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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|


People are always disappointed when I tell them I can't speak any other languages besides English lol. How many of yall were honestly disappointed reading this?!

I did two years of Japanese in college. The next class up was business class speaking (another vocab + grammar system to learn). Classes were rough due to the teachers as they really pushed their students compared to other language department teachers. My experience at my alma mater was a lot more involved than what I had at a summer crash program at UCLA.

I think I want to expand on Mandarin, so I'm looking at ways to self-study. I remember going to Chinese school on Saturdays from elementary to middle school.

High school, I learned Spanish, but lol. K-12 language classes don't really seem to work well in my opinion.
Being forced to go to Chinese school made me actively hate having the speak/learn the language.
Yeah, I had that sentiment, too, at the time. Like, making me go to another school after school? No thanks. I felt the same way about violin.

I regret not having worked harder at it now, though.

My father spoke in both English and Chinese to me, and my mother spoke in Chinese... I respond in English or Chinese depending on how I feel.
I'm used to talking with my family in all Mandarin. My wife can't understand it, though, so I have to catch myself and use more English (and similarly, I can't understand when she speaks with her family in Tagalog). My mom actually does a better job of it than I do.
Yeah, I had that sentiment, too, at the time. Like, making me go to another school after school? No thanks. I felt the same way about violin.

I regret not having worked harder at it now, though.

I'm used to talking with my family in all Mandarin. My wife can't understand it, though, so I have to catch myself and use more English (and similarly, I can't understand when she speaks with her family in Tagalog). My mom actually does a better job of it than I do.

Do your wife's parents only speak Tagalog (or do yours only speak Mandarin)? My fiancee's parents only speak Cantonese so communication with them is basically me making awkward hand gestures.


Help Asian GAF. Bf and I have a spirited disagreement about who is right.

Did I eat the best part of this piece of bread? Y/N.

That looks like Panera Bread, definitely have to get broccoli and cheese soup so you can dip the bread into

And yes, eat both crust & innards at the same time :p


There's a place in Torrance called Spoon House, which makes amazing bread, which becomes even more amazing after you add butter.

Looks like it's in Gardena, not Torrance.

On the same road that has Shin Sen Gumi Hakata Ramen restaurant and nearby a self-made tofu specialty store called Meiji Tofu.

All this talk about bread made me think of Taiwanese breakfast sandwiches.


OMG God of Cookery is on Canadian Netflix!! Not sure if it's on US Netflix but I'm definitely watching this tonight :D


Stephen Chow has at least two cooking movies, right? I remember another one that was quite different... but it was much older too.

No idea. I wouldn't be surprised if he had more movies that were cooking-related though. I should watch more of his movies. :eek:


The trip was great, and yeah I do. I'll probably put them up later today

Jet lag is a bitch
I hope you went to some of those like 24 hour chaan tang dive places to eat. Last time I visited the first thing we did after getting off the plane at like 5 in the morning was have HK style macaroni breakfast.


There is a thread about a gorilla in Japan that is absolutely infuriating. I only posted once, because I'd probably get banned if I actually said what I wanted to.

Jesus Christ. Someone needs to make a Dear Racist nonAsian People letter.

Just report those kind of posts to mods. :x


I hope you went to some of those like 24 hour chaan tang dive places to eat. Last time I visited the first thing we did after getting off the plane at like 5 in the morning was have HK style macaroni breakfast.

It's hard to find any place with cheap HK style breakfasts anymore. And by cheap, I mean cheaper than $25 HKD :(


I started a text file a couple weeks ago that contains blatantly racist anti-Asian posts that I see on GAF.

Some of that shit is infuriating.

I know that kind of stuff is easily ignorable, but I don't want to ignore it. At least for me, it's a reminder that racism is well and alive, even on these "liberal" boards.

It's best viewed if you paste it into a reply and preview the post.
I started a text file a couple weeks ago that contains blatantly racist anti-Asian posts that I see on GAF.

Some of that shit is infuriating.

I know that kind of stuff is easily ignorable, but I don't want to ignore it. At least for me, it's a reminder that racism is well and alive, even on these "liberal" boards.

It's best viewed if you paste it into a reply and preview the post.

I hope you continue saving these posts..some absolutely disgusting posts in there


Sometimes I feel like making a gaming.txt list of shame, but that would mean quoting almost the entirety of gaming side
I hope you went to some of those like 24 hour chaan tang dive places to eat. Last time I visited the first thing we did after getting off the plane at like 5 in the morning was have HK style macaroni breakfast.

I didn't, but my mom's uncle took us to a bunch of really good places


Sometimes I feel like making a gaming.txt list of shame, but that would mean quoting almost the entirety of gaming side

Yeah I feel like the gaming section has deteriorated over the years.

I find myself replying a post and then backspacing it halfway because I ask myself, "Why do I have to bother with this? Just put that person on ignore."

Sure enough, most of the time I press reveal an ignored post, that person wrote something very offensive.
Oh man, there's a great one you missed. There was a travel agency advertising visiting Asia, and it was a bunch of white people with their fingers pulling their eyes into slits - "See the world from their perspective."

Some dumbfuck was HONESTLY ARGUING THAT IT WASN'T RACIST, because "well maybe it's a good thing, like actually praising them," etc.

Same dickwad sprouts anti-Asian sentiments everywhere all over OT. I ended up putting him on ignore because I knew if I didn't, I would end up telling him to suck a massive bag of prickly pears.

& yeah, part of the reason why I wanted Asian GAF was because there is a surprising amount of anti-Asian sentiment. Though, tbh, it only reinforces the notion that the model minority is bullshit, used to oppress other minorities.

Like I was telling someone awhile ago, it honestly feels like, as an Asian-American, America is "cool" with me as long as I am quiet, stay out of the way, and don't get too uppity. We're "safe" targets to mock, foreigners, "weird and different," etc. We exist so they can feel better about themselves (even Asian American succeeding in school is attributed to - not being creative, memorizing all day, useless skills, etc.)

Really shows their ignorance when you see the same people criticize Asian education for churning out drones whereas everyone apparently coming out of American education is this creative thinks outside of the box fountain of innovation. That exceptionalism ...it's not that we're no longer number 1, it's that the system at measuring is flawed because it doesn't recognize us as number 1.


Yeah I feel like the gaming section has deteriorated over the years.

I find myself replying a post and then backspacing it halfway because I ask myself, "Why do I have to bother with this? Just put that person on ignore."

Sure enough, most of the time I press reveal an ignored post, that person wrote something very offensive.
Maybe I'm just getting older while gaming side stays the same. Or I'm just sorta growing out of the hype cycle of games, where I need something new every month. I found gaming side particularly egregious during E3 with people total dicks when a conference not made for gamers 100% doesn't talk about the games GAF likes. e.g. sports games or dancing games or mobile games. Granted it was bad this year but I don't understand the need to be so publicly flippant about stuff when you could just save the bandwidth posting 'sports games sux who plays these i want my jrpgs already' bullshit.

But I guess it's my fault for also following along during E3 at all.

Really shows their ignorance when you see the same people criticize Asian education for churning out drones whereas everyone apparently coming out of American education is this creative thinks outside of the box fountain of innovation. That exceptionalism ...it's not that we're no longer number 1, it's that the system at measuring is flawed because it doesn't recognize us as number 1.
Not that I have any experience with any Asian country's education systems at all but creativity is hardly fostered or encouraged at all in North America, I've found. At least not in the standard track of elementary -> high school. And by that point they've kinda taken most of it out of you, so it doesn't seem like something one stumbles upon anymore. You have to actively seek it out or try to reignite that flame inside you and hope you can keep it lit. Speaking from personal experience, anyway.

Also the plain ass fact there are entertainment markets outside of North America, and particularly in Asia that obviously do very well.

I dunno, at least to nearly everyone I know who is a non-creative (i.e. everyone I grew up with basically) were all middle class or moving on up. White or Black or Jewish or Chinese or Korean or Indian or whatever (I live in Toronto, the list goes on and on). And since I kinda went to a prestigious public HS most people railroaded themselves into becoming doctors or engineers or lawyers.

Frankly I didn't take up writing semi-seriously until after or about since graduating uni, and if I hadn't met the people I did along the way I'd probably still consider it a hobby rather than something I want to make a career out of now; it's really hard to keep my head up some days. And there's also the complicated issue that even first generation children, for some reason or another, get railroaded to the doctor/lawyer/engineer/mba thing really easily.

And finally there's just not a lot of Asian creatives in North America, period. At least not the field I'm trying to break into - which is television. I sometimes go to these mixers for people in the industry to mingle with (aspiring) television/film creatives and very frequently I am the only one or two East Asian persons in a room of 50 or so people. And maybe like someone Indian once in a while. Everyone else is white as hell. And I live in Toronto of all places, where there's like tons of Chinese (and other large minority group) enclaves and shit.


I started a text file a couple weeks ago that contains blatantly racist anti-Asian posts that I see on GAF.

Some of that shit is infuriating.

I know that kind of stuff is easily ignorable, but I don't want to ignore it. At least for me, it's a reminder that racism is well and alive, even on these "liberal" boards.

It's best viewed if you paste it into a reply and preview the post.

Hey Asia-gaf, non-Asian checking in for the first time.

That text file is pretty embarrasing, you should send it to a mod if you haven't already. This forum has a lot of ignorant people. I came to China 3 years ago (almost) for work and I still don't understand this place, in fact I feel like the more I learn of China the less I really know. It's a terribly complicated place and American media and our history classes especially pretty much still teach you to consider Chinese as "scary others" so I don't really blame people who have never left their he country to not be ignorant about it. Even if they wanted to really know about Asia or china specifically it's not so easy to do. It's not like befriending a gay person and then their thoughts on homosexuality being swayed. Again I don't excuse their ignorance, it's just a difficult thing for people to recognize.

For those of you putting users on ignore or just getting pissed off, I understand why you would but I also think it would help bring attention and perhaps positive change on gaf if you'd address it. Either with the mods or in open discussion with the moron gaffers in question. There are a lot of them though so it's an uphill battle for sure.


I don't see why you don't post neogaf posts on neogaf. Keep up the list. If only for our eyes, but I'm going to post them here, and if a mod wants to get rid of the posts or whatever, they'll be free to do so..

---------------------------------------------- Posted from text file -------------------------

Chinese Overlords Thread:

Not caring about anything ever seems to be part of the culture, don't know how long that can work.

They are very respectful of their ancestors and build many ghost cities for them.

Even if the US made a breakthrough in AI, well that can be copy and pasted easily.

Looking forward to parents encouraging their children to piss and shit in the middle of public sidewalks here in the west.

Dog-Eating Thread:

Honestly I think you are a little sick in the head if you eat a dog.

Yea I get it, pigs are smart and we eat them.

But pig is not a dog, regardless of its intelligence level or emotional level.
Dogs develop bonds and ties with owners, they run to the door when you come home, they can understand moods and they are used for military and rescue purposes.

A pig is smart, but its still a farm animal. It does not develop the same type of bonds and its interaction with humans is not the same, even if it is a pet that lives in the house, its just not the same.

So yea, I think eating dogs is really sick especially if you have an alternative meat source.

Ugh, fuck the Chinese.

edit: was talking about the government and the people who condone this crap. sorry if i offended anyone.

Uh huh.

seriously though, this is pretty fucked up

dogs have the potential to form pretty strong bonds with humans, in some cases even stronger than human/human bonds

the success of the selling of dog meat gives you an idea of the number of people willing to pay for it

whole lot of monsters in china

i think I've gone off chinese women after this...

Ahh the good old ancient cultural traditions! I'm all for traditions and cultural, but when it comes to animals I'm not at all.

Sadly this isn't as bad as some of the other things they do.

Such as:
Bear gallbladder
Sharkfin soup
Snake wine
Rinocourus horn
Elephant tusk
Birds nest
Turtle eggs

The list goes on.... And on.... And on...

Makes me sick for the human race.

I could only hope anyone that eats and tortures pets when other food sources are plentiful and available gets some kind of ass/stomach cancer or better yet suffers a fate where they are chopped to pieces and fed to a dog or cat.

I dont care if its part of their culture its disgusting and they are rightfully ridiculed/condemned. I am sure its in someones culture in the world to eat human, doesnt make it right.

Fuck your culture and backwards ass traditions. Its 2015, fuck off with those mindless respecting other cultures bullshit replies.

What the actual Fuck!! Humanity is so fucked! How can a human being do something like that to a domestic animal?

Another dog-eating thread:

Eating dogs is monstrous behavior. People will excuse anything in the name of multiculturalism.

Random "Fuck China" posts
Man fuck China.

Fuck China

Shit like this pisses me off. Fuck China.

World's most handsome Gorilla driving Japanese women wild

That's a little big for Japanese girls.

Holy shit, someone actually got banned for Asian racism!

Responses to that post:

Other responses:

No wonder Japan has issues when it comes to population growth, and lack of sex drive.

Though I must admit that Gorilla is handsome and swole.

Someone needs to photoshop Brazzers into one of those pics.

"Sexually repressed women fawn over gorilla" should be the title

They only thing they don't like is japanese men.

that's a tough act to follow for Japanese men

I got some REAL thirsty looks the last time I went to Japan. The situation is now conpletely out of control. Someone please sex up those women.

-------------------End of text file-----------

Asian racism doesn't appear to touch on western sentiments as much as other types. Gaf being a gaming forum - this might need to be a little bit more addressed than on typical forums [even though in my opinion the mods already do try to stamp out racist generalisations anyway...]


a usename search brought me here. I just want to point out that I don't know why I'm on a list of supposedly offensive comments, if the Gorilla story happened in Sweden my post would have been "that's a tough act to follow for Swedish men"
a usename search brought me here. I just want to point out that I don't know why I'm on a list of supposedly offensive comments, if the Gorilla story happened in Sweden my post would have been "that's a tough act to follow for Swedish men"

And that would've been offensive too. Just because you didn't mean it to be offensive doesn't mean it isn't . Imagine if this happened in Africa or in a Black community..given the context... If you had said that's a tough act to follow for black men, you would've gotten the full force of the ban hammer.


Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

I don't really go around OT that much, so it would be great if y'all could help me keep this list updated. Just hit the quote button on any post you want to include, and then copy/paste the whole thing over to the Google Doc (this helps for GAF readability). It's a public document, but I'll keep tabs on it to make sure nothing shady's happening.

I don't see why you don't post neogaf posts on neogaf. Keep up the list. If only for our eyes, but I'm going to post them here, and if a mod wants to get rid of the posts or whatever, they'll be free to do so..

I wanted to see what reception would be like before people from OT started pouring in and giving us a hard time :)

I think every two weeks or so I'll post any updates from the document. It's important to remember that this stuff is happening. And it's also important that the people we're quoting realize that what they said is racist. Some of them might be unwilling to change, but I'm sure others genuinely had no idea.
I started a text file a couple weeks ago that contains blatantly racist anti-Asian posts that I see on GAF.

Some of that shit is infuriating.

I know that kind of stuff is easily ignorable, but I don't want to ignore it. At least for me, it's a reminder that racism is well and alive, even on these "liberal" boards.

It's best viewed if you paste it into a reply and preview the post.

Jesus Christ. Most threads when I see the title I know it's bullshit to even enter it so I don't see most of these.

Yeah I feel like the gaming section has deteriorated over the years.

I find myself replying a post and then backspacing it halfway because I ask myself, "Why do I have to bother with this? Just put that person on ignore."

Sure enough, most of the time I press reveal an ignored post, that person wrote something very offensive.

The dynamic changed immensely a couple years ago when they stopped banning most people.
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