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Arts & Farts

^ Daaaammmnnnn @Raging Spaniard that Chrono Trigger poster is hot af. Definitely gonna be buying one of those soon.
another bunch of doodles drawn while avoiding school-work.


After having gone two months without drawing people on the subway, I'm back to doing it and hope to make it a regular thing again (until I have to order another pair of Moleskine sketch pads). Here are the three that I've done for the past three days. Please note that the first drawing got cropped due to posting it on Instagram. I'll edit this post once I get home and post the full drawing:


It looks like I've still got my groove. I need to work on the hands though. I'm also working a comic series for my Graphic Novel class. I don't really have any panels to show at the moment, since still I need to write the script, do another character sheet, and solidify each vignette. It's going to be semi-autobiographical so look out for that some time in the near future.
i had nothing to do at work today, so i decided to make my own zine.
limited to 5 pieces + original one, 26 scribbels printed / drawn and printed on yellow paper


next week, feel fine zine2

Try different image hosting sites. I would also recommend scanning the drawings instead of photographing them.



I just made this one. I'm trying to make something digital with it on Illustrator for a class, but I don't know where to begin. Do I just do it again on top of it with the pen tool?


Photoshop CS5 GET! And with that my workflow is not interrupted by constant crashes and memory limitations. To celebrate I painted a portrait and tried some wacky brushes while at it! What an amazing difference going from CS2 to 5 it's ridiculous.



Grabbed a couple of shipping labels from the post office, slapped it on my sketch pad, and made some cover art for it (I love drawing on shipping labels). I drew these with markers and highlighters for the green and blue colors. With the eye drawing, I'm kind of taking a stab at curious people who tend to look at what I'm drawing:

And here are the latest two subway drawings from yesterday and today (at around 2AM):

I over drew this guy's eyes; I shouldn't have outlined it so heavily. He didn't look as big as I drew him since I had to compress his legs a bit to fit it into the page but he was a tall dude:

Drew this guy last night. I'm missing a few details which I'll add in eventually. He knew that I was drawing him, said it looked good, and thanked me as he got off his stop much to my surprise. Most people that I've drawn in the subway/public places are typically oblivious to the fact that I've been drawing them unless I show it to that person (I don't):

I'm just going to post a link because it's over 17,000 pixels tall:

Here's a comic I made about the day I sold my comic collection to buy Street Fighter 2 for the Super Nintendo.

The art's not great even by my standards (!) but I'm really happy with doing a long form story for the first time in years.

What a crazy story, did it really happened like that?

Thanks man. The s memo on my phone.

That sounds like a Samsung app, I'll check it out on my GS3 =).




I've had a hiatus from my art due to obligations of my fellowship...lately though I've been exploring a new avenue for me: traditional animation.

I've been working on assets for an adventure game that will utilize that particular style. A flurry of speed pencils for animation frames is a new avenue for me.


Have also been working on some new HD remix projects, along those lines I started obsessing over redesigning Chakan: the forever man. Tough challenge, although I've finally hit a beat I think I'll be happy with.


Lastly, a digital painting for a local diabetes symposium:



So much good shit going on in here! Productivity all round.

Some more lunch time scribbles. A landscape and some drowned voodoo priest dude.
(those canvas texture brushes are ace, possibly a bit too strong though. They work really nicely on a small scale though).




Someone make an art appreciation thread pls.

That link is broken, it's there. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=545928

That's more for posting about artists though than for just posting up works, so you can make a general appreciation thread yourself if you wish

I'll just be taking a single class this summer, baroque/20th century art history, so hopefully I don't get lazy and do a lot of personal work I can share here :)


(those canvas texture brushes are ace, possibly a bit too strong though. They work really nicely on a small scale though).

Are they your own custom brushes? If so, care to share?

Also can you recomment some material or tutorials to quickpaint landscapes like you do. I have the general idea, but it's always nice to follow a video or any advice when you begin.


drawing from yesterday.


So much good shit going on in here! Productivity all round.

Some more lunch time scribbles. A landscape and some drowned voodoo priest dude.
(those canvas texture brushes are ace, possibly a bit too strong though. They work really nicely on a small scale though).



Love this kind of art. Any tips? I've been sticking mostly to traditional drawings lately

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Are they your own custom brushes? If so, care to share?

Also can you recomment some material or tutorials to quickpaint landscapes like you do. I have the general idea, but it's always nice to follow a video or any advice when you begin.

PM me your email address plz, now that you have joined the world of cs5+


Are they your own custom brushes? If so, care to share?

Also can you recomment some material or tutorials to quickpaint landscapes like you do. I have the general idea, but it's always nice to follow a video or any advice when you begin.

Love this kind of art. Any tips? I've been sticking mostly to traditional drawings lately

I think this generally this applies to you both. Works with JDL's work too.

Since its mostly steeped in realism, a large part of the skill of the painting is knowing what to paint to start with. And that pretty much comes from observation. Its all about figuring out what you want to draw, finding some good references (photo's, real life, whatever) and then understanding it, and applying that to your work.

Jokkir! Start painting, drawing is always always always good, but if you wanna paint you gotta practice. Just look at shit you like and start painting. And dont stop!

Zoukka - the brushes were posted a while ago, maybe 4-7 pages ago or something. They're not mine. Maybe RS has you covered!


jdl and phandy, your stuff is amazing.
Also thanks for the tips, Phandy.

It's always great to see the economy between few strokes and impressively realistic results.
Spent the weekend on this:


A cover for a comic I'm drawing (and written by someone else)

My first traditional animations, yes I know the timing is a mess.



Man I LOVE your work. It's so full of life and cheerful :p That's the direction I'd like to take my work to. Awesome characters.

It glows in real life? FALSE ADVERTISING! lol Those are nice! Will buy :)

Couple of things, one quick one: Beowulf from Skullgirls, for fun


And a wallpaper version

And here is the big one, a poster project from Sanshee that just launched. A tribute to Chrono Trigger. Took me over 100 hours to finish, its over 3 feet wide!



You can buy the poster here, if youd like :)

Oh wow, that Trigger piece is impressive dude. I should finish that FLCL piece soon that you helped me with :)
photo/illustration I did for my friend's summer playlist website:


Love your Stuff Futureman. Can't get enough.

Here's something I'm doing for contest, It's due Thursday but I'm confident I can be done by then. I hate how the shield and lance look so a quick tip on how to fix would be great appreciated.

Click the Picture to get to the High quality version.
Love your Stuff Futureman. Can't get enough.

Here's something I'm doing for contest, It's due Thursday but I'm confident I can be done by then. I hate how the shield and lance look so a quick tip on how to fix would be great appreciated.

Click the Picture to get to the High quality version.

Great job so far!
You're using pencil, right?

I don't really know what look and feel you're going for, but I would probably do the whole piece in acrylic or watercolor. Or a mixture of both.


I did this a couple years ago, I liked the combination of water color and acrylic.
It would pop more than pencil.

I'm no professional, but thats just my two cents.
Great job so far!
You're using pencil, right?

I don't really know what look and feel you're going for, but I would probably do the whole piece in acrylic or watercolor. Or a mixture of both.


I did this a couple years ago, I liked the combination of water color and acrylic.
It would pop more than pencil.

I'm no professional, but thats just my two cents.

Thank you, the lines are actually marker but I have a very light dull. It's being a common complain that my coloring is dull. Sadly I don't have any other materials currently, some markers would had give it a lovely comic book, but they are so expensive jeez.

I like your painting, the fish looks so...fishy. (Like it will just sly right out your hand)
Got inspired by a what-if logo for HP and tried stylizing my handle in a similar fashion.


I'm also starting to doodle a bunch of concepts for this thing I'm working on called Project Livechamber, which is a class-based arena shooter similar to Quake, Halo, etc. It's notably similar to Metroid Prime: Hunters in that it utilizes a concept of "Affinity Weapons." There are four primary elements - Hive, Blood, Soul, and Mind. Each of the main 8 characters has a primary element and a secondary element. For example, the character "Vita" is Hive primary and Blood secondary, meaning he's a "Hiveblood." Four heavenly emperors known as the Pure Primordials exist in-story that hold dominion over their respective element and its species; it's worth noting that they're the only remaining "purebreds" and are akin to the Titans of Greek Mythology. There are 15 weapons; 3 per faction and then 3 universal "Aether" weapons that everyone spawns with. The 12 elemental weapons have an alt-fire or otherwise specified bonus property if its respective elemental soldier is using it.


Horus is a Sheolite, which are kinda similar to Chozo in that they're bird-people. His elemental affinity is Mind-Soul.


Isulven is a Becryon, which are something akin to cryonic symbiotes. Elemental affinity is soul-mind. Relies extensively on flubber or blob-esque shapeshifting powers and psionics, but can also utilize the whole freezing thing to become ultra-dense.


Drei is a not-quite-human known as a Nullpunk (German for "zero" is "Nullpunkt") who bonded with an Isulven symbiote at a very young age (just like the rest of his warrior-caste... thing) and now essentially uses it as powered armor underneath the black bodysuit of his. He also has two scarves which are imbued partially with the liquid gunk that makes up a Becryon, which makes them prehensile; he uses them as fists and to cover up his face in combat, giving him a slight Dark Samus look. Nullpunks are Soulbloods and rely extensively on high skill curve-based combat featuring teleportation and CQC.

Will post more sketches later.


drawing from yesterday.


So awesome.

Also Skidd, your style is divine, you're by far my favorite artist around here.
Soo talented, wow!

Anyway, inspired by the astonishing works of Tom Whalen, i decided to create a wallpaper that celebrates the latest victory of my football team (Juventus), the 31st Scudetto.


Even if i originally wanted to make many more players, i focused on the ones i think performed best in this amazing season: our mister and leader Antonio Conte, Arturo "el guerrero" Vidal, Paul Pogba and Leonardo Bonucci (i'm sorry for Claudio Marchisio and Andrea Barzagli who definitely deserved a mention ).

Fino alla fine forza Juventus!!!
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