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Arts & Farts




Oh and I have a new Facebook page! http://facebook.com/stevekimarts


Behold the things I have been drawing lately.. XD
More character design stuff for personal side project, of course. Hopefully the typography doesn't make any of you cry. XD I do it both for copyright/watermark reasons and just because I can.
When I first started making these last year, they only took around 2 hours to make, but now it's taking up to 4-5? I don't understand why it's taking longer than before. :I Perhaps they are higher quality in some way, but it's hard to pinpoint, since these designs are supposed to be pretty simple.

And a quick art trade with someone featuring their hero team (which actually contains one of my characters in it too--the pick-haired girl):

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Ive had Saint Seiya stuck on my head since yesterday, so here's something quick and dirty

On the first two I took photographs of the puddles that formed on my watercolor palette, brought it into photoshop, and drew over them to create the characters.





If I want to start learning how to draw, where should I start?

I have absolutely no idea.

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

This book will teach you what it really means to be an artist. Once you get these basics down, and realize what's keeping you from getting your thoughts on to paper, you can find other books or online tutorials that will cater more towards what you're interested in. Just stay away from books that look like this:
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

This book will teach you what it really means to be an artist. Once you get these basics down, and realize what's keeping you from getting your thoughts on to paper, you can find other books or online tutorials that will cater more towards what you're interested in. Just stay away from books that look like this:

Thanks a lot. I'm going to try and find this at my local Chapters tomorrow, hopefully they have some in stock.

Also, the image at the end is broken for some reason.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Fixing up some old 3D work. Funny how much of a difference a year makes. Took out the lights, remapped a bunch, the whole design at the bottom was a mess, so I took it all out, etc


Heres the old balls. For your reference, the redo is just screengrabs from Maya, the old one is Mental Ray renders.




I mentioned I was frustrated with my digital coloring skills.

Found this book on Amazon and it looks to be pretty damn good. Had a back a forth with the author over email. I wanted to get the Kindle version, but it doesn't give you access to the CD files, so I just bought the hard copy.


anyone use this book?


Got called an ambition-less piece of shit by a coworker today more or less.

Tried to remind him that I stay awake all night working on art and learning 3d stuff; apparently having goals in the internet monkeying industry is more important than that.

After a bunch of personal attacks from him, I wonder how he has managed to remain employed with his temper leading to these tantrums.

Feels kinda bad bro.

Anyways, some stuff I am working on (while also being ambition-less)

Figured out putting actual glows on emissive map textures is bad; they need to be super smooth. Will be fixing some of those tonight.

I mentioned I was frustrated with my digital coloring skills.

Found this book on Amazon and it looks to be pretty damn good. Had a back a forth with the author over email. I wanted to get the Kindle version, but it doesn't give you access to the CD files, so I just bought the hard copy.

anyone use this book?

Just remember before you jump into digital coloring, you need to have a solid understanding of basic concepts (composition, line, shape, color, etc). These things are far more important than being able to technically color well within photoshop.
Sorry to hear that Daedalius. Is he a person who's opinions matter to you or just throw away? I imagine if he is on equal or lower level than you at your workplace there shouldn't be too much trouble with disregarding him.

If he's a significant problem, you could try reporting him I guess.

Well I got the book the other day and have been working on some of the exercises. Today I just did the upside down german horse/knight one.

It's kind of funny how it's easier to draw something upside down, but I guess the book does give a fairly sensible explanation for it.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
I come with gifts!

Søren Bendt makes things like these:


Anyways, he just wrote a blog post about his favorite tutorials, figured we could all take a look and learn a thing or two :)

Art Tutorials/tricks&tips and a quick painting
Hey hope you are having a nice Easter break.

I've gotten quite a few mails lately asking me different questions regarding my technique for painting. Sorry if I didn't reply, I'm sure I intended to, but then something flashed somewhere...

Anyways I don't really have go to methodology, or a tutorial (yet!) but there are a lot of small tricks that I use. Many stems from art tutorials/videos/blogs I've found online, there is so much great stuff out there just waiting to be found.
Here is a small collections of sites/videos I really enjoy and felt I learned from, hope you might find something you can use!

Arne Art Tutorial : http://itchstudios.com/psg/art_tut.htm
Probably my fav art tutorial, its so simple and to the point. I keep coming back to it.

Temple of the Seven Golden Camels on Composition : http://sevencamels.blogspot.com/2006/03/10-minute-art-school-composition-101.html
Mark Kennedy's Blog. Can't get around this guy. His entire blog is goldmine -full of diamonds on fire.

Paul Richards on concept art : http://www.autodestruct.com/hacks.htm
Paul shares great insights to concept art, its an awesome read.

Paul Richard's ThumbWar tutorial : http://www.autodestruct.com/thumbwar.htm
Because you want MORE from this guy!

Rad Sechrist blog on drawing : http://radhowto.blogspot.com/
Rad is a storyborder at Dreamworks, this blog is not storyboards tho, but has great example drawings that reads so well, its super simple but it explains things way better than most books I've seen.

Matt khors 'Ctrl Paint' videos on photoshop painting : http://www.ctrlpaint.com/
Tons of great tips on using Photoshop, I think I've learned another little short key, or technique every time I've watched one of his videos.

Feng Zhu draws everything and explains it, at the speed of Feng Zhu : http://www.fengzhudesign.com/tutorials.htm
Massive Archive of videos, so much to learn. I especially enjoyed his videos on mechanical design.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Intro level watercolor class, second attempt at painting something.
Head is too small and the background is just a blobby mess but otherwise I'm satisfied.


Sorry to hear that Daedalius. Is he a person who's opinions matter to you or just throw away? I imagine if he is on equal or lower level than you at your workplace there shouldn't be too much trouble with disregarding him.

If he's a significant problem, you could try reporting him I guess.

Accurate, and already did ;)

He's been getting into a bit of trouble lately with his mouth/temper. Too bad.

I'm not usually one for disregarding opinions, but he is certainly work on making me do so.

Also a few more UDK renders from tonight




Fritz: Thanks!

Acquainting myself with Zbrush (for serious this time)



I was actually really against zbrush when I started doing some sculpting, but after using it with an actual tablet, navigating is surprisingly easy. Once you download a custom UI, its even better.

Definitely a great program.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Does anyone have any good tips on simulating pencils or pens in photoshop?

CS 6 has some good presets, but I struggle myself on that end as well

These were done on the subway, brush pen in hand along with a tiny sketchbook



I've been making art for awhile now, and I think im ready to enter the digital world of art


Here is a self portrait I did and it turned out pretty good... there are some things I would like to change but overall I'm pretty content with the piece.

I have been trying to make more graphic design work too, but I admit that I am a newbie.


here is a fake movie poster I made, with fake names and the like.


and here are a set of logos I put together for a band.


Since I have too many images to show, you guys can see my latest artworks in this album. I've already shown Raging Spaniard several of them at the GAF meet up (but there's two new ones that you haven't seen).

Feel free to post any of them that you like and I'll get back to you guys. By the way, if any of you guys live in NYC and have nothing better to do next Friday, you're welcome to come to the Draw-a-Thon with Raging Spaniard, Pein, and myself. The more the merrier as the saying goes.

I ordered two large Moleskine sketch pads from Amazon. Hopefully, they'll be here before next Friday so that I can have some nice quality sketch pads to draw with for the said event. $12.96 for a 8.5x5 sketch pad is a much better deal than what it's going for in Pearl Paint ($16.95).


I like those little brush space ships RagingS. They remind me of loose version of Scott Robertsons sheets of vehicle designs he does.

My latest venture into using 3d and working from it. Love being able to find sweet spots of really nice perspective and composition. It's gonna be inefficient to paint this up completely so I opted for; put a background in and a bit of lighting/atmosphere just to tidy it up.



Bunch of random shit



Quick n dirty futuristic bike design


Photo I took at a Nero concert in NYC. Quick/ fun manipulation (dat lomo)



My latest shirt designs. I'm still working on the one on the bottom.




Gears 3 UI mockup I made a few months back.

I'm still fiddling around with my Majora's Mask stuff. I decided to also do something based of Mischief Makers as well.


Queen Bane is pretty awesome

I haven't posted here in a long time, might as well.. Here are two of my latest works that I'm quite happy with

And I'll just go ahead and plug my deviantart: henkkab.deviantart.com :p


Lot's of great artists on GAF. So cool!


last month I did several oekaki pokemon pics (one a day for ~9 days?). Anyway, these are three that turned out pretty neat. Thought some on gaf might enjoy this stuff


A huge shout out to Raging Spaniard for coming out with me to the Draw-a-Thon. He's one of the most humblest guys I've ever met and I've met him twice. I can thank you a thousand times, but it still wouldn't be enough. I'm definitely gonna take your advice to the heart, keep improving, and keep on drawing.

That said, the stuff that I drew at the Draw-a-Thon is very NSFW and can't be post directly. I'll probably put the pictures in album link in a future post. I drew these on my train ride home:

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Skidd, those are amazing! Nice job

Jipan, you can def. post life drawing here, thats not a problem (plus, none of the poses were spread eagle or anything ha) It was fun hanging out last night, well do it again for sure!

Oh yeah, heres a fanart piece for Skullgirls, in case you guys dont venture into that thread (you should buy the game! :p)

Holy shit, this is great. You better put some signature on it. I think we will be seeing it in a lot of places when the films releases.

Cheers pal, thats very kind of you. And good suggestion with the sig, updated it :)

Was just wondering if anyone had any recommendations of tutorials for illustration in Photoshop? I'm trying to refine my style and hoping to get towards the quality of designs you see in print shops and the mondo thread. But some probably obvious things elude like shape drawing, colouring and stuff. Can anyone help?
I've been mucking around with GIMP. My attempt to create a convincing flesh tone:


I was quite pleased with it at first, but in retrospect he looks a bit more gangreneous than I would've liked. Really impressed with GIMP though - it's a surprisingly versatile package.
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