >:

Criticism (as always) is more than welcome!

Hey, there's a way around it if you just want to add colors separately, double click on the background layer (if it's locked) to make it a new layer, then set that layer mode to "multiply", create layers underneath and just color those ones, that way you can separate the color from the line art, like this:


Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
This is from a while back. I was working on a new and exciting MySims game until EA thought it wasnt exciting at all and killed the project.


Sadly, it happens aaaall the time


Sup art-GAF. So much good shit, Spaniard as always and Vespa that hellboy is sweet, good stuff.

Putting together some more work for my portfolio. Got some real industry jobs to apply for!
Doing some industrial design type stuff.
Also been experimenting with working on 3DSMax - its good to get really nice clean renders of geometry to do paintovers for. Will probably do more like that (2nd pic).




Really like the 3d paintover Phandy, I'm about to take a shot at something like that myself. The only question is: will Sketchup actually allow me to roughly model an object like what I want?


Thanks guys! Everyone is posting amazing stuff.
Skidd> Killer piece!
Pylon_Trooper> So much detail, love it.
Phandy> man, incredible designs!



Some seriously jaw dropping talent here. I'll try to contribute.


[quote="Raging Spaniard, post: 34950711"]This is from a while back. I was working on a new and exciting MySims game until EA thought it wasnt exciting at all and killed the project.


Sadly, it happens aaaall the time[/QUOTE]

[quote="Phandy, post: 34951754"]Sup art-GAF. So much good shit, Spaniard as always and Vespa that hellboy is sweet, good stuff.

Putting together some more work for my portfolio. Got some real industry jobs to apply for!
Doing some industrial design type stuff.
Also been experimenting with working on 3DSMax - its good to get really nice clean renders of geometry to do paintovers for. Will probably do more like that (2nd pic).



[quote="Vespa, post: 34969186"]Thanks guys! Everyone is posting amazing stuff.
Skidd> Killer piece!
Pylon_Trooper> So much detail, love it.
Phandy> man, incredible designs!


[quote="Pai Pai Master, post: 34969309"]Two pieces I'm working on at the moment...both 32"x48".






LinkedIn tells me I should know more 3d than I currently do.

Hmm, guess I've got something on the list to do after finishing my 2d concept portfolio.


So after this meme has been around for like I don't know how many months, decided to give it a try. Bear in mind this is my first tablet drawing, from start to finish. It was hard but I had lots of fun, and will definitely give it more tries.

What's the meme? Also, your drawing looks good!





Ouf.. cool machinery..! So envious of the technical skill...
I still struggle just trying to draw a beliavable structure.. >__>

Here is my latest safe experiment with colour and a poor attempt at background scenery anyway~!
Ouf.. cool machinery..! So envious of the technical skill...
I still struggle just trying to draw a beliavable structure.. >__>

Here is my latest safe experiment with colour and a poor attempt at background scenery anyway~!

Supreme stuff. I love your colour work. I'm slowly coming to grips with finding a way to colour, or at least, find a consistent style to colour in.


LinkedIn tells me I should know more 3d than I currently do.

Hmm, guess I've got something on the list to do after finishing my 2d concept portfolio.

Sketchup is a pretty viable option, you can get a lot of detailed modelling done with it. I know some of the guys at massive black use it and they get shit like this done with it: Link

I don't talk from experience but from talking to people in the industry, and 3d is just a little experiment for me. But for the big jobs at the big studios, its about specialisation, they want the BEST concept artists, not someone who can do a bit of both. Smaller Indy studios are likely to want people who can go both. You get recognised by being really good at something and that normally means specialisation.
So for me its about being damn good at just concept art. Although I assume its good to have 'knowledge' of the other stuff, like 3d/lvl design, because its an important factor in the concept art.

Thanks for the love too, got some more work coming up that I'll post. Sick painting Vespa.


Sketchup is a pretty viable option, you can get a lot of detailed modelling done with it. I know some of the guys at massive black use it and they get shit like this done with it: Link

I don't talk from experience but from talking to people in the industry, and 3d is just a little experiment for me. But for the big jobs at the big studios, its about specialisation, they want the BEST concept artists, not someone who can do a bit of both. Smaller Indy studios are likely to want people who can go both. You get recognised by being really good at something and that normally means specialisation.
So for me its about being damn good at just concept art. Although I assume its good to have 'knowledge' of the other stuff, like 3d/lvl design, because its an important factor in the concept art.

Thanks for the love too, got some more work coming up that I'll post. Sick painting Vespa.

Wow they made that tank in sketchup? Well, I now know that it will be fine for my plans with it.

I'd say that concepting and illustration are definitely my strong points, but being able to turn around a concept into a full 3d model with texture to put into the pipeline would probably be a good thing to know; maybe not characters, but at least props and maybe an environment or something.

Also, the studio that I am targeting in particular(vigil), all of their concept guys have 3d experience or do some 3d as well; so if I am going to compete with that, I'd better know something. Also, looks easier to get one's foot into the door doing some sort of world building/environment design, since most new games seem to require a LEGION of those guys for all of the environments that have to be built in 3d, textured, lighted, etc.


Also, the studio that I am targeting in particular(vigil), all of their concept guys have 3d experience or do some 3d as well; so if I am going to compete with that, I'd better know something. Also, looks easier to get one's foot into the door doing some sort of world building/environment design, since most new games seem to require a LEGION of those guys for all of the environments that have to be built in 3d, textured, lighted, etc.

Yeah of that course that's definitely the other end of it. Loads of people seem to move onto concept after having done environment/3d art. Concept art is very specialized and lots of people try to get into it, but companies probably always like hiring internally or people with actual studio experience so it makes sense. But learning 3d/environment art to an industry standard is also a big task in itself.


Yeah of that course that's definitely the other end of it. Loads of people seem to move onto concept after having done environment/3d art. Concept art is very specialized and lots of people try to get into it, but companies probably always like hiring internally or people with actual studio experience so it makes sense. But learning 3d/environment art to an industry standard is also a big task in itself.

bleh no kidding, not even sure where to start. I didn't think sketchup would be too difficult, but hopping back into it I definitely am not feeling the modeling toolset right away, heh. Need some ortho sketches of something. Thankfully next concept I am doing will provide me with those. After that I guess I can go back and model some weapons or something to get the hang of it a bit more.

Apparently need to re-watch all of the intro videos for sketchup.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Here's some more concept work for MySims


And for a change of pace, some 3D work.



Supreme stuff. I love your colour work. I'm slowly coming to grips with finding a way to colour, or at least, find a consistent style to colour in.
Yeah, trying to find a good style to settle in is pretty difficult.. Seems like I'm still doing "whatever" all the time.. Maybe you'll find soemthing for you faster than I will.

More Fire Emblem fanart time~~!
Titania and Shinon.. because some pieces of conversation made it seem like he liked her. lol

One is a inked comission and one was a sketch for the commission originally that was rejected, but I just quickly coloured it instead. Of course I like the coloured sketch more than the actual "took 4 hours to do" one.. >___>




Hey, there's a way around it if you just want to add colors separately, double click on the background layer (if it's locked) to make it a new layer, then set that layer mode to "multiply", create layers underneath and just color those ones, that way you can separate the color from the line art, like this:


Oh wow, thanks, that would definitely have helped, haha. I kinda Magic Wand'ed my way out of it, but it didn't work as well as having lineart on top. Thanks for the tip!

What's the meme? Also, your drawing looks good!

Thank you very much man! Sorry for the delay, busy week at work! Here's the meme.


Basically follow this link and create an eel that you like. I didn't follow it to the tee because I couldn't make a particular set of eyes ): But technically you don't put too much thought into the eel (not sure if you can randomize it). Anyway, once you have the eel, save it and use the eel to create a person/character, using its expressions, background color and "outfit". There's endless possibilities!



I absolutely love these style of pieces you do.
They seem like they could be really personal portraits that accentuate some feature of someone you know, or just based off of some picture you were looking at, and they look really cool and original either way so it doesn't matter. Keep at it :)


Just about ready to break this frame wide open again.

Actually I guess I AM ready.

So I made it a thumbnail after further consideration. I guess I can add more now.

More stuff here: http://galefire.com/2012/01/galefire-beastiary/
sketches, larger images of each creature, etc. Working on scanning in some of my development sketches and putting it into this post too, just need to get my scanner functional with photoshop


Embiggen of each




Had a weird urge to create something today, probably fatigue from sitting in front of Photoshop for that past few months doing nothing but web design. Pretty generic, but was nice to make something not in a grid. Would love to do something similar in a physical format.

chumps, your work is astounding. Your minimal geometric portraits are stellar. Anything available for purchase?


Art-GAF never ceases to amaze me! Awesome job, guys!

This is something I did after making the jump to Paint Tool SAI! I'm really liking it so far, and this is my first piece with it. It's kinda cheesy, but that's the kind of person I am!


I'm aware of the proportions all over the place, but I'm pretty content with the result, as well as the hands (even if they look tiny).

Had a weird urge to create something today, probably fatigue from sitting in front of Photoshop for that past few months doing nothing but web design. Pretty generic, but was nice to make something not in a grid. Would love to do something similar in a physical format.

chumps, your work is astounding. Your minimal geometric portraits are stellar. Anything available for purchase?

I like these very much.


I love these!
I like these very much.
Appreciate it, thanks!

Pretty much everything. And thanks!

Awesome, you'll be hearing from me soonish! Unfortunately I just splashed out on the new Olly Moss print, so I'll need to start saving again, heh.

Speaking of Mr. Moss, he's a member here. I should shoot him a PM if he's not already aware of this thread.


A commissioned sketch I did last night. I've really been digging on sumi brush pens recently.[/QUOTE]
Loving the dot shading in the background, really helps give the sketch some depth. Looks fantastic!
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