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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|


Well got my student ID. I guess I'm officially a college student.

Asian-Gaf, I've never been a good student before, lend me your Asian powers.

-Research your professors
-Make a lot of friends in your classes. (Bonus if you make smart friends in the class)
-Study or get help from said friends

You should be golden if you follow the above.


Getting a part time job actually made my grades go up because it forced me to study and keep up with the class... But things that work for me usually don't work for others :p


I'll add one more thing: take it seriously.

Shouldn't need saying, but hey. I was the type that graduated high school with a 3.9 GPA and did every single assignment the day it was due. Never studied for tests, etc. College was a wake-up call.


Well got my student ID. I guess I'm officially a college student.

Asian-Gaf, I've never been a good student before, lend me your Asian powers.

This might vary from college to college, but if you're going to take a two-semester class (like Organic Chem I and Organic Chem II), do the first semester in the fall semester and the second semester in the spring semester. You'll have more choices for potentially good professors since more people take the first semester in the fall semester. When I took organic chem, there was only one professor teaching classes each semester. One of them was okay, but the other was awful and spent most of his lectures rambling about how good his life was when he was a grad student at UIUC half a century ago. I had an idea he wasn't going to be good from the ratemyprofessor ratings, but I didn't have a choice since I had already taken Orgo I.

What are you majoring in? Keep an eye towards your future and try to make yourself marketable to internships, grad schools, etc. depending on what you want to do afterwards. It's totally fine to not know what you want to do, but if you do have an idea, getting a head start is a good idea. I didn't realize that I like doing things with computers until second year of college, so now I can't get a comp sci major or get internships. Fortunately I was already pre-med and have no intention of dropping that, so hopefully the computer stuff will help me in that field. I just wish that I had more flexibility with comp sci, since you can be pre-med with pretty much any major you want.

Also, don't play too many video games. I, uh, am still working on that.


Where this is a good attitude: psychology sociology, English/lit, history, anthropology, gender and sexuality studies

Where this is a bad attitude: chemistry, biology, accounting, ochrm, physics, math


Nah, some of the hardest partiers I knew were accounting and engineering guys, and they have great jobs now. Just have to know your limits and figure out how to balance it.


I have my classes registered already and I do plan going back to work. I met with a job adviser at the campus today. thanks for the help guys!

Study hard. i regret some B+'s I got, if only I studied that extra hour.

But be sure to cherish it and have fun. College went by in a blink of an eye to me.

Starting med school in two weeks though, quite worried about that...hah....


Don't skip classes for a week to fly to another country to fuck a friend.

Don't skip classes for a week to raid 16 hours a day for 7 days.

Don't skip classes for a week after attending a rave and taking xtc.

Don't skip classes for a week to do drugs of any kind.

Don't skip classes to sell drugs.

Don't skip class for a week to fly to Disneyland/Vegas/Florida.

Don't get involved with drug dealers.

Don't go to shady parties.

Don't wander around by yourself in the crappy parts of town.

Don't park too far away from campus. Try having a friend with you.

Buy pepper spray.

Don't bring a bb gun. People will think it is real and you will cause panic.

Don't try sneaking in your pets unless you are sure they won't run away.

Don't bother making brownies from scratch. Make then from Ghirardelli (use two boxes), throw away the box, and claim you made them. Everyone will love them and be too high to ask you for the recipe the next day.

Don't drink or smoke too much. Having a panic attack over going to jail, and or puking undigested chunks of spaghetti from the dining hall, is not fun at all.

Don't stress too much about love. You aren't going to marry your first, probably.

If she's disloyal drop her like she's a ferocious ball ripping possum.

Study dates in the library, with boba and candy, can be fun. Convince yourself of this and it's all good.

Don't have sex in the library, there are cameras and students.

Don't have sex just because people can't see it. They can hear it too.

Don't have sex in the same room as your friends. Or anyone.

Buy a bathrobe.

Be careful with your money and don't over spend on your credit card.

If you have a job, save as much as you can.

Try to join a professional club. They will help you with internships and interviews.

Good luck and have fun :D

I did some of the don't and turned out well enough. I am sure you did too ;)
Actually, I pretty much skipped all classes most of the time and think attending them is overrated for a lot of classes. Just make sure you have all the learning materials so making friends with some people is advised.

Anyway, having some good internships is more important. Only having good grades will do nothing for you.


I did some of the don't and turned out well enough. I am sure you did too ;)
Actually, I pretty much skipped all classes most of the time and think attending them is overrated for a lot of classes. Just make sure you have all the learning materials so making friends with some people is advised.

Anyway, having some good internships is more important. Only having good grades will do nothing for you.

Depends on the class/professor. Some of them basically just read out of the book for their lecture, so going to class gets you nothing extra. The good profs will do more though, so going to lecture will help.


Skip class if your prof sucks and you can self-teach the material.

It's a better use of your time (well, it depends on the course, but yeah).

I had a crap prof in first semester of first year. Following that, most of my profs have actually been great teachers even if they were never really trained for this in their PhDs.

Edit: Interestingly, had a brilliant prof who taught us poorly by basically giving derivations of every single theorem we learned in class. Maybe only 5 or so people in the class of 150 understood what the heck he was talking about or how to actually apply the theorems...


I don't know how it works in the US, but good attendance is mandatory in the UK.

I went to a very large, public university - it depended on the class. Most of them did not care at all if you were at lecture (unless there was an exam that day, obviously), but some would do extra credit via clickers in each lecture.


I don't know how it works in the US, but good attendance is mandatory in the UK.

Good attendance is only a general rule until you graduate from high school. In college, it's obviously a good idea to have good attendance but the dean isn't gonna call you into his office if you only show up for a few classes throughout the semester/quarter. Some students only show up to hand in homework or take tests. To get around this, some teachers professors take role and make attendance/participation a heavy part of your grade. If you show up then it means nothing. If you don't then you could fail. My computer logic professor says that attendance is not mandatory, but he usually assigns homework by writing a random problem on the board, so you have to either have a friend to tell you or you have to be there. I had an advocacy and argument class in my freshman year that was hilariously chaotic. Some people just came for the first few weeks then never came back, or even showed up for their debates. They were still on the roster though so I'm assuming they forgot to drop.

Attendance is more of a courtesy thing for me. I've only ever ditched a few classes, and they were always days when I knew nothing was going on.

Off-specific topic but on general topic, I regret not dorming on campus. I only live about 5 minutes from campus so I figured it would be more cost-effective, but I missed out on the whole social aspect of college. I made some acquaintances but no one that I really maintained contact with outside of people that I already knew. On top of that, computer science isn't exactly the most...social major. Everyone that I talk to is either an asshole or just as awkward if not more awkward than I am, which doesn't make for good conversation. So remember that passing your classes is the top priority, but don't forget that there are people around you, and going through college without being social is a crapshoot.


Not being social in college is a huge mistake. Even if that means just hanging out with your classmates to study together etc.

I met a lot of my best friends in college.


Don't skip classes for a week to fly to another country to fuck a friend.

Don't skip classes for a week to raid 16 hours a day for 7 days.

Don't skip classes for a week after attending a rave and taking xtc.

Don't skip classes for a week to do drugs of any kind.

Don't skip classes to sell drugs.

Don't skip class for a week to fly to Disneyland/Vegas/Florida.

Don't get involved with drug dealers.

Don't go to shady parties.

Don't wander around by yourself in the crappy parts of town.

Don't park too far away from campus. Try having a friend with you.

Buy pepper spray.

Don't bring a bb gun. People will think it is real and you will cause panic.

Don't try sneaking in your pets unless you are sure they won't run away.

Don't bother making brownies from scratch. Make then from Ghirardelli (use two boxes), throw away the box, and claim you made them. Everyone will love them and be too high to ask you for the recipe the next day.

Don't drink or smoke too much. Having a panic attack over going to jail, and or puking undigested chunks of spaghetti from the dining hall, is not fun at all.

Don't stress too much about love. You aren't going to marry your first, probably.

If she's disloyal drop her like she's a ferocious ball ripping possum.

Study dates in the library, with boba and candy, can be fun. Convince yourself of this and it's all good.

Don't have sex in the library, there are cameras and students.

Don't have sex just because people can't see it. They can hear it too.

Don't have sex in the same room as your friends. Or anyone.

Buy a bathrobe.

Be careful with your money and don't over spend on your credit card.

If you have a job, save as much as you can.

Try to join a professional club. They will help you with internships and interviews.

Good luck and have fun :D

I did none of these and I think I turned out alright...? :D

edit: As a college prof, I've definitely noticed a direct correlation between performance and attendance. There are exceptions, of course, but it's the general trend that I've noticed, especially with my small class sizes.


Rodent Whores
Seeing the karaoke thread in the OT makes me wonder: do you do karaoke more Asian style or American style? (if at all)

"Asian style" being private rooms with your friends, each person sings more or less by him/herself unless there are accompanying parts, singers are usually decent

"American style" being in an open area singing with mostly strangers or up on a stage, people sing together even if it's not really their song, singers sometimes can't sing for beans but do funny stuff to make up for it.


Not being social in college is a huge mistake. Even if that means just hanging out with your classmates to study together etc.

I met a lot of my best friends in college.
Yes, do this immensely. I regret not doing it.

I have literally no friends compared to some of my older friends who were social in uni.


I... did. Had surgery this Monday.

Picking up heavy objects with improper form. Bad luck. Or just pooping too hard : D.

But yea, wow. Even minor surgery sucks. Can't eat a lot, or am too scared to, out of the fear that my stomach wounds will explode ala chestbursters. Yep.

Uh oh, I should watch out. D:


Not to derail the tiger parenting discussion, but since we were just talking about self-segregation and all that, here's something someone I know liked on Facebook this morning (why Facebook shows me posts from a bunch of people I don't even know is still a mystery, but oh well): http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-groceries-race-20150727-htmlstory.html

The quote that I bolded is disgusting. Personally, I've always shopped at--and still mostly shop at--Western supermarkets for groceries, but that complaint about "belonging" is such bullshit. Oh, so the newer Alhambra residents shouldn't feel like they belong to appease you?

I used to live near there, I know where that Ralphs was and where the Pavilions is...

As someone who shopped at both Ralphs and the various Asian markets (and sometimes the Latino markets too) all I have to say to the folks complaining in the article is get over yourselves...
Not being social in college is a huge mistake. Even if that means just hanging out with your classmates to study together etc.

I met a lot of my best friends in college.

This is important. I pretty much only hang out with friends from college nowadays. I do keep in touch with HS friends though.

A friend from college also helped me get the job I have now, too.


FGC Waterboy
Be social; have fun, enjoy having your friends close by. College was definitely some of the most fun I have ever had so far in my life.

Work hard, college is one of the few times in life you will have sufficient time (most likely) to work hard and get good grades, but still have hours a day to socialize and have fun and figure stuff out.

Join lots of clubs and try them out at least once. I got into fencing that way.


Heh, some of those weren't from personal experience but rather the mistakes my friends made. I did almost drop out of school getting an easy BA in English, but I'm rocking my MS Tax now, so... who knows.

At the end of the day, though, to even be considered for that internship, you'll probably need a minimum GPA! I think the Big 4 pretty much tosses all resumes under 3.5 unless you have a REALLY compelling reason or you're REALLY charming.

As someone who skipped way too much class, I still think people should try to go to class rather than not :D

I work for one of the Big 4s now, my grades were good but not great (as an German, I know nothing about GPA) but I studied quite a bit longer than my degree was supposed to be. The reason it took longer had nothing to do with me skipping class though because I used to be half a year ahead the curve even when I skipped classes. In the end it is just learning 1-2 weeks for the test.
I was also unemployed for quite a long while after I graduated and I had problems getting any job interviews (didn't apply for any accounting firms though).

Fortunately, I got an internship at a Big 4 in Asia and after that they all invited me to interviews. Experience is one of the most important things if you are looking for a job.

I also feel like there is a big problem getting new talent here in my company. I hear a lot complaining. Maybe it is just that people aren't into accounting over here in Germany like in the states.
Wow, hushed voices all around when they realize I can speak English. This is still a thing. lol

Your English is soooo good. You don't even have an accent.

I dunno what's more insulting..the former or Chinese people surprised that I can speak Mandarin.

I was thinking about where my grandparents immigrated from last night. Growing up, I remember my maternal side speaking Wenzhounese, which I didn't know anybody else that spoke it. (My mom even got called in once to the airport to translate because of this reason), which led me to find this Chinese saying..

I don't fear heaven or earth...I only fear people from Wenzhou speaking Wenzhounese.
Apparently my maternal family's dialect was used for military communication during WWII because Japanese codebreakers couldn't figure it out.


It's like almost none of it matches up with the subtitles...which is crazy.

Now I kinda want to learn the dialect. What about you guys? Let's share some of our familial roots..


Not being social in college is a huge mistake. Even if that means just hanging out with your classmates to study together etc.

I met a lot of my best friends in college.

Only if you meet the right friends.

I met the wrong friend and I was miserable, I thought about killing him all the time.

Got into a huge fist fight near a lecture hall too (with someone else lol)

Should have dropped out of college, huge waste of time and money.
Going to be in Reseda, CA at the end of the month. Plan to hang out in Malibu one day and Santa Monica another. The other two days will most likely just be around Reseda, SFV, Van Nuys, etc. Gonna need suggestions for food!


I asked this in the learn a language thread, but I'll ask here too; does anyone know any online resources for learning Cantonese? I've been using Memrise, but they mostly just cover memorizing words. I'd like some stuff that eventually works its way into covering sentences and general grammar.


Oh no, Kelly Osborne...oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

I asked this in the learn a language thread, but I'll ask here too; does anyone know any online resources for learning Cantonese? I've been using Memrise, but they mostly just cover memorizing words. I'd like some stuff that eventually works its way into covering sentences and general grammar.

Afraid I can't help you m8, hopefully someone else here can.
I asked this in the learn a language thread, but I'll ask here too; does anyone know any online resources for learning Cantonese? I've been using Memrise, but they mostly just cover memorizing words. I'd like some stuff that eventually works its way into covering sentences and general grammar.

This is going to be a bit difficult as their isn't much covering Cantonese. Mandarin has an android app called "Chineseskill" which is kinda like Doulingo but they don't offer any Cantonese.

Though this doesn't offer lessons their is an app called HelloTalk which works kind of like Italki in that it can give you contact with Native Speakers which you exchange language lessons with.

The only website link I can think of off the back is http://www.learnchineseez.com/ which will grandually build up some sentences.

Another suggestion is though this is super dull it can give you some grammar help is just look up Wikipedia on Cantonese it will explain basic grammar features as well as look up Cantonese Pronouns as those can be helpful and if it's like Mandarin they won't be that many or atleast not as bad as Japanese Demonstrative which is IMO is hell and I still sometimes go with gut instinct with them.


Weirdly watching the DOTA2 TI5 panels right now inbetween the games, there's 2 Asian panelists and they both have the most stereotypical accents - one for Asian American and one that isn't.
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