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Arts & Farts


Haha, uh, sure; as long as I can figure it all out!

A good sculpt seems to hinge on having a pretty damn good low poly model it seems, am I right?

There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of poly modeling options in Mudbox, although I wouldn't think there would be since its basically only for sculpting.

Wow painting directly on the model in mudbox... seems pretty cool. Definitely not something for real-time graphics though; this guy hasn't really gone over extracting UVs and hand painting them in photoshop. So I have basically no clue how to do that still.
It's good to have a low poly model, yeah.

So guys, Maya sucks for modeling.

Silo is pretty sweet though.
It'll take time to get used to it, but I would suggest keeping at it.

Maya is more widely used in the industry, and you'll have more clout when applying for jobs.


It's good to have a low poly model, yeah.

It'll take time to get used to it, but I would suggest keeping at it.

Maya is more widely used in the industry, and you'll have more clout when applying for jobs.

Gonna check out 3dsmax as well...

Don't suppose you have any ideas on that current issue I posted above?


Not too productive lately...



Gonna check out 3dsmax as well...

Don't suppose you have any ideas on that current issue I posted above?
Good to hear you're trying out software, so keep us posted!

Also as for your issue I'm afraid I've never used Silo before, so I have no idea.

Also nice sketch Anteater! At first glance all I would say is that the hands are too small.


Good to hear you're trying out software, so keep us posted!

Also as for your issue I'm afraid I've never used Silo before, so I have no idea.

Also nice sketch Anteater! At first glance all I would say is that the hands are too small.

My UVs in mudbox are also a clusterfuck. No idea what is going on now.
I tried out some digital sketching in PS and I'm quite liking it. Definitely gonna work on more ideas and hopefully experiment with coloring. :)

This thread is moving fast! I've been doing mostly boring stuff trying to learn watercolor at the moment. I wanted to do a quick drawing on my tablet before I start getting rusty.



This thread is moving fast! I've been doing mostly boring stuff trying to learn watercolor at the moment. I wanted to do a quick drawing on my tablet before I start getting rusty.


Is there any way possible I could get a print of that at a decent size?! I love that piece and would gladly buy one from you! Being serious!


This is a series I've been working on since my last semester at school. I have a few more yet that I haven't photographed and even more that I'm still working on/will start soon. These photos also aren't the greatest :/

They are all oil paintings on canvas, with the exception of the last one which is an 8ft x 8ft charcoal drawing:


26" x 38"


22" x 36"


24" x 36"


(I don't have the dimensions on hand)


8ft x 8ft


This thread is moving fast! I've been doing mostly boring stuff trying to learn watercolor at the moment. I wanted to do a quick drawing on my tablet before I start getting rusty.
This is awesome looking. I like the added touch of glow on the curves.

This is a series I've been working on since my last semester at school. I have a few more yet that I haven't photographed and even more that I'm still working on/will start soon. These photos also aren't the greatest :/

They are all oil paintings on canvas, with the exception of the last one which is an 8ft x 8ft charcoal drawing:
Your smoke rendering is so lovely. It reminds me of how much I wish I could do clouds well.

I am afraid all I got to show right now is a bunch of Secret Santa gifts I had to do for a bunch of slackers that didn't finish their side of a trade. It's of the person's character with Robin or Aqualad or Dysta (my character). Usually my works get worse and worse if I do one after the other, but I actually like the last piece best (all that blue~~). They all took about 1-2 hours each.... I think? :I Too long.





Disgaea fanart I owed a friend for quite sometime that I just wrapped up. Not happy with a few things in it, but it made her really happy :)


Thebaroness, I liked it a lot when I checked it on my phone, but now that I see it on a full screen, I like it even more! I really like the lighting, and like you've said it needs a touch up here and there, but I wish I could be bothered with such small mistakes on my art. ^^;

zethren, I have to agree, those clouds are damn amazing!

As for me, I haven't been slacking I swear, I'm just having a war with HANDS. Someone help me. ;_;/



Any of you guys have experience with 3dcoat?

Working with Silo for my base mesh; and I got a model all textured up for the first time in 3dsmax.


Any of you guys have experience with 3dcoat?

Working with Silo for my base mesh; and I got a model all textured up for the first time in 3dsmax.

Very minimal. I've tinkered with a demo version of it, and watched a guy from Valve work with it back in November at a concept art expo. I do know that 3DCoat is a much more user friendly 3D modeling program than many others out there, so it's pretty suggested I'd say.


Very minimal. I've tinkered with a demo version of it, and watched a guy from Valve work with it back in November at a concept art expo. I do know that 3DCoat is a much more user friendly 3D modeling program than many others out there, so it's pretty suggested I'd say.

Yea it works pretty well for sculpting onto a base mesh, although it definitely slows my computer down significantly when I try and use some of the volumetric tools.

Making a practice weapon before I get to actually doing the one for the contest, will post once I have it all textured up if I think it actually looks good.

What is your preferred method of creation? Do you usually do a base-mesh in 3dsmax or something before you bring it in to sculpt? It seems to me that the sculpting programs don't do hard edges that well most of the time; and it is easier and faster just to make them in the base-mesh.

After using mudbox quite a bit, not really a huge fan. Voxel sculpting seems much better; doesn't Zbrush use some voxel stuff as well? it seems way smoother than mudbox as well.
i was thinking if i should add a diving figure entering the water in white in the background or leave those spaces blank.

I'd say leave it, adding the second figure would only distract from the current composition. Right now, with the single figure, there exists a narrative for the image(or at least an emotion), adding the second would turn it into a generic scene.

that said, you could always grab some tracing paper and test it out.
I just got a commission to make some characters to appeal for children in a new Museum in the City of Southampton. Looks like my drawings are really popular with the kids- I'm excited! I thought I'd just share some more of my little drawings on here:



This is awesome! Do you have anyother stuff online to view? and is that Southampton, England?
Man this whole thread blows my mind I have to say, some crazy crazy stuff in here.


Really awesome stuff here! I'm just a hobbyist, mostly doodling here and there. Here's a more recent quick sketch of Avengers Loki



I drew this picture of Sailor "Hipster" Moon inspired by a conversation I had with a friend. I kind of want to do a group picture of all the scouts now...
Do it! Especially Mercury with an iPad. xD

Really awesome stuff here! I'm just a hobbyist, mostly doodling here and there. Here's a more recent quick sketch of Avengers Loki

I like your style~~ Wish mine was a bit more naturalistic or loose like that. I find my stuff stiff a lot of the time since I tend to thicken all my lines or something.


Really awesome stuff here! I'm just a hobbyist, mostly doodling here and there. Here's a more recent quick sketch of Avengers Loki

Hey, you've got a great style! We'd love to see more!

Do it! Especially Mercury with an iPad. xD
Oh my, that's a great idea haha.

So glad this thread is advancing so fast and with so much content (and quality!).

Edit: Some doodle to try out different things!



provides useful feedback
I posted a little thing earlier from a book I'm writing/illustrating, and today I've kind of/sort of/maybe finished the front and back cover:


Any suggestions what else I should do with it? I'm itching to tidy some of the bushes up but I'm wondering if it's worth it seeing as it's not the main focus and most of it will be covered by text anyway.


I posted a little thing earlier from a book I'm writing/illustrating, and today I've kind of/sort of/maybe finished the front and back cover:


Any suggestions what else I should do with it? I'm itching to tidy some of the bushes up but I'm wondering if it's worth it seeing as it's not the main focus and most of it will be covered by text anyway.

What is this book about?


I posted a little thing earlier from a book I'm writing/illustrating, and today I've kind of/sort of/maybe finished the front and back cover:


Any suggestions what else I should do with it? I'm itching to tidy some of the bushes up but I'm wondering if it's worth it seeing as it's not the main focus and most of it will be covered by text anyway.

My only concern is that its VERY soft all over. It's not bad to have a softness to the picture but it feels like its a lot of the same consistency of softness all over. Maybe try just sharpening up some edges on the focal points a bit. So the two dinosaurs and their immediate surroundings.

I'm assuming your using a canvas option or something is it, in Corel Painter?
Maybe tone it down a bit, it might help remove some of the 'dithering' that feels like it appears in places too.


provides useful feedback
My only concern is that its VERY soft all over. It's not bad to have a softness to the picture but it feels like its a lot of the same consistency of softness all over. Maybe try just sharpening up some edges on the focal points a bit. So the two dinosaurs and their immediate surroundings.

I'm assuming your using a canvas option or something is it, in Corel Painter?
Maybe tone it down a bit, it might help remove some of the 'dithering' that feels like it appears in places too.

I can understand that; it seems to be a recurring fault of mine when working in ArtRage. I'll go over the main focal points with sharper detail again and see how that works out. Cheers!

What is this book about?

It's a spoof book based on the old dinosaur encyclopaedias we used to have back in the 70s/80s, with all the animals being part vegetable (or fruit, in some cases). I was taking inspiration from some of the more renowned Paleoartists that I grew up with, namely Charles Knight and John Sibbick, so it's taking a lot from all of those kind of images... right down to the scientific faults prevalent with Paleoimagery at the time (such as dragging tails and the dromaeosaurs - or in this case, Butternutraptors - being featherless). I am going to try and hunt down some publishers once I'm happy with how the illustrations (namely, this one) are completed.


I like your style~~ Wish mine was a bit more naturalistic or loose like that. I find my stuff stiff a lot of the time since I tend to thicken all my lines or something.

Thanks! I tend to have pretty loose sketches but some of my stuff also comes out kind of stiff after lining. Still working on it, I guess!

Hey, you've got a great style! We'd love to see more!

Thank you! That's actually a newish style that I'm still tweaking so there's not much else to show haha. I'll try to post more of it as I develop it.


Always a cool thread to come visit from time to time. Some lovely stuff in here.

@zethren : Digging the smoke pictures, they look awesome.


Hey guys, I'm having some weird issues with my normal map in 3dsmax; figured I'd toss it up in here and see if any of you know what it is.

I am getting these weird puke-colored dots in the perspective window in 3dsmax, and when I render it out, they turn out as little dimples in the model. Needless to say, it looks pretty bad, and I definitely don't want it on my final weapon for the DS2 contest.

I posted this the other day, and as you can see, no dimples

And here is the normal map applied to the low-poly in Xnormal, no dimples either!

The puke dots aren't on the raw normal map either when I open it in PS, either.

So I'm thinking this is some sort of weird export error with my normal map getting along with 3dsmax. Any ideas?


Ask the guys over at polycount. I saw someone had a similar problem a few days ago that they're still working on.

Off the top of my head it might be that you didn't normalize it during export or it may be a color space problem.

I was going to ask at poly if I didn't get anything here, I figured this might be a pretty normal, noobish issue.

As for the export and color space stuff, I did the maps in xnormal, I didn't see a lot of options for baking out the normal map. Is the color space issue something inside of 3dsmax?

I haven't actually edited the normal map in PS, just opened it to look at it. Maybe I should re-save it from there any see if it does anything. His issue seems a bit different than mine, but obviously still a normal map problem :(

Apparently that plug icon in Xnormal is settings; will have to check that out later and see if it has some sort of other normal map exporting options.


I would try opening it in PS (using the nvidia DDS plugin) and normalizing them.

Alright I will do that; I have the DDS plugin already thankfully (since I found a enormous plethora of stuff from Halo Reach, all kinds of textures/models/etc).

What do I do to 'normalize' it? Is that something in the Nvidia DDS plugin?

I need to check the channels; sounds like those puke dots could be hiding in the blue channel or something considering they don't show up in Xnormal; and Xnormal uses swizzling? which I guess discards the blue channel completely.

Edit: That did it! Thanks MrBig ;) just had to run 'normalize' on it.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
New Illustration wip, all digital. You guys gotta try the Vanishing Point tool in Photoshop, its fantastic.



Maybe make the ladder a bit more defined. The cut off foot looks a little weird.

Other then that I really like it.

no. Leave it.

I'd say leave it, adding the second figure would only distract from the current composition. Right now, with the single figure, there exists a narrative for the image(or at least an emotion), adding the second would turn it into a generic scene.

that said, you could always grab some tracing paper and test it out.

Thanks for the advice guys. Good insight.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
lol, I found this one today. I attended some Photoshop courses a year and half ago and they made us do various exercises. It was one of them. I'm ashamed but as I'm a big ME fanboy I want to share this.

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