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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

I've not seen a bit of Westworld. I should get on that one day.

I'm kind of pissed because I had to vote provisional (again) today. I applied with the registrar to change my address, like, four times, and they still had my old address on file, so I never got my damn mail-in ballot. And since I didn't get that, I couldn't bring it in.

I know GAF is really into mail-in voting, but I want to opt out of that shit.
I always get my ballot by mail and then drop it off during election day.

I'll describe it for you. It's an oblong white sticker with a blue "I Voted" obliquely in the middle of a USA flag-inspired--I guess--oval, with a blue left side with 2.8 or so stars cut out. On the right side of that oval is a red top, representing a red stripe, a negative space stripe that contains the blue "I Voted," and a red bottom that is thicker than both the top red and middle white stripes for some reason. The bottom-right corner of the aforementioned blue section also does not really align with the bottom-left of the red lower "stripe." Around that whole assembly of shapes are "I Voted," written in various languages.


Hahahaha :p

I should have kept a few extra stickers from when I volunteered as a poll worker this year... but that would be stealing from the state I guess.


(Texas has super cool stickers. Apparently some of the counties have county-unique stickers. SO JEALOUS.)

Taking more than one sticker is a federal offense.


'QQ' man I have not seen that since my Maple Story days bunny 😂. On a slightly more depressing note, what's going on America-Gaf. I thought she had this in the bag 😩


I'm with you. I never was completely sure she had it in the bag, and to be totally honest right now I'm more disappointed but not surprised. I'm not lying when I say a good portion of Americans are truly uneducated, ignorant dolts that can't recognize a fact if it slapped them across the face.
After tonight, regardless of who wins, you're really not wrong. That literally millions of people are apathetic to the wellbeing of minorities is just the icing on the pile of shit dressed up as a cake. People really are irrational.
*sigh* I'm really disappointed in America. When I heard that women on MSNBC talk about Trump, I was done. There is no hope for minorities, lgbtq folks, women.

Safe to say I will be drinking heavily this weekend.
Well, since shit sucks already, for those of us in California, it looks like 62 (repeal death penalty) will fail, and 66 (speed up death penalty) will pass. Lovely.


I'm not even American, but I feel absolutely terrible after last night's election. Stayed up until 4am when people started to realize that he could really win. Had to go to bed then since I have to work today, but I couldn't sleep with the prospect of waking up to Trump being elected President. So now I have a headache and have to deal with the result of the election...

According to that thread, right here, 29% of the Asian demographic voted for him.....

Also hybrid went out with a bang. Salute, my dude.

way too many :(
53% of white women... sometimes I wonder if a woman's barrier to success isn't men but other women.

Hard to believe that 8 years ago they elected a black president and now we have this. The world is a much different place today though. We saw it with Brexit. The power lies with the older conservative demographic. Millennials are screwed, if they aren't screwed already.


Millennials are screwed, if they aren't screwed already.
We were screwed from birth.

Highest joblessness rate in recent history. Catastrophically high levels of student loan debt. Inheriting a world undergoing apocalyptic climate change looong after we have the power to do anything about it. Government doesn't give a shit about us even at the best of times.

Best I can say about our generation is that we're the most progressive ever. But that means fuck-all if we have none of the reins to power.

I ain't even mad. Just an endless train of disappointment all-around. I kept my expectations low, and still I'm let down.
Whoo drama in life! While I made a thread on OT side I thought I should share here because it might relate more to how asian families typically work.

Put simply, my dad paid for my STEM degree in CS-CIS and I want a simple job as an ALT/English teacher in Japan (a job, not a career). So there's conflict and waves of guilt piled ontop of me to the point that I'm now second-guessing myself in finishing this job application (I haven't even fully applied yet haha) and that if I just scrap it all and focus on degree-related stuff such as coding on my freetime (something I never done) and the like.

This path of mine wasn't even influenced by a Trump presidency, but damn did a Trump presidency motivate me to achieve this goal even if I fail this first time; as long as the opportunity is available for me.

Living in rural Southern California is tough especially in a conservative household but all I really have to deal with is conservative dogma floating around which I've dealt with a good 2 decades now. What I'm most worried about however is all my LGBTQ friends that I know (best friend is a lesbian) with SCOTUS going conservative. Most likely gay marriage will revert back to state's decision and while California is pro-gay marriage whose to say another Prop 8 won't happen?
All things considered, it probably won't be catastrophic for me, personally. I'm a US-born, pale-skinned, straight, male, "model" minority who speaks English with an American accent and lives in California. I will probably be fine.

It does truly suck for a lot of other people, as well as the world at large, though.


RIP hybrid, hopefully it's not a perm

Personally I probably won't be affected *too* much for the reasons Sept mentioned, but I can't say the same for a lot of the people I know. This is going to set America back for a long time.

Fake edit: Oh shit, climate change. Ugh, that's definitely going to affect me and everyone in my age group.


All things considered, it probably won't be catastrophic for me, personally. I'm a US-born, pale-skinned, straight, male, "model" minority who speaks English with an American accent and lives in California. I will probably be fine.

It does truly suck for a lot of other people, as well as the world at large, though.

Even outside of racial/gender issues, there are going to be policy decisions and Supreme Court appointments that fuck over the nation as a whole with regard to the environment and economy. I wouldn't expect to go through the next 4-8 years unscathed.
Even outside of racial/gender issues, there are going to be policy decisions and Supreme Court appointments that fuck over the nation as a whole with regard to the environment and economy. I wouldn't expect to go through the next 4-8 years unscathed.
No, I agree. And with the Supreme Court nominations, we'd be fucked for a long, long time. In this case, the "best" case scenario would be if Trump just does whatever the hell he wants and breaks away from the GOP and assigns someone liberal or moderate.

Like I said in another thread, I hope we just elected a new Teddy Roosevelt instead of a new Hitler.


Fuck me that thread about hate crimes...
Yeah but have you tried empathizing with the people committing these hate crimes and opening a dialogue about their economic anxiety? Just because they're drawing swastikas or using slurs doesn't mean they're racist.
Fuck me that thread about hate crimes...

As much as it pains me to say this.... I'm glad we have gangs? I hope they combat the racists, neonazis, and white supremacists. Glad I still have connections with Bloods and Crips around the Twin Cities (even though I haven't spoken to them in a long while). I know gangs are crazy and not the best at keeping together but I hope they come together during these events to do something to protect their fellow Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino communities. I also know that we don't need to have a war with each other but I'm afraid a war might be coming soon :(

Wishful thinking, I know :/


Hey everyone.

From one minority to another, I hope you'll all be safe. Be strong, and do not let these jackasses bring you or anyone else down.
Ehhh no to the gangs idea. :p

I know. I know. I'm generally a peaceful person but with how things are now and might (keyword might) be, I'm legit afraid of minorities. I hope history really won't repeat itself. I do not want a race war nor do I want a gang war. I'm just glad that poc have some kind of protection that isn't the police (who.... don't do too much protecting).

Like some have said and what septie said, Asians, in general, should be good. We don't need to be worried (right now) but we do need to give our energy to other minorities that will suffer from tuesday's results. We are still seen as the invisible, the model minority, etc. But I'm just going to repeat something similar to what I said earlier in another thread:

Some Asians need to face reality and look at themselves. They are not white. They can and will be thrown under the bus when the time comes. Do not sit comfortably and think you are "safe". As people of color, we will be targeted and we won't even know it.

His victory really cemented the idea of "fuck you got mine" especially for rural whites. He is speaking loudly about our situation! She didn't! Our old ways are dying! We can't accept that we need to adapt to a new and progressive (used to be) world and now have to put the blame on other people! We don't know how he's going to do it, but he will make us more jobs and make this country great again!

/incohrent blabbering and venting

There are probably more blabbering and venting but I'm tired of it. I just want to close my eyes and never wake up. But alas, I am here to witness world history.
I feel yeah. I really wanted to apply to internships based int the US this semester but I don't know anymore.

I wanted to work in Engineering, aerospace.

After Brexit I thought Americans would wake up their idea, now I don't know anymore. The whole western world has started going crazy.
asking for a friend

is fl unsafe for a japanese lady?

No. She should be fine but she should prepare herself for being called nasty and rude things.

I cannot wait until we start hearing from these supposedly not racist, not xenophobic, not nationalist, not homophobics, not sexual assaulters, not misogynistics etc. to come out and say, #notalltrumpsupporters during these protests and violent attacks and harassment.

We're not all like these trump supporters on tv, I swear I only voted for him so that I can get my jobs back and for politicians to stop lying to us! Oh god, what have we done?!?!

But I doubt they care enough to think about that. They probably think we deserve it or something.
I wanted to work in Engineering, aerospace.

After Brexit I thought Americans would wake up their idea, now I don't know anymore. The whole western world has started going crazy.
Brexit isn't really an isolated event, though; the world at large has been leaning conservative for a while now, with people like Putin, Abe, Duterte, Erdogan, and Harper (who Canada luckily got rid of after he tanked their economy on oil futures) all taking the reins. It's not actually that surprising that someone like Trump would take over here, too.

I know that doesn't make things any less sucky, though.

My sister-in-law voted Trump. I asked her why, and she said why not. I then asked if she also voted for Duterte, and she said she'd never. So I pointed out that they're the same, and she had no reply to that.

My brother-in-law voted Harper and Duterte and said he would have voted Trump if he were American. I asked him why he didn't like Trudeau, and his answer was that Trudeau was too liberal. So I pointed out that Harper crashed the Canadian economy on oil. No answer for that.



No. She should be fine but she should prepare herself for being called nasty and rude things.

I cannot wait until we start hearing from these supposedly not racist, not xenophobic, not nationalist, not homophobics, not sexual assaulters, not misogynistics etc. to come out and say, #notalltrumpsupporters during these protests and violent attacks and harassment.

We're not all like these trump supporters on tv, I swear I only voted for him so that I can get my jobs back and for politicians to stop lying to us! Oh god, what have we done?!?!

But I doubt they care enough to think about that. They probably think we deserve it or something.

She wants to go to a punk cruise. Nasty words thrown at her would be too much. She's never had verbal harassment in her life so...
She wants to go to a punk cruise. Nasty words thrown at her would be too much. She's never had verbal harassment in her life so...

Well.... I have no answer, sorry :( After tuesday, I don't have faith in Americans anymore. If I did I would say go to the cruise because people will keep to themselves most of the time. But now... I just don't know. If you do go, good luck and enjoy it. I really hope you have a great time ^_^


Well.... I have no answer, sorry :( After tuesday, I don't have faith in Americans anymore. If I did I would say go to the cruise because people will keep to themselves most of the time. But now... I just don't know. If you do go, good luck and enjoy it. I really hope you have a great time ^_^

Thanks. It's a small chance I'd go with her so she might've ended up going on her own. I hope my concerns are unwarranted but at the same time, it's better to be safe. =}
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