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Arts & Farts

Just a couple I have done recently all just for fun.




was contemplating posting things but ah what the hell.


Speed paint commission. Wish I timed it, but got it done in about a day and a half. I literally just finished playing Bayonetta 2. God I love that game.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Been away from my artwork for a while, been busy at work. This is the latest from me, a painting I did for a friend of mine. He wanted something a little more abstract for an essay he worked on.



Haven't done much in a while so here's some fanart stuff I did today!

Tried to draw Fetch from inFAMOUS First Light. Turned out pretty terrible :\

Excuse the background, I just doodled stuff (based on the image I was using) to make it less empty.


Haven't drawn in so long because of learning photography but here's a new one:

Tried out the grayscale markers again and I'm still bad at it :(


Here's a drawing I did a couple years back.


Haven't drawn in so long because of learning photography but here's a new one:

Tried out the grayscale markers again and I'm still bad at it :(

Love these, but then again, I'm partial to black and white.

I wish I still had time to put some finishing touches on this one, but I have to submit it for a show in a couple of hours - so time's up!


"Alone in the Dark" 14x11 on Scratchboard
First picture of the new year and it’s OK Go. This did not turn out the way I imagined it would probably because I didn’t sketch it out first. Composite of most of their music videos (actually it’s more like random props and costumes than anything).
Haven't posted in here for a while!
Wrapping up There Came an Echo, hope to share more work soon!

I did this fan art for FF7 on the 31st of Jan.


P.S. Not sure if you guys are aware (I found out kind of late) but UDON is having a
Capcom tribute book contest. The deadline is at the end of the month.



I've brought up my coloring in here before...


any good online resources I should check out? I did go through most of the CTRL+Paint vidoes years ago... maybe worth buying some of his tutorials? Basically I'll just fill in my line art like the drawing above and then if you look at my previous post, I use the "Inner Shadow" layer style in Photoshop to get some shading.

I stumbled on Olly Moss' stuff today and his coloring made me jealous...



Working on a Daenerys/Emilia Clarke model for the portfolio. I have immense trouble making female faces, she's kicking my ass.


Started working on a various Justice League piece. Mostly Alex Ross works and some Sideshow Collectible inspired. Going to take a while




And a "good enough for now" McKellen from a couple of months back

Hey Art GAF, of whom I am jealous of...

Can I ask you guys for a favour?

Some students I know are going on a trip and they need some logo for a shirt... Can anyone with good skills help me design a shirt about going on a trip to India? It's one of those trips where people go to a third world country to build relationships with locals and get a sense of third world living (among other things).

Is there a place on GAF to ask for this?

Should say "India 2015" at minimum.

I can give some more details about places and philosophies of the purpose of the trip if needed.

Edit: I found the Design thread, but Ill leave this up incase someone gets interested Thanks :p


Some new stuff. Trying to make a portfolio of sorts since my mom's pushing me to apply for a Disney apprenticeship thingy (that I know for a fact I will be rejected from) but anywho, here's the new stuff so far:

I'm thinking I'll add more expressions/faces to the first one and then re-post afterward.



Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Its been a couple of years (lots of studio work under NDA) but Im feeling the urge to build up a new portfolio, so I'll be posting regularly in this thread again :)

Looks like its been going well though!


Awesome stuff in here guys!

I've been doing a daily draw for the month of february with a video game characters theme. Heres some of the sketches I've got so far. Would have more but the Capcom tribute contest took up a lot of the time, and Im not allowed to show anything until the winners have been picked...
Thanks, but are you talking about a broken spine thing? Both the torso and butt are in profile so I dont see an issue. If they were at a 3/4 view it'd be a problem.

He is probably saying it because for him, its sexist.

For me it looks great, and as you say there is no broken spine, that is the problem with lots of people that try to draw this poses. The other drawings are also beautiful.


Those are really great, Bigmac.
Also yeah the spine looks perfectly fine in the Samus pic, people can twist that much (unless you have a back problem i guess. :p).
Then again, Samus effortlessly morphes into a ball, so she's not in danger of hurting her back anytime soon.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Nice sketches but...

Boobs and butt pose... :(

Thats a bad comment by you. The spine is arching in a natural, not forced way and the boobs are not even on display, plus its an excellent choice of pose for a character with an arm cannon because you can actually picture a situation where Samus would have to be in a pose like this. I dont think the butt should be so rounded, but thats a minor thing.

People on the internet are getting so hung up on anatomical correctness lately that we are forgetting that a good artists bend the rules of anatomy to try to display something in a more pleasant way. Sure there are many examples of the "boobs and butt pose" being taken to hilarious, extreme situations, but you should take a hard stance on "this pose should never be drawn" There are many gray areas in art and you need to have a more discerning eye instead of quickly dismissing things.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
DP but Ive been getting antsy at work meetings and hey, I can hear you just fine while my hands do something else ...



Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Thats a bad comment by you. The spine is arching in a natural, not forced way and the boobs are not even on display, plus its an excellent choice of pose for a character with an arm cannon because you can actually picture a situation where Samus would have to be in a pose like this. I dont think the butt should be so rounded, but thats a minor thing.

People on the internet are getting so hung up on anatomical correctness lately that we are forgetting that a good artists bend the rules of anatomy to try to display something in a more pleasant way. Sure there are many examples of the "boobs and butt pose" being taken to hilarious, extreme situations, but you should take a hard stance on "this pose should never be drawn" There are many gray areas in art and you need to have a more discerning eye instead of quickly dismissing things.
It's not the worst example ever, no. But it's still there, and it makes me roll my eyes every time because it's so common and obligatory. It's like whenever someone draws a woman they need to emphasize both the boobs and the butt and will always find a way to do that (and men are almost never drawn in such poses). I don't agree that it's an "excellent choice", that pose doesn't look remotely natural to me, and there's no reason for the butt crack to be so prominent except for... you know. Which is fine, whatever, but don't get so defensive if someone points it out, eh? It's not like I trashed his drawing and called it crap, geez.


It's not the worst example ever, no. But it's still there, and it makes me roll my eyes every time because it's so common and obligatory. It's like whenever someone draws a woman they need to emphasize both the boobs and the butt and will always find a way to do that (and men are almost never drawn in such poses). I don't agree that it's an "excellent choice", that pose doesn't look remotely natural to me, and there's no reason for the butt crack to be so prominent except for... you know. Which is fine, whatever, but don't get so defensive if someone points it out, eh? It's not like I trashed his drawing and called it crap, geez.

I guess maybe he was responding to how blunt the statement was said. Would have been nice for me if you expanded and offered more constructive criticism in the first place, as I was a bit confused by the comment. I had to google "boobs and butt pose" to figure out what you meant. It didn't cross my mind once while I was drawing it, and it wasn't the intent. In fact, it's good for me to be aware of this sort of thing as I don't want to oversexualize all of the women I draw, or offend women with my art. It happened and I get that you're offended, but in the future it would be more helpful to expand a bit more.

Also, thanks for the nice comments Raging Spaniard, diggin those sketches you posted!

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I guess maybe he was responding to how blunt the statement was said. Would have been nice for me if you expanded and offered more constructive criticism in the first place, as I was a bit confused by the comment. I had to google "boobs and butt pose" to figure out what you meant. It didn't cross my mind once while I was drawing it, and it wasn't the intent. In fact, it's good for me to be aware of this sort of thing as I don't want to oversexualize all of the women I draw, or offend women with my art. It happened and I get that you're offended, but in the future it would be more helpful to expand a bit more.
I wasn't offended at all. I was disappointed because of how prevalent that pose is.

Sorry for not elaborating, I assumed that everyone knew what I was talking about, but I should not have done that, so I apologize. I'm glad you're more aware of this trend now, at least. No harm, no foul. I actually like your sketches, as I said (which is why I was a bit disappointed to see the clichéd pose, if I didn't like them I'd have just said nothing ^^) and you're obviously very talented.
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