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Arts & Farts


Jipan, you can def. post life drawing here, thats not a problem (plus, none of the poses were spread eagle or anything ha) It was fun hanging out last night, well do it again for sure!

Oh yeah, heres a fanart piece for Skullgirls, in case you guys dont venture into that thread (you should buy the game! :p)

Ohh, I see. In that case then, I'll post them directly, thanks.

I just realized that your Skullgirls fan art looks like the Street Fighter 2 box art (well that's what it reminds me of):

Intentional or unintentional?



Been ages since I posted (drew nothing during Easter break ): ) so here's a doodle of an OC of mine. I like her quite a bit, and it took me very little time!

Was nice checking the arts and farts thread after so long, and seeing so much content. Let's keep it up! :)


Oh yeah, heres a fanart piece for Skullgirls, in case you guys dont venture into that thread (you should buy the game! :p)

The colours are so nice and saturated and vibrant~~
Great use of perspective, and I like the details going on under the platform with the water.
I know it's a stylistic choice, but I always get weirded a little by super floppy boobs. xD

Something in Olly Moss' work inspired me..
Retro-looking stuff is always so nice. I like the streaking texture you used.

Just some practice:
These are really nice. It makes me miss the life drawing stuff I did in highschool. Nowadays, I hardly look at real people to reference anything (not that I ever really did int he past, but at least I was forced to for those classes!).
I always intend to get back to studying anatomy and stuff again, but I get lazy.

As for me..
Practice using prismacolor markers on translucent visual bond paper that I had a pack of (whatever that is~! it's like tracing paper? lol)

My scanner ate up the peach colouring in the face for some reason (problem with many scanners and slightly reflective mediums or light colours), so I put a layer of peach on multiply over. I also used a really cruddy whiteout pen to add in the white highlights. I did it while watching the Canucks lose int he playoffs. :l

Also.. THIS... took my 10ish hours to do, but it's only 56 frames and has all sorts of problems. XD I animated it in photoshop.

Guys.. animation is haaaaard.. ;__; I am pretty happy with my first real attempt though.


Foxy do you have a blog or something? I quite like some of the stuff that you posted (especially in the style of your avatar) and wanted to see more, if possible.
Another attempt at painting faces and skintones. This time I mostly painted over the sketch, rather than under it:


Doesn't look as quite as undead as my previous effort! I'm pleased with it overall.

my first try at any sort of painting and I've realized I hate mixing colors(water color), it takes soo long to get the right color you want. I really want to try out digital painting.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I figured I might post some stuff in here. Then I saw what you guys are able to do. No way :)

Also, it's mainly ponies and pretty bad comic style things
First time posting in this thread, you guys are incredible and a source of inspiration! I've gatta start drawing every day. Here's some stuff I did recently.


Fan drawing I did for my friend Jon's comic series "Raw Latex". It's a hilarious comic about people who fight each other using latex forehead strap-ons (yeah, you read that shit right). Going to color it soon, hopefully it comes out well.


Some quick drawings I did when I was bored, I've started labeling the doodle compilations I do like this "doodlegasms". I've been pretty lazy with drawing this week, but I'm gonna try and get something done every day even if it's just stuff like this.


Here's some renders of various 3D projects I've worked on. All the textures are just really fast flat stuff, nothing fancy, hence the low quality.






Fast and lazy fanart doodle because I am excited for the new season of Natsume!


And also, a work in progress of my character in FFXI (that I quit in 2009). It's looking okay I think!

I started drawing again.

Albeit doodles for now, but still.

Anything worth showing?



Practicing some different construction stuff. Messed up slightly drawing the dress, but I didn't want to spend to much time on one drawing so I'll probably just move on instead of fixing it and finishing this one.

For some reason I think it looks cool with the construction showing.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Been kind of sick all week, so no blog updates until today :<

Have an awesome idea for a new soccer themed project though, heres the first piece related to it :)



Been kind of sick all week, so no blog updates until today :<

Have an awesome idea for a new soccer themed project though, heres the first piece related to it :)

I like the baggy/loose clothes a lot, and I'm jelly of your colouring! Best of luck with the project and get well soon.


Been kind of sick all week, so no blog updates until today :<

Have an awesome idea for a new soccer themed project though, heres the first piece related to it :)

Colors are awesome. 2 things that my eye catches and distracts me are the similarity between the tag on his shirt and the patch on his shin, and the shape/direction of his eyes. Particularly the far eye, as the color and way it disappears behind the nose makes it look circular and looking right at me. I love the eye color though. The whole light red and teal theme works super well. The red highlights in the hair are a nice touch.

I have zero drawing, painting or illustration skill so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt. Just my impression.


@Lucky Gonk: The safe bet would be Andrew Loomis' "Figure Drawing: For all it's worth".
This is considered the best anatomy book by most, though there are even more detailed books if you want go really in depth with anatomy itself (i mean like medicine books), it's really not needed for drawing, though.


i recently discovered this thread, and have been slowly making my way through the pages. awesome work all around. here are a couple recent sketches of mine. crits and comments welcome, no matter how harsh (really trying to get better at this).


i was trying to emulate calum alexander watt. reference pic: http://h11.abload.de/img/untitled-1l6j8c.jpg


another attempt at emulating someone, this time i was trying for tamara de lempicka's style of painting. ref pic: http://h9.abload.de/img/untitled-102z63.jpg


Awesome stuff as always here!

I haven't been arting much lately but... decided to boot up Photoshop to have some fun with limited color palettes:
Really like these two, and the way you used the colors. Great job!

My latest piece, Tarusofo, my FFXI character (I quit in 2010). I had so much fun doing this fanart, and I like it a lot!


Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player

My good friend Ben York died two years ago of brain cancer. he was also an exceptional soccer player and wanted to make a small tribute. Miss you, Ben.
My good friend Ben York died two years ago of brain cancer. he was also an exceptional soccer player and wanted to make a small tribute. Miss you, Ben.

Fuck cancer, I lost my dad to it as well. Your friend would be proud. I dig the cool shadows and painterly style you used on it.

Watercolor of a Treehopper insect.

...aaand some movie monster inspired drawing I did recently.

Quickly finished up the coloring on that construction practice drawing I did. Trying to get better at coloring, got a lot more practice ahead, this came out aight.
I saw this as an image one day while looking at pictures on Google and instantly wanted to draw it myself. So I did, and here it is.

I've been wanting to get back into drawing but there hasn't been that spark that compels me to get into it.
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