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Arts & Farts


does everyone mostly color in pshop, for kinda, for fun projects... and actual paint for real stuff...?

Not really. Digital is a real and viable way of creating a piece of work. Digital and real media both have their place when creating work, it depends on what you're comfortable with and what aesthetic the media will give you, and how that fits in with your vision.
Finally got round to colouring my tree of life poster


Probably gonna add some stuff to the background


does everyone mostly color in pshop, for kinda, for fun projects... and actual paint for real stuff...?

I mostly use digital programs because "real stuff" is a real pain to clean up. Plus.. it runs out and dries up and all that inconvenient stuff!
I really ought to have an "art day" and just use up what I have left though (acrylic paints, inks, canvasses, paper, markers). It's kind of just been sitting around for years, untouched.

The way I ink digitally is pretty much how I ink traditionally in look, so I'm at least happy my digital stuff doesn't look completely unlike traditional stuff.


Also real art supplies are really fucking expensive at the end of the day.
A PC is expensive upfront, but you're gonna need one anyway, from there it's pretty much at zero cost.
(of course there are variables, like which tablet pen you use or which art software, but still, in the long run it's convenient).


I draw because I feel like I need to. I've also invested a lot of money into learning how to draw so I ought to.


A question for the posters here.

Why do you draw?

For fun, it's therapeutic, and because I want to do it professionally (it's one of my majors).

That said, here's my first Wacom tablet drawing that I've been doing on and off (it looks pretty rough). I used my hand as a reference. It seems that subconsciously, I kept thinking of Mass Effect 3's Reapers (which not my intention):
I see. I was just wondering what motives people have for drawing since I have severe motivation issues myself.

That and commitment of any kind unless it's absolutely necessary.


I see. I was just wondering what motives people have for drawing since I have severe motivation issues myself.

That and commitment of any kind unless it's absolutely necessary.

Believe me, I have a hard time motivating myself to do it too (Raging Spaniard's voice pops into my head every now and then which motivates me too). Summer laziness takes away the desire to do anything. I draw in the subway to keep myself on my toes.

Practice makes perfect. I worry of the fact that if I were to stop drawing for a full month, I'll lose some of my skills.


A question for the posters here.

Why do you draw?

I draw because I feel like I have to, and I'd probably get horribly depressed if I couldn't.
I have ideas and stories that I need to tell or get out of me, even if no one else sees them I'm pretty happy with looking it over for myself, like it's a diary entry or something (even if the image doesn't have anything to do with me personally). I think the fact that you PRODUCE something in the end that you can keep and look back on is part of the reward.

It also kind of helps me focus. I feel like I did well in school all these years because I had art to be an outlet for all my meandering thoughts and then I could go back and focus on the "work".

For me, it's really hard to mix the "drawing for pleasure" part with the "drawing for money/work" side though. Working on commissions seriously drains my motivation because the intrinsic value of just drawing something for the heck of it is lost. I'd like to be able to piece that together better, but I'm not exactly sure how. It seems like the best way is to just push yourself to get started. Just sit down and focus and DO IT, JUST START AND KEEP GOING, inspiration and mood be damned! Hopefully while you're working away at it, inspiration will creep in and you build momentum to finish your work.


A question for the posters here.

Why do you draw?

Heres a story;

1. I liked drawing as a kid, mainly because I was kind of good at it.

2. I read a pc games magazine when I was like 15, saw that someone drew a picture of Dog for HL2 most likely got paid for it.

3. ????? (Hard work and tonnes of practice)

4. Profit! (Get job as concept artist in games industry.)

Alternative answer;
Its super satisfying when you pull off an awesome picture. This outweighs all the other shitty stuff you have to go through.


Does anyone have any better brushes that emulate pencils better than what I've used here?


the ones that I'm using now work well enough but they just don't look convincing enough I think
Solving a problem in an image is a very satisfying feeling. I think that, and having people recognize what you do are a couple of the things that keep me motivated.

Finished my LOTR drawing!



Wow, some really great stuff on this page. Nice work as usual RS. Also really digging your stuff Vespa. I've always liked your style Timo. It's very distinct but still has a very pleasing aesthetic like Raging Spaniard's. Although I will say your character designs in the comic panels do remind me of Doonesbury a bit. Also ;ike your character work, ExMachina.

DM, just like arcipello and Sammy, you make me lose all hope. :(

Lol, very Warhol-esque. I like it.

Mr. Fix

I just wanted to pop in and say you're all amazing (yes each and every one of you that puts up your work). Raging Spaniard, you should put up more process gifs, they're awesome. Good shit to you all!

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
I just wanted to pop in and say you're all amazing (yes each and every one of you that puts up your work). Raging Spaniard, you should put up more process gifs, they're awesome. Good shit to you all!

Thanks! Theyre hard to do because I need to remember to stop and save a wip image every few hours, otherwise you dont really have much process to show otherwise, lol

I wish I could figure out how to have a version with more than the 256 color limit, but animated pngs are kinda annoying to make.


I just wanted to pop in and say you're all amazing (yes each and every one of you that puts up your work). Raging Spaniard, you should put up more process gifs, they're awesome. Good shit to you all!

Even my hand-touching-down-on earth drawing (I'm gonna have to go back and retouch the hand)? If so, then thanks I suppose. :D Everyone else's stuff is amazing though; I'm still a scrub who's learning to draw with a Wacom tablet. I think my next drawings will be better.

I've got two (well three) digital drawings I'm working on. I suppose I could show what it looks like so far, but in another post. I just need to figure out some kind of place to upload them to show off my stuff other than GAF. I suppose a blog will do.

Raging Spaniard's preliminary drawings affirm that I'm not the only one who uses black initially to get everything in place. That's very good to know. It's amazing how much it changed from the initial drawing to the final (tentative) form.

EDIT: Here they are:



Thanks you guys. You're too sweet and shit.

Anyways, onto that age old question: is graphic design art?
that's not a serious question at all


Done for two of my friends (they're twins), jewelry show.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Hey Jipan, keep in mind that in Photoshop you want your black lines to be on a separate layer Otherwise, how are you going to color underneath them? ;) Good habit to get into. Also, make sure your image is 300 dpi when youre working (even if you dont plan to print it or whatever, a higher resolution makes the workflow easier)


Hey Jipan, keep in mind that in Photoshop you want your black lines to be on a separate layer Otherwise, how are you going to color underneath them? ;) Good habit to get into. Also, make sure your image is 300 dpi when youre working (even if you dont plan to print it or whatever, a higher resolution makes the workflow easier)

I didn't know this stuff at all! No wonder you had layers on one of your works. I thought you had layers to move stuff around (e.g. characters, objects). I went over the them in color on the same layer but as you saw, it came out pretty rough in that first drawing. Thanks for the heads up. I will definitely do that from now on (I already did). That should definitely help tremendously. Now I really feel like going back to touch up the first drawing. This why I need you in my life. Thankfully you're on GAF. :D
I didn't know this stuff at all! No wonder you had layers on one of your works. I thought you had layers to move stuff around (e.g. characters, objects). I went over the them in color on the same layer but as you saw, it came out pretty rough in that first drawing. Thanks for the heads up. I will definitely do that from now on (I already did). That should definitely help tremendously. Now I really feel like going back to touch up the first drawing. This why I need you in my life. Thankfully you're on GAF. :D
you should check out ctrl paint.
Some large touring arts agency mailed me, saying congrats your film was selected to be a small part of this big European festival. So I go to the effort of upscaling my work, preparing an alternate version in case their projector sucks. I submit it all and then the next day they say "oh sorry you haven't been selected but you were in the top 20 if that's any consolation"

Is this kind of shit normal? I mean I appreciate it's not a contract but I had been told I was getting paid £200 and I could've booked flights, accommodation based on what they told me.

Trying not to let it bother me, but eh. So unprofessional.


Thanks for this. I noticed this person started at 18 years old. I guess it really is never too late to start.

I always had this fear that even if I started I wouldn't amount to much since I never started back in elementary/high school.

Bah. As much as some "Artists" might want you to believe it, being able to draw isn't some magical talent you're born with that only a select few brilliant souls are given. Anyone can learn, at any age.


Thanks for this. I noticed this person started at 18 years old. I guess it really is never too late to start.

I always had this fear that even if I started I wouldn't amount to much since I never started back in elementary/high school.
Yeah, that was my problem. I got into art in my very late teens and couldn't practice seriously for more than a couple weeks at a time before getting discouraged and just dropping it cold for months. It was a real problem. I was on again off again for years, always worried that I was too damn old to go anywhere because so many of the artists I admired had started when they were kids and were pumping out insane work at like 16.

Self-defeating bullshit. Great artists like Craig Mullins, James Gurney, Iain McCaig, and Zhu Haibo got skilled by practicing. Age doesn't matter—it's all about how many hours you put in every day. And with so many free online resources and inexpensive art books out there, art school is less a necessity and more a costly alternative to self-guided study. It's hard to go wrong when people like Feng Zhu are offering in-depth tutorials for free. Even if you feel like the most hopeless wannabe artist in the world, there's nothing to stop you from picking up a pencil and pushing it around day after day until something decent comes out.

Hannes says all the right things in that FAQ. What an inspiring dude. If you want some idea of how he happened, check out his old ConceptArt.org sketchbook. It's not mysterious, he just drew and painted his fingers off, and informed himself with excellent resources like Andrew Loomis's books. There are some more recent studies on his artblog.


Is this kind of shit normal? I mean I appreciate it's not a contract but I had been told I was getting paid £200 and I could've booked flights, accommodation based on what they told me.

Trying not to let it bother me, but eh. So unprofessional.

Your eye for whats legit, what's a scam, what's cool but not for you will develop over time as you are involved in more of these things.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Aight I thought it was done, but when the Environment lead on Diablo gives you shit to change, you goddamn change it



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'd play it, is it some kind of platforming wrassle brawler?

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Doing something new, here's Ginger Steve, a kid who gets turned into an orc ... dont know much else yet, lol

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