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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

It's a terribly complicated place and American media and our history classes especially pretty much still teach you to consider Chinese as "scary others" so I don't really blame people who have never left their he country to not be ignorant about it.

It's appalling that when I went to high school, there was no talk about Asian history at all except in relation to North American and European history (e.g. Japanese internment in Canada, Japan in WW2). But if it happened outside of NA and Europe? Lol fuck that shit, who needs to learn that? Same thing for African history that isn't about African-Americans. Speaking as a student from the Ontario curriculum, their history courses need a whole lot of work. I was incredibly disappointed when I didn't learn jack about my own people.


Oh man, there's a great one you missed. There was a travel agency advertising visiting Asia, and it was a bunch of white people with their fingers pulling their eyes into slits - "See the world from their perspective."

Some dumbfuck was HONESTLY ARGUING THAT IT WASN'T RACIST, because "well maybe it's a good thing, like actually praising them," etc.

Same dickwad sprouts anti-Asian sentiments everywhere all over OT. I ended up putting him on ignore because I knew if I didn't, I would end up telling him to suck a massive bag of prickly pears.

& yeah, part of the reason why I wanted Asian GAF was because there is a surprising amount of anti-Asian sentiment. Though, tbh, it only reinforces the notion that the model minority is bullshit, used to oppress other minorities.

Like I was telling someone awhile ago, it honestly feels like, as an Asian-American, America is "cool" with me as long as I am quiet, stay out of the way, and don't get too uppity. We're "safe" targets to mock, foreigners, "weird and different," etc. We exist so they can feel better about themselves (even Asian American succeeding in school is attributed to - not being creative, memorizing all day, useless skills, etc.)

I thought that was more against the Asians that are being educated in Asia rather than the Asian-Americans that are being educated in the U.S.
Yeah the whole affirmative action threads highlight that bullshit... The fact that our cultures put a larger emphasis on education Somehow invalidates our performance academically and on standardized tests. And don't get me started about the whole lack of leadership potential.
Yeah the whole affirmative action threads highlight that bullshit... The fact that our cultures put a larger emphasis on education Somehow invalidates our performance academically and on standardized tests. And don't get me started about the whole lack of leadership potential.

Clearly you try to hard so it's not fair.


Just by looking at some of the previous post in this page, I am surprised that there are still so many racist post in regards to Asian people.

Anime/Manga/J-video games have a huge standing in NeoGaf.


Just by looking at some of the previous post in this page, I am surprised that there are still so many racist post in regards to Asian people.

Anime/Manga/J-video games have a huge standing in NeoGaf.

I would argue that their is less racism towards Japanese on gaf, and the racism directed toward Japanese is less "hostile" than towards other Asian ethnic groups.


I would argue that their is less racism towards Japanese on gaf, and the racism directed toward Japanese is less "hostile" than towards other Asian ethnic groups.

While people don't out right say Fuck Japan like they do with China, there's still plenty of jokes about how effeminate Japanese men are (similar jokes with other Asian men). Also the mocking of the r/l sound which is something people do with other Asian accents too.
I agree with you, suzu.



Also hi <3. You and your partner can move to the US now :DDD?!?!?!

:D i love yours!!! All the colours of love *________*

Nuuu, I'm afraid of the USA's gun culture and besides the reasons we're still in the closet is mainly for family. I think my parents would suffer very much in their social circles if I impose my truth on them :<

I love my parents very much. I dont think I can do that to them :< Though it hurts that I can never be honest with them. Ever.


But! This is a good week! Love winning and I just wanna keep hugging everyone since last weekend XD




We demand proof.



Here's a few photos of my last few years in Asia, if anyone is interested. I don't take photos of my food very often, but I also love it haha. Sorry if ya'll think it's spam, I'll make it disappear.

Lujiazui by Eric, on Flickr

Shanghai (Garden Bridge and Pearl Tower) by Eric, on Flickr

Clean up your workstation by Eric, on Flickr

Guangzhou, China by Eric, on Flickr

Japan by Eric, on Flickr

Mosque by Eric, on Flickr

Tainan by Eric, on Flickr

And bonus, here is a cruel terrible Chinese man tricking the dog to shake his hand before he eats him alive :p

Chinese Field Dog 3 by Eric, on Flickr
What's a variable?

From my understanding of Megaman X, X has armor that can transform into different colored armor and shoot different projectiles, then if he jumps off a cliff on armored armidillos stage before the boss room, Doctor Light will teach him how to Hadouken. I'm pretty sure, I got a Bachelor's in the field of Maths.



I don't know why it never struck me to ask y'all for help regarding equations. Maybe someone here can help :(?

I have a couple hours before I print my paper. The epsilon relates to... estimation, right? From what I understand, beta measures the influence of the variables. Do any of y'all know if that's the general gist of this -___-


Capital epsilon is summation, yes.

edit, although... the third term (epsilon k=2 to 7) is missing a beta_k term in it.
I am so glad that I only needed discrete mathematics to be a software engineer. I can't deal with this sigma nonsense that you people have to work with.
QED, son! Dayum.

I don't remember how to do either of these things anymore. There's a formula to calculate sigmas, aside from manually adding it all up, right?

I don't think so or at least I don't remember ever using a formula unless of course it was something like the arithmetic series, where the formula is you add the first and last number, multiply it by n terms, then divide by 2. For summation, I would have to calculate the equation at each k then add it up. Though the easy way was to punch it in the goddamn Ti-83 and get it over with.


Oh my god, that is so embarassing that I mistook epsilon for sigma :$ This is coming from a guy that wrote mounds and mounds of equations in LaTeX and Equation Editor for his thesis...

Yeah. That's definitely Sigma. Ooops.


Oh my god, that is so embarassing that I mistook epsilon for sigma :$ This is coming from a guy that wrote mounds and mounds of equations in LaTeX and Equation Editor for his thesis...

Yeah. That's definitely Sigma. Ooops.

Sigma Psi Zeta what what

Maybe because you saw bunny wrote equations.

You are human after all.


I used to hate math and almost failed it in junior high and high school, lol. And now I'm in a math-intensive career @_@
I calculatorize everything :D

My friends often joke that this was the mark of a Fake Asian.

I have failed my ancestahz ;____;

*calculatorizes 12 + 31 quietly* *oh not long to home time yay 43 minutes~*


a usename search brought me here. I just want to point out that I don't know why I'm on a list of supposedly offensive comments, if the Gorilla story happened in Sweden my post would have been "that's a tough act to follow for Swedish men"


Apparently my post about not wanting people to exploit (mostly endangered) animals for their body parts is apparently racist....

Maybe if more people were educated about the subject then it wouldn't happen.

Ahh the good old ancient cultural traditions! I'm all for traditions and cultural, but when it comes to animals I'm not at all.

Sadly this isn't as bad as some of the other things they do.

Such as:
Bear gallbladder
Sharkfin soup
Snake wine
Rinocourus horn
Elephant tusk
Birds nest
Turtle eggs

The list goes on.... And on.... And on...

Makes me sick for the human race.


It is exactly what it sounds like. You study tax. It's a cross between a LLM and a CPA. I'm planning to get my CPA as well, though most of the Big4 have separate tax and audit departments.


Whether or not you realize it, what you said betrays racism. You may not even be conscious of it, but it doesn't change the problem.

This is going to sound ironic coming from me, but your moral superiority in this thread is misguided and laughable. Trying to pretend to be all noble, "but it's about the animals," "well excusseeee me if I just care about animals," while ignoring how you treat other people.

You came into a thread and instead of bothering to even wonder hmmmmm, why someone thinks what I said is racist?, you give no shits and insist not only did you do nothing wrong, you are the only one that's actually "right."

I hardly see how saying "they" is racist. Next time though I won't use generalized words but I'll be more specific in whom I'm referring to.

It has nothing to do with morale superiority. It has to do with questioning why I was deemed a racist to have my post kept in some offline achieve for who knows what reason. Besides what you pointed out it's hardly a racist post. My post in that thread, and all folloe up posts were about the same subject. But whatever you deem then so be it...

If you want to say I don't agree with ancient traditions that have been disproved by science then yes, I'll agree with you.

And yes, actually I think many people aren't educated about the subject. Some of those things I listed have nothing to do with the Chinese. There are other places/people/cultures that are worse.

You are grabbing one of many posts about a subject and saying it's racist. It's all about context in the end.


It is exactly what it sounds like. You study tax. It's a cross between a LLM and a CPA. I'm planning to get my CPA as well, though most of the Big4 have separate tax and audit departments.

Do you mean tax accounting? I didn't know you were a business major since you posted something about it a week ago. I think you mentioned you don't read or keep up with business news/stuff.

Are you planning to enter the big 4?



My BA was in English, and my MS is in tax. I don't care much for "business." It doesn't naturally excite me, so I don't really seek to be well-informed about the economical stuff. I probably should read WSJ more, though.

Ah interesting! What interest you about tax then? I am surprise that you aren't interest in business when you are in a business-related field, considering the IRS deals a lot with corporations and other types of businesses.

Anyways how social/humorous are you? From that I have noticed, having an awesome humorous personality is key to getting into the big 4.


Ancient traditions disproved by science?

Are they ancient? Are you sure you're not letting the stereotype of "ancient old wizened Asian" play any part in how you're viewing this?

"They" functions similarly to "those people." In a vacuum it has no connotations, but in context... oh yes. The fact that you try to argue it's about context... uhh /whoosh.

Many Asians in the west are tried of hearing about all the "<Asian country> horrifically murdering <animal>" headlines. Does animal cruelty happen? Yes. Does it happen in China? Yes. Does it happen in the US? Yes. But every other week there's always "<X Asian> country <dog, dolphin, bear, shark>." It's propaganda used to "other" as much as it is actual "news." Yellow journalism to mold contempt.

Like I edited my post, Bernaysian tactics that are not new at all. Just take a look at history.

The more you post, the more I'm convinced that you have no intention of giving up the racist elements in your thinking. Fine, whatever. What you're saying is not helping your "case."


Yes, ancient. Things from BC era to 700 AD era are ancient to me. Most which have been disproved by science countless of times.

As I said multiple times in that thread it has nothing to do with eating dog and the stupid stereotypes that come with it. It has to do with exploiting animals and destroying the world we live in. It's the same reason you will see me in pollution threads, deforestation threads, animal extinction threads, and commenting on anything (or anyone) that ruins the planet we live on.

But if you think I'm using some "wizend" stereotype then so be it. It sounds like your mind is made up though. So there is nothing else to discuss.
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