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Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag |OT| Not Based on a DisneyLand Ride

This game is great. I'm glad I listened to you guys.

I haven't liked an AC game since the first one, and I have never finished one. I'm pretty sure I'll finish this one, though. For whatever reason, the pirate container works much better for the formula. It makes it less restrictive, because pirates are so freewheeling in their lifestyle.

Running around the deck of a ship, jumping off the rigging doing double assassinations, sailing through the hurricane . . . if you can stick with it until you acquire the Jackdaw, and you still don't like it, you probably don't like 3rd-person adventure games.
Just finished the main story and I'm at 81% completion ( I will be going for 100%). I never thought it was possible but this game is better than every other Assassin's Creed game. I've not had this much fun all year with a game, making it a strong candidate for GOTY for me. I'm playing on PS4, so while not totally next gen, it still looks absolutely fantastic! The water and weather effects alone make it a contender. Edward Kenway is every bit as awesome as Ezio, but the open world pirate setting along with his Jackdaw ship creates an entertaining character (they are not boats damnit
if you beat the game you'll know what I'm talking about...sooooo good
!) I honestly cannot say one thing bad about this game, maybe if I knitpick but fuck that, I love it! After reading through the Abstergo Database I'm so pumped for what new adventures are in the works.
Egypt, Asia, Russia
.....Ubisoft has got some serious shit lined up for this series and I for one cannot wait. I know people hate the annual releases but after this one they've earned my trust back completely!


Yet even though ACIV doesn't have much of a plot, I don't even care. The game is just one of the best sandbox games I've ever played. The world is so much fun to explore and mess around in. This is the first AC that finally hits that GTA sandbox fun the series has always wanted. It's so much fun to find some plantation island, sneak around stealthly killing all the guards in any way you want (not because you have to! But because you actually want to stealth it and get that satisfaction) while cutting all the alarms and then looting the wharehouse and getting actual useful loot (useful upgrade system helps a lot!) and exploring the island for collectibles and hidden mysteries and skinning a few animals to upgrade something new on your character. Not because you had to do any of that at all...but because...why not? It's fun and you just had a great 10-15 mins of gaming.

I completely agree. It is worth sitting through the more structured early parts of the game (I am at 25% complete, and the game is now wide open) to build up Edward's weapons and the Jackdaw's hull and weaponry - as the payoff is a really enjoyable sandbox game with many different activities that you can approach any way you want.
Woah, does this really work?

Yea, I assume it works every time. But I had an awesome experience where I was sitting on an island and saw a huge ship battle going on, so I just swam 800m and was trying to get on one that stopped. I got on a smaller one and a Man of War came and started attacking it and its masts went over the ship I was on and I was able to jump across to the Man of War! It was badass.

Then I stealthily took out most the crew, leaving the captain which I took out from above. Then the ship was just dead sitting there. Had to swim back to my ship and when I came back it was still completely dead (not moving or firing), you then just have to blow up some explosives on it and I captured the ship like normal. It was pretty sweet! Just hard to get on a ship from swimming...



Yeah this is crazy. lol


Is anyone else having sound problems late in the game? I'm in sequence 9 or 10 on PS4 and when I'm in ship combat there's basically 0 sound when I fire heavy shells or mortars and I don't even hear the explosions when they hit anymore.


Is it even worth getting the collectible a if I'm
Not trying to get all the trophies. So far seems like only hacking gets you some story.


Love most of the boat stuff. What's with the fleet thing though? Whenever I try to access it (from the captain's cabin), it's asking me to redeem some uplay passport thing... which I dont think I have. Stay classy ubisoft. It's already bad enough you desperately try to get me to sign-in or register for your ass-cancer Uplay pos everytime the game loads up...


Love most of the boat stuff. What's with the fleet thing though? Whenever I try to access it (from the captain's cabin), it's asking me to redeem some uplay passport thing... which I dont think I have. Stay classy ubisoft. It's already bad enough you desperately try to get me to sign-in or register for your ass-cancer Uplay pos everytime the game loads up...
You can download play passport for free in psn store now.


So the game seems to have glitched pretty badly on me in Sequence 12, Ever a Splinter:

I get up to the final beam to air-assassinate Torres only I pass right through him, and then can't interact with him in any way. Happens no matter how many times I reload the checkpoint or kill myself by jumping into the abyss.

How boned am I?

Edit: Reloading another half dozen times fixed it.
How do you use those guns that are activated with the triangle button (PS4)?

I think I missed when they explained it, and I'm not using them effectively.

I'm also having trouble taking down the military vessel to gather metal. Am I not leveled up enough? They have so much more health (level 17).


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Just got the game the other day, and I LOVE it. I had the first AC game for PS3, but I thought it was so choppy and unplayable it gave me headaches. The scope of the game was perhaps too big to run well on last gen consoles, but it's ideal for the PS4.

It's a gorgeous looking game, despite being based on last-gen assets. The battles are fun, the side missions are strangely addictive (which is odd, because I never do side missions in open world games). There are some occasional control quirks that I'll stumble across (climbing things I don't wanna climb) but otherwise, spectacular fun.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
The 1080p patch did impact the frame rate a bit. Running around the cities seems to be fine, but it definitely dips whenever there's too much smoke on screen during the naval battles and on certain islands. It's a bit of a bummer but it still runs pretty well.
Still wondering about the secondary guns on your ship (triangle button). I can target with them, but I can't fire them. What am I doing wrong?
Still wondering about the secondary guns on your ship (triangle button). I can target with them, but I can't fire them. What am I doing wrong?

Hold Triangle until the cursor is over the target (and turns red) then release Triangle. Boom. Is that what you are asking?
Just beat it. Best AC game (sadly how the newest one isn't always the case). 85% completion at 28 hours.

Was surprised that i actually enjoyed the story and kenway's arc. worked out a bit better than ezio's imo... and an AC game with a not complete bullshit ending... who knew this could happen???

Anyone ever figure out what this weapon does?

seems like a glitch lol. Got one throwing knife so i assume its some left over asset from ac3 somehow ;)

And i'm surprised that the only game breaking glitch was near the end.


think it happened when i triggered a double counter right when i succeeded a fleet mission.


Throwing knives are what you steal from the agile guards. In fact, there is an Abstergo achievement for disarming three agile guards and then killing them with their knife.

Best ranged weapon in the game because it is an instant silent kill.
Throwing knives are what you steal from the agile guards. In fact, there is an Abstergo achievement for disarming three agile guards and then killing them with their knife.

Best ranged weapon in the game because it is an instant silent kill.

oh you can use those? when i disarm the knife is dropped vs sword which you get in your hand.
oh you can use those? when i disarm the knife is dropped vs sword which you get in your hand.

Yeah I only ever had one or two of those over 30 hours, it was weird. And I have no clue where or when I got it (which guards are the agile guards?). For some reason I hardly ever loot in this one, I'm not sure why. So maybe I missed a bunch.


great, just great, I quit out of the game and when I went back in, the profile puts me back 3 hrs of progress for no good reason. dammit ubisoft. has anyone else experienced such problems?


So I've been playing this game a bunch, I keep losing track of time every time I play it. Last night, I had just finished sequence 6 before calling it a night. I'm loving all the side activities, and seeking out all the areas on the map. Upgrading my ship, and doing side missions is great fun in this game. No one is more pleased than me that I'm actually enjoying this game after the horrible AC3, which I couldn't wait for to end when I played it.

The only thing that's been bumming me out is some of the tasks in the story mission still. Enough with the damn "follow this guy" type mission. There is way too many of them, and I hope it stops.

lol, I had one of these happen to me when I fast traveled once. I didn't know I was sailing in the Flying Dutchman.


Gold Member
Is anyone else having sound problems late in the game? I'm in sequence 9 or 10 on PS4 and when I'm in ship combat there's basically 0 sound when I fire heavy shells or mortars and I don't even hear the explosions when they hit anymore.

Sound tends to drop pretty often. When in a fight, the last kill goes into slow motion and usually all the sounds from the swords cutting etc. are gone.

In fact, there seems to be a lot of audio problems. Missing dialogue in cities for NPCs [they stand there "talking" but there is zero audio], silent gunfire, that sort of stuff.


worst guards ever...you really can't see me when im "hiding" in those crops? hope ubi is working on revamping stealth for next years game.


Is the iOS companion app confirmed to be not working at the moment? i cant seem to get it to connect to the ps4, unless i'm doing something wrong. Playstaion app works fine, or do i have to do something else besides just run the AC app and press the connect icon?
Can anyone tell me why crafting is so often unavailable? I'm out on my ship, not in a story mission or anything! and I can't do it. Do I have to be on dry land?
How do you use those guns that are activated with the triangle button (PS4)?

I think I missed when they explained it, and I'm not using them effectively.

I'm also having trouble taking down the military vessel to gather metal. Am I not leveled up enough? They have so much more health (level 17).
So when you damage a ship with cannon balls you might see the triangle thing pop up to let you target specific parts of the ship. Hold triangle and you'll see a crosshairs come from the side and rest on the enemy ship. When it stops let go and your men will fire their swivel guns.

As for enemy ships there are some that will outclass you for awhile, usually their name or level is red to warn you. I would leave those for now.


formerly "chigiri"
So this ACInitiates.com website, has anyone been able to redeem the AC4 promotion stuff on PS4? It doesn't give me PS4 as a platform choice. It lists 360/One/PS3/WiiU (I don't have a WiiU!) but recognizes I'm playing Black Flags on PS4 elsewhere on the site.



What's up with most open world games being a pain in the ass near the end of the story? These waters are more packed than the LA freeway on rush hour. I was just attacked by 7 spanish frigates and brigs all at once as soon as I left the fort closest to my next story mission point. Batman Origins was the same way, by the end of that game you can't find a rooftop that doesn't have 3 snipers on it.

Sound tends to drop pretty often. When in a fight, the last kill goes into slow motion and usually all the sounds from the swords cutting etc. are gone.

In fact, there seems to be a lot of audio problems. Missing dialogue in cities for NPCs [they stand there "talking" but there is zero audio], silent gunfire, that sort of stuff.

Seems to be another rushed, unoptimized Ubisoft game in that case.
Hey guys I'm having trouble with the mission where you have to Gather Metal 0/70. I keep taking on the frigates and getting hosed. They have so much more health than I do, I'm not sure what strategy to use. I just keep trying to wear them down and eventually they ram me and take me out.

I could really use some help here.


Other than the sound effects drop mentioned, does anyone else have sound drops when it comes to music?

For example, when I boarded a ship the music briefly cut out and in. PS4 version...
What's up with most open world games being a pain in the ass near the end of the story? These waters are more packed than the LA freeway on rush hour. I was just attacked by 7 spanish frigates and brigs all at once as soon as I left the fort closest to my next story mission point. Batman Origins was the same way, by the end of that game you can't find a rooftop that doesn't have 3 snipers on it.

Seems to be another rushed, unoptimized Ubisoft game in that case.

make sure to take out the fort at that area. Ships don't attack you if you aren't in the red zones.


Ok I got a question about the MP game. I am playing around with wolfpack solo just to get the hang of it. As you are doing kills optional objectives pop up like do a kill worth at least 350 points, or kill an enemy that you have locked on. These are easy until I get to the locked on and aerial kill one. No matter how many aerial or locked on kills I get I do not get credit for them. I replayed the tutorial to make sure I am not doing something wrong. For what ever reason I don't get credit for these. So what am I doing wrong? Thanks..


Neo Member
Can anyone tell me why crafting is so often unavailable? I'm out on my ship, not in a story mission or anything! and I can't do it. Do I have to be on dry land?

You can also craft in the Captain's Cabin.

After failing twice to steal a Man o War, I finally managed to get a couple. Best way is to find one in a non-red zone, then "herd" it towards some land. Once you get it to stop, hop on and kill everyone. Easy Peasy


Gold Member
Has anyone else noticed that the SSAO isn't quite fullscreen in the PS4 version? There's a thin border around the entire image where there is no SSAO, looks pretty weird when you move the camera and shadows in corners and stuff disappear. Does Ubisoft believe all TVs have overscan, or what?

Also, why do guards keep attacking me for no reason? Am I not allowed to be on the roofs? This is outside forbidden areas.


So this ACInitiates.com website, has anyone been able to redeem the AC4 promotion stuff on PS4? It doesn't give me PS4 as a platform choice. It lists 360/One/PS3/WiiU (I don't have a WiiU!) but recognizes I'm playing Black Flags on PS4 elsewhere on the site.

Apparently the redeem feature is broken. Whenever I click on it, it just takes me to a blank page. Those skull sails look awesome, though.


I really wanted to beat the legendary ships but upgrading your ship is such a grind! Zzzz done with this game. I wish it was just the money, you need all the plans too and all the material, Can't be bothered with, such waste of time. You'd think this is a f2p microtransaction game with those crap upgrade system.

Legendary Ships sure are badass though. wasted :(
Just started this game on PS4 (I've upgraded my ship for the first time now).

So Im just jumping from island to island with the main missions, but tell me, is it possible to go back to all the main cities after the story pushes you somewhere else?

I mean this game is so big, I just feel lost at times.

Should I just be boarding on random islands to look around?

Is there a way to 'own' your own island or some other property?


Gold Member
Just started this game on PS4 (I've upgraded my ship for the first time now).

So Im just jumping from island to island with the main missions, but tell me, is it possible to go back to all the main cities after the story pushes you somewhere else?

I mean this game is so big, I just feel lost at times.

Should I just be boarding on random islands to look around?

Is there a way to 'own' your own island or some other property?

You are free to go back to Havanah or any other city any time you like. You are also free to explore everywhere, in fact the game encourages you to travel around.

As for your third question: keep playing, sir.
I have just crafted my first item for edward. Will i be able to go back to Havana to upgrade the ship or do i need do a story mission to upgrade the ship ?
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