Sgt. Pinback
(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
I mean, it's a dumb take. The PC gets 99% of the market - it misses out on games that are sponsored by platform holders to drive traffic to their ecosystems/devices. That's it. You miss the Sony exclusives (mostly) and the Nintendo exclusives, and you can play everything else in a superior format that scales as your hardware improves.That take of his could not be serious. Just so outlandish. The PC has lots of great games and even Sony has started porting games to the PC. PC is also the best place for RTS and Strategy games.
Don't get me wrong, I love those Nintendo games, and a lot of the Sony stuff - so I have a Switch, and I'll get a PS5. But, the idea that you miss out on massive oceans of high quality software if you don't own a Switch or a Playstation is laughable.