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Arts & Farts

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Depends. You can probably find a local printer that will do digital prints for around a dollar or so ( I have a local pritner that will do me an A3 for about £1), but these kind of prints are usually on poster type paper and the printing process might not be as precise as some of the higher quality stuff. You can find printers who will do Giclee printing (which doesn't really mean too much other than inkjet but this usually insinuates they will have different paper types available - like german etching paper or photorag, etc.). I find my giclee prints to be far more precise than standard ones, but they cost a lot more (A3 print costing about £10 or so).

If you want the super easy option, you can always put things up on places like Society6, but you will be seeing pennies pretty much (if you sell a print for around $16 you'll be seeing about $3 of that).

If I remember correctly places like Staples have printing services, might be worth asking and seeing what paper choices they have available.

Those are my experiences anyway. Make cheaper prints for easy sales to younger audiences, save the higher quality stuff if you're exhibiting somewhere.

Thanks. I signed up with Society 6, but that profit looks kind of bad. Then again, it saves me the hassle of printing and mailing. I'm not looking to make a career off of this, but I have so many people interested in buying stuff from me and I am throwing away small opportunities by sitting here.


almost done coloring the character...the eye glass coloring I am not very happy with but it is later and I am tired of it so will pick it up tomorrow again.


Edit. Done:)




sorry, i been away (crippling job that just 'bout crushed my spirit but quit that shit) is there any progress on GAF's book?
I've been hitting the library absorbed in research with my tinfoil hat strapped on, but not much arting. This needs to be changed.
I might be hermiting-away for a bit researching more this next year, but email me at plus1chromosome@gmail.com if i do not make it back on here. Also anyone local in Alabama i want to offer volunteer art tutoring in exchange for sandwiches so i can feed myself.


Reluctant Member
Hello, artGAF!

I need some advice. I want to sell art/do commissions but I am completely at a loss about how to start. I've never done it before, and I've always been happy to give away art for free. But I would like to get some money for time spent, and I really don't know where to go to promote myself or what I should be doing to get my name out there to the right people.



study from photo:

Look great! It's very seldom you see people using greens, purples and blues in a skin tone. Makes her look more human.

sorry, i been away (crippling job that just 'bout crushed my spirit but quit that shit) is there any progress on GAF's book?

yea i am curious too. Does it still need to be videogame fan art themed?

We are still working on the Gaf art book, but there had been a few hiccups. Trying to catch each other because we're in different time zones, as well as actually coming to a decision on exactly how the book will be presented and just generally being busy has made us slack a bit. Sorry!. We have a thread we've nearly finished and going to post relatively soon, we just wanted to make sure we had everything in order before posting it, so keep an eye out for it. We will say when it's posted in here though. Soon!

Hello, artGAF!

I need some advice. I want to sell art/do commissions but I am completely at a loss about how to start. I've never done it before, and I've always been happy to give away art for free. But I would like to get some money for time spent, and I really don't know where to go to promote myself or what I should be doing to get my name out there to the right people.


Just my two cents again , but I tend to advertise slightly differently depending on where I'm posting. Also depends on the audience as well (posting on places like deviantart tends to have a younger crowd, dealing with people in real life, they usually have more dispensable cash). My listings normally look like this on dA. It's a bit wordy but I like to have obvious prices and tell the commissioner exactly what they get and what to expect. I also get a few examples so they know what to expect (using previous commissions is best, but until you have some just use work you think accurately represents the amount of effort you're going to apply).

I generally charge for different mediums but some people go as far as charing sepereatly for doing bust shots, waist high and full body.

When I post on tumblr however, I try to make my advertisement a bit more visually appealing like this. Mainly because people will be following loads of blogs and you're competeing for attention. I try to avoid wordy boring written text blurbs. If they find it interesting to look at, they will be more likely to read it.

As far as pricing goes, it depends on how willing you are to stretch your time for your dollar. If you''re wanting to make a living off of it, you need to be charging at least minimum wage per the hour, and stop yourself when you've used up the hours they've paid you for. It's hard not to under charge for your services because there are a lot of people out there with competing prices and many people seem to get something for nothing, but you'll have to stick to your guns. I think with more time you can gradually bump up prices as you get more experience and credibility.

Get yourself a paypal ready, easiest way to exchange money. Especially if you have international clients.

Always receive payment before work, or at least half before and half after ( though I recommend full payment up front, I've had a few clients who just never got back to me with my money after I've worked. Never again).

One other place you can check out, which I've just found recently is Artists&Clients. It's basically a hub where you put your work up to advertise, and people can contact you through the site. The website takes %10 compared to the 3% if you deal directly with clients through pay pal, but they have an audience and some nifty little things so.

Real life clients and freelance work a bit differently, but I don't have massive experience, as I'm just starting to take this route myself.

Sorry for the ramble, but I hope it helps. If you have any other questions just like PM me or whatevs. I'd be happy to help with whatever tiny knowledge I have.

I posted this in the other drawing a day thread but, might as well post these here too.

Moleskine commission for someone

never do any scifi stuff so I'm trying to learn. Failing miserably.

I wasn't originally going to post this but yeah. Most recent digital commission finished. And now to do a Bioshock one. Big Daddy is like, the ugliest thing I've ever had to draw for real.


I was asked if I would be interested (via PM) and I said if I had time I would be down for it. If the theme of the art is more open (say, if I have a cool splash page I can submit from my comic) that would be super cool.

C.B said:
We are still working on the Gaf art book, but there had been a few hiccups. Trying to catch each other because we're in different time zones, as well as actually coming to a decision on exactly how the book will be presented and just generally being busy has made us slack a bit. Sorry!. We have a thread we've nearly finished and going to post relatively soon, we just wanted to make sure we had everything in order before posting it, so keep an eye out for it. We will say when it's posted in here though. Soon!


I was asked if I would be interested (via PM) and I said if I had time I would be down for it. If the theme of the art is more open (say, if I have a cool splash page I can submit from my comic) that would be super cool.

We are keeping the theme more focused around games begin that we are calling it the "Gaf Art Book" and neo gaf is a gaming forum. We Might switch things up a bit more if we do more in the future, but being that this is the first time round we're trying to keep it very simple for orginizations sake. So you might not be able to submit your own comic page of your own original work this time around, but I wouldn't rule it out completely in the future if we do another book.

I want to keep osting in the daily thread but I'm not finishing any sketches recently but I will post this here :


Current commission I'm working on. I really hate the Big Daddy design but I think somehow I will survive. Still Have quite a bit of work to do yet. Lots of deco patterns and stuff. But It's running along smoothly I guess.


We are keeping the theme more focused around games begin that we are calling it the "Gaf Art Book" and neo gaf is a gaming forum. We Might switch things up a bit more if we do more in the future, but being that this is the first time round we're trying to keep it very simple for orginizations sake. So you might not be able to submit your own comic page of your own original work this time around, but I wouldn't rule it out completely in the future if we do another book.

Ah got it. I think that's totally understandable.
A little scribble with some basic colours, with a long way to go, but pleased to slot in a little pen-time after work. As always, this thread fills a man with awe and inspiration. You folks are awesome.



Decided to just splash colours on the canvas and suddenly a forest appeared and I just had to stick link into it. I rarely do fan-art of any sort so this felt refreshing.



A little scribble with some basic colours, with a long way to go, but pleased to slot in a little pen-time after work. As always, this thread fills a man with awe and inspiration. You folks are awesome.

Love your work. Great sense of scale and color. Just pleasant to look at in every way.

Bit of a dump from the drawing a day thread. Some that I liked in particular.





finished my kim jong il figure.
I decided to ditch the teddybearcostume and go with a more related costume.

If you're not familiar with his film, just google pulgasari.

so, he's now wearing a pulgasari costume.

the name of the figure is also a real title from kim. link


i thought about making a mold... thousands of kimjongilpulgasari figures would be awesome.
Parts 3-8 are back on netflix. I am sooo excited.

Edit: Also nice fuckin drill on that big daddy CB. That shit feels good.

Love this. My only suggestion would be to pronounce the "teardrop" red decals on the mask a bit more because it kind of just looks like a scratch right now.

He's worn so many damn different masks that I'm sure he's been in a movie without them, though.


Finally got around to finishing this commission

I'm fairly satisfied with how it came out but damn did I get lazy on some of the things. Felt like a very tedious picture though. I still need to loosen up my paintings as well.

Also managed to do this :

It's not the whole image, but only what I can really show at the moment. Dropping the inks in my comic and just doing graphite. I think inking just isn't my thing.

Just not enough hours in the day..


It's not the whole image, but only what I can really show at the moment. Dropping the inks in my comic and just doing graphite. I think inking just isn't my thing.

Just not enough hours in the day..

I'm pretty sure you can skip inking if you just scan the works with care and fiddle them in PS. The lines are strong enough.

Mind's Full of Stuff and Things
It's been a long ass time since I did anything artsy so it took forever (nearly a month of sketching before I got to an OK draft before taking it to a clean draft). Not really digging the composition and colors I picked now, but sometimes you just have to stop being anal and just let it be.
So much good art in here! Haven't been here that often. Been a bit busy with a bunch of work but how does everyone feel about the move to community. Good or Bad? Seems kind of calm in here!

(I'll be posting thangs in the next few days)


Also managed to do this :

It's not the whole image, but only what I can really show at the moment. Dropping the inks in my comic and just doing graphite. I think inking just isn't my thing.

Just not enough hours in the day..

Your linework is perfection!



its a gift for a friend of mine, which i promissed and started to make years ago but had not bothered to finish the whole time.
made from super sculpey and painted with acrylics.


this is the most amazing thread on NeoGAF with OUT a DOUBT.

here's a character I've been designing.... takes me forever but I'm really happy with the results so far. I need to study anatomy I guess, or get a pose book to help me out... any suggestions??

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