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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

So do you guys have hostess bars in your area? We have several of them around Hawaii. Good place to hang out for cheap beer, korean/vietnamese food, and to watch football games.

Hmong people love this shit, my wife loves it as well. I like it, but not like everybody else it seems. I'll take a few bites and be satisfied. But some of my siblings and my wife could just get full eating this. Never heard of the cucumber version, I guess that's where we draw the line.
Hmong people love this shit, my wife loves it as well. I like it, but not like everybody else it seems. I'll take a few bites and be satisfied. But some of my siblings and my wife could just get full eating this. Never heard of the cucumber version, I guess that's where we draw the line.
Its basically the same but using cucumber. The only issue is the water content which dillutes your flavor so you'd have to taste to make sure its not bland. But with a bowl of rice it's all good. Lol

What is that?
Spicy papaya salad.


Ah, I want to try making that spam musubi now too.

I had (frozen) steamed noodle rolls for breakfast, except with a lot less soy sauce than this picture. Normally I have a steamed bun & coffee/tea (or I don't eat anything), but I ran out of buns. D:


So my wife was shopping earlier today at the local asian grocery store, and they were out of stock of the 50 lb bags of the usual brand of jasmine rice we get (lolno we aren't getting a 5 lb bag) and she asked what was the best brand of what was available.

Oh god, did that start a debate/argument. She ended up just going with the cashier's suggestion just to get out of there and avoid further drama, lol.

jasmine is what I mostly get but vastly prefer basmati.


I finally had dim sum in like forever. Pork dumpling, fried shrimp ball, steamed pork buns, steamed chinese broccoli, porridge with quail eggs, etc. Soooo goooood!


Just found this thread. Did this start off in OTComm? Did it get a chance in OT?

To make myself more Asian, I've been wantin to learn more Chinese. I speak Cantonese natively bit Mandarin seems more worldly useful. Ideally I'd like to speak both
Just found this thread. Did this start off in OTComm? Did it get a chance in OT?

To make myself more Asian, I've been wantin to learn more Chinese. I speak Cantonese natively bit Mandarin seems more worldly useful. Ideally I'd like to speak both

It had a couple weeks in OT
For those of you that identify as Taiwanese, what exactly is the consensus definition of Taiwanese? Or is there even one? Is it a nationality or an ethnicity because over the years I've heard arguments for both. I ask because I have friends who do identify as staunch Taiwanese for one reason or another, thus making a bit of a sensitive subject.


that feeling when you enter the pan-asian seafood mart and old chinese ladies banter in mandarin about you and you know that they're talking about you but you can't understand them

that feeling when you enter the pan-asian seafood mart and old chinese ladies banter in mandarin about you and you know that they're talking about you but you can't understand them

This is exactly what happens to me everytime I get a haircut. I've been going to this Viet salon for the last 5-6 years and they've been doing it right ever since I've started going there so I don't think I'll be changing places unless they close or I move out of town lol.

I did bring a friend one time though and she said they didn't talk shit about me so who knows haha.


This is exactly what happens to me everytime I get a haircut. I've been going to this Viet salon for the last 5-6 years and they've been doing it right ever since I've started going there so I don't think I'll be changing places unless they close or I move out of town lol.

I did bring a friend one time though and she said they didn't talk shit about me so who knows haha.
Yeah, who knows. Maybe it's just paranoia.

I've heard my mom and grandma doing it in hindi sometimes when they're out at stores and irritates me. Just strikes me as... Unfair? . Plus you know it makes people angry :lol
For those of you that identify as Taiwanese, what exactly is the consensus definition of Taiwanese? Or is there even one? Is it a nationality or an ethnicity because over the years I've heard arguments for both. I ask because I have friends who do identify as staunch Taiwanese for one reason or another, thus making a bit of a sensitive subject.

I thought Cybit made this in OTComm?

For my part, when I recognize a fellow Asian, I tell them to come join us in Asian GAF. Haha.

There are both. There ARE aboriginal Taiwanese, the mountain people. There are Chinese people who were there before the Japanese and before Chiang Kaishek (I spelled his name wrong). The green party generally tends to come from there. Then there are Chinese that came during or after Chiang Kaishek, who tend to be Blue.

There are some prejudices which make people identify as one or the other. Small cultural differences that matter. Personally, for me, the one I care about is the accent of Manadarin spoken. My family is from Taiwan, but they are Chinese and identify strongly with the Blue Party.

I do tell people my family is from Taiwan if they ask. Personally, I guess I feel more Taiwanese than Chinese, but like I said before, neither would consider me to be theirs. I am American, as far as they are concerned.

I consider myself American first and foremost, but when people ask I know they're asking what kind of Asian I am. And I usually answer Chinese, although technically I'm Taiwanese. I was never really told the difference until later in life and it never made a difference to me. As an adult I've definitely noticed differences in culture between Taiwanese and Chinese, but even among the Chinese there are crazy differences between people from Shanghai and people from Hong Kong. I have heard that some Taiwanese people are really adamant about being referred to as Taiwanese though.


Don't like them. It's like eating skin and bones.

Oh yeah, well your face is skin and bones. Burn.

I'm revisiting what would be my signature dish and I still can't get it right. Bacon and pineapple sounds amazing together but it's still missing that something that would bring it together.


Bacon and pineapple fried rice. It's good but it could be better. I got a little impatient with the bacon and didn't cook it until it got crispy. I should had cut the bits smaller too. Needs more pineapple as well.
On a venting note, I'm just going to bitch about that Seoul thread right now. The article was bad in its references to "the far east" already, but the thread continued on in such ugh way.

Personally, I thought the weeaboo craze was racist and obnoxious, and that thread feels like it all over again (except, substitute this Asian culture with another Asian culture). The OP there did ask me to stop posting, so I guess I will since I don't feel like being banned for derailing a whole thread, but oh my god the underlying tones of how "the Far East" is being discussed is just.... ew. The weird fascination with "omigod Asia" just... ... I don't even know, it just rubs me the wrong way.


Okay I think it's out of my system.

I think your initial point about the article being obnoxious was lost. But I also don't think that the majority of posters was exoticizing Seoul/Asia as badly as you may have thought they were. Many were just posting about their experiences in Asia, although several posters did dogpile on you.

I think it's natural for people to be curious about other cultures. Shit, depending on the situation I can be a weeaboo or whatever the equivalent is for being fascinated by white people. As long as it isn't dehumanizing or all-consuming, I don't see what's wrong with it. I mean, if you didn't know I was Asian and heard me daydreaming about which cities to visit in Asia, I might come off as an Asian fetishist. Or maybe a fattie, since it'd mostly be about which cities have what kind of food.
On a venting note, I'm just going to bitch about that Seoul thread right now. The article was bad in its references to "the far east" already, but the thread continued on in such ugh way.

Personally, I thought the weeaboo craze was racist and obnoxious, and that thread feels like it all over again (except, substitute this Asian culture with another Asian culture). The OP there did ask me to stop posting, so I guess I will since I don't feel like being banned for derailing a whole thread, but oh my god the underlying tones of how "the Far East" is being discussed is just.... ew. The weird fascination with "omigod Asia" just... ... I don't even know, it just rubs me the wrong way.


Okay I think it's out of my system.

pardon my ignorance, but the hell is a weeaboo?
Eh, it just annoys me an absurd amount, probably because it's being compared to TOKYO. Like... that's the whole criticism of being a weeaboo-- using another country as some sort of land of heavenly exotic fetish fulfill-er.

It's like, hey guys, let's replace our Far East Fetish with another Far East Fetish. What do you guys think of that?

Tokyo has the third largest stock exchange in the world. It's not significant because a bunch of weeaboos are enthralled with this exotic foreign Far East Culture with a capital C,

Similarly, Seoul, and South Korea, HAS been a cultural mecca for much of Asia, and was relevant way before this nonAsian decided to glorify it as... I don't even know. The New Promised Asian Land for Americans.

We have large metropolitan, cosmopolitan, influential centers everywhere in the world. There is nothing special about Seoul that isn't significant to any well known city. NYC has Times Square, Venice has canals, LA has Hollywood, Paris has the Eiffel Tower, and Seoul has... .... Asians.

Being curious about a different culture is really different from "well clearly Seoul is better than Tokyo now because <this is how they fulfill my exotic fantasy of exotic Orientals>."

Ahem. I should be studying for econ. I didn't get out of the thread for the dogpiling, but because I didn't want to get banned for derailing, even though holy shit some of those posters. Ignorant to their own subtle racism.

I'm curious about which posts you thought were racist?

A lot of the posts were: Seoul is a better place to visit than Tokyo because of ... followed by reasons. As many posters said, not everyone can visit every city in Asia. I'm sure many would love to visit Tokyo and Seoul, but sometimes you have to pick. Contrasting the two cities is a good way to do that. I myself have to decide whether I want to visit Taiwan or China (Taiwan is winning because of Night Markets). I could go to both, but I'm not made of money and I'd rather hit one place up then switch over to somewhere in Europe.

And while your point about Seoul necessarily having a landmark that other cities are known for is true, I think your real point is that it (and other Asian cities) are being considered because of their otherness. Which I think is fine, to a point. The culture shock that a typical westerner while have when visiting a place like Tokyo or Seoul is real and something people want to experience and there's nothing wrong with that. I loved going to Tokyo because of how different it was.

I hope you don't take my posts as an attack. I'd just rather give people the benefit of the doubt.
(generally) White (generally) dude who is super into "Japanese culture" but really just watches a lot of anime and thinks samurai and ninja are dope. Generally, exoticizes / fetishizes Japanese stuff.


I remember walking with my grandmother (Japanese), we walked past a group of them she had this look
the entire time. I was dying laughing.
Let me introduce you to Zha Liang.

You tiao wrapped in chang fen..

Mother of God...

(generally) White (generally) dude who is super into "Japanese culture" but really just watches a lot of anime and thinks samurai and ninja are dope. Generally, exoticizes / fetishizes Japanese stuff.

I think that definition is correct, but you need to emphasize the super. Because, who the hell doesn't think ninjas and samurai are dope? It's just when your interest becomes all consuming that you cross the line into weeaboo territory.
On a venting note, I'm just going to bitch about that Seoul thread right now. The article was bad in its references to "the far east" already, but the thread continued on in such ugh way.

Personally, I thought the weeaboo craze was racist and obnoxious, and that thread feels like it all over again (except, substitute this Asian culture with another Asian culture). The OP there did ask me to stop posting, so I guess I will since I don't feel like being banned for derailing a whole thread, but oh my god the underlying tones of how "the Far East" is being discussed is just.... ew. The weird fascination with "omigod Asia" just... ... I don't even know, it just rubs me the wrong way.


Okay I think it's out of my system.

I get what you're saying. That being said, that thread and article wasn't exactly the most brazenly objectifying instance of this (compared to say, an SNSD/K-pop thread).
Oh yeah, I guess I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Chinese born in China and raised in Queens. I don't know what I am, and honestly don't care. My parents are Chinese through and through, but also an American education. So I'm a weird mishmash of cultures, but that's probably the same for a lot of first generations. It's all irrelevant to me. The only thing that matters is:

dinosauuuuuuuuuuuuuurs are dope <3

also, on weebs, i've met people who suddenly are MORE into me once they discover my mix :D it's hilar :D

They were like "Yes, but which Asian are you?"

And I was like. "Oh, mom's Japanese."

Then they were suddenly "WELLLLL HELLLLOOO THERE~"

The overall tone of the posts, not anything specific and direct. I think, for the most part, sexism and racism have evolved to much more muted or nonobvious examples. A good example is how sexism is still prevalent, despite the fact that women can now vote. It's no longer like saying, oh, x and y are racist because s/he said <Asians are x or y>. However, the pervasive feeling of Asia as the Far East Exotic Other still seeps through those posts, or at least that's how I read it.

So, in that thread, it really felt like many posters, including the OP, were trying to just assign the title of "Exotic Asian City For Americans To Fetish Over" from Tokyo to Seoul. The article in question didn't help that perception.

It's just the remnants of the whole Oriental Otherness that bug me. Comparing Tokyo and Seoul to visit should be just like comparing Rome and Paris. Or, even LA and NYC. I understand discussing the two as two different cities, pro/con each one, but the thread is phrased as "is LA taking over NYC as the new hip American place for Europeans?" Let's pretend that Europeans have a long and tiring attitude of racism and fetishization for Americans.

I assume me visiting Africa would be a cultural shock as well, but it'd be like if I made a thread asking "Is Uganda replacing Ethiopia as the new hip place for sheltered suburban college students to go volunteer a summer and help the locals by building houses or protesting about child soldiers?"

I don't take any posts as an attack unless it's an actual ad hominem.

It's not just someone who likes or appreciates another culture. In this case, it's someone who is not Japanese appropriating Japanese culture, fetishizing it and the people of Japan as one homogenous, and often unrealistic, view.

You know, like the exotic mysterious foreign land of the East, pure and untainted by terrible American values, where everyone is so nice and kind and clean and safe and happy and perfect.

Yeah I ignore those threads in general, because those are really obvious examples of people that are doing this.

The thread I was talking about really annoyed me because it actually takes itself seriously. It's a thread with a freaking newspaper/magazine article SERIOUSLY trying to pass themselves off as being... open minded or SOMETHING. THAT ARTICLE WRITER.

Then you have a bunch of people posting/contributing, who may not consciously be realizing what they are doing.

I think it's safe to say the threads about kpop/kdrama are aware of their own circlejerk about omigod Korea / Kpop.

I think there is an "Oriental Otherness" that stems from past racism, but there is also the fact that Asian cultures and their cities are very different from western ones. People who haven't grown up with that culture (even Asians), can find that interesting. People without a lot of experience with Asia want to go to Asia and obviously can't go to every city. I've known people from Asia who feel the same way about the US. I have a lot more to say on the subject, but I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree.
You're Japanese?





..... how are you so cute even when you are so on point about weebs, bunbuns. tis dark magic, i say

? The only thing that matters are the fake bones planted by those hellfire-bound scientists trying to deceive us about God?

Notice the furcula is missing on the T.rex? The radius and ulna looks twisted in one of the hands. Metacarpal III is also missing. You can see the gouges on the maxilla. It was probably bitten when it was alive. Also big puncture wound on the scapula.

Hard to see from this perspective, but the Triceratops seems to be mounted with semi-sprawling posture which may or may not work.

Oddly enough, I feel like this thread has made me care a little less about being Taiwanese/Chinese in some ways. I don't know if that makes sense. It's kinda cool to have so many Asian ethnicities, or blends of Asian ethnicities, but I realized that I didn't actually care about that part (which in turn, means I shouldn't really care about my own as well).

Just don't define yourself by where you're born or what your culture dictates. Being Asian to me means we see things from a different perspective from other non-Asians.


Hello AsianGAF: I approve of this thread.

I am a white male of generic, mixed European heritage. I am (relatively) fluent in Mandarin and lived in China for some time.

My current girlfirend is also Chinese, which is purely incidental (There's no pattern in my dating history, and I even managed to date one of the 8 or so white women I met in China while living there). I met her on a dating website, and we happened to click. She's the bad kind of Chinese though -- she speaks Cantonese.

I went well out of my way when contacting her to mention that I did not have any Asian fetish, to the point that it was probably a bad idea. I get the feeling there are a lot of creepy guys on OKCupid, though.
Hello AsianGAF: I approve of this thread.

I am a white male of generic, mixed European heritage. I am (relatively) fluent in Mandarin and lived in China for some time.

My current girlfirend is also Chinese, which is purely incidental (There's no pattern in my dating history, and I even managed to date one of the 8 or so white women I met in China while living there). I met her on a dating website, and we happened to click. She's the bad kind of Chinese though -- she speaks Cantonese.

I went well out of my way when contacting her to mention that I did not have any Asian fetish, to the point that it was probably a bad idea. I get the feeling there are a lot of creepy guys on OKCupid, though.


What's that suppose to mean?

I speak Cantonese.

I feel you on the Cantonese thing. Sorry Cow. (totally joking)

It's actually funny explaining to people why I can't converse with my fiance's parents even though we're all Chinese. Not that I'd do much better if they spoke Mandarin fluently, because I sure as crap don't.


She doesn't speak mandarin? I speak both and I'm Cantonese.

She doesn't, and even her Cantonese is not particularly good. She is not particularly tied to her heritage, any more than is forced on her by the fact that so many people think Chinese people are unusual and exotic (she grew up in the Midwest).


Hello AsianGAF: I approve of this thread.

I am a white male of generic, mixed European heritage. I am (relatively) fluent in Mandarin and lived in China for some time.

My current girlfirend is also Chinese, which is purely incidental (There's no pattern in my dating history, and I even managed to date one of the 8 or so white women I met in China while living there). I met her on a dating website, and we happened to click. She's the bad kind of Chinese though -- she speaks Cantonese.

I went well out of my way when contacting her to mention that I did not have any Asian fetish, to the point that it was probably a bad idea. I get the feeling there are a lot of creepy guys on OKCupid, though.

This makes me miss that creepy white guys tumblr.

Edit: I'm saying your post reminds me of it.

Edit 2: Not implying you're creepy.

Edit 3: I mean if you are, that's cool I guess. No judgement.

Edit 4: Fuck. :(
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