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Arts & Farts


I wasn't offended at all. I was disappointed because of how prevalent that pose is.

Sorry for not elaborating, I assumed that everyone knew what I was talking about, but I should not have done that, so I apologize. I'm glad you're more aware of this trend now, at least. No harm, no foul. I actually like your sketches, as I said (which is why I was a bit disappointed to see the clichéd pose, if I didn't like them I'd have just said nothing ^^) and you're obviously very talented.

All good, and thanks for the kind words!


Great work guys! Love your sketches a lot bigmac, also I think the boobs and butt looks pretty tasteful tbh!
A few things (sort of) recent, personal dudes, a dark souls fanart, landscapes, a hovership, a crane I did for work.
Got loads more on my artstation but I only give my best to GAF ;)







Great work guys! Love your sketches a lot bigmac, also I think the boobs and butt looks pretty tasteful tbh!
A few things (sort of) recent, personal dudes, a dark souls fanart, landscapes, a hovership, a crane I did for work.
Got loads more on my artstation but I only give my best to GAF ;)

Haha thanks man! Loving your stuff, so nice and clean. The lighting on the dark souls piece is great dude! Can't wait to see more.

Nice stuff LegendX! Really diggin the bg in the second sketch of the restaurant and all the characters.


That looks awesome. Alva armour with some custom helmet and Murakumo, per chance?

I have never seen the Alva set before, and now I've seen it, I wish I did something a bit different. Its so similar T.T I think they probably based it on the same armour I did, its like a cool Huskarl armour I found, with this awesome red/gold velvet cloak.


Haha thanks man! Loving your stuff, so nice and clean. The lighting on the dark souls piece is great dude! Can't wait to see more.

Nice stuff LegendX! Really diggin the bg in the second sketch of the restaurant and all the characters.

Thanks! I usually struggle with backgrounds so I'm kinda starting to practice them and do more.


Great work guys! Love your sketches a lot bigmac, also I think the boobs and butt looks pretty tasteful tbh!
A few things (sort of) recent, personal dudes, a dark souls fanart, landscapes, a hovership, a crane I did for work.
Got loads more on my artstation but I only give my best to GAF ;)

Wow, these are amazing. I love it!

Here's the progress of one of my sketches:

Taking so long because I usually just draw when I'm out in a cafe or library or something.
Going on an illustration bender
Sunday: Book of Jane
Book of Life x Jane the Virgin

Monday: Neogaf-chans
I saw Neogaf-Chan once and thought to myself, I can probably make this less anime. I was wrong. I made it more Catherine, Space Channel, and Prison School.


Neo Member
As a working architect I really wanted to get into environmental modelling for games, and this was my first ever go at a rough scenery (mainly collaging, so not what a final product would look like). Hopefully I get more time off where I can do this kind of stuff properly! I also have all my render/ collages from my uni work but it's mainly architecture so I'm not sure if it's that interesting.


Also some awesome stuff in here. Lost track of all the ones I found that were awesome :3 I definitely feel inspired to go home and do some drawing now!
Wednesday: 90s Kid
It was the 90s you wouldn't understand. It donned on me that the Simpsons has the most ridiculous color scheme and that my sense of scale is slightly skewed. Haha

Friday:Suddenly Kanda
My love for musicals and Yullen (Yu Kanda/Allen Walker) finally meet. I had a lot of fun drawing Linali, Road, and Miranda as the singing girls in the background. The hardest part was drawing the kiss because drawing kissing is hard for me.

Saturday: Tengen Toppa Steven Universe
Gurren Lagann x Steven Universe. Not gonna lie, I fucked up the composition after drawing Garnet and Steven. I was like well I gotta put Pearl, Connie, and Amethyst in somehow so shove shove shove shove it in >_> I guess. The mecha is modeled after the statue near Steven and the Gem’s house.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
First time poster in this thread. Made this in pottery:


370 clay, black and yellow slip, clear glaze all around except for a white coat for the teeth.

Nose is a little big, and I'll be adding some glass beads for eyes with a touch of red around, but I'm pretty happy with how disturbing it came out haha.
Great work guys! Love your sketches a lot bigmac, also I think the boobs and butt looks pretty tasteful tbh!
A few things (sort of) recent, personal dudes, a dark souls fanart, landscapes, a hovership, a crane I did for work.
Got loads more on my artstation but I only give my best to GAF ;)
This is pretty great work man! Keep at it.

Crossposting a bit from the comics thread but I had a lot of fun with this. In case you're not up to speed with comics, this is Spider-Gwen. Basically, in alt universe she's the one that gets bitten by the spider, not Peter Parker. Her costume is pretty dope
Happy to finally finish. I need to find a way to get more efficient. Every artist I follow pumps out work like they're hitting the big green button on a business printer. I won't lie, it's more than a little frustrating.



Happy to finally finish. I need to find a way to get more efficient. Every artist I follow pumps out work like they're hitting the big green button on a business printer. I won't lie, it's more than a little frustrating.

I know the feeling. Like most other things it likely is just pure practice though, despite my skepticism on it being simply that.

Also, sweet image :p


this took a good chunk of the day, coloring a sketch of Julia Voth I did last month.

Good enough, forcing myself to move on before I go crazy.

edit: re-adjusted her left eye a bit.

edit #2: updated, moved the eyes closer together, changed the background color, made a few (very) minor adjustments elsewhere as well.
Hey everyone! There is a really awesome Indiegogo campaign being done to benefit cancer patients and research. It is a pretty sweet fan art book containing work from many artists including myself and I believe at least one other Gaffer (Raging Spaniard)

The campaign is in it's last hours and any support is welcome!


I figure since this is a non-profit, it is OK to post here. Thanks!
I have been trying to get better at oil painting so i did a painting a day in februrary and i finally got around to hastily putting them on my wall for a picture. My apartment exploded in the middle of feb so i had to take a couple days off that i made up in early march. onto a large painting.



I hate how that painting came out from earlier in the week so I did something traditional...

...and I hate this too even though I really liked it at first. Beak for a mouth, and garbage hair, UGH!

Doesn't look terrible. Hair is tricky, focus on the major shapes and lighting rather than trying to do every individual strand.


Doesn't look terrible. Hair is tricky, focus on the major shapes and lighting rather than trying to do every individual strand.

I was trying to redo something I did before but I kinda botched it >.>

but thanks, and I seriously have to work on lighting lol
I hate how that painting came out from earlier in the week so I did something traditional...

...and I hate this too even though I really liked it at first. Beak for a mouth, and garbage hair, UGH!

Looking it more like a cartoon instead of traditonal realistic, I like the lips, nose, eye and hair. Yo say that the lips look like a beak, but i find them really good in a exaggerated kind of way.


Looking it more like a cartoon instead of traditonal realistic, I like the lips, nose, eye and hair. Yo say that the lips look like a beak, but i find them really good in a exaggerated kind of way.

I'm beginning to think it's just me, every time I do lips they come off as beaks to me lol

But thanks and, yeah, it does look more cartoon like than straight realistic which is one thing I do like about it.

edit: anywho, another cross post!

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