Work in Progress and part of a larger pic:
If I want to start learning how to draw, where should I start?
I have absolutely no idea.
couple of little things i've been working on:
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
This book will teach you what it really means to be an artist. Once you get these basics down, and realize what's keeping you from getting your thoughts on to paper, you can find other books or online tutorials that will cater more towards what you're interested in. Just stay away from books that look like this:
That BB one is fantastic.
Make it into a poster, please.
I mentioned I was frustrated with my digital coloring skills.
Found this book on Amazon and it looks to be pretty damn good. Had a back a forth with the author over email. I wanted to get the Kindle version, but it doesn't give you access to the CD files, so I just bought the hard copy.
anyone use this book?
Art Tutorials/tricks&tips and a quick painting
Hey hope you are having a nice Easter break.
I've gotten quite a few mails lately asking me different questions regarding my technique for painting. Sorry if I didn't reply, I'm sure I intended to, but then something flashed somewhere...
Anyways I don't really have go to methodology, or a tutorial (yet!) but there are a lot of small tricks that I use. Many stems from art tutorials/videos/blogs I've found online, there is so much great stuff out there just waiting to be found.
Here is a small collections of sites/videos I really enjoy and felt I learned from, hope you might find something you can use!
Arne Art Tutorial :
Probably my fav art tutorial, its so simple and to the point. I keep coming back to it.
Temple of the Seven Golden Camels on Composition :
Mark Kennedy's Blog. Can't get around this guy. His entire blog is goldmine -full of diamonds on fire.
Paul Richards on concept art :
Paul shares great insights to concept art, its an awesome read.
Paul Richard's ThumbWar tutorial :
Because you want MORE from this guy!
Rad Sechrist blog on drawing :
Rad is a storyborder at Dreamworks, this blog is not storyboards tho, but has great example drawings that reads so well, its super simple but it explains things way better than most books I've seen.
Matt khors 'Ctrl Paint' videos on photoshop painting :
Tons of great tips on using Photoshop, I think I've learned another little short key, or technique every time I've watched one of his videos.
Feng Zhu draws everything and explains it, at the speed of Feng Zhu :
Massive Archive of videos, so much to learn. I especially enjoyed his videos on mechanical design.
Head is too small and the background is just a blobby mess but otherwise I'm satisfied.
Sorry to hear that Daedalius. Is he a person who's opinions matter to you or just throw away? I imagine if he is on equal or lower level than you at your workplace there shouldn't be too much trouble with disregarding him.
If he's a significant problem, you could try reporting him I guess.
Cheers dude, i'll try and finish it up a bit. Just finished these Mondo inspired BB ones:
First one was charcoal practice. The rest are inks. New to inking, but it's fun. Already sold one!
Oh and I have a new Facebook page!
If I want to start learning how to draw, where should I start?
I have absolutely no idea.
Fritz: Thanks!
Acquainting myself with Zbrush (for serious this time)
Does anyone have any good tips on simulating pencils or pens in photoshop?
Here is a self portrait I did and it turned out pretty good... there are some things I would like to change but overall I'm pretty content with the piece.
I have been trying to make more graphic design work too, but I admit that I am a newbie.
here is a fake movie poster I made, with fake names and the like.
and here are a set of logos I put together for a band.
Did some 'realistic' painting for a change
Queen Bane
Holy shit, this is great. You better put some signature on it. I think we will be seeing it in a lot of places when the films releases.
Lot's of great artists on GAF. So cool!
last month I did several oekaki pokemon pics (one a day for ~9 days?). Anyway, these are three that turned out pretty neat. Thought some on gaf might enjoy this stuff