Added. My uplay handle is 'MrBSUBI' I'm on PS4.I need friends on UPlay for White Whales, Convoys and whatnot, so please feel free to add me: SDisorder.
For the last 3 or 4 days I've been trying trying to access my fleet in the game but when I try to open the fleet menu (or the leaderboards or compare stats with friends) it tries to connect then I keep getting a message saying I failed to connect to Ubisoft's servers and to visit the website for help. I've been trying 4 or 5 times every day and it's always the same. It used to work fine before Christmas. Multiplayer stills works fine and so does the official app.
I know it's going to do it when I'm on the main menu and the 'connecting to Ubisoft servers' takes well over a minute to disappear before I can start the game.
Anyone else getting this message?
I guess it's time to phone my ISP and demand my migration code.
ACIV had two of my favorite scenes in the series:The first is right after the mission where Roberts betrays Kenway in The Observatory, I believe, where Edward goes nuts and hallucinates scenes where he's being berated by people he was close to while steering the Jackdaw in a storm and killing imaginary Roberts's while someone recounts a pitiful story about a jackdaw. The second is the last moment of one of the final scenes, where Edward sees his old, dead pirate buddies drinking around a table while Anne sings.
You don't need people on your friends list for it, since my post earlier about not coming across any of them I went off to and their topic for PS4 Shared Discoveries, I've gone to some peoples posted co-ordinates and so far shared two white whales and two convoys in the last three hours or so, with only the chest left to share for the trophy now.
I'd make sure to do what they advise in the first post, that being to jump into multiplayer and then back into single player, I wasn't finding anything at posted co-ords till I did that.
Now that you mention it I started having these issues the day when I passed 99 friends.PS4 version? If so, do you have over 99 friends? If so, you have to delete some to get it to work. That is what I had to do.
There is Blackbeard DLC? I want this now.
And is there ANY word on a fix for the PS4 100+ friends bug? I don't want to delete a bunch of people just to get a trophy...
As someone who loved AC1 & AC2 but couldn't play AC3 for more then a few hours with out discarding it, should I buy this? Really need a new game for my PS4 and I'm hoping this is a bit more like the older games
Then get it for PS3. The framerate there is already bad in most of the bigger towns, the WiiU tanks there and has dips to under 20.
Go for the Wii U version, it's miles better than PS3 version simply due to the controller. The framerate can be bad at times, but it's never unplayable, and keeping your characters costume light seems to help somewhat. And look better than than those silly looking heavy assassin robes.
what do...
[source]The Wii U version consistently falls 6-10fps behind the 360 and PS3 releases, resulting in a jerky, often uneven update and a profound, unsatisfying reduction in controller response. Combined with the GamePad's twitchy analogue sticks, the low frame-rate makes frantically running across rooftops and chasing down targets a frustrating affair, the net result being that we'd often have to repeat some missions multiple times - something that wasn't much of a problem on 360, and with no issues at all when playing at 60fps on the PC version of the game.
Yeah the only times I played with others was for the trophy. Otherwise I stick to private Wolfpack mode. AC multiplayer just isn't enjoyable for me really. I want to Platinum this game though and have 16 levels left to get that damn 55 trophy. Fortunately, as I mentioned earlier there will be a double XP weekend this weekend.
Whats the estimated time needed to get to level 55, providing your half decent?
Here are a few tips for people to get the most out of their Wolfpack sessions. With a bit of practice, you should have at least 4 minutes left on the clock when you finish round 25. Without online bonuses working I was making 42,000-43,000 points per round, which I think translates to a little over 6,500XP per round. If you top it off with the 25% bonus you can buy from Abstergo store (called Abstergo VIP or something like that, in multiplayer menu), you'll have over 8,000XP. I believe you need 525,000XP for level 55, so you'll need to play about 60 games. You can play approximately 4.5 games per hour, so you're looking at approximately 13 hours of play.
I haven't played MP since Wednesday, but I was getting double xp then.They certainly advertised a double XP weekend. Unfortunately, nobody is actually getting double XP.
I haven't played MP since Wednesday, but I was getting double xp then.
I haven't played MP since Wednesday, but I was getting double xp then.
They certainly advertised a double XP weekend. Unfortunately, nobody is actually getting double XP.
Wait so is the Blackbeard DLC out yet? I dont see it anywhere.
I don't know which console you have/are playing on, but it shows up under "Related Items" on the PS4.
Is this the first Assassins Creed game you dont ride a horse? That randomly popped into my head just now.
I'm hoping for at least a two year gap with a next gen/PC only feudal Japan setting with revamped AI/controls/gameplay/engine. I'm really enjoying myself with IV but I can't see me buying another one next year, especially if it features sailing again and even more so at $60.Enjoying my time with it so far. I just find my self missing the time spanning epicness of AC2 and 3.
I really liked the time jumps in 2 and seasonal changes in 3. It gave the games a sense of progression and epicness that other games just dont really do.
Also I am curious where this series is going next. I get the feeling I am going to get bored of sailing by the end of this game and I cant see them doing another one like this. It very much feels like this was planned to be a Brotherhood style follow up to 3 but they swapped out Conner after everyone hated that guy.
And finally.... Is this the first Assassins Creed game you dont ride a horse? That randomly popped into my head just now.
That final scene wheredamn near made me cry. Edward is the best assassin in the series.Edward's dead friends are sitting at the table drinking
I'm hoping for at least a two year gap with a next gen/PC only feudal Japan setting with revamped AI/controls/gameplay/engine. I'm really enjoying myself with IV but I can't see me buying another one next year, especially if it features sailing again and even more so at $60.
Most boring, yes. Such a bland character.
Also, I liked the bit withendgame CGI cinametic showing Haytham in the same theater he makes his first kill. I though it would show that the old guy you kill as haytham in AC3 was Edward
To get 100% sync in a memory, do you need to perform both objective in a single playthrough, or can you just complete one and then go back and complete the other in a replay?
There was a memory where it didn't count the rope assassination at the very end of the level, and if I have to go through that whole thing again full stealth, I think I'm going to give up on 100% sync in this game. The levels are just way too long and if they force you to restart if you fail a late game objective, then screw that.
Yes, you need to do everything again. Howeever some you can cheat, like the "Loot 4 chests one". As long as you found all the chests in a location that objective is automatically marked as complete, which is nice. But all others you must do both again for them to count. Kinda sucks