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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood |OT| where my bro's at?

Harpuia said:
Whats worse is that they were my 6 highest leveled ones, at level 6. :lol

You lost 6 at once? You must have sent them on a pretty tough mission :lol

What % chance did they have of being successful?


DualShadow said:
You lost 6 at once? You must have sent them on a pretty tough mission :lol

What % chance did they have of being successful?

62%. It was a 4 diamond mission. I was all "well, thats kinda high, oh I'm sure they'll succeed." :(


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Harpuia said:
62%. It was a 4 diamond mission. I was all "well, thats kinda high, oh I'm sure they'll succeed." :(
:lol I think 75% was my personal minimum. I managed to finish the game with only one loss :D
resquiet en pace

To be fair 60% is close enough to being a coin flip. I was overly careful and like made sure all my contracts were 100%, if I had to add an extra assassin to make the odds go from 99% to 100% I would. :lol

Then again I think im like an overprotective parent with them, I absolutely love the feature. I just hope more games steal it, imagine being able to call in like 6 crackheads in the next GTA game for example. :lol


Killthee said:
I think he's talking about the last flag in the last lair. You have to make a jump and grab a ledge in order to get it, if you miss you fall down to your death. The problem is that if you die in that section you get sent to a checkpoint on the other side of the building, on a lower section with no way to get back near the flag. You have the restart the whole lair in order to try again :lol
There's an easy way to get all of the flags in that place.

Before initiating the chase sequence by opening the door, sneak your way back to the opposite end of the area, past the guards, a bit ahead of where you entered it from. There's a scaffold you can reach by jumping up some boxes, and to one of the pillars next to it. From the scaffold, a running jump up another pillar next to it. From here, you shimmy your way across 'til you reach a ledge you have to jump from to reach another ledge... And at this point, your right underneath the breakable lantern that triggers a cutscene during the chase.

You can explore almost the entire lair from this point, pick up any flags or treasure chests you'd otherwise be too preoccupied with the chase to get to(except for the very last flag underneath the point where you make your Leap of Faith to the area with the scroll; that only opens up after you kill your target)... Of course, if you die, you're sent back to your last checkpoint, which is right before you initiate the chase sequence, forcing you to go through the trouble of all that climbing again.

[EDIT] - Oh, and this obviously wasn't intended to be there. You can't use the lift that the Cardinal uses near the beginning of the chase. If you try using that busted lantern, it'll still trigger that short cutscene, and break the lantern(which now makes me wonder what would happen if I tried going through with the chase sequence after breaking it beforehand). The door that the Cardinal closes when he says "Sanctuary denied!" is open, but the game won't let you pass through it.


I was all "yeah, I'm gonna protect my assasins!" Then I got into a fight with the first 3 I got and 2 of them died, so after wards I didn't care much. :lol


It's funny how attached I became to my assassin recruits. I'd even get a little nervous sending them out on contracts with a 90% success rate. Thankfully, they all made it through to Assassino rank and proved themselves to be quite fine assassins.


bobs99 ... said:
resquiet en pace

To be fair 60% is close enough to being a coin flip. I was overly careful and like made sure all my contracts were 100%, if I had to add an extra assassin to make the odds go from 99% to 100% I would. :lol

Then again I think im like an overprotective parent with them, I absolutely love the feature. I just hope more games steal it, imagine being able to call in like 6 crackheads in the next GTA game for example. :lol

I was the same. I never settled for anything less than 100%. It's just unfortunate that I wasn't able to get any of them to level ten before the end of the game.


The Antitype said:
I'm hoping for one more Brotherhood title before Assassin's Creed 3.

I know Altair had more of his story filled out in the portable games but, I'd love another full-fledged console game dedicated to that character.

I mean, he tore down the entire Assassin's order, and then basically had to rebuilt it enough for the lineage to pass down through the ages to Ezio. There's got to be at least 20 hours of content in that journey.
They should have done this sooner, I really did dig Altair as the silent type character.
hamchan said:
"Perfect! Now I can get back up if I fall."

Repeat 100 more times.

I thought that was funny. I got it to play two times right after each other once. The AC series isn't exactly known for their mixing up character speech.


I settled for at least 90%, never had anyone die and had all my guys except two (stopped bothering with missions by that point) at level 10 at the end of the game.


I had one that was at about 97% probability of success. I thought eh why not. First time I send them to a non 100% mission and they fail it! Thankfully, nobody died.
I gotta say, there are very few things in gaming more satisfying than identifying a target walking amongst a group in multiplayer, casually walking up and joining the group as if you were an NPC, walking for a bit, then using poison and casually walking away....and then they choke and drop dead. :lol

TheOddOne said:
They should have done this sooner, I really did dig Altair as the silent type character.

Altair > Ezio as far as I'm concerned. The former arrogant ass turned brooding, enlightened badass is awesome.


Hit lvl 50 a day or so ago. Chaining up a bunch of kills in a match was a rush (getting the 750 pt bonus) and I only have the 'Abstergo Employee of the Month' achievement left for MP.

Still, I'm done for a good long while. The MP is a good change of pace and very fun but the lock on system blows. I can't count how many times I locked the wrong guy or stabbed an innocent bystander. Also, they need some more modes or something, was getting a bit boring after a while. Had an overall good time though.
Grisby said:
Hit lvl 50 a day or so ago. Chaining up a bunch of kills in a match was a rush (getting the 750 pt bonus) and I only have the 'Abstergo Employee of the Month' achievement left for MP.

Still, I'm done for a good long while. The MP is a good change of pace and very fun but the lock on system blows. I can't count how many times I locked the wrong guy or stabbed an innocent bystander. Also, they need some more modes or something, was getting a bit boring after a while. Had an overall good time though.

Dear sweet god, the game has one of the worst lock-on systems EVER. I don't understand how it passed QA. It's amazing the game is so fun despite that problem.


Grisby said:
Still, I'm done for a good long while. The MP is a good change of pace and very fun but the lock on system blows. I can't count how many times I locked the wrong guy or stabbed an innocent bystander. Also, they need some more modes or something, was getting a bit boring after a while. Had an overall good time though.

The Antitype said:
Dear sweet god, the game has one of the worst lock-on systems EVER. I don't understand how it passed QA. It's amazing the game is so fun despite that problem.

Are you guys simply pressing the lock button, btw? Just in case you didn't know, you can hold down the lock button and aim with the right analog to choose the right target.


I haven't had any problems from the lock on. You just have to aim it quite a bit to actually lock on to the person you want, which makes sense to me. What more did you expect from the lock on anyway?
KdoubleA said:
Are you guys simply pressing the lock button, btw? Just in case you didn't know, you can hold down the lock button and aim with the right analog to choose the right target.

I'm aware, and it's twitchy as hell.

_Isaac said:
I haven't had any problems from the lock on. You just have to aim it quite a bit to actually lock on to the person you want, which makes sense to me. What more did you expect from the lock on anyway?

If I have the guy I'm targeting centered on the screen and the 'open' reticule, then when I hit the trigger it should snap onto the guy...not the guy behind him, or to the right of him, or two people to the left of him...
Lock-on goes absolutely nuts if there's anyone on a horse nearby. Horseback enemies take priority for some reason, but sometimes you have an absolutely hard time targetting anything but them.
ShockingAlberto said:
Lock-on goes absolutely nuts if there's anyone on a horse nearby. Horseback enemies take priority for some reason, but sometimes you have an absolutely hard time targetting anything but them.
They are talking about the MP lock on - but yes the SP lock on is terrible. I don't get why they don't use the MP lock on for SP... it's a lot nicer.

Also I hate the priorities of kills sometimes. I'm in a fight with 3 guards and I run at them to do dual assassination and for some reason Ezio decides to do it to the 2 civilians walking through instead... EXACTLY what I was targeting... has happened numerous times.
I just picked this up. I noticed there are lines or discolorization areas on the screen. I notice it most looking at water or the sky, what is this?
Lion Heart said:
I just picked this up. I noticed there are lines or discolorization areas on the screen. I notice it most looking at water or the sky, what is this?

Possible spoilers for franchise newbies...

If you're talking about the 'glitches', then they're supposed to be there. Reminder that the player is actually inside a computer program.

They either fade away as the game progresses (to show Desmond going 'deeper') or I just stopped noticing them. :lol
The Antitype said:
Possible spoilers for franchise newbies...

If you're talking about the 'glitches', then they're supposed to be there. Reminder that the player is actually inside a computer program.

They either fade away as the game progresses (to show Desmond going 'deeper') or I just stopped noticing them. :lol

Maybe. I would say it looks more like a "grid" although very subtle, you have to look in the sky to see it best. I'm a little paranoid because my plasma has something similar that you can see on white/bright images so I'm hoping its the game but I can't be sure.
Lion Heart said:
Maybe. I would say it looks more like a "grid" although very subtle, you have to look in the sky to see it best. I'm a little paranoid because my plasma has something similar that you can see on white/bright images so I'm hoping its the game but I can't be sure.
There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to... The Outer Limits.


Honestly though, that does sound like the various glitches you see when you're in the animus, especially when you near areas that are yet to be remembered or synched.
What the flying fuck. Lvl's 1-38ish I got 1st 95% of the time. So I just moved out and havent played for like 5 days and I come back and I haven't gotten first once. What the hell? Has every person gone to Brotherhood Multiplayer school? Every game feels like it's full of complete pro's. Ugh I've played like 8 games today and I'm about to have an aneurysm... fuck.


KdoubleA said:
Are you guys simply pressing the lock button, btw? Just in case you didn't know, you can hold down the lock button and aim with the right analog to choose the right target.

Yeah, I knew that. It still seemed jumpy a lot and wouldn't stick on targets. I swear sometime it would hit every person around my target (like when they were in a circle morphed).

Wasn't a game breaker but it cost me some kills along the way.
Darknessbear said:
What the flying fuck. Lvl's 1-38ish I got 1st 95% of the time. So I just moved out and havent played for like 5 days and I come back and I haven't gotten first once. What the hell? Has every person gone to Brotherhood Multiplayer school? Every game feels like it's full of complete pro's. Ugh I've played like 8 games today and I'm about to have an aneurysm... fuck.

What mode are you playing? I took a long break and came back to Manhunt and Alliance without much rust.

I find Wanted and even Advanced Wanted is kind of chaotic.

If it makes you feel better, I went 20-0 in Manhunt the other day, but I don't think I've come in first in Wanted more than like 5 times. :lol
The multi is surprisingly brutal when it comes to lag. I didn't really think of it at first, but the timeframe on smokebombs, stuns, reacting to morph/templar vision/fireworks and the like is actually really tight. Probably tighter than most shooters turn out to be.

I just really wished blending into crowds worked better. I hate how it almost always tries to put you at the back of the group
Multi, in the few hours I played it, seemed to basically boil down to how lucky you can be in escaping and how capable you are of mimicking AI pathfinding through streets.
PedroLumpy said:
The multi is surprisingly brutal when it comes to lag. I didn't really think of it at first, but the timeframe on smokebombs, stuns, reacting to morph/templar vision/fireworks and the like is actually really tight. Probably tighter than most shooters turn out to be.

I just really wished blending into crowds worked better. I hate how it almost always tries to put you at the back of the group
Maybe that's what my problem is. Where I lived before I had 25mbps now I'm at 9mbps... it sucks. I wonder if that's affecting my game at all.
Darknessbear said:
Maybe that's what my problem is. Where I lived before I had 25mbps now I'm at 9mbps... it sucks. I wonder if that's affecting my game at all.

Oh, as to your difficulties, I dunno. You ever end up throwing a smokebomb/mute and the guy stabs you anyway? That's pretty much textbook lag right there. I've had moments where I press x to stab a dude, then watch the stun animation start while I'm mashing x and I get stunned anyway.

You know once upon a time, games would actually tell you what your ping/latency was in a match. Sure was useful.


ShockingAlberto said:
Multi, in the few hours I played it, seemed to basically boil down to how lucky you can be in escaping and how capable you are of mimicking AI pathfinding through streets.

Yeah, those are truths to be sure. However, when your playing with a bunch of people who are all hiding well, that's when you have to try and spot mistakes (unless your using templar vision, ugh).

One of my favorite moments: I was up on a rooftop area, large one where lots of players like to just run around and stab each other. This time though it was just me and one other guy and he was my mark. I didn't walk toward him but instead pretended to be looking over the edge at the crowd below. He walked to the other side and started looking as well. No longer paying attention to me I put my knife in his eye socket (thief animation kill).

Good times. I loved faking out that guy although I guess he didn't know about the whole whisper thing.


Grisby said:
I guess he didn't know about the whole whisper thing.
Is this actually real? I keep listening, but I'm not hearing anything that sounds like a whisper! How close do they have to be? Maybe I'm too busy getting stabbed to hear it.


advanced wanted and manhunt are all i play now - so much better than the other crap.
also got a 1450 point kill with poison which was epic, points just kept racking up.
will post a few videos later, with some tips too (im getting pretty awesome :D )
Welp, I can no longer advance in the single player game. I only have one mission availabe, but it's behind a closed off area in a memory I don't have yet. Do I just need to renovate more of Rome before I can advance, or do you think I'm missing something?


Trent Strong said:
Welp, I can no longer advance in the single player game. I only have one mission availabe, but it's behind a closed off area in a memory I don't have yet. Do I just need to renovate more of Rome before I can advance, or do you think I'm missing something?
Maybe you can go around the blocked area. It's possible you're trying to pass through the territory of a Borgia Tower that's reserved for a story mission.
Trent Strong said:
Hmm. Could be. I'll try it.

I'm pretty sure the mission you're trying to access involves going to a nearby Borgia tower. Thus they blocked off the Borgia tower so you can't burn it down before you start the mission. Try working your way around it.


Grisby said:
Yeah, I knew that. It still seemed jumpy a lot and wouldn't stick on targets. I swear sometime it would hit every person around my target (like when they were in a circle morphed).

Wasn't a game breaker but it cost me some kills along the way.
This was frustrating enough back when I started the multiplayer, but now, with everyone else leveled so much higher than I am, I can't imagine dealing with a janky targeting system while getting killed left and right. I might not jump back in when I'm done with the SP.

DualShadow said:
I only sent them out on 100% missions.
I did the same with my recruits and I only lost one Level 1 the whole time, and that was because I had a penchant for letting them loose on random Borgia guards. Currently I have nine assassins and one level 9. Almost there!


rataven said:
Is this actually real? I keep listening, but I'm not hearing anything that sounds like a whisper! How close do they have to be? Maybe I'm too busy getting stabbed to hear it.

Yes, when your close to your target there is a heartbeat noise which increases the closer you are. Now, when your pursuer is close you will hear whispering which will gradually get louder the closer they are.

However, sometimes in the noise of the place it can get a bit muted. Especially when every player is going gun crazy and its hard to hear things. I had my TV up loud though so I was usually able to tell when somebody was coming. Saved me a bunch of times.
Just got this yesterday and the manual on the disc doesn't say how to choose what type of multiplayer match I want. All I can choose is Play Now, Ranked, and a few other things.
Grisby said:
Yes, when your close to your target there is a heartbeat noise which increases the closer you are. Now, when your pursuer is close you will hear whispering which will gradually get louder the closer they are.

However, sometimes in the noise of the place it can get a bit muted. Especially when every player is going gun crazy and its hard to hear things. I had my TV up loud though so I was usually able to tell when somebody was coming. Saved me a bunch of times.

Surround sound really helps this.

That said, I've been going on a tear in this game lately, and I rarely if ever notice the whispers. So it's not like it's a requirement for success.


Incitemaybe said:
Just got this yesterday and the manual on the disc doesn't say how to choose what type of multiplayer match I want. All I can choose is Play Now, Ranked, and a few other things.

If you choose Play Now, the it will put you in whatever available game they have regardless of the mode. If you choose Ranked you can then select your mode like Wanted, Manhunt, etc on the next screen. I would recommend choosing Play Now anyway because I have found that choosing Ranked takes forever to get an actual game started.
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