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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

Met my wife on Asian Avenue in 1999. I'm Caucasian but growing up my closest friends were Chinese and everyone had AA accounts. I wanted to join the fun. This was wayy before facebook .. Asian Avenue was like social media version 1.0 with some lava life mixed in.

I did not think I would have live to see the day I hear this sentence.
You know what crazy is that after fast and furious came out the first one my friends and I and a bunch of other people started doing these races down in Kent (city south of Seattle), and to this day that shit is still happening.

It was just maybe 10-20 cars back then you know basically civics, integras etc..now I drive past Friday/Sat night (it's on the way to mall area/round 1 etc..) sometimes and there easily triple digits on some nights. All types of shit like straight out of a Fast And Furious movies. It also surrounded by cops in every direction so I think it more of just a meet up, and what not. But yea.. 14 years that stuff still going on.

In my area it started up earlier(Newton NC. Small town 1 hour away from Charlotte). It was actually my older brother and older cousins were the pioneers for that stuff around here. They were already cruising and racing on that street since the late 90's. But after "The Fast and Furious" came out the import scene exploded obviously.

And to this day it's still the area where all the cruiser and racers go to every weekend. It's also the shopping area of my town where the Mall, Wal Mart, and a bunch of other stores reside. So I can't stand dealing with those kids every weekend when I have to do some grocery shopping with my wife lol.
Oh Asian Avenue.... Never used it but saw it. I was a Asian Town user just like the rest of the Hmong people in Minnesota lol. We had everything - ddr games, street racing, spiky hairdoos, baggy clothing, gangs, korean music, you name it, Minnesota was a haven for that shit. A mini California if I could call it hah. I was the nerdy Asian guy who would rather play his games (Street Racing Syndicate anyone? Tokyo Extreme Racing?!). No spiky hairdoo but I still don some baggy clothing since they fit me more lol. Korean music was baller though. Dat S.E.S. or Fin.K.L. Shinhwa was so good.

Back to Rice-Eaters question.... I think many Hmong adults now and then don't necessarily agree with our past customs but for some of them they have to do it because they want to nurture our culture and keep it alive. To this day we still believe in forced kidnappings (dying though), force marriages, force drinking at a young age (one reason why I am trying to stop drinking. I've not met one Hmong person who doesn't drink), the literal sense of buying your bride (but this can sort of be forgiven since everybody does it in some way like a wedding ring and how you are perceived as a man if you buy your wife a cheap ring and that's how much value you think she is worth, etc.), and many other age old customs that are very shady and dangerous.

I'm not a traditional Hmong guy at all. I don't practice Shamanism nor do I believe in religion, I don't participate in much of our customs or at all, and I really believe that we, as a community, need to start being more progressive in our ways. Yes we can retain some of our old customs but we need to tweak them. I don't know how since I'm not such of a political guy though. I just don't agree with our customs and I try to distance myself from them.

Some may say I'm white-washed or an uncle tom and whatnot but really, I'm not at all. I don't hate it I just don't like it and I would hope that the younger Hmong leaders help change some of our customs. It's related to everybody too and not just limited to Hmong people. The older leaders are still very powerful and rich and they have alot more leeway with politics. It is an Asian thing when the younger leaders try to challenge them because we want to save face and respect them. Hmong people are very scared of change and I believe that's why not many try to be in politics.

Last thing I need to say is that we should preserve our language. I am starting to lose my native tongue as I get older and it sucks when you are conversing with Hmong people who can speak it better than you (I'm sure this applies to all Asians lol) and all I'm thinking is, "bruh slow it down what did you just say to me?" (either in Hmonglish or entirely in English). My 8 year old nephew doesn't speak or understand Hmong at all (besides some food words, meeka, and grandma). It's sad that my sister and her husband hasn't taught him how to speak his native tongue. I don't want him to grow up and be the weird Asian guy that doesn't speak his own language (sorry if that offended some of you that don't speak or understand your native tongue) you know?

I think that's most of my thoughts on my own people and culture lol. Hmong people are such weird Asians.
OMG, what have I done lol. The nostalgia is consuming me right now. Back then the Korean craze was in full affect and everybody was scouring the internet for music videos by popular Korean artist back then. We didn't have Youtube back then, so everybody was using file sharing apps like KaZaa. The pain we had to go through to download these 30-50 MB videos on dial up at 2Kbps lol. And when I finally got Cable internet back in 2001 I was like the coolest kid in town.

Can't wait by Yoo Seung Jun and Yuki Hsu is still da bess


We was blasting shit like this in our 92-95 Civic hatchbacks(every Asian boys first racing car) back then. It was a different time people.

just gonna leave this here, run and hide..

also, Korean girls loved this shit when I was a freshman in HS
I think that's most of my thoughts on my own people and culture lol. Hmong people are such weird Asians.

Hmm, some of the first stuff you mentioned are pretty extreme and was pretty much left behind in the old country. Nobody is getting away with shit like that in the US, although I guess it may have happened here and there way back in the 80's. Mostly what I'm complaining about is just how hard or pointless a lot of things we still do are. We did those things because our parents and ancestors came from a unmodernized society. But we still do it even though we live in a 1st world country with all the modern conveniences around us because it's tradition.

For example marriage is still about couples family instead of the couple. I fucking hated my wedding because of this. Our two families had past issues and that almost prevented our traditional wedding from happening. My thoughts were "why the fuck do I need any of your permissions? As long as my wife wants to marry me that's all that matters". Fuck the negotiation, fuck all the mandatory drinking I had to do(threw up 3 times that Sunday), fuck the bowing, etc.

And then their are little things. Recently my aunt passed away. So we do a 3 day funeral like we always do. Gotta respect the OG's wishes because that's all they know. But if I don't want to sit on the hard floor for a few hours about half a dozen times and then 8 straight hours on the final night. Seriously though, RIP my aunt but can I choose whether I want to do that or not instead of it being mandatory? I'll take my chances without the luck. I already told my wife that if I go first I don't want her spending a ton of money on my funeral. Just keep it short and make it a day, or just burn me. At least I won't be able to come back as a zombie to kill her.

Wow... I haven't heard that song in such a long time lol. Shit was a legit way of starting fights in High School here. That's how far we took it in Minnesota. It was almost every Asian street gangs anthem. Why... Why did we do this lol

We also can't forget this gem....

I call and raise with



Unconfirmed Member
OMG, what have I done lol. The nostalgia is consuming me right now. Back then the Korean craze was in full affect and everybody was scouring the internet for music videos by popular Korean artist back then. We didn't have Youtube back then, so everybody was using file sharing apps like KaZaa. The pain we had to go through to download these 30-50 MB videos on dial up at 2Kbps lol. And when I finally got Cable internet back in 2001 I was like the coolest kid in town.

Can't wait by Yoo Seung Jun and Yuki Hsu is still da bess


We was blasting shit like this in our 92-95 Civic hatchbacks(every Asian boys first racing car) back then. It was a different time people.

Remember that Korean music video with the guy giving the girl his eyes?
Oh man, the collected Asian girl tears that resulted from that video can solve the Cali drought.

I was like, "Why didn't he just give her one eye and save one?" prompting angry, puffy-eyed glares directed my way.
The fact that Hmong people are still doing those things makes me sad Rice-Eater. When it shouldn't have existed in the first place. They are dying and they need to die faster because it's toxic. Just can't believe that we used to believe that those customs were good for us.

This was so sad =(

Yea that was some hard stuff to swallow when I first saw that music video.

Shit y'all remember the Asian gangster hairstyle they used to rock back in the days? The long bangs that are dyed blonde or yellow lol or was this a Southeast Asian thing? Why did we use Civics anyways? Who went ahead and declared that Civics would be the go to car for tuners?! Because they were so easy to fix, easy to steal, and had plenty of aftermarket parts hah.


FGC Waterboy
I will respond to all of this later.

Just some words of advice from the friendly aerospace engineer who may or may not work in areas significantly tied to this.

Never fly United Airlines/Continental, and never fly American Airlines.


I will respond to all of this later.

Just some words of advice from the friendly aerospace engineer who may or may not work in areas significantly tied to this.

Never fly United Airlines/Continental, and never fly American Airlines.
I try not to. Alaska is my first choice, Delta if not.


Can I have some omigod please yum. If you can't eat it I will very happily volunteer!!??!????!!!!!!


Asian Avenue....AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA omigod I was on that as a kid.

If there's an Asian-GAF meetup in LA I can bring the candy!

Back when all the hot guys had spiky hair with bangs..frosted.

Also white shirts and baggy jeans.

Import model look was so hot then.

And those silly AZN PRYDE stickers with the ridiculous looking couples in 16bit hahahaha.




I've never really been into the Asian crowd but I did go through a spiky hair with piss-yellow tips period. Did it all on my own though!

Oh Asian Avenue.... Never used it but saw it. I was a Asian Town user just like the rest of the Hmong people in Minnesota lol. We had everything - ddr games, street racing, spiky hairdoos, baggy clothing, gangs, korean music, you name it, Minnesota was a haven for that shit. A mini California if I could call it hah. I was the nerdy Asian guy who would rather play his games (Street Racing Syndicate anyone? Tokyo Extreme Racing?!). No spiky hairdoo but I still don some baggy clothing since they fit me more lol. Korean music was baller though. Dat S.E.S. or Fin.K.L. Shinhwa was so good.

Back to Rice-Eaters question.... I think many Hmong adults now and then don't necessarily agree with our past customs but for some of them they have to do it because they want to nurture our culture and keep it alive. To this day we still believe in forced kidnappings (dying though), force marriages, force drinking at a young age (one reason why I am trying to stop drinking. I've not met one Hmong person who doesn't drink), the literal sense of buying your bride (but this can sort of be forgiven since everybody does it in some way like a wedding ring and how you are perceived as a man if you buy your wife a cheap ring and that's how much value you think she is worth, etc.), and many other age old customs that are very shady and dangerous.

I'm not a traditional Hmong guy at all. I don't practice Shamanism nor do I believe in religion, I don't participate in much of our customs or at all, and I really believe that we, as a community, need to start being more progressive in our ways. Yes we can retain some of our old customs but we need to tweak them. I don't know how since I'm not such of a political guy though. I just don't agree with our customs and I try to distance myself from them.

Some may say I'm white-washed or an uncle tom and whatnot but really, I'm not at all. I don't hate it I just don't like it and I would hope that the younger Hmong leaders help change some of our customs. It's related to everybody too and not just limited to Hmong people. The older leaders are still very powerful and rich and they have alot more leeway with politics. It is an Asian thing when the younger leaders try to challenge them because we want to save face and respect them. Hmong people are very scared of change and I believe that's why not many try to be in politics.

Last thing I need to say is that we should preserve our language. I am starting to lose my native tongue as I get older and it sucks when you are conversing with Hmong people who can speak it better than you (I'm sure this applies to all Asians lol) and all I'm thinking is, "bruh slow it down what did you just say to me?" (either in Hmonglish or entirely in English). My 8 year old nephew doesn't speak or understand Hmong at all (besides some food words, meeka, and grandma). It's sad that my sister and her husband hasn't taught him how to speak his native tongue. I don't want him to grow up and be the weird Asian guy that doesn't speak his own language (sorry if that offended some of you that don't speak or understand your native tongue) you know?

I think that's most of my thoughts on my own people and culture lol. Hmong people are such weird Asians.

Shit man this sounds fascinating. I'm not sure if Taiwanese people just don't have as many interesting traditions or if I just don't know them.
I'm totally having a bubble tea bar at my wedding. Great idea. Who needs liquor anyway?

Do what my wife did. Place an order equal to half the number of guests. Then by small cups and split each drink in half. So for 120 guests, buying 60 drinks at $3 a drink would be $180. Another $20 for small cups, tax, tip, straws, whatever and you'll have only spent $200 for a boba bar. The trick is to have friends awesome enough to pick up the drinks and separate them for you.
I think.... It's just that Hmong people are still new in terms of being discovered. If you said Hmong some years ago nobody would know what you were talking about. Now when you say Hmong some people would know what you are talking about. So we still have a long time until we fully develop our own functioning system. Just like many of the smaller Asian communities and cultures like Karen people. We have a medium amount of Karen people coming in the past couple years now and I think they are going through the Azn phase. Asians growing either really gangster or really nerdy (I used to work for a large office supply store and we would get so many Karen people coming in applying and shopping there so I would see all sorts of different looking Karen people) or really Religious.

In terms of if you don't know if you have interesting traditions, I think everybody does. But compared to Hmong people you guys are way more developed than us so many of your past bad customs and traditions are either dead or buried very deep somewhere. Many of the bigger Asian communities are also way more developed than us so again, all of their older traditions are dead and gone.


I will respond to all of this later.

Just some words of advice from the friendly aerospace engineer who may or may not work in areas significantly tied to this.

Never fly United Airlines/Continental, and never fly American Airlines.

I hate Delta. It felt like the Google Phone of airlines the last time I was on it.
Back when all the hot guys had spiky hair with bangs..frosted.

Also white shirts and baggy jeans.

Import model look was so hot then.

And those silly AZN PRYDE stickers with the ridiculous looking couples in 16bit hahahaha.





Well I did try the spike hair in the front once when i was like 13 or 14.
I always use Alaska when I can. I heard horror stories from every other airline, and Alaska has always been good to me so I'm in the camp of if it's not broke don't fix it!
I fly mostly Southwest and to be honest I'm not sure if my opinion counts for much since I take the LA-SFO commuter flight about a half a dozen to a dozen times a year. I notice that the earlier flights are typically on time and the later flights without fail will often delay. The times I've taken United, it seems as though United plays catchup during the flight because I often will get on a 15-20 min delayed flight but land like 10-15 min early.

My mom works for an international airline so it's nice to get hookups. On my flight back to Taiwan last time, I got a whole row in the economy aisle all to myself and flew business on the way back.


I notice that the earlier flights are typically on time and the later flights without fail will often delay.

That might say more about LAX than anything else, assuming you're flying into/out from there.

I usually end up using United, then Southwest, then US Airways, almost entirely due to selection. Bush IAH was a Continental hub, which means it's now a United hub, and has the most connections/flights. Hobby is good for Southwest, though their pricing is only better than United if you book early enough. I've found US Airways to be the best for last-minute airfares that aren't inflated.

Around here, Delta operates out of Dallas, so a lot of their flights will stop through there.
Damn, can't believe Bart and Geo got married (Justkiddingfilms Bart and Geo)! Forgot how tall Geo was haha.

They came a long way and I'm so happy for them and Justkiddingfilms. Next would Joe or Casey lol.


someone broke into my house last week.

Also, I'm having a baby!


... and anti-congratulations! In reverse order, I think. That's a pretty wild roller coaster of emotions for one week. How did they break in? It seems unusual to hit two houses next to each other before fleeing.

There was a rash of robberies in this suburban area a few years ago. Apparently they'd wait in the fenced area between a house and its detached garage until after schools start. Then when the homeowner returns -- basically a mother by herself -- they'd coerce her to allow entry and tie the person up inside the house before cleaning the place out. If I remember correctly, they took a few houses this way before finally getting caught.

... and anti-congratulations! In reverse order, I think. That's a pretty wild roller coaster of emotions for one week. How did they break in? It seems unusual to hit two houses next to each other before fleeing.

There was a rash of robberies in this suburban area a few years ago. Apparently they'd wait in the fenced area between a house and its detached garage until after schools start. Then when the homeowner returns -- basically a mother by herself -- they'd coerce her to allow entry and tie the person up inside the house before cleaning the place out. If I remember correctly, they took a few houses this way before finally getting caught.
We stupidly left a window open in the back, thinking it would be okay because we locked the gate that leads to the back yard. Nope. They got in anyway.

My neighbor didn't leave a window open, though, but they still got in without breaking her window. Somehow they jimmied open the lock from outside.

We got wooden dowels for all the windows and sliding doors now, and we also got a Frontpoint home security system.
Sheesh, sorry to hear that Septimus but glad to hear that you have a kid on the way!! Well, I mean, the dogs were okay right? That's all that matters I'm not serious. But really, glad to hear that you are all doing fine. Sucks to hear about fingerprint dustings lol. Damn you multimedia telling me that that shit works!!
In terms of if you don't know if you have interesting traditions, I think everybody does. But compared to Hmong people you guys are way more developed than us so many of your past bad customs and traditions are either dead or buried very deep somewhere. Many of the bigger Asian communities are also way more developed than us so again, all of their older traditions are dead and gone.

That's what I've always figured as well. As societies modernize they leave old traditions behind for various reasons. I'm sure many of you other Asians parents came from societies that were pretty modernized for their time. My parents and probably Blooded_hands parents came from a society where their was no running water, electricity, cars, and so on. Last year my parents went to Laos. My dad had been back there many times but this was my mom's first trip back since they left the country back in 1980. My dad has tons of relatives in the US(and most of us live in the same area right now). My mom on the other hand didn't have any relatives in the US so I was really happy to know that she was going to reunite with her family for the first time in over 34 years.

Another funny thing is that in the past my parents would sometimes say that they long to go back there because it was a simpler life compared to the US where it can be more stressful because of all the bills and stuff. I asked my mom about the trip and she said she was glad to be back. She hated the weather and it sucked not having air conditioning and in door plumbing lol. The story I heard from my cousin about how they have to take a shit over there was fucking hilarious. I guess my mom had to do something similar. So yeah, I don't think either of them could ever truly go back to live there. My dad has basically turned into me, he just sits in front of his computer 24/7 using the internet lol.
Another funny thing is that in the past my parents would sometimes say that they long to go back their because it was a simpler life compared to the US where it can be more stressful because of all the bills and stuff. I asked my mom about the trip and she said she was glad to be back. She hated the weather and it sucked not having air conditioning and in door plumbing lol. The story I heard from my cousin about how they have to take a shit over there was fucking hilarious. I guess my mom had to do something similar. So yeah, I don't think either of them could every truly go back to live there. My dad has basically turned into me, he just sits in front of his computer 24/7 using the internet lol.

That's what my mom always says and in my mind I'm like, "momma you trippin' and you know you don't want to go back and live like the olden days." I mean, it's good for the younger crowd to at least travel back to their homeland(s) and see how it was for their parents to get some perspective but I don't think many modern Asians would like to live like that again lol.

Representing Filipino heritage here. I recently made some veggie lumpia and it was delicious. Hi Asian gaf!

Wassup dude. Please, go ahead and post some pics since that's what we do around here I think.
I was able to get tickets last minute to Comic Con last week. Now this week I'm going back to China again for business. Man, the only thing I hate about it is the fucking 16+ hour flights. Shit's insane.


Apparently my veins are symmetrical and really hard to find.
Question: did a nurse tell you this?

Because I've found nurses are fucking obsessed with people's veins.

If a nurse didn't tell you this you go get a second opinion. A proper assessment.

Braised Beef Brisket at Fat Wong's Kitchen in San Bruno, Norcal (Regular spot I go to with my fam whenever I visit) . Not pictured is the slow cooked daikon under it that soaks up all the delicious broth. So simple and yet so good.
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