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Arts & Farts


I've been completely absent cause commissions and being busy. And the commission I'm currently working on I don't think I can post up here (not even done yet), but I started doing some sketches because I'm really slow at everything. Also I haven't done line work on the computer for like, 2 years. So I thought I better have a go again. SO here are some moody dudes.



The blue one belongs to a friend, the purple one is mine..sort of kind of. about an hour and a half on each. I need to be quicker than this. I feel pathetic


I haven't posted in over a year! had a bad case of painter's block since the start of the new year. But I check this thread almost daily :)

Here's a few things I've done over the past months done in Photoshop as usual.. Quoted for size



Hey Ochrehand, the colors in the first two are so great.
I wish i had a tenth of your talent. :)

Especially the left top side on the second one (the blue forest) is very beautiful.


I haven't posted in over a year! had a bad case of painter's block since the start of the new year. But I check this thread almost daily :)

Here's a few things I've done over the past months done in Photoshop as usual.. Quoted for size
The winter scene is absolutely gorgeous. Love the colors.


I haven't posted in over a year! had a bad case of painter's block since the start of the new year. But I check this thread almost daily :)

Here's a few things I've done over the past months done in Photoshop as usual.. Quoted for size

I've been completely absent cause commissions and being busy. And the commission I'm currently working on I don't think I can post up here (not even done yet), but I started doing some sketches because I'm really slow at everything. Also I haven't done line work on the computer for like, 2 years. So I thought I better have a go again. SO here are some moody dudes.


The blue one belongs to a friend, the purple one is mine..sort of kind of. about an hour and a half on each. I need to be quicker than this. I feel pathetic

These are really, really good.


I haven't posted in over a year! had a bad case of painter's block since the start of the new year. But I check this thread almost daily :)

Here's a few things I've done over the past months done in Photoshop as usual.. Quoted for size

Those roses are ridiculous. Love the texture in your works. Very ethereal. I hope you post again.

These are really, really good.

Thank you, very lovely of you to say!


Another one I did of some other friends character. This one I spent a little longer on, about 2 hours or so. They didn't have an outfit (just a floating head for reference) and had no idea what to do. Leather and cape for a young price of thieves, I thought would be best fitting. Still erasing too often. Must think more, erase less.
CB your stuff is great. I really need to figure out how to do that.

Here's something I've had for a while now, but I never got around to finishing it. Problems with it all around, but I just needed to push it out the door to start on something new.


Really good stuff in this thread. This is my first post here on neogaf, but I've been checking out the thread for a long time, since my brother (Dm_uselink) started posting.

Here's one of my most recent drawings.


Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
The cat and Dereks shirt get lost in the value of the darker parts of the cave. Maybe bring them forth a bit more.

Very true. Can't even really tell that he has a gun in his hand either. I've also been thinking I need to achieve a more . . ominous feel to the cover to combat the rather silly look Derek has on his face.


Little bad boy I spent a few more lunch times on than normal. Trying to do atleast a few things every now and then that are more portfolio worthy.

Have been away doing art stuffs and not posting them! Now I can, so prepare for some art dumping! As always, everyone doing awesome. Oh and my brother posts on Neogaf now?!
(in George Costanza voice) "The worlds are colliding Jerry!"

Thanks and keep sharing your work!


Have been away doing art stuffs and not posting them! Now I can, so prepare for some art dumping! As always, everyone doing awesome. Oh and my brother posts on Neogaf now?!
(in George Costanza voice) "The worlds are colliding Jerry!"

Thanks and keep sharing your work!

Amazing colours! Love love the second one, especially the right. Each of these have a very distinct and solid feeling.

Alright . . round 3 . .

I'm growing more and more into it.

The white around them does make them more distinguishable from the background yo. I think perhaps with your next piece maybe give your picture a little bit more breathing room? (or negative space). Though to be fair I often abuse empty space so that might jsut be personal preference.

Did a few more over today and yesterday. Stole a couple more characters from my friends.

About 2 hours each. So much for slimming my time down. One day I'll draw a lady.


first time posting here.
i learned myself to draw and never went to art shool so be gentle with me.

also for this pic i am aware of the smudges and the weird lines on her brow but i can't retake the pic right now .



Proportions seem to be off (gap between the eyes is too wide, chin is too tall). Shoulders are also too close apart to the body.


Proportions seem to be off (gap between the eyes is too wide, chin is too tall). Shoulders are also too short.

thank you for the constructive criticism .

i did these pics about a year ago before i joined gaf and haven't drawn for a while now but i might start again to get better at it .

more will come tommorow.


first time posting here.
i learned myself to draw and never went to art shool so be gentle with me.

also for this pic i am aware of the smudges and the weird lines on her brow but i can't retake the pic right now .

I agree with JordanN that the proportions are a bit off here and there within the picture, but I think the best way you'll find to over come them is to start studying from life and then move into a more stylised drawing. Knowing what the rules are teaches you how to break them properly. Good luck!

I do want to participate in that draw every day thread but, I've got to return back to doing work things so wont have much time :C So I will post this in here instead. Kind of a wip.


I'm kind of stuck moving forward as I don't do things 100% digital anymore and usually treat everything like a painting (try to anyway). Won't be able to get back to it for a while though. So.


Due to depression, and other personal stuff i won't discuss on GAF, i put away drawing (more seriously, anyway) since like 2010.
It hasn't been a fun 2 and a half years, but lurking in this thread finally tipped me over the edge, and i decided to give it a go again.
I wasn't particularly good or anything, but i now feel especially creatively dry and rusty, even still, i figured, it's not something that would just change by itself and i had to simply start drawing again.

So a couple of weeks ago, i "dusted off" my Intuos and did something.
Didn't really wanted to post it (i sit on it about a week) because i don't like how it came out, but i guess it has a symbolic value.
I'll try to push myself to get back into drawing, thanks ArtGaf.

I also made a couple of progress gifs, unfortunately missing a couple of steps (because i forgot):

Sorry for the double post.


Over the years I've collected a bunch of brushes from people and creating them on the fly as I need them, and while occasionally I pick out one and add it to my usual rotation of ~5 or so primary brushes, the rest just sat in my presets window as I couldn't discern what they do from the preview stroke while I'm working. Today I went through them all, purged a whole lot of them, and the ones I kept I organized into groups so that I can easily find them and identify their purpose. Here's the brush settings to create the headers like that. The pattern base image is 160x30

hopefully this helps some people :)


Thanks for the compliments Mr Fix and Urbanrats, much appreciated!

He may have peed out in the field, maybe.

Watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre tonight and drew this here:



A while ago I said I was still working on a villain character design for my comic. Well here it is. The boss:)...took me quite a while and in the process, I almost gave up because I didn't like how he was turning out at the time. Pretty happy for his look right now. The back ground I added kind of blends in with his cape. not liking that...going to have to adjust it later.

For comparison, the bottom one is just the character art without BG and reads much better.




Over the years I've collected a bunch of brushes from people and creating them on the fly as I need them, and while occasionally I pick out one and add it to my usual rotation of ~5 or so primary brushes, the rest just sat in my presets window as I couldn't discern what they do from the preview stroke while I'm working. Today I went through them all, purged a whole lot of them, and the ones I kept I organized into groups so that I can easily find them and identify their purpose. Here's the brush settings to create the headers like that. The pattern base image is 160x30

hopefully this helps some people :)

This is amazing :eek:
What program do you use?
Having a hard time trying to find brushes for my ArtRage program.

I felt this one was good enough to be posted in Art GAF (I draw minimalist/abstract art based on depression)

One can think of this as a synapse or two suns being way too close to each other.
Anyways enjoy.


Tweaked the colors so that the character is not blending in with the background. Pretty much calling it done and move on to something new at this point.

Also, I am VERY much interested in getting my comic book published (when it is done). I will try releasing it on an app form or something and also a physical book...does anyone have experience in this area and what's a good publisher I can look at talking to?
Don't want to go into specific details as I am still working it out but my story will be pretty dark in theme.



My last major character needed for the comic. This one went a lot faster and I really enjoyed drawing him:) possibly because he's got simpler/ more organic design compared to the last few so was actually fun to draw.



What is the best way to sell digital art as prints?

Best as in affordable as well.

Depends. You can probably find a local printer that will do digital prints for around a dollar or so ( I have a local pritner that will do me an A3 for about £1), but these kind of prints are usually on poster type paper and the printing process might not be as precise as some of the higher quality stuff. You can find printers who will do Giclee printing (which doesn't really mean too much other than inkjet but this usually insinuates they will have different paper types available - like german etching paper or photorag, etc.). I find my giclee prints to be far more precise than standard ones, but they cost a lot more (A3 print costing about £10 or so).

If you want the super easy option, you can always put things up on places like Society6, but you will be seeing pennies pretty much (if you sell a print for around $16 you'll be seeing about $3 of that).

If I remember correctly places like Staples have printing services, might be worth asking and seeing what paper choices they have available.

Those are my experiences anyway. Make cheaper prints for easy sales to younger audiences, save the higher quality stuff if you're exhibiting somewhere.
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