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Arts & Farts



Brock Samson.
For those working on design/illustrations. How does one start searching (and eventually landing) a job doing that? I'm having trouble even getting a lead.


I never got around to posting the finished clock.



I have started my next project which had to be something from a Tim Holtz Configurations box.


I decided on a music box in the shape of a gramophone with the Laputa theme song. Haha quite the transformation from the original product. Im Attempting to go for a clean look this time.

Made a frame of embossed copper which is painted black then sanded off to reveal only ornate floral pastern. Probably do similar on the horn. Im really happy with how the copper came out.


Just finished the clear coat tonight to make the wood paper that I glued on look more like real varnished wood and make everything more durable.




For those working on design/illustrations. How does one start searching (and eventually landing) a job doing that? I'm having trouble even getting a lead.

There are several ways to try and wedge your foot in, I think (from the way I see it) there are probably three main ways. Freelance, agencies, and employment. Freelance would basically be you scouting for your own work and doing different contract work with various people and managing your own legal stuff and paper work. Working through an agency , they would find work for you, help with the paper work and legal stuff, but take a fee. Employment is just as it says. I mean, really the easiest way to start looking is just start searching. Places like concept art and cghub tend to have little sections where there is work available and people are looking to hire. You can look at illustrator associations and illustration agencies if you're wanting to have a large array of work to come to you, but you really have to show some unique-ness to get into things like that, so something that really sets you apart. Employment is probably a more tricky one, and from what it looks like to me, you really need good connections, or to send your work to a lot of art directors of companies and really give them what they're looking and have a grand scope of capabilities, as they might want you to work in more than one area for different projects.

That's just my two cents anyway, from trying to get myself into the whole thing myself.

Haven't updated in ages, as I've been on holiday, and since then been working on a commission. I'm not exactly happy with the sate of the characters face, so I'll just show this wine glass. I'm kind of happy with it, being that I haven't properly painted a wine glass before. Really fun trying to learn.


And that gramophone is looking pretty neat, waxer .
Haven't updated in ages, as I've been on holiday, and since then been working on a commission. I'm not exactly happy with the sate of the characters face, so I'll just show this wine glass. I'm kind of happy with it, being that I haven't properly painted a wine glass before. Really fun trying to learn.


And that gramophone is looking pretty neat, waxer .

wow, beautiful work...

I'm just starting in digital, (and i'm thinking in changing my college career and go all out for art)


whatever, here's my dA if anyone wants to see more...


I've been looking for a thread like this!
There is some awesome stuff in here, It's gonna take be a while to trawl through

Here are some things I've done over the last few months




Wow, the art in here is really amazing! I haven't drawn anything in a long time, and thought this thread would inspire me to do so again, but I don't think any of my stuff is good enough to post here, haha.


nws (drawing of a topless woman)
i tried emulating marco guaglione's stylized pin-ups.

Love the softness of this one.

I've been looking for a thread like this!
There is some awesome stuff in here, It's gonna take be a while to trawl through

Here are some things I've done over the last few months

And that last one is super dope. Welcome to the
art thread.

Couple of things. This one is a commission currently in the works. Last digital one...for now.

and something I finished the other day

And gifed it up.


I was bored and wanted to try doing some animations, so I put some on the Transistor art.


EDIT: Older, but I also animated the R&C: Into the Nexus keyart



I was bored and wanted to try doing some animations, so I put some on the Transistor art.

EDIT: Older, but I also animated the R&C: Into the Nexus keyart

That first one is just crazy.


just finished this one today. Couldn't spend much time on it, so it's a bit wonky but kind of happy with it for now.


Had a small art show last Thursday where i put 22 very simple illustrations up for sale... had a blast and was very happy that it was sold out in just under 3 hours. Have some pics GAF.

...some of the illustrations...


...trying to keep buyers info organized...

...me throwing up a one-handed SF sign...


Oh screw it, might as well post something. Had to take pictures of the stuff with a crappy camera (my bad), but oh well, hope you guys like it. I had more recent drawings, but I unfortunately no longer have them.

That's some album cover art. Very cool
Tons of awesome stuff's been posted here since I last checked!


Her right arm (and the bat she's holding) are too long but otherwise I'm happy with how this is turning out so far. I don't do much painting, digital or otherwise, really need to change that.

There's some wonky posing and stuff I need to fix (legs especially) and a bunch of detail work to do but it's finally coming together. Hips need to go wider (hence the hasty cut job for reference)
Feels like ages since the last time I posted. Great to see everyone's work as always.

Been busy, helping Feep with There Came an Echo, but I have done a few things here and there.




I'll post some stuff from the game soon hopefully! Thanks and keep drawing everyone!


Love the colours on that last one ^


Posted this in the daily sketch thread but, I thought I'd share it here as well. Working on a desert folklore narrative type thing. Quite a few other companion pieces to do still.


Trying to change up a bit and find an alternative to using markers... was never fond of Uniball's jetstream but i guess i just need to try harder.



PSY・S;86647135 said:
I guess the GAF art book isn't happening anymore. And what happened to Foxy? Did he ask for a ban?

Yeah the gaf art book is pretty much a no go at this point. We wanted to include everyone from art gaf, but ever since the move to community pretty much no one posts here any more. So it seemed pretty pointless to continue with the book when the community itself is practically bare bones. There seems to be a few people regularly updating in the Drawing A Day thread, but its still a relatively small amount.

Also the organisation of it wasn't too hot, and we were constantly worrying about the IP and was it smart to try and "sell" something with established characters, even if the money went to charity. We understand that lots of people do that stuff all the time, but no one was sure what the consequences would be if something came up and if any of us would want to deal with it.

Perhaps maybe in the future if artgaf comes back to life it will be looked at again.

And yes, Foxy asked for a ban.


and oh... my job has two parts... ha.

book printer and copyright clearance coordinator. So maybe I could look into some of the copyright concerns in here? Someone fill me in if they want. I love love love the work in this thread, I think a book would be so cool.

so the intention was to actually sell it?

Ran rp

Yeah the gaf art book is pretty much a no go at this point. We wanted to include everyone from art gaf, but ever since the move to community pretty much no one posts here any more. So it seemed pretty pointless to continue with the book when the community itself is practically bare bones. There seems to be a few people regularly updating in the Drawing A Day thread, but its still a relatively small amount.

Also the organisation of it wasn't too hot, and we were constantly worrying about the IP and was it smart to try and "sell" something with established characters, even if the money went to charity. We understand that lots of people do that stuff all the time, but no one was sure what the consequences would be if something came up and if any of us would want to deal with it.

Perhaps maybe in the future if artgaf comes back to life it will be looked at again.

And yes, Foxy asked for a ban.

Aw, that's a shame. I was afraid the move to community would do nothing but kill the thread :/. It'd be great if we could start a new Art-GAF thread but trying to get around the move is probably not allowed.
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